TOTM :: Volume #9

#892: Encircling

Before the moment . 片刻之前。 Yang Kui follows the black clothes to protect 1000 people, arrives at the crab port to ambush silently. ‚ Six grades, although dies, but the Imperial Court duty cannot break. 杨魁跟随着黑衣卫一千人,默默来到蟹家港潜伏。‘六档头虽死,但朝廷任务不能断。 Is thinking reproving of beforehand boss, on the youngster face brings Yin H. 想着之前上司的训斥,少年脸上带着一点阴H。 Had determined, this place is the universe meets an extremely important foothold, southeast the leader regulation also in “已经确定,此地乃是乾坤会一处极其重要的据点,首领程东南也在”“ The black clothes health/guard boss said to the subordinate solemnly and respectfully: We block the surroundings, once discovers the rebellious party, executes summarily!”Sir, we lose seriously, only feared already not many people... „ 黑衣卫上司肃穆对下属道:“我们封锁周围,一旦发现乱党,格杀勿论!”“大人,我们损失惨重,只怕已经没多少人了啊…“ Yang Kui cannot bear open the mouth to say. 杨魁忍不住开口道。 The bosses swept his one eyes coldly, the facial expression one: „Do you think the disobey orders?”Villain does not dare. „ 上司扫了他一眼,神情一冷:“你想违抗命令?”“小人不敢。“ Yang Kui retrocedes hastily one step, the facial expression is pale. 杨魁连忙后退一步,神情苍白。 Forgives you not to dare!” Bosses snort/hum: „ This time is not our main attack, but is Pingyang king acts personally, the Pingyang kings are the strange people, this time you can broaden the outlook. “谅你也不敢!”上司哼了一声:“不过这一次不是我们主攻,而是平阳王亲自出手,平阳王乃是异人,这次你们能大开眼界了。 When speech, Yang Kui also looks to one. 说话之时,杨魁也不由向一处看去。 In there, numerous gold/metal Shanghai prefectural office service gathering, takes crowbar, long blade, bow and arrow, flintlock and other weapons, is crowding around one person. 在那里,众多金沪府衙役汇聚,拿着铁尺、长刀、弓箭、火枪等兵器,簇拥着一人。 This person of tall and powerfully built, the whole face whiskers, look are the brave general in that battlefield, actually puts on- body flood dragon robe. 这人身材魁梧,满脸络腮胡,一看就是那种战场上的猛将,却穿着—身蛟龙袍。 The huge body opens flood dragon, becomes somewhat plump and funny. On the scene, actually no one can smile. 庞大的身躯将蛟龙撑开,变得有些肥硕与滑稽。在场的,却没有一人能笑出来。 This is the Imperial Court Pingyang king, strange people Nangong not wins! Even has the hearsay, he had challenged now the profound emperor! 这一位便是朝廷的平阳王,异人南宫无胜!甚至有传闻,他曾经挑战过当今玄帝! Prince, we have informed the naval forces, deploys troops for defense outside the harbor, this time how, but also under instruction? „ An official bows, asks “王爷,我们已经通知水师,在港口之外布防,此次如何,还请示下?“一个官员一躬身,问道 I can feel that... the sea is moving restlessly!” “我能感觉到…大海在躁动!” Nangong victory is not looking at the river water connection estuary, the expression becomes somewhat dignified: At the universe meeting, feared that some people have comprehended the different technique- day becomes the strange people, the average person goes to many to bring death, is useless, only has a king to constrain him.” 南宫无胜望着江水连接的入海口,表情变得有些凝重:“乾坤会中,怕是有人已经领悟异术了—旦成为异人,普通人去多少都是送死,根本没用,唯有本王去拖住他。” Met this king to act, after constraining that strange people, your direct action, encircles the universe meeting!” “等会本王出手,拖住那个异人之后,你们就直接行动,围剿乾坤会!”“ Does not want the fearing death person, even if entire crab family member entire counter-, Imperial Court does not care! „ “不要怕死人,纵然整个蟹家人全反了,朝廷也不在乎!“ Nangong not victory said, an under foot point, the whole person seemed the big bird to fly generally, spanned eight zhang (3.33 m) distance suddenly. 南宫无胜说完,脚下一点,整个人就好像大鸟一般飞了出去,瞬息间跨越八丈距离。 Such nimble art, cannot say shocks everybody, but was dubhe Ancestral Master comes to fall a place eyeball!, Bang! 此等轻功,已经不能说是惊世骇俗,而是天枢宗师来了都要掉落一地眼球!,砰! Nangong not wins the 1 of tip of the toe on black awning boat points, plunders several feet distance, fast close to the universe total Branch Master regulation southeast in position. ! 南宫无胜脚尖在一艘乌篷船上一点,又掠开数丈距离,飞快靠近乾坤会总舵主程东南所在位置。噗! Suddenly, the bushes that the black awning boat ship withstand/top lift, a universe meeting member pokes head, in the hand is also lifting a flintlock: „ I fought you! „ 忽然,乌篷船船顶上的茅草掀开,一名乾坤会成员探出头来,手里还举着一杆火枪:“我跟你们拼了!“ Bang! 砰! His facial expression fiercely, touches off the trigger fiercely. 他神情狰狞,猛地扣动扳机。 In white fog, the innumerable lead balls disperse just like the raindrop generally, not won the lasing toward Nangong in the past. Puff! 一蓬白雾之中,无数铅弹宛若雨点一般散开,向着南宫无胜激射过去。噗噗! The innumerable lead shots hit in Nangong not win the surroundings, just like infiltrating extremely flexible with tenacious mire in the middle, each becomes slow, can see the motion path of bullet clearly. 无数铅珠打在南宫无胜周围,宛若打入了极富弹性与坚韧的泥沼当中,每一颗都变得缓慢,能令人清晰看到子弹的移动轨迹。 Nangong not wins to twist gently, a finger ball. ” Whiz! 南宫无胜轻轻捻起其中一枚,手指一弹。”嗖! Whiz! 嗖! Just like the strong bow hard crossbow launch, this bullet sent in the forehead of opening fire instantaneously. 宛若强弓硬弩发射,这一枚子弹被瞬间送入开枪者的脑门。 The opposite party forehead appears a blood hole, soft but actually. 对方额头浮现出一个血洞,软软倒了下去。 But the rate of progression that Nangong not wins, has not as if changed unexpectedly, falls on black awning boat confident. „ For the universe meeting! „ 而南宫无胜的前进速度,竟然似乎没有丝毫变化,不疾不徐地在一艘乌篷船上落下。“为了乾坤会!“ Two armed with knife martial practitioner to throw, in pupils has the dead will. 两个持刀武者扑了过来,一个个眼眸中带着死志。 Nangong not victory lifts both hands, about a point, these two day power martial practitioner fly upside down instantaneously, the back blasts out, Five Viscera and Six Bowels explodes from back large cave/hole directly shoots! 南宫无胜抬起双手,左右一分,这两个天权武者瞬间倒飞出去,脊背炸开,五脏六腑直接从背后的大洞中爆射! This very bloody, the circlet that will prepare to escape frightens on the face not to have blood-color. „ Worthily is the law level strange people, the Pingyang king! „ 这一幕十分血腥,将准备逃命的小环吓得脸上没有一丝血色。“不愧是法级异人,平阳王!“ Southeast the regulation goes out from the cabin gradually, although only wore a blue cheongsam, the bearing is natural, making one see to forget the custom. „ Have you analyzed «Shocking Book»? „ 程东南缓步从船舱中走出,虽然只穿了一袭蓝色长衫,却气度潇洒,令人一见忘俗。“你已经解析了《惊世书》?“ Pingyang king Nangong not wins, although is the question , but the tone quite affirmed. 平阳王南宫无胜虽然是疑问,,但语气相当肯定。 In say/way asked a law, France , China a technique! Now the world, does not have the strange people able to reappear in the past the elegant demeanor of greatly profound great ancestor... the severed head, if I can promote a level, can perhaps overthrow greatly unreliably? „ “道中求一法,法中得一术!如今天下,早已没有异人能重现当年大玄太祖之风采了…首级,若我能晋升道级,或许便可推翻大玄了吧?“ Southeast the regulation twittering, making Nangong not win the expression slightly changes. 程东南呢喃着,令南宫无胜表情略变。 Say/Way level strange people, having strength that can change the rule! A word may make the world change! 道级异人,拥有可以改变规则的力量!一言可令天下改! Once big profound great ancestor, was only- say/way level strange people, strange people must obey greatly profound direct descendant bloodlines to read in the rule! This directly causes greatly profound dynasty establishing a capital city world, does not fear the strange people to rebel. 曾经的大玄太祖,就是唯—一个道级异人,将‘异人必须服从大玄嫡系血脉’写入规则!这直接导致大玄王朝定鼎天下,不惧异人叛乱。 Now southeast this regulation, wants to promote a level unexpectedly?! 如今这程东南,竟然也想晋升道级?! Ha haha... the old man not wins the achievement his entire life, now sees you, only finds it ridiculous!” Nangong not victory laughs. “哈哈哈…老夫一生从无胜绩,如今见到你,却也只觉得可笑!”南宫无胜哈哈一笑。 Southeast perhaps the regulation knows some secrets, actually does not know the iron rule in strange people! This regulation, read in the world by the greatly profound great ancestor, all strange people must observe! 程东南或许知道一些隐秘,却不知道异人中的铁律!这一条律法,被大玄太祖写入天地,所有异人都必须遵守! Just, the technique level strange people of some floors, have not seen the oversized profound direct descendant bloodlines, perhaps does not know. But as him of law level strange people, naturally knows. 只不过,一些底层的术级异人,没有见过大玄嫡系血脉,说不定都不知道。但作为法级异人的他,自然是知晓的。 Knows southeast this regulation to become the words of strange people early, lets an imperial prince or the princess comes, making him work as the dog well also... ‚ ‘早知这程东南已经成为异人的话,就让一位皇子或者公主来,让他当狗也不错…‘ Nangong not wins in the heart to talk to oneself. L ;, 南宫无胜心中自语一句。l;, However, some strange people depend on the different strength, could dodge the incantation force constraint, at least resists. ‚ ~ after all the different technique is all sorts of strange and unusual, who knows that what special effect has?) 不过,有的异人靠着异力,或许能规避掉咒力约束,至少是抵抗。‘~毕竟异术千奇百怪,谁知道有什么特殊效果呢?) First takes this person, the matter of universe meeting also calculated to settle, in the future will detain Capital City it, elected a person condemned to death to punish properly according to law casually, then made the imperial prince assign/life him to handle the universe to meet... to be clean in secret.” “先拿下此人,乾坤会之事也算了结了,日后再将其押上京城,随便选个死囚明正典刑,然后让皇子命他暗中处置了乾坤会…一切就干干净净。” Nangong not wins in the heart the thought to flash one after another, suddenly- lifts the hand: Please!” 南宫无胜心中念头接连闪动,突然—抬手:“请!” Please! „ “请!“ The regulation southeastern expression also becomes solemn and respectful, suddenly raises hand. 程东南表情也变得肃穆,忽然一扬手。 - Group gunpowder blasts out fiercely! —团火药猛地炸开! Nangong not wins the under foot, suddenly one group of flame rupturing! This is installs underground in advance in Nangong not wins the gunpowder trap of under foot! I misread you!” 南宫无胜脚下,蓦然有一团火光爆裂!这是预先埋设在南宫无胜脚下的火药陷阱!“我看错了你!” The person's shadow runs out from the flame together, flood dragon robe becomes tattered, the beard and hair becomes burned black, Nangong not wins! 一道人影从火光中冲出,身上的蛟龙袍变得破破烂烂,须发变得焦黑,正是南宫无胜! „The say/way of military commander, stopped at nothing for the victory. Nangong not wins, you do not understand this principle, no wonder continuously extremely!” Southeast regulation unemotional, suddenly from the ear, from the mouth and from the nostril, drills seems the millipede of centipede one after another. “兵家之道,本来就是为了胜利而无所不用其极。南宫无胜,你不懂此理,难怪一直不胜!”程东南面无表情,忽然从耳朵、从嘴巴、从鼻孔中,钻出一条又一条好似蜈蚣的千足虫。 These centipedes crawl to fill his whole body one after another, making his whole person look to become Aberration. Different technique ten thousand insect command!” 这些蚰蜒一条又一条爬满他的全身,令他整个人看着都变得诡异了起来。“异术・万虫令!” Southeast the regulation on the one hand grasps, various places on finger have the centipede to occupy, at this time suddenly simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform neighed, sent out a cry that made the person of tooth acid. 程东南一手抓出,手指上的各处都有蚰蜒盘踞,此时忽然齐齐嘶鸣,发出一种令人牙酸的叫声。 Puff! 噗噗! stance, considerable of several centipedes has not fallen off automatically, the concentrated fire, the shape such as the rain of dense and numerous flying needle, completely all covers Nangong not victory around fast! 招式未至,数条蚰蜒的长足已经自动脱落,飞快攒射,形如密密麻麻的飞针之雨,将南宫无胜四周尽皆笼罩!
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