TOTM :: Volume #9

#891: Egg

In gold/metal Shanghai leadership because of two cases when is noisy, Aaron was the bystander same returned to odd/surplus the boss. 就在金沪高层因为两起大案而沸沸扬扬之际,亚伦则是没事人一样回到了余老头家。 In the morning, he shoves open the room, saw odd/surplus rain. 清晨,他推开房间,就看到了余雨。 Mr. white gets up, I the shop that goes to the intersection you most to like buys lived to fry the package with the soybean milk, eats together.” “白先生起来啦,我去街口你最喜欢的铺子买了生煎包跟豆浆,一起吃啊。” odd/surplus rain obviously after appearance, but also spread the lipstick. 余雨明显经过打扮,还涂了口红。 At this time takes care is making Aaron have the breakfast, in the pupil obviously has the anticipation. 此时张罗着让亚伦吃早餐,眸子里明显带着期待。 Side, Old Man odd/surplus opens mouth, has not said the opposition words obstinately. 旁边,余老头张张嘴,愣是没说出反对的话来。 After all he is an honest and good-natured person, without instead is Sir's idea that the later generation goes into debt, now borrowed others money, is afraid. 3 毕竟他是老实人,没有后世欠债的反而是大爷的想法,如今借了别人钱,正心虚着呢。三 „... I made.” “不了…我有约。” Aaron is smiling turning down, looks to Old Man odd/surplus: I recently possibly had the matter to leave a while...” 亚伦微笑着婉拒,又看向余老头:“我最近可能有事要离开一阵子…” This... „ Old Man odd/surplus the hand shakes, thinking Aaron must demand payment. Aaron smiled: „ Owed money does not worry, if which day sufficiently collected, can give Mr. Hong in business publishing house history Mingsi!” “这…“余老头手一抖,以为亚伦要催债。没想到,亚伦只是笑了一下:“欠的钱不着急还,若哪天凑够了,可以去交给洪商印书馆的史明思先生!” I remembered. „ Old Man odd/surplus in the heart grows the tone, asked curiously: „ Where does Mr. white prepare to go to? „ “我记住了。“余老头心中长出口气,又好奇问道:“白先生准备去哪里?“ I prepare family/home, after all came out to be very long. Aaron sighed. “我准备回者家一趟,毕竟出来已经很久了。亚伦叹息一声。 The sons of others family/home go out mix the rivers and lakes rebellion, after going back, turned into another person. 别人家的儿子出门混江湖造反,回去之后就变成了另外一个人。 How can this matter, talk clearly? 这种事、怎么说得清楚呢? Since just gold/metal Hu cannot treat, that goes back to have a look also to might as well. 只不过既然金沪不能待了,那回去看看也无妨。 Aaron goes out of odd/surplus the boss, walks on the avenue, several dojo disciples of communication, but also was discussing full of enthusiasm matter of mysterious person Wukong, as well as when the opposite party prepares to kick the hall again. 亚伦走出余老头家,行走在大街上,来往的几个武馆弟子,还在兴致勃勃地讨论着神秘人‘悟空’的事情,以及对方准备什么时候再去踢馆。 Sells the report to sell the report!” “卖报卖报!” Four big policemen first Thunder Dragon exterminated an entire family last night!” “四大巡捕之首雷龙昨夜被灭门!” At this moment, a newspaper boy has run, in the hand is swinging one volume of newspapers. 就在这时,一个报童跑过,手里摇着一卷报纸。 Is going out prepares to go to work, and even eats the person who the breakfast, strolls to stop the footsteps in abundance, suspected oneself presented the auditory hallucination. 正在出门准备上班、乃至吃早餐、闲逛的人纷纷停下脚步,怀疑自己出现了幻听。 When the newspaper boy also shouted, some people called out: Gives me to come one!” 等到报童又喊了一遍,这才有人叫道:“给我来一份!” Also gives me to come one!” I also take one.” “也给我来一份!”“我也要一份。” The newspaper boy were brandished the person of bill to submerge quickly, fell into the happy worry. 报童很快就被挥舞着钞票的人淹没,陷入了幸福的苦恼中。 Aaron also joined in the fun took a newspaper, looked on the crude tea table of snack outdoor shop. 亚伦也凑热闹地拿了一份报纸,就在茶点摊子的简陋茶桌上看了起来。 Actually the person of this newspaper office cannot enter Lei's Mansion, but strolled outside, wrote a draft that is full of the conjecture. 其实这家报社的人也不能进入雷公馆,只是在外面逛了一圈,写了一篇充满臆想的稿子。 But is this, but also is out of stock as before! 但就是这样,还依旧脱销! Obviously gold/metal Shanghai from all walks of life, regarding the night of dying a violent death reason of Thunder Dragon this local despot, is interested. 显然金沪各界,对于雷龙这个土皇帝的一夜暴死之原因,都充满兴趣。 Cannot think that thunder Boss died unexpectedly...” “想不到啊,雷老大竟然就这么死了…” Puts together the young boss in place to put down the newspaper with Aaron, sighed: In the past thunder Boss overawed gold/metal Hu, did greeting, which dare not to show due respect for the feelings firmly?” 亚伦拼座的一名小老板放下报纸,叹息一声:“当年雷老大威震金沪,一声招呼,哪固敢不给面子?” Does not know that is which pirate, achieved this grade of great accomplishment.” Another person takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, as if to Thunder Dragon impression is not the good appearance. “也不知道是哪个江洋大盗,做下了这等大事。”另一人幸灾乐祸,似乎对雷龙观感不是太好的样子。 Pirate, what pirate can get rid of Thunder Dragon only to fear that was this person of arrogance is extremely rampant, annoyed the feudal official dislike.” “江洋大盗,什么江洋大盗能干掉雷龙只怕是此人气焰太过嚣张,惹了官府厌恶吧。” Last analysis of intellectual, actually obtained periphery most people's approval. 最后一个读书人的分析,却是获得了周围大部分人的认可。 Obviously, everyone thought that can get rid of Thunder Dragon's influence in lair, does not make second person of thinking except for Imperial Court. 显然,大家都觉得能在老巢干掉雷龙的势力,除了朝廷不作第二人想。 Aaron listens silently, tied earlier money, the way was called a carriage. 亚伦默默听完,结了早点钱,去路边叫了一辆马车。 „Does boss go?” “老板去哪?” The ricksha husband builds the towel on the neck, shows a big smile. 黄包车夫将毛巾搭在脖子上,露出一个大大的笑容。 Quantity port. ” 量家港。” Aaron sits boards, light say/way. 亚伦坐上车,淡淡道。 Since must solve troublesome, must solve troublesome all! Southeast the regulation similarly is one of the troubles!, 既然要解决麻烦,就要解决所有麻烦!程东南同样是麻烦之一!, And, his «Shocking Book» to principal edition, some similarly interests. 并且、他对正本的《惊世书》,同样有些兴趣。 After becoming thing- one, but southeast the regulation obviously traced- part, therefore, on that possibly also has other different technique inheritance? 经成为度物了—一但程东南明显只是临摹了—部分,所以,那上面可能还有其它异术传承? As for regulation southeast? Initially when cut the foxnut burnt yellow paper Brother pays respects, agrees fellow brothers not to seek same month and same day to live in the same year, but asked with die, I of same day dead Baishu to deliver him in the same year to get down as early as possible the reunion, with the entire brothers friendship! 13 ‘至于程东南?当初斩鸡头烧黄纸拜兄弟之时、约定各位兄弟不求同年同月同日生,但求同年同于同日死白术早已死了、我就应该趁早送他下去团聚,以全兄弟情义才是啊!13 Crab port. 蟹家港。 Here is a small pier, the black awning boat head and tail connected, gathers one after another crowded in together, just like marine villages and small towns. 这里原本是一处小码头,一艘又一艘乌篷船首尾相连,密集地汇聚在一起,宛若一座座海上村镇。 The housing conceals the person instinct to excel at the water here, but also understood that some insect techniques, can put the gu, unites. 居住在这里的匿人天性擅水,还懂得一些虫术,能放蛊,又十分团结。 The handkerchief is the local three big moves receives by a thing, is not willing to incur bright ethnic group. 帕是本地三大招承以一物,也不愿招慧这个族群。 But the life of ordinary quantity family member is opposite poor, crosses very impoverished. 但普通量家人的生活并不怎么好、相反,都过得十分贫困。 These black awning boat universal practices are unsatisfactory, the ship is wooden, as if the next quarter will break. 那些乌篷船普遍情况不佳,船木腐朽,似乎下一刻就会散架。 However the cabin of residence was also very moist, lives for a long time lived the rheumatism inevitably sickness. ’而住所的船舱也十分潮湿,住久了必然生风湿之症。 In a cabin. 一处船舱内。 Total Branch Master, the food came...” “总舵主,饭来了…”“ The circlet is raising the gift box, passes through the plank that connects the ships, will arrive at the universe total Branch Master regulation southeastern cabin finally, knocks on a door. 小环提着食盒,走过一个又一个连接船只的木板,终于来到乾坤会总舵主程东南的船舱,敲了敲门。 Why does not know, the circlet is looking at all around the gloomy moist environment at this time, is a little scared at heart. 不知道为什么,小环此时望着四周阴暗潮湿的环境,心里就有点发毛。 Beforehand total Branch Master, was that kind and gentle lovable, makes people unconscious wants to be intimate with be able saying that is flooding from top to bottom- planted the affinity, was the inborn leader! 1 以前的总舵主,是那么和蔼、温柔可亲、令人不自觉就想要亲近可以说浑身上下都充斥着—种亲和力,是天生的领袖!一 But since revolt, was different. 但自从起义之后,就不同了。 Recalled that recent meet several times, the change of total Branch Master, the circlet only feels back absolutely terrified. 回想起最近几次见面,总舵主的变化,小环只觉得后背一阵毛骨悚然。 Even, some regrets withwhite profoundhad not left initially together. Initially, white Xuan cut to kill horse Dang in the ruined temple, after leaving alone not long, their troops were caught up with by the Imperial Court pursuing troops, after experiencing a fierce battle, most people or were killed or captured. 甚至,有些后悔当初没有跟‘白玄‘一起离开。当初,白玄在破庙中斩杀马当,独自出走后没有多久,她们这一路人马就被朝廷追兵追上,在经历一番恶战之后,大部分人或被杀或被俘虏。 The circlet luck is good, under several universe meeting brothers protect at risk of life break through a tight encirclement, experiences a series of hardships, arrives at gold/metal Hu with great difficulty, in the contact total Branch Master. 小环运气不错,在几个乾坤会兄弟拼死保护之下杀出重围,又经历一系列艰难困苦,才好不容易来到金沪,联络上总舵主 But, total Branch Master regarding brothers' casualty, although displays sorrowfully, but the circlet can actually the heart of judgment person inborn from the slight expression. 可是,总舵主对于兄弟们的死伤、虽然表现悲痛、但小环却天生能从细微表情中判断人的内心。 For example previous white Xuan, changed individual time probably completely. But present total Branch Master, even was more fearful than initial white profound Brother Bai! ’比如上一次的白玄,就好像完全变了个人。而现在的总舵主,甚至比当初的白玄白大哥还要可怕! Is a circlet? Comes in!” “是小环么?进来吧!” In the gate, broadcasts the total Branch Master regulation southeastern sound, temperateness and sunlight as always. 门中,传来总舵主程东南的声音,一如既往的温和、阳光。 The circlet actually felt similar the moist creamy tentacles, has licked to lick from own cheeks, hit to startle. 5 小环却感觉仿佛有一根根湿润滑腻的触手,从自己脸颊一直舔舐而过,不由打了个激灵。五 She shoves open the door, saw that in the room the ray is very dark, ignites an oil lamp. 她推开房门,见到房间里光线很暗,点着一盏油灯。 This oil lamp lamp holder presents the azure glaze color, the ray is gloomy, actually one strange delicate fragrances greet the nostrils. 这油灯灯座呈现天青的釉色,光芒暗淡,却有一种奇异的清香扑鼻而来。 Southeast the regulation is sitting cross-legged to sit on the bed, sees the circlet, shows a gentle smile: Circlet you came, what is the breakfast?” 2 程东南正盘膝坐在床上,见到小环,露出一个慈祥的笑容:“小环你来了,早餐是什么?”二 Numerous Branch Master are the seafood gruel!” “总总舵主是海鲜粥!” The circlet turns on the gift box, takes out inside seafood gruel, places on the table. 小环打开食盒,将里面的海鲜粥取出,放在桌上。 One side of table, but also is putting blue books, that deep blue command circlet of surface saw thought of the sea. 在桌子一侧,还放着一本蓝色的书籍,表面的那种蔚蓝令小环一见就想到了大海。 But above books title page, as if some concave-convex, if not for as if uses the ordinary paper, but is some animal skin manufacture. 而在书册封面之上,似乎还有一些凹凸,宛若不是用普通纸张,而是某种兽皮制作。 You also saw, this is «Shocking Book»! „ “你也看到了,这就是《惊世书》!“ The circlet is transferring the vision, to hear the back sound to resound diligently suddenly. 小环正努力挪移开目光、忽然听到背后一个声音响起。 She frightens to turn the head, discovered that southeast the regulation does not know when had arrived at her behind, the vision ice-cold is looking at her. 她惊吓转头,发现程东南不知何时已经来到了她的身后,目光冰冷地望着她。 „... Total Branch Master my anything has not always seen.” The sound of circlet has one to shiver. “总…总舵主我什么什么都没看到。”小环的声音不由带着一丝颤抖。 Saw that are not related, this book is the brothers and sisters takes the life to trade, it naturally is also each brothers and sisters...” “看到也没有关系,这本书是兄弟姐妹们拿命换来的,它自然也属于每一个兄弟姐妹…” Regulation southeastern big hand according to circlet thin shoulder, forcefully her according to seat: I come to speak... this «Shocking Book» with you with scrambled text writing, is very difficult to break the code, but I pass through trace in every way, confirmed that this scrambled text, somewhat relates with the controlling family member.”, 程东南大手按在小环消瘦的肩膀,硬生生将她按在座位上:“我来跟你讲讲…这《惊世书》用一种密文书写,很难破译但我经过多方追查,确认这一种密文,跟驭家人有些关系。”、 Therefore, total Branch Master does choose the controlling family/home port to stop over?” The circlet somewhat understands. “所以,总舵主才选择驭家港落脚?”小环有些明白过来。 Yes, wants to overthrow unreliably toward, must first beat the strange people, wants to beat the strange people, must know the origin of different technique it as if suddenly to appear in our world is the same.” “是啊,想要推翻玄朝,必须先击败异人,想要击败异人,就要知晓异术的起源它就仿佛突然出现在我们世界一样。” Southeast the regulation one beckons with the hand, has the heroic spirit of direction landscape: „ Many people believe, the different technique is profound toward bringing, is actually not! It continuously 程东南一摆手,带着指点江山的豪气:“很多人认为,异术是玄朝带来的,其实不是!它一直都 In, it forever in! Skill Kai official I, left- 在,它永远都在!艺凯仕I,左- I borrow the book stacks everywhere, studied diligently various antiquity books, in one “我四处借阅书库,钻研各类上古书籍,在一 In this «Natural science Will Testing» old book read, measured the family member to establish a magnificent dynasty in in generation, namedbig fishing ‚, is called 本《博物志考》的古籍上曾经读到过,量家人在中代建立了一个辉煌的朝代,名为‘大渔‘,也有叫做 Dayu ‚, but among the foreigner west these, calling it to submerge continentandAtlantis that is an extremely magnificent dynasty, even many cities construct directly under water! ” 6 大禹‘的而在那些西夷人当中,称之为沉没大陆‘、‘亚特兰蒂斯那是一个极其辉煌的朝代,甚至许多城市都直接修建在水底!”六 Total Branch Mastercirclet a little wants to cry. Hears this strange strange story, she should for the first time certainly very interested. “总舵主“小环有点想哭.第一次听到这种怪绝离奇的故事、她本来应该很有兴趣的。 But at this time, in her heart , is afraid, but has to ask following the regulation southeastern words: What city can establish in the water?” 但此时,她心中只有害怕,但还是不得不顺着程东南的话问下去:“什么城市能建立在水中?” Therefore, the ancient plaster family member grasped the strength of different technique inevitably! Later, unreliably toward the great ancestor perhaps also once was the crab family member family background, he stole this strength from the jade person hand, or... carried forward it, and joined the limit, this was the strange people initial origin of!” 1 “所以,古老的垩家人必然掌握了异术的力量!之后,玄朝太祖或许也曾经是蟹家人出身,他从璧人手中窃走了这种力量,或者说…将其发扬光大,并且加入了限制,这就是异人最初的由来!”一 journey Dong the South Vietnam said that is more excited: I live in seclusion in this, day and night studies assiduously crab remnant, with putting in the technique of insect has been inspired from their gu techniques, will study diligently «Shocking Book» has begun to materialize... our brothers not dead in vain, their sacrifices valuable, when I will study successfully, we can overthrow inevitably greatly unreliably! The diverse Daoist priest and horse Dang, white are unreliable they dead for the great undertaking and for the world person.” 程东南越说越兴奋:“我隐居于此,日夜苦读蟹家残篇,又从他们的蛊术与放虫之术中得到启发,钻研《惊世书》已经有了眉目…我们的兄弟不会白死,他们的牺牲是有价值的、等我研究成功,我们必然能推翻大玄!参差道长、马当、白玄他们都是为了大业、为了天下人而死的。” Wait, white Xuan? „ Circlet one startled: „ Did big brother white Xuan also die?” “等等,白玄?“小环一惊:“白玄大哥也死了?” He has the damn place, but will also make the contribution to the universe finally, I will bestow him for the hero as before...” “他有该死的地方,但最后也为乾坤会做了贡献,我依旧会追封他为英雄…”“ Southeast the regulation secretive smiles. 程东南诡秘一笑。 In this moment, the circlet as if saw that an insect crawled from the regulation southeastern ear, brings the innumerable whiskers, just like centipede. 在这一刻,小环似乎看到有一只虫子从程东南的耳朵中爬了出来,带着无数触须,宛若蚰幅。 But quick, the opposite party shrank, making the circlet almost think oneself saw the illusion. 但很快,对方又缩了回去,令小环几乎以为自己看到了幻觉。 Numerous Branch Master, I must walk.” The circlet sets out and want to charge into the door. “总总舵主、我要走了。”小环起身、想要冲向门扉。 But southeast the regulation was quicker than her, keeps off before the gate: You fear me very much, why?” 但程东南比她更快,挡在了门前:“你很怕我,为什么?” Without not... „ “没没有…“ The circlet tears must fall. 小环眼泪都要掉下来了。 In the regulation southeastern face approaches unceasingly, as to smell her flavor, outside suddenly transmits the sound: Total Branch Master Pingyang king Dong! Is coming toward here!” 就在程东南的脸庞不断靠近、似乎想要嗅一嗅她身上的味道之时,外面忽然传来声响:“总舵主平阳王动了!正朝我们这里而来!” Pingyang king? This person is the law level strange people, is hard to cope...” southeast the L regulation quickly restores the appearance of beforehand wise direction: Informs the brothers to hide, this Branch Master delays him personally...” “平阳王?此人是法级异人,难以对付…”l程东南迅速恢复成之前英明指挥的模样:“通知兄弟们隐蔽,本舵主亲自去拖延他…” Total Branch Master...” “总舵主…” The brothers who come to notify are moved to tears, just like seeing a top 前来报信的兄弟热泪盈眶,宛若看到了一个顶 Big hero who the day sets up the place, at this moment, 天立地的大英雄,这一刻、 Mister, plaster port.” “先生,垩家港到了。” The ricksha husband stops, with the towel wiping away sweat water, received the Aaron fare, expressed gratitude hastily: Mister walks slowly!” 黄包车夫停下,用毛巾擦了擦汗水,接过亚伦的车费,连忙道谢:“先生慢走!” Aaron routine prepares first to find a place to replace, then gets rid of the regulation southeast, then robs «Shocking Book». 亚伦习惯性准备先找个地方换装,然后将程东南干掉,再抢夺《惊世书》。 When passing by a teahouse, if he has a feeling, suddenly lifts in the building two, a window opens, powder carved the little girl who the jade carved to poke head, is bored to death had a yawn. 就在路过一处茶楼之时,他若有所感,忽然抬楼上二层,一扇窗户打开,一个粉雕玉琢的小女孩正探出头来,百无聊赖地打了个哈欠。 A cat common eye, swept Aaron suddenly, the eye was one bright: You are Baishu Elder Brother in nighttime market!” 一双猫儿一般的眼睛,忽然扫到了亚伦,眼睛就是一亮:“你是鬼市中的白术哥哥!” I......” “我……”“ Aaron touched the cheeks speechless. 亚伦无语地摸了摸脸颊。 At that time he may bring the mask, did this little miss eyes recognize him to come? 当时他可带着面具呢,这小姑娘怎么一眼认出他来的? - Read hence, his figure flashed, how no one saw to move, sneaked into the teahouse theater box from the window. —念至此,他身形一闪,没人看见是如何动弹的,就从窗户窜入了茶楼包厢之中。 You?! „ “你?!“ The same day maidservant with both personal servants, saw that Aaron suddenly appeared, was in great surprise, two personal servants began directly, a fist broken vault of heaven, a claw crack land, unexpectedly was merak martial practitioner! 当日的丫鬟与两个跟班都在,见到亚伦突然出现,都是大惊,两个跟班更是直接动手,一个拳破苍穹,一个爪裂大地,居然都是天璇武者! Placed the nighttime market, Aaron can only withdraw facing these two on the same day. But at this time, in his eye the different glow flashes, just like reappearing- only obstructs a day of great crane. 放在当日鬼市,亚伦面对这两人只能退避。但此时,他眼中异芒一闪,身后宛若浮现出—只遮天巨鹤。 Two personal servants are drunk immediately probably general, rested dizzy. 两个跟班顿时好像喝醉了酒一般,晕晕乎乎地就睡了过去。 „...” “啊…”“ The maidservants want to scream, wonderful was actually covered the mouth by Nangong. Hello, wonderful young lady.” 丫鬟想要尖叫,却被南宫妙妙一把捂住了嘴。“你好,妙妙小姐。” Aaron haughty sat down, gives itself but actually pot tea: 亚伦大马金刀地坐下,给自己倒了一壶茶: How do you discover my?” “你是怎么发现我的?” Others are also strange people! „ Nangong stands on the backless stool wonderfully, look “人家也是异人哦!“南宫妙妙站在板凳上,看 Gets up also to be higher than a head compared with Aaron, very draws out the small chest to proclaim proudly 起来比亚伦还高出一个头,骄傲地挺起小胸脯宣 Arrange/Cloth: „ Just my different technique in the eye, can observe three numerous 布:“只不过我的异术都在眼睛里,能观三界众 Fresh, the father said that I became fiercer, the world no one can 生,爹爹说等我变得更厉害了,天下没有一个人能 Rapid my discernment! ” 迅过我的法眼!” So that's how it is. „ Aaron looked that is wonderful to Nangong: „ But the different technique must have “原来如此。“亚伦看向南宫妙妙:“但异术必有 Does price your father giving up make you cultivation unexpectedly? ” 代价你父亲竟然舍得让你修炼?” This is not, is my mother inherits but actually gives meNangong to be wonderful “这倒也不是,是我娘亲遗传给我“南宫妙 Lowers the head wonderfully, is somewhat sad: Person guardian to ten years old 妙低下头,情绪有些低落:人家长到十岁 Later, again steadily is not high, is quite miserable 之后,就再也长不高了,好惨 Aaron cannot help laughing, suddenly sincere asked: „ Wonderful young lady why 亚伦哑然失笑,忽然正色问:“妙妙小姐为何 Comes this place? ” 来此地?” I come to see father who my is not free from worryNangong to imitate wonderfully “我来看着我那个不省心的爹“南宫妙妙仿 The Buddha young Sir sighed generally: „ My father fights very much stupidly always 佛小大人一般叹了口气:“我爹爹很笨打架总 Likes the person who finds unable to win hitting, therefore has not exceeded 11 times, oneself change 喜欢找打不赢的人去打,因此没胜过一一次,自己改 The name is Nangong not to win him to find the person to fight today, 了名字叫做南宫无胜今天他又要来找人打架, My this is the daughter, must come to see 我这个做女儿的,总得来看看 Pingyang king Nangong not wins! law level strange people! ‚ “平阳王南宫无胜!法级异人!‘ In the Aaron heart appears the information that Thunder Dragon confesses, nods slightly, 亚伦心中浮现出雷龙交代的情报,略微颔首, Regarding the status of this little girl, he has the guess early. 对于这小女孩的身份,他早有猜测。 Suddenly, he wonderful turns the head with Nangong, looks to the wharf direction. 忽然,他跟南宫妙妙都转头,望向码头方向。 Sees only that side, fishing boats blast open loudly, sink to the harbor to roll 只见那边,一艘艘渔船轰然炸裂,沉入港口滚 Rolls in the river water! 滚江水之中!
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