TOTM :: Volume #9

#890: Eliminating a potential informant

Six grades of heads?” “六档头?” After Yang Kui and the others left, a black clothes health/guard approaches, said in a low voice: Makes these rookies monitor the family/home port, whether will alert the enemy?” 等到杨魁等人离开之后,一个黑衣卫才靠近过来,低声道:“让这些菜鸟去监视乎家港,是否会打草惊蛇?” Me want is this effect, the snake does not alarm, how can be seen the flaw?” “咱家要的就是这个效果,蛇不惊动,怎么能被看出破绽?” Six grades of drink tea: As for these rookies, but abandons the child, can die for me, is their good fortunes!” 六档头喝了口茶:“至于那些新人,只不过是弃子罢了,能为咱家去死,是他们的福分!” Six grades of respected opinions, respected opinion.” Nearby black clothes health/guard feels a heartfelt admiration, the decision must leave this files secretly in the future, so as to avoid being also regarded the abandoned child to consume. “六档头高见,高见啊。”旁边的黑衣卫心悦诚服,暗自决定日后要离这位档头远一点,免得也被当成弃子消耗掉。 Six grades of nod the head , to continue to process the official business. 六档头颔首,继续处理公务。 After half double-hour, there is an unrest faintly from the distant place transmits, more and more nearly, more and more nearly. 半个时辰之后,有骚乱隐隐自远方传来,越来越近,越来越近。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Six grades of air/Qi instead smile extremely: Is it possible that our black clothes health/guard station, even what cat three dogs can four come boisterously?” 六档头气极反笑:“莫非咱们黑衣卫驻地,连什么猫三狗四都可以来聒噪了么?” Six grades of heads, have martial practitioner to intrude......” “六档头,有武者闯入……” Under a master the whole body is bathed in blood, barges, just said, fiercely- head falls down. 一名手下浑身浴血,闯门而入,刚刚说完,就猛地—头栽倒。 Six grades are then terrified is startled. 六档头这才悚然一惊。 The station of black clothes health/guard, is a Lei Mansion more terrifying dangerous spot. 黑衣卫的驻地,可是比雷家公馆更加恐怖的龙潭虎穴。 Do not say dubhe Ancestral Master, even if counts Great Ancestral Master to collaborate, is not necessarily able to kill the core! 不要说一个天枢宗师,纵然数大宗师联手,也未必能杀到核心! But at this time, is outside war cry, unexpectedly getting bigger and bigger? 但此时,外面的喊杀声,竟然越来越大? Six grades of headdresses sink like the water, walked. 六档头面沉如水,走了出去。 At once, he stared in a big way the eye panic-strickenly. 旋即,他就惊骇地瞪大了眼睛。 Sees only under the moonlight, the first ten several meters high jet black demon tigers wreak havoc! 只见月色之下,正有一头十数米高的漆黑魔虎肆虐! It build huge like the mountain, on the hair of body surface is twining silk threads black qi! 它体型庞大如山,身体表面的毛发上缠绕着丝丝缕缕的黑气! - Root- root white spur, from a stage white Bone Demon armor! —根又—根白色的骨刺,从台一白骨魔铠! Fire!” “射击!” One team of flintlock soldiers lift gun the aiming demon tiger, opens fire. 一队火枪兵举枪瞄准魔虎,开枪射击。 Bang bang! 砰砰! A row of lead ball hits on half illusory demon tiger, has not played affects slightly. 一排铅弹打在半虚幻的魔虎身上,没有起到丝毫作用。 Even demon tiger roared, has the invisible wave to break. 甚至魔虎一声咆哮,有无形的波浪冲开。 That team of flintlock soldiers just like sheared the wheat to be common immediately, falls to the ground loudly! 那一队火枪兵顿时宛若被割麦子一般,轰然倒地! Is twoside the E gauge, „ 是二”e规身边,“ Attraction-, departs from the corpse, regarding side the jet black demon tiger, changes into hazes. 吸引—般,从尸体中飞出,围绕在漆黑魔虎身边,化为一道道烟气。 Does to depend on for the tiger!” “为虎作依!” Why does not know, in six grades of hearts, appears automatically words and expressions. 不知道为何,六档头心中,自动浮现出一个词语。 This words and expressions use on this demon tiger, unexpectedly is especially appropriately! 这词语用在这头魔虎身上,竟是格外得贴切! He does not know why oneself thought of this description, even in the heart appears directly its mode of writing and meaning 他也不知道,为何自己就想到了这个形容,甚至心中直接浮现出它的写法、含义 Within probably is void, during is dark, some people squeeze in his mind the information on own initiative. 就好像虚空之内,冥冥之中,有人将信息主动塞入他的脑海。 Or that demon tiger, is representing the knowledge! 或者说,那头魔虎本身,就代表着知识! No, this is not right!” “不,这不对!” Looks at being bewitched bamboo fence claw, kills dozens people, cuts off limb to fall together falls before oneself, six grades of hit to startle suddenly icily, recovered all of a sudden. 望着魔虎落爪,又杀死数十人,一块断肢摔落在自己面前,六档头忽然冷冰冰打了个激灵,一下子回过神来。 This went beyond the category of martial arts completely, is the different technique! Why however has the strange people able to revolt against Imperial Court? Or can Your Majesty the Emperor kill me?” “这完全超越了武功的范畴,是异术啊!但是为什么有异人能反抗朝廷?或者说皇帝陛下要杀我?” Because the controlling force to profound extremely believes really, six grades have not even thought other aspects, but also thinks that is the emperor must kill him. 因为着实对玄廷的控制力太过相信,六档头甚至没有想其它方面,还以为是皇帝要杀他。 But the next quarter, he abandoned this laughable idea. 但下一刻,他就抛弃了这种可笑的想法。 The profound emperor must kill him, so long as next pursues the eye the J , 1 health/guard to discard? 玄帝要杀他,只要下一追目可以J,1卫都废掉? Bang! 砰! - Fan portcullis was raised flies, distorts in the midair, in the playdough just like child hand, suffers a relapse subsequently again on the ground. —扇铁闸门被掀飞,于半空中变形,宛若孩童手中的橡皮泥,继而重重落在地上。 The demon tiger arrived in front of six grades of finally. 魔虎终于来到了六档头面前。 But at this time, six grades of found that is not demonic creature, but is a person! 而此时,六档头才发现,那不是什么魔物,而就是一个人! Silk threads black qi, disperses the friend to have the meter/rice from the opposite party four limbs pore, collects opens under sky, condenses waits for Qi Prestige for this reason! 丝丝缕缕的黑气,从对方四肢毛孔中散友出米,汇张于高天之下,凝聚为此等气势! Even, the feeling of qi and blood soaring to the heavens! 甚至,给人一种气血冲天之感! Different technique, you are strange people, why can kill me?” “异术,你是异人,为何要来杀咱家?” Six grades of screamed loudly. 六档头高声尖叫。 Although the strange people cannot defy the life of greatly profound direct descendant bloodlines, perhaps but is he does not know when becomes enemies with the strange people, located T to a strength Yuan lord surely eight heart to heart 0 ‚ duplicate/restores? 虽然异人不能违抗大玄嫡系血脉之命,但或许是他本身不知何时与异人结仇,对力元主定处了T八心心0‘复? If so, can go round the limit of Imperial Court actually! 如果是这样,倒是可以绕开朝廷的限制! After all the profound emperor is impossible ordering to let the strange people to harm him specially! 毕竟玄帝不可能专门下令让异人不能伤害他! My vagrant, my is martial arts, martial arts!” “侬个瘪三,我这是武功,武功啊!” Wears Aaron of mask to scold one, the tiger claw presses down fiercely. 戴着面具的亚伦骂了一句,虎爪猛地按下。 Roar! 吼! With his movement, the demon tiger Qi Prestige same claw in midair presses down, just like withstanding great pressure! 伴随着他的动作,半空中的魔虎气势同样爪按下,宛若泰山压顶! Moreover, above the tiger claw, many translucent soul bodies wails, roars and curses can see faintly is originally the people of black clothes health/guard! 不仅如此,在虎爪之上,还有诸多半透明的魂体哀嚎、咆哮、咒骂隐隐可以看出都是原本黑衣卫的人! This claw had surpassed the martial arts category completely, lets in six grades of eyes full is desperate! 这一爪已经完全超过了武功范畴,让六档头眼中满是绝望! He is only an average not wonderful martial arts expert, although cultivated dubhe realm, but as before was mortal one! 他只是一个平平无奇的武功高手,虽然修炼到了天枢境界,但依旧是凡人一个! Young lad merit!” “童子功!” Facing this tiger claw, he will urge to send to the limit from martial arts of small cultivation, the hair blasts out, a bulge, is ordinary just like the hedgehog, on both hands supports! 面对这虎爪,他将自小修炼的武功催发至极限,头发炸开,根根凸起,宛若刺猬一般,双手上撑! As dubhe martial practitioner, the internal strength of six grades of heads have reached the pinnacle, all around air flow, indistinct between formed a part of great bear cover, even if the flying arrow cannot wear out! 作为天枢武者,六档头的内功已经登峰造极,四周空气流动,隐约之间形成了一个天罡罩子,纵然飞箭都穿不破! But next quarter. 但下一刻。 Bang! 砰! The tiger claw falls, splashes place dust. 虎爪落下,溅起一地尘埃。 When settles down, in the ground appears a endocrater, only then a bloodstain overflows 等到尘埃落定,地面上浮现出一个巨坑,只有点点血迹四溢 Looked that your stance is very fierce, but also thinks that can keep off my 2-3 moves, weak chicken!” “看你架势挺厉害,还以为能挡我2-3招呢,弱鸡!” Aaron appraises one, swept around the eye to collapse to scatter in all directions the black clothes health/guard of escape to be remaining, turned around to swagger away. 亚伦评价一句,扫了眼周围已经崩溃四散逃命的黑衣卫残余,转身扬长而去。 In the morning. 清晨。 Yang Kuituo the weary body, is returning to the black clothes health/guard station. 杨魁拖着疲倦的身体,返回黑衣卫驻地。 Last night was busy at for night not sleeping, his spiritual some dispiriteds. 昨晚忙了一夜都没有睡觉,他的精神有些萎靡。 When arrives at the main entrance, he blinks suddenly. 来到正门之时,他忽然眨了眨眼睛。 Then big gate? 那么大一个门呢? Where did my black clothes health/guard Boss gate run? 我黑衣卫那么老大一个门跑哪里去了? In his heart had some not good premonition, walks into hastily, discovered that in the ground is lying down everywhere the corpse, some also put on the plain white cloth. 他心中有了些不好的预感,连忙走入其中,发现地面上到处都躺着尸体,有的还披上了白布。 What matter this had/left?” “这这是出了何事?” In youngster Yang Kuixin alarmed and afraid, found a boss to inquire reluctantly. 少年杨魁心中惊惧,勉强找到一个上司询问。 Yang Kui? Up-and-comers?” “杨魁?新人?” This boss recognizes him reluctantly, nods: Last night had the ominous person to rush to the station, but also killed six grades of our here piece of chaos, informed you to come back to forget continually...” 这上司勉强认得他,点点头:“昨晚有凶人强闯驻地,还杀了六档头咱们这里一片大乱,连通知你们回来都忘了…” After all is only the rookie who the training battalion just came out, the establishment also without turning around , there would be no to be regarded the person on one's own side. 毕竟只是训练营刚刚出来的新人,编制都还没有转过来,也就没有被当成自己人。 An important matter, forgot immediately 一出大事,立即就被遗忘了 Ominous person, how many people?” Yang Kui narrows the eye. “凶人,多少人?”杨魁眯起眼睛。 One, possibly is strange people!” “就一个,可能是异人!” This boss lowers the sound: Therefore understood? This possibly is the private feudings of six grades of heads, our manage less, so as to avoid Divine Immortal fights, brings disaster to the mackerel shad!” 这上司压低声音:“所以懂了么?这可能是六档头的私人恩怨,咱们少管,免得神仙打架,殃及池鱼啊!” Yang Kui stands in wooden same place, is looking at that the corpse that places on the stretcher to be lifted: Died so many people, no matter we?” 杨魁木然站在原地,望着那一个个放在担架上被抬出来的尸体:“死了这么多人,我们就不管?” „Can we also manage? Remembering you are only the rookie who just joined.” “我们还能怎么管?记住你只是一个刚加入的新人而已。” The boss facial expression also becomes solemn: „The matter of strange people, has turned over the Pingyang king now completely, you want to manage, ask the Pingyang kings to go!” 上司神情也变得冷峻:“异人的事,现在已经全部移交给了平阳王,你想管,找平阳王去!”
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