TOTM :: Volume #9

#889: Chinese boxing imitating various animal

Thunder Dragon has experienced many things his entire life. 雷龙一生经历过许多事情。 He once coexisted three days three nights with the corpse, once sheared the meat to drink with the homicidal maniac demon, talks of this and that 他曾经与死尸共处三日三夜,也曾经与杀人狂魔割肉下酒,谈天说地 His originally thinks oneself suffering the worldly affairs, have faced anything to take matter easy. 他原本以为自己饱经世情,早已面对任何事都能泰然处之。 But tonight the matter, still exceeds his imagination. 但今晚发生的事情,仍旧超出了他的想象。 Looks how that intruder with sees not like the martial arts of martial arts, after killing the last clear(ly) elder brother, he smiled grieved, discarded the Flintlock in hand: Friend, my Lei acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, how do you actually want?” 看着那个闯入者用怎么看都不像武功的武功,打死了最后一个明昆之后,他惨然一笑,丢掉了手中的燧发枪:“朋友,我雷某认栽了,你到底想怎么样?” Not much, wants to make you die.” Aaron sighed: „A your subordinate hand/subordinate annoyed my person to prevent this trouble got bigger and bigger, finally curled me goes, I chose who strikes the first blow has the advantage, got rid of all sources!” “不怎么样,就是想让你死而已。”亚伦叹息一声:“你手下的一个手下惹到了我身边的人为了防止这个麻烦越变越大,最终将我卷进去,我选择先下手为强,干掉所有的源头!” Thunder Dragon wants to spit blood instantaneously depressed. 雷龙瞬间就郁闷地想要吐血。 Although he is also on the say/way mixes, but if there are little brother to annoy this murderous star, he will not be loyal absolutely, instead will first be little brother sinking river Weijing! 虽然他也是道上混的,但如果有小弟惹上这种杀星,他绝对不会讲义气,反而是先将小弟沉江为敬! At this time wishes one could not to know the vagrant who name killed 100 100, on the face actually has to show the smile: Big shot all these misunderstand! Misunderstanding!” 此时恨不得将不知道名字的小瘪三杀了一百遍啊一百遍,脸上却不得不露出笑容:“大佬这一切都是误会!误会!” Thinks, he said fast: My disciples and followers proliferate gold/metal Hu, I, three bury the gold point...... to leave behind me in some gold/metal Shanghai eight money shop a lot of deposits, I can do many things for the big shot 想了想,他飞快道:“我的徒子徒孙遍布金沪,我在金沪八家钱庄都有大量存款、还有三处埋金点……留下我,我能为大佬做很多事” He after all is the fierce and ambitious, starts to calculate own use value fast. 他毕竟是枭雄,开始飞快盘算自己的利用价值。 Very good condition, even made me have the little heart movement, what a pity, was only little “很不错的条件,甚至都令我有一点点心动了,可惜,也只是一点点而已” Aaron goes forward gradually, suddenly thinks of a matter: Has heard the universe meeting?” 亚伦缓步上前,忽然想到一件事:“听说过乾坤会么?” Has heard, the black clothes protects six grades to make an arrest personally, the Imperial Court Pingyang kings arrived at Pingyang king Bujin are the strange people, was the powerhouse in strange people!” “听说过,黑衣卫六档头已经亲自来抓人,还有朝廷平阳王到了平阳王不仅是异人,还是异人中的强者!” Thunder Dragon eyeball- revolutions, said some information, but has not involved the most important content. 雷龙眼珠—转,说了些情报,但没有涉及最重要的内容。 Obviously, these were buckled by him, prepares chip that treats as to maintain life. 很显然,这些被他扣了下来,准备当做保命的筹码。 You know, but doesn't want to say?” “你知道更多,但不想说?” Aaron also saw Thunder Dragon's idea, laughs at one to ask. 亚伦也看出了雷龙的想法,嗤笑一声问道。 If the big shot is willing to keep my life, whatever Thunder Dragon from now on urges!” Thunder Dragon replied without hesitation, in the past the bludger time mixed the temperament of being liberal with expose incisively. “若大佬愿意留我一命,雷龙今后任凭驱使!”雷龙毫不犹豫地回答,当年混混时候混不吝的脾气展露得淋漓尽致。 Such person, is a poisonous snake, even if keeps the advantage to outweigh the shortcoming, Aaron is also disinclined to pay attention. 这样的人,就是一条毒蛇,哪怕留下来利大于弊,亚伦也懒得理会。 „...” “罢了…” On his face reveals one to make Thunder Dragon smile fearful and apprehensive such being the case makes you have a look at the prestige of my emergence flying immortal technique!” 他脸上露出一个令雷龙心惊肉跳的微笑“既然如此就让你看看我羽化飞仙术之威!” After the tiger crane diphyphyllum fist promotes, has arrived at the prestige to be able the indescribable situation! 虎鹤双形拳晋升之后,已经到了威能莫可名状之地步! In which emergence flying immortal technique, has the chaotic person thought seriously, the energy of long jab will of the people! 其中的羽化飞仙术,当真有着乱人思维,直击人心之能! During Aaron both hands like the Bai He chaotic dance, are dark, there is an inexplicable spiritual exsomatize. 亚伦双手如同白鹤乱舞,冥冥之中,有莫名之精神离体而出。 Thunder Dragon eyes stare in a big way. 雷龙眼睛瞪大。 Why does not know, he sees the Aaron Fist Arts, in the heart appears naturally a great shadow that obstructs day of Bai He! 不知道为何,他看到亚伦的拳法,心中自然而然就浮现出一只遮天白鹤的巨影! This Bai He double crane wing opens, almost blocks the sky. 白鹤双鹤翼撑开,几乎遮天蔽日。 In a flash, innumerable feathers completely all on the wane, exposes the pink flesh 转瞬间,无数羽毛又尽皆凋零,展露出粉红色的血肉 These flesh also in disassimilation and distortion 这些血肉也在异化、畸变 Finally, the pink occupies the sky, that is the unknown indescribable thing! 最终,粉红色占据天空,那是未知的不可名状之物! „!” “啊!” Thunder Dragon is only a mortal, his spirit under this fist intent, was routed instantaneously, falls down shouts loudly. 雷龙只是一个凡人,他的精神在此种拳意之下,被瞬间击溃,倒在地上大喊大叫。 He digs out oneself eye crazily, wants to make the deaf own ear. 他疯狂地挖出自己的眼睛,想要弄聋自己的耳朵。 Because this can not look at and not listen to the thing of that taboo! 因为这样就可以不去看、不去听那禁忌之物! In reality. 现实中。 Thunder Dragon both eyes turn white, the corners of the mouth flow out the saliva. 雷龙双目翻白,嘴角流出口水。 Said that you know about the black clothes health/guard and information of universe meeting, confesses.” “说吧将你知道关于黑衣卫与乾坤会的情报,都交代出来。” Aaron receives the fist slowly, the sound is tranquil. 亚伦缓缓收拳,声音平静。 Emergence flying immortal techniquehence, has routed the spirit of Thunder Dragon thoroughly, after letting him , can only turn into an idiot! ‘羽化飞仙术‘至此,已经彻底击溃雷龙之精神,让他以后只能变成一个白痴! However this indifferent, so long as at this time useful on line. 不过这无所谓,只要此时有用就行了。 „The universe meets the rebellious party to be discovered the trace, in the plaster port.” “乾坤会乱党已经被发现痕迹,就在垩家港。” Thunder Dragon both eyes replied soulless: Six grades of the secret organization person went to monitor the Pingyang kings also to act.” 雷龙双目无神地回答:“六档头已经秘密组织人前往监视平阳王也会出手。” Pingyang king?” “平阳王?” Aaron touches the chin: You knows that the information about Imperial Court strange people said 亚伦摸了摸下巴:“将你知道关于朝廷异人的情报都说出来” Strange people for the profound running dog, seems divided into three big social class say/way to result in a law and France , China- technique...” “异人为玄廷走狗,其中似乎分为三大阶级道中得一法、法中得—术…” „ The Pingyang kings have a favored daughter, before seemed to be harassed by the rebellious party in the nighttime market, is furious especially “平阳王有一爱女,之前在鬼市似乎遭到乱党骚扰,震怒特 Thunder Dragon confessed blurry. 雷龙迷迷糊糊地交代。 Aaron interrogates, confirmed that this person does not have the big value, immediately a palm delivers him to start off, turns around to kill Lei Mansion. 亚伦又盘问一遍,确认此人已经没有多大价值,当即一掌送他上路,转身杀出雷家公馆。 The night wind blows gently. 夜风习习。 Aaron goes through in the darkness with ease, figure before had the momentous change. 亚伦在黑暗中轻松穿行,身形与之前都有了巨大变化。 According to Thunder Dragon's view, the strange people have three big ranks, most preliminarytechnique level ‚, middle France class, and even maximum say/way level! ‚ ‘按照雷龙的说法,异人有三大等级,最低级的‘术级‘、中间的‘法级‘、乃至最高的道级!‘ And, even if lowest technique level strange people, is kills the dubhe like killing the chicken. ‚ ‘并且,哪怕最低等的术级异人,也是杀天枢如同杀鸡。‘ Aaron felt, oneself probably is the technique level strange people. 亚伦觉得,自己大概就是术级异人。 And, the later growth, may want to be slow. 并且,之后的成长速度,可能就要慢下来了。 Before promoted fast, was so long as because obtained the different technique, can surpass the human body limit with ease, hung dozen of dubhes. 之前提升飞快,是由于只要获得异术,就能轻松超越人体极限,吊打天枢。 But later was obviously different. 而之后显然就不同了。 How as for can from the technique level break through to law level, Thunder Dragon does not know the circumstances of the matter. 至于如何才能从术级突破至法级,雷龙则是根本不知情。 As the gold/metal Shanghai local despot, he can know that the information about strange people level, has made Aaron hold in high esteem sufficiently. 作为金沪土皇帝,他能知道关于异人位阶的情报,已经足以让亚伦刮目相看了。 Temporarily family/home port?” “暂家港么?” Aaron muttered one. 亚伦喃喃一声。 The universe meets the regulation southeastern trail to be discovered, to him is not the good deed. 乾坤会程东南的踪迹被发现,对他而言也不是什么好事。 After all, by that total Branch Master integrity, when oneself safety was threatened, definitely will first throw the attraction firepower his scapegoat! 毕竟,以那位总舵主的操守,在自身安全受到威胁之时,必然会将他这个替死鬼先抛出来吸引火力! Leaves his time, are not many! 留给他的时间,已经不多了! Troublesome “麻烦啊” Aaron deeply inspires. 亚伦深吸口气。 Without obtaining this news, he in ignorant, will perhaps greet huge crisis —— to be strange! 若是没有得到这个消息,或许他就会在懵懂之中,迎接来巨大的危机——才怪! After all I have long known that southeast the regulation is not a good person , the plan ran early, is detained, when the time of night of waiting moon/month circle “毕竟我早就知道程东南不是好人,也早打算跑了,之所以滞留,之时等待月圆之夜的时机而已” He raised the head, looked at a moonlight. 他抬头,望了一眼月光。 Dark and windy murder night, does not slaughter my original wishes tonight, but to guarantee is safe has not actually thought that misfortune never come singly.” “月黑风高杀人夜,今夜杀戮非我本愿,只是为了保证本身安全而已却没有想到,一波未平,一波又起。” Such being the case, might as well hit at a later date day, tonight goes to get rid of that what six grades of” “既然如此,择日不如撞日,今夜就去将那个什么六档头干掉吧” Aaron is thinks person who is. 亚伦是个想到就去做的人。 Read hence, his figure booklet, vanished in the boundless dim light of night immediately. 一念至此,他身形一折,顿时消失在苍茫夜色当中。 Yang Kui wears a black clothes health/guard uniform/subdue, somewhat looks in front of the surface not to need anxiously white/in vain, makings gloomy and cold person. 杨魁穿着一身黑衣卫制服,有些紧张地望着面前面白无须,气质阴冷的人。 If his common training battalion graduated died newly, more than ten. 如他一般的训练营毕业新卒,还有十几个。 In brings also to contain a hope callously and suddenly. 一个个眼中带着冷酷、蓦然又蕴藏着点点希冀。 You are me the talent of careful choice from the training battalion, must attend to official duties attentively, gives loyalty to the emperor “你们都是咱家从训练营中精心挑选的人才,务必要用心办差,效忠皇上” Six grades of northern North Korea arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest: Wants studiously, me watch, this time such important contact mission will give you, is to and others the trust, gets down!” 六档头朝北方拱了拱手:“只要用功,咱家都看在眼里,这次将如此重要的监视任务交给你们,就是对尔等的信任,下去吧!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Yang Kui kneels salutes, got hold of the fist secretly. 杨魁跪地行礼,暗暗握紧了拳头。
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