TOTM :: Volume #9

#888: Different technique

The night of moon/month circle. 月圆之夜。 Aaron opens the window, to moonlight. 亚伦打开窗户,正对着月光。 Near the ear the cool breeze blows gently, but also along with sob with odd/surplus Qiu's pitiful yell groaning sound. 耳边凉风习习,还伴随着哭泣与余秋的惨叫哼哼声。 Un...... this boy was broken the leg by Old Man odd/surplus, feared that must call for night to be calm and steady. ‚ 嗯……这小子被余老头打断了腿,怕是要叫上一夜才能安稳。‘ Aaron does not go to manage him, is looking at talisman seal in palm without consulting anybody. This talisman seal surface is the grey together, above uses a scarlet radical, described a strange symbol flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes. 亚伦也不去管他,径自望着手掌中的符篆。这一道符篆表面呈灰色,上面用一种猩红的笔画,龙飞凤舞地描绘了一个奇异的符号。 Gold/Metal Shanghai worthily is the big place, anything can buy, let alone...... the thing of my demand is not a side door. „ “金沪不愧是大地方,什么东西都买得到,更何况……我需求的东西也不算偏门。“ This talisman seal, impressively is Aaron manufactures with " Shocking Book » transcript. 符篆,赫然就是亚伦用《惊世书》抄本所制作。 But tonight, is the moon/month of moon/month circle Aaron waits. 而今晚,也是亚伦所等待的月圆之月。 He is sipping the lip, brings a ceramic large bowl, pours into the clear water toward the bowl. 他抿着唇,拿来一个陶瓷大碗,往碗里倒入清水。 Creation At once, takes this just like ghost talisman drawing general talisman seal, is doing obeisance to moon did obeisance, subsequently lights. „ 旋即,就拿着这张宛若鬼画符一般的符篆,对着月亮拜了一拜,继而点燃。“ Crash-bang! 哗啦! In an ignition light, talisman seal is reduced to ashes, falls into the ceramic large bowl all. 一点火光之中,符篆化为灰烬,尽数落入陶瓷大碗之中。 Aaron is looking at this bowl of talisman water tranquilly. 亚伦平静望着这碗符水 It can be said that after his such a tosses about, in own inspiration, this bowl of talisman water difference, is bad with the same day wax oil teardrops 可以说,经过他这么一番折腾,在自己的灵感当中,这碗符水的异样,已经与当日的蜡油泪珠差 Are not many. 不多了。 „ „ Different technique? But actually must have a look, what thing is? „ Aaron smiles, tosses down talisman water! Bang! ““异术么?倒要看看,到底是个什么东西?“亚伦笑了笑,将符水一饮而尽!轰隆! The next quarter, bunch of complex information, blast out in the Aaron mind. 下一刻,一团团复杂的信息,在亚伦脑海中炸开。 He retrocedes several steps, the eye gives birth to the aquamarine ends of long fine hairs under the moonlight unexpectedly, looks quite scary! 他后退数步,眼睛在月光下竟然生出碧绿色的毫芒,看起来颇为骇人! No matter Aaron actually these. 亚伦却不管这些。 After drinking talisman water, he felt that a Aberration strength raises from the abdomen, corrodes all the limbs and bones. 当饮用符水之后,他就感觉一种诡异的力量从腹中升起,侵蚀四肢百骸。 Meanwhile, his incomplete gold finger had the prompt again: 与此同时,他的残缺金手指再次有了提示: You have obtained the different technique 【你已获得异术 The people strive to defeat a day of law! 人力胜天法! You obtain the different technique three big laws the relevant information!】 【你获得异术三大定律的相关信息!】 Different technique three big laws: First, cultivates different technique to pay the price inevitably, becomes Inhuman „! Second, each different technique has the cultivation population limit, range from one person, to seven people, cultivates with law can the mutual induction position! Third, the different person has the incantation strength, must obey the life of greatly profound Imperial Family direct descendant bloodlines, this different technique covers the effect together!( You already exemption)】 【异术三大定律:一、修炼异术者必然付出代价,成为非人“!二、每一门异术都有修炼人数限制,少则一人,多则七人,修炼同法者能互相感应位置!三、异人身具咒力,必须听从大玄皇室嫡系血脉之命,此乃一道异术覆盖之效果!(你已豁免)】 This what pit father ability?” “这什么坑爹能力?” Aaron swept one, instantaneous speechless. 亚伦扫了一眼,瞬间无语。 Practices the different technique to pay the price, this he has long known. 修炼异术会付出代价,这他早就知道。 But the different technique also same has the perch with the latrine pit unexpectedly, he is not clear. 但异术居然还跟茅坑一样有着占位,他就不清楚了。 From the information, I strives to defeat a day of lawis population least that kind, the cultivation quota, only then a person, I obtain now, so long as I do not die, no one can continue to cultivate...... good pit! „ 从信息来看,我这人力胜天法’是人数最少的那一类,修炼名额只有一人,如今我得到了,只要我不死,就没有人能继续修炼……好坑!“ What pit is last, must obey greatly profound bloodlines it 更坑的是最后一条,必须听从大玄血脉之 Life?...... extremely pit......, but, seeming like, this is some strange people, with effect that the different technique defines? It seems like initially compiled the person of this rule, has arrogant profound Gao Room inevitably! Perhaps is founding emperor! „ 命?……太坑了……不过,看起来,这是某一位异人,用异术限定的效果?看来当初编写这条规则之人,必然出自大玄皋室!说不定就是开国皇帝!“ The strength of different technique is quite mysterious!! 异术之力相当神奇!! Not only and can only be used to attack. 并不仅仅只能用来攻伐。 In fact, in sporadic message that Aaron accepts, many strange different techniques. 实际上,亚伦所接受到的零星消息中,就有不少奇怪的异术。 For example, strengthens the digestion ability enormously, or revises others to remember, and even changes a place weather wait wait/etc. etc.. 比如,极大增强消化能力、或者修改他人记忆、乃至更改一地天气等等等等。 The different technique that this compulsion gives loyalty, was equivalent to all strange people got down incantation! 这种强制效忠的异术,就相当于对所有异人都下了一条咒语! But, since is the different technique, always felt that can break in the final analysis, must search for the means from the different technique...... only then the strange people can resist the strange people! ’! “不过,既然是异术,总感觉能破掉不过归根结底,还是要从异术本身中寻找办法……只有异人才能对抗异人嘛!’! At this time, Aaron looked that from different technique that oneself obtained- The people strive to defeat a day of law! 这时候,亚伦才看向自己获得的异术--人力胜天法! Person strives to defeat a day of law: Designated an own technique, designated, is unmodifiable, so long as diligently, can make this/should technique break through unceasingly!】 May choose the technique at present: hard qi art and tiger crane diphyphyllum fist, abatis, cook and medical technique......】 【人力胜天法:选定自身一门技艺,选定之后不可更改,只要努力,就能令该门技艺不断突破!】【目前可选择技艺:硬气功、虎鹤双形拳、梅花桩、厨艺、医术……】 In fact, can elect also on hard qi art with tiger crane diphyphyllum fist...... choice tiger crane diphyphyllum fist! „ “实际上,能选的也就硬气功跟虎鹤双形拳罢了……选择虎鹤双形拳!“ The Aaron thought makes the choice, 亚伦意念做出选择, At once, he feels, oneself martial arts as if had differently some. 旋即,他就感觉到,自己的这一门武功似乎有了些许不同。 But appreciates carefully, as if anything does not have. 但细细体味,又仿佛什么都没有。 Person strives to defeat a day of law...... to want diligently, to have the harvest......, therefore, can first diligently?” Next “人力胜天法……只要努力,就能有收获……所以,还是必须先努力么?”下 Aaron deeply inspires, exhibits the Chinese boxing. 亚伦深吸口气,摆开拳架。 What he exhibits is the crane Chinese boxing, falls to the ground only fully, both hands such as Bai He bright wing, although concentrates to stand motionless, actually as if, as breeze soaring...... 他摆开的是鹤拳架,单足落地,双手如白鹤亮翅,虽然凝立不动,却又仿佛在随着微风飞翔…… The crane shape fist can cultivation fist intent that this type such as rides the winds and sails about in the void, absolutely is reach a high degree of proficiency, reached the pinnacle. 鹤形拳能修炼到这种如凭虚御风的拳意,绝对是炉火纯青,登峰造极了。 But at this time, in Aaron exhibits the Chinese boxing, he as if appears at present a small prompt: 【The crane shape experiences + 1!】 而此时,就在亚伦摆开拳架之际,他眼前似乎浮现出一个小小的提示:【鹤形经验!】 【The tiger crane diphyphyllum fist experiences + 1!】 【虎鹤双形拳经验!】 Practices along with him unceasingly, prompts one after another, appears by the way that he can understand. 伴随着他不断练习,一道又一道提示,以他能理解的方式出现。 In the Aaron heart appears the infinite inspiration and infinite sensibility, only feels full. 亚伦心中浮现出无穷灵感、无穷感悟,只觉得酣畅淋漓。 Every increases the experience one time, is similar to a paradise, take undivided attention practices boxing for a year! 每一次增加经验,就如同在一处世外桃源,心无旁骛地练拳一年! This progress, simply is the naked eye obvious! 这种进步,简直是肉眼可见! In a flash, the inner strength of his within the body under drive of Fist Arts, starts not to rise and rise voluntarily...... just like without end. 转瞬之间,他体内的内力就在拳法的带动之下,开始不自觉地上涨、上涨……宛若没有尽头。 Phecda and merak in an instant. 天玑、天璇转眼即过。 When waited till the midnight, Aaron stops the Fist Arts, felt that within the body internal energy circle melts such as one, enters does not have to enter. 等到了半夜之时,亚伦停下拳法,感觉体内气机圆融如一,进无可进。 Immediately knows, oneself had reached this world ordinary martial practitioner limit! 顿时就知道,自己已经到了此世普通武者的极限! Dubhe Ancestral Master? Somewhat is actually similar to that gold/metal Shanghai Dojo Total Association Association President that before peeps...... the opposite party it is said is also a dubhe boundary expert. „ “天枢宗师么?倒是跟之前偷窥的那位金沪武馆总协会会长有些相似……对方据说也是一位天枢境高手。“ Aaron muttered. 亚伦喃喃自语。 He kicked the hall also to have the meaningful glance before very much, only in the skill differs in not the big supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting to look for the opponent 他之前踢馆也是很有眼色的,只在功力相差不大的武行中寻找对手 But surpasses truly too, or has dubhe Ancestral Master to assume personal command, only dares to hide in the crowd peeps. 而真正超出太多,或者有天枢宗师坐镇的,就只敢躲在人群中窥视了。 For example that Chief Association President, ’ attraction came by Wukong, but after Aaron sees the opposite party, dropped the same day kicking hall plan directly. 比如那位总会长,就是被悟空’吸引而来,但亚伦看到对方之后,直接就放弃了当日的踢馆计划。 After all...... insists on doing what is impossible, silly! „ The say/way of martial art, performs hence! „ 毕竟……明知不可为而为之,傻!“武学之道,至此尽矣!“ Aaron sighed, was somewhat disappointed, this was the limit of this world military person- dubhe! 亚伦叹息一声,有些怅然,这就是此世武人的极限-天枢! The vigor incomparable circle melts, the harmonious body, enters does not have to enter! If in the ancient times, may call one generation of Ancestral Master, the world respect, does not lower the head to the emperor. 精气神无比圆融,和谐一体,进无可进!如果是在古代,可称一代宗师,天下敬仰,不对皇帝低头。 But after the strange people appear, all changed. The strange people slaughter Ancestral Master, kills the chicken to be the same with the adult! 但当异人出现之后,一切都改变了。异人屠杀宗师,就跟成年人杀鸡一般! When the gunpowder, after the flintlock researches and develops, is so. 而等到火药,火枪研发出来之后就更是如此。 This is in a martial arts world the person despairs, martial art starts gradually to decline the age! 这是一个武林中人无比绝望,武学都开始逐渐式微之年代! Is good because, I am not ordinary martial practitioner.” “好在,我不是普通武者。” The Aaron pupil shines: „ Person strives to defeat a day of law, gives me broken...! „ A he displays the tiger crane again diphyphyllum, the body skeleton crack, sounds together like the tiger crane! 亚伦眸子亮起:“人力胜天法,给我…破!“a他再次施展虎鹤双形,身躯骨骼炸响,如同虎鹤齐鸣! In in Donggong, Aaron the inspiration is also diverging. „ Tiger, verve also......, but wants to resist the different technique, the tiger shape fist is insufficient, by far insufficiently! „ 于动功之中,亚伦的的灵感也在发散。“虎,刚猛之极也……但想要对抗异术,虎形拳还不够,远远不够!“ In Aaron heart just like reappearing a fierce tiger, 亚伦心中宛若浮现出一头猛虎, The tiger shape fist cultivates the pinnacle, is walked to sit lies, is ordinary like a true fierce tiger! 虎形拳修炼到极致,原本就是行走坐卧,都如同一只真正的猛虎一般! Even has the tiger shape Ancestral Master simulation tiger journey, story that the person scares to death! 甚至有虎形宗师模拟老虎出行,将人吓死的故事! But at this time, the tiger actually sound in Aaron heart wheezes fiercely, the body starts to grow spurs layer by layer, the fur/superficial knowledge is all over the body dark, starts to inflate and change great... 但此时,亚伦心中的老虎却猛地响哮一声,身上开始长出一层又一层骨刺,通体皮毛黝黑,开始膨胀、变巨… Tiger shape fist could not have withstood used greatly, cultivated and tried to find out after me year after year, finally weeds through the old to bring forth the the new tiger shape fist, for- The tiger demon refining up the body fist!” “虎形拳已经不堪大用了,经过我长年累月的修炼与摸索,终于将虎形拳推陈出新,是为--虎魔炼体拳!” In the deduction along with heart, the body of Aaron also sends out to explode the bean general sound! 伴随着心中的推演,亚伦的身上也发出炸豆子一般的声响! Moreover! 不仅如此! His figure is also raising, the muscle and skeleton are adjusting, turning is most suitable to display the shape of martial arts, even opened the clothing! 他的身形也在拔高,肌肉与骨骼都在调整,变成最适合施展武功的形态,甚至撑开了衣物! Under the skin, there is an indescribable thing to wriggle 在皮肤之下,有莫可名状之物在蠕动 This scene is very scary! 这场景十分骇人! Aaron actually thinks little, knows that this is own body is extremely powerful, residual effects that but the spiritual or dubhe realm, is unable the control body in every way possible to bring! 亚伦却不以为意,知道这是自己的身体太过强大,但精神还是天枢境界,无法入微掌控身体所带来的后遗症! Therefore, he continues to practice martial arts, starts to practice the crane shape fist!! 因此,他继续练武,开始习练鹤形拳!! After the assiduous cultivation, you promotes the crane shape fist for the emergence flying immortal technique! „! “经过刻苦修炼,你将鹤形拳提升为羽化飞仙术!“! In the Aaron inspiration, he noticed that a Bai He emergence flies upwards, even not only the inflation and inflation...... change into blocks the sky the shadow! 亚伦灵感中,他看到一只白鹤羽化飞升,甚至不但膨胀、膨胀……化为一只遮天蔽日般的黑影! Observed and emulated this to block the sky merely together the form, the Aaron spirit starts to raise and raise...... easily bridged over in boundary loft of mortal. 仅仅只是观摩这一道遮天蔽日之身影,亚伦的精神就开始拔高、拔高……轻易跨过了凡人的界限阁楼之内。 Aaron opens the eyes, in the eye has the fine glow to flash through, achieved the empty room to live white realm impressively! 亚伦睁开双眼,眼中有精芒闪过,赫然达到了虚室生白之境界! The disassimilation that the body fist brings by this spirit realm control mortal body, can completely control the tiger demon to refine, making him maintain the build of normal human. „ Now, do I also calculate the strange people? Does not know in the strange people, is what rank? „ 以此精神境界驾驭肉身,就能完全控制虎魔炼体拳带来的的异化,令他维持着正常人类的体型。“如今,我也算异人了吧?就是不知道在异人之中,算是什么等级?“ Aaron gets hold of the fist, is feeling far exceeded yesterday own strength, muttered. 亚伦握紧拳头,感受着其中远超昨日之自己的力量,喃喃自语。 Next flickers, his form turns out from the window directly, the under foot catches up gently, leaps ten several meters distances, vertical plunders to go through in each roofs. 下一瞬,他的身影直接从窗户中翻出,脚下轻轻发力,就一跃十数米的距离,在各个屋顶间纵掠穿行。 Dongping Street No. 33. 东平街33号。 The entrance has at the back of the policeman team member of flintlock stands guard, nearby the villa some lots of faction members go on patrol, make here stern just like the fortress. But in fact, indeed so. 门口有背着火枪的巡捕队员站岗,别墅附近更有大量帮派成员巡逻,令这里森严得宛若堡垒。而实际上,也的确如此。 Because here is gold/metal Shanghai four big policeman's heads- Thunder Dragon's mansion! 因为这里是金沪四大巡捕之首-雷龙的府邸! Thunder Dragon Faction family background, entered feudal official afterward, uses all might, can crawl until now the position, experienced did not know many assassinations, therefore attached great importance to the personal safety extremely. 雷龙帮派出身,后来入了官府,一路摸爬滚打,能爬到如今位置,经历了不知道多少刺杀,因此对人身安全极其重视。 Around mansion, is only the defense of most surrounding. 府邸周围的喽啰,只是最外围的防御。 In the mansion, the martial arts master of his invitation escorts with high pay, may be called impregnable! 在府邸之中,还有他重金聘请的武林高手护驾,堪称固若金汤! In study room. 书房内。 A kerosene lamp sends out the bright ray. 一盏煤油灯散发出明亮的光芒。 Already over 50 years old, but maintains excellent Thunder Dragon, is sitting on the sofa, in the hand takes the cigar and red wine that transmit from the foreigner. 已经五十多岁,但保养得极好的雷龙,正坐在沙发上,手里拿着从夷人那边传来的雪茄与红酒。 With smoking, his facial expression gradually becomes also leisurely and carefree and comfortable. 伴随着喷云吐雾,他的神情也渐渐变得悠闲而舒适。 Thunder Boss......” “雷老大……” At this time, a person entered the study room, whispered several in Thunder Dragon ear, this thunder Boss expression instantaneous was gloomy: „ Is the black clothes health/guard......, but, we cannot stir up, told the brothers. Recently Capital City came the person, everyone was law-abiding! „ 这时候,一人走进书房,在雷龙耳边低语几句,这位雷老大表情瞬间阴沉下来:“又是黑衣卫……不过,我们惹不起,告诉兄弟们。最近京城来人,大家都安分一点!“ Local despot who although he dares to say gold/metal Hu, but also knows oneself compared with true big profound emperor, is lump of dog shit! 虽然他敢自称金沪的土皇帝,但也知道自己跟真正的大玄皇帝相比,就是一坨臭狗屎! Six grades of that the court eunuch who resulted in Chongxin, dares to call oneself work! 就连六档头那个得了崇信的太监,都敢吆喝自己去做事! Does , the person under the eaves, has to lower the head. Different technique...... the strange people... the universe meet......” 奈何,人在屋檐下,不得不低头啊。“异术……异人…乾坤会……” Thunder Dragon sends the person to leave, oneself arrive at behind the desk, starts to ponder. 雷龙打发人离开,自己来到书桌后面,开始沉思。 He is somewhat excited, but after long time, reveals a forced smile. After all, the different technique holds for profound, when oneself the ti place local tyrant does not have the issue, if dares to bribe this matter, ten die inevitably not fresh! 他有些心动,但良久之后,又是露出一丝苦笑。毕竟,异术为玄廷所掌,自己当倜地方土豪没有问题,若敢染指此事,必然十死无生! Even, the people handling it have no good end. Therefore, Thunder Dragon even makes the little brother help look for the universe to meet the matter of rebellious party is not careful, for fear that knows too, eliminates a potential informant finally! 甚至,就连经手人都没有什么好下场。因此,雷龙甚至就连让小弟帮忙找乾坤会乱党的事都不上心,生怕知道太多,最后被灭口! Do not think that has the merit to have the prize often, the matter that profound dismantles the bridge after crossing also did much. 别以为有功劳就有奖常,玄廷过河拆桥的事也干了不少。 In he ponders, out of the door hears one suddenly stuffily! 就在他沉思之时,门外忽然传来一声闷哼! This stuffy snort/hum, although slight, but listens in Thunder Dragon, actually just like startling thunderclap. His subconscious hand fishes toward the desk , when appears again, are many a modeling fine Flintlock! 这闷哼虽然轻微,但在雷龙听来,却宛若惊雷。他下意识手往书桌下一捞,再出现之时,已经多了一柄造型精美的燧发枪! This is Thunder Dragon large sum of money makes the skilled worker Grandmaster thousand looms build, manufacture excellent, the might is really big. 这是雷龙重金让巧匠大师千机子打造,制作精良,威力甚大。 Even if dubhe Ancestral Master, is not necessarily able to resist this spear/gun! 纵然是天枢宗师,也未必能抵挡这一枪! A spear/gun in the hand, Thunder Dragon felt calmly and steadily, fiercely on the bell according to table instantaneously. 一枪在手,雷龙瞬间觉得安稳了许多,猛按桌上的铃铛。 In the middle of the rapid sound, several person's shadows first threw. 叮铃铃的急促声响当中,数道人影先扑了进来。 When a person, the hand long foot is first long, like the apes and monkeys, in the hand is raising a golden short club, has the Ancestral Master meteorology, is the Xichuan stick law famous expert 当先一人,手长脚长,如同猿猴,手上提着一根金色短棍,颇有宗师气象,乃是西川棍法名家 Yang Tingzhen,- body martial arts before for several years, entered a day of city, now also a knowledge is what kind of realm. 杨庭真,—身武功数年前就入了天城,如今也个知是何等境界 Another person, the skin like the black iron, the body like the iron tower, is gorgeously motionless, hard qi art has reached the pinnacle obviously, is Dafu Temple abandons disciple- clear(ly) elder brother! 另外一人,肤如黑铁,身如铁塔,巍然不动,一身硬气功显然已经登峰造极,乃是大佛寺弃徒-明昆! Dafu Temple is south martial arts world major faction, well-established, 72 unique skills, this clear(ly) elder brother an iron man not bad meritwill cultivate the situation of reaching the pinnacle, hard qi art, can contend with dubhe Ancestral Master it is said. 大佛寺乃南方武林大派,源远流长,有七十二绝技,这明昆将其中一门铁人不坏功’修炼到了登峰造极的地步,一身硬气功,据说能与天枢宗师抗衡。 Last person of tall Bi deepset eyes, unexpectedly are west one foreigner are the India ascetic person! ‚ 最后一人高鼻深目,居然是一个西夷人乃是天竺苦行僧!‘ These three people, were known as jointly Ancestral Master must cherish hatred! Once, the martial arts master, could not get used to seeing Thunder Dragon to be domineering and tyrannical, wants to submerge in the mansion a lesson to him, finally has not seen Thunder Dragon's surface, by these three great expert sending. 这三人联手之下,号称宗师都要饮恨!曾经,就有一位武林高手,看不惯雷龙横行霸道,想要潜入府邸之中给他一个教训,结果连雷龙的面都没有见到,就被这三大高手给打发了。 The next quarter, the gate of study room opens, Aaron however walked leisurely, used in the bloodstain with hand: „ Strength helped the high level end, then got rid of you, can ask me to trouble on no one probably again......, so long as the troublesome manufacturer will first kill, the trouble could not catch up with me forever! Who „ „ are you? „ Thunder Dragon pistol aiming opposite party, but the Yang court real three people have become the potential of triangle, surrounds Aaron all round. 下一刻,书房的门打开,亚伦施施然走了进来,用了用手上的血迹:“力帮高层已经完了,再干掉你,大概也就没有人能再找我麻烦了……只要先将麻烦的制造者干掉,麻烦就永远追不上我!““你是何人?“雷龙手枪瞄准对方,而杨庭真三人早已成三角之势,将亚伦团团包围。 Suddenly! 忽然! Yang Tingzhen signals with the eyes, clear(ly) elder brother the tiger throws immediately, both hands open, just like the pincers, must hug to a Aaron bear. 杨庭真使了个眼色,明昆立即虎扑过来,双手张开,宛若铁钳,就要给亚伦一个熊抱。 Meanwhile, the two thighs of India ascetic person are common just like the python, twine the plate to Aaron. 与此同时,天竺苦行僧的两条大腿宛若蟒蛇一般,缠绕向亚伦下盘。 The short club in Yang Tingzhen hand is dials the grass to seek the snake, ten thousand wonderful with an improper method, point to the eye of Aaron! 杨庭真手中的短棍更是拨草寻蛇,万妙无方,点向亚伦的眼睛! Aaron laughs, the figure makes, copious surges vigorously, clear(ly) elder brother's both hands appear not the normal distortion, the whole person was shaken flies! 亚伦哈哈一笑,身形一挣,一股沛然大力涌动,明昆的双手就浮现出不正常的扭曲,整个人被震飞! The next quarter, he appears in Yang court really front, a tiger claw presses down. 下一刻,他就出现在杨庭真面前,一虎爪按下。 Roar roar! 吼吼! Void just like transmitting a tiger's roar, Yang Tingzhen short club disrupts instantaneously, is his palm, arm and body...... 虚空中宛若传来一声虎啸,杨庭真的短棍瞬间碎裂,然后是他的手掌、手臂、身体…… Aaron backhands a fist, projected on the head of India ascetic person the chest 紧接着,亚伦反手一拳,将天竺苦行僧的脑袋都打到了胸膛里 Bang! 砰! A gunshot! 一声枪响! Aaron lowers the head, looks at own chest, sees only an above flesh creeping motion, stops bleeding fast, puts out several bullets. 亚伦低头,看着自己的胸膛,只见上面血肉一阵蠕动,就飞快止血,吐出几枚铅子。 What ghost thing you... are you? „ “你…你是什么鬼东西?“ Thunder Dragon frightens yelled. 雷龙吓得大叫。 „ Hasn't my devil looked? My this is martial arts, is martial arts! „ „ A Aaron face replied earnestly. bbdbd. “侬个赤佬没看出来么?我这是武功,是武功啊!““亚伦一脸认真地回答。bbdbd。 Only is left over the clear(ly) elder brother face of half life to look at Aaron to restore such as the beginning wound speechless: „Do you manage this named martial arts???” 只剩下半条命的明昆一脸无语地望着亚伦恢复如初的伤口:“你管这个叫武功???”
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