TOTM :: Volume #9

#887: Lends money( 400 make up)

A supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting street was very recently lively. 武行一条街最近十分热闹。 It is reported that brings the monkey mask, saysWukong 据传,有一个带着猴子面具,自称‘悟空 The man, is kicking the hall one after another, has defeated several 的男人,正在接连踢馆,已经击败了好几家 Facility Master. 2 馆主。二 During the noise, Aaron takes off the mask, is 喧嚣当中,亚伦摘下面具,就是一个普普 Young writer entirely, does not close regarding the matter of next door dojo 通通的青年作家,对于隔壁武馆的事情毫不关 The heart, returned to odd/surplus the boss. 心,回到了余老头家。 Recently talisman had manufactured to complete, on the night of moon/month circle 最近符箓已经制作完成,也恰逢月圆之夜 Can start to attempt. 2 可以开始尝试了。二 odd/surplus boss. 余老头家。 Aaron just entered the door, the eyelid jumps. 亚伦刚刚进入房门,眼皮就是一跳。 Because in the courtyard of odd/surplus boss, was standing several azure 因为在余老头家的院子内,正站了几个青 The skin bludger, is looking at Old Man odd/surplus smilingly. 皮混混,嬉皮笑脸地望着余老头一家。 Old Man Yu's wife is grasping the feather duster, just like old mother 余老头的老婆正手持鸡毛掸子,宛若老母 The chicken protects the child to be common, odd/surplus Qiuhu behind. 鸡护崽一般,将余秋护在身后。 What do you want to make? Private breaks into the residents to violate the law! “你们要做什么?私闯民宅是犯法的! odd/surplus rain said loudly: „ Believes me to inform the police station immediately 余雨大声道:“信不信我立即通知巡捕房 , Finds the person to catch you! ,找人来抓你们! Goes.” “去就去。” An green skin bludger opens wide the clothes, reveals the chest, not 一个青皮混混敞开衣服,露出胸膛,毫不 Cares about the said/tunnel: „ Grandfather takes the police station to manage a household, even if goes in 在意地道:“爷爷拿巡捕房当家的,哪怕进去 Squats for several days also there is no..., but your family boy matter, to trouble 蹲几天也没啥…但你家小子这事,可就麻烦 ! 了啊! Old Man odd/surplus sees Aaron, on the face flashes through non- nature, 余老头见到亚伦,脸上闪过一丝不自然, Probably is the shame that the skeleton in closet spreads. 大概是家丑外扬的羞愧。 At this time actually deeply inspires: „ Fall visited prostitute even if such as 此时却深吸口气:“秋儿纵然去嫖了又如 What? This was the loose matter... Imperial Court did not manage since old times. ” 何?这自古便是风流事…朝廷也不管的。” But the school may probably again do that not corrupt the atmosphere “但学校可大概不会再要此等败坏风气的 Students, this reputation, once destroyed, in the future may be unable to make up 学生,这名声一旦毁了,日后可补不回来了啊 , Cannot do well discusses the marriage to be affected continually, but also affects the family member... ,搞不好连议婚都要受影响,还影响家人… This bludger eyes clear bulge, probably a toad, actually one 这混混眼晴凸起,好像一只癞蛤蟆,却一 Center strategic point: „ And... who said that your son played 句句都正中要害:“并且…谁说令郎是玩了 Female teachers? This is his discuss Fu shape... do not snatch, this 女先生了?这是他的辩服状…不要抢,这只 Is transcribing... ” 是抄录的而已…” Old Man odd/surplus received, making nearby rain rapid reader read 余老头接过,让旁边的余雨一目十行地读 Expression white Huhong, pulled out shoe pad suddenly suddenly, goes ruthlessly 了,表情忽白忽红,忽然抽起鞋垫子,狠狠去 Pulls out odd/surplus autumn. 抽余秋。 Pulls out, while also scolded: „ I kill your to throw the street 一边抽,一边还骂:“我打死你这个扑街 Do the young, dare to go with the married woman illicit intercourse unexpectedly? ” 仔,竟然敢去跟有夫之妇私通?” The illicit intercourse, was also grasped unexpectedly at the scene, but also wrote distinguishing 私通还罢了,竟然被当场拿住,还写了辨 Clothing? 服? This is not the pit father, wants his short remaining life simply! 这不是坑爹,简直是要他老命啊! The adulterer of illicit intercourse respectable family, in greatly profound is guilty! 私通良家的奸夫,在大玄可是有罪的! Does not close my matter...” “不关我的事啊…” odd/surplus autumn puts on a long face: „ That was they says the new goods 余秋哭丧着脸:“那是他们说有新鲜货色 How I know that is the respectable family? ” 我怎么知道是良家?” Aaron cold Yang Pangguan, felt that odd/surplus autumn seems like by Immortal Person is jumped 亚伦冷杨旁观,感觉余秋像是被仙人 . 了。 However this child cannot provide lodging the lower part, cannot blame 不过此子管不住自己下半身,也不能都怪 Others. 2 别人。二 The green skin bludger swept Aaron, looks to Old Man odd/surplus one 青皮混混扫了一眼亚伦,又看向余老头一 Family/Home: „ Idle talk were not many said, others must compensate, 50! With 家:“废话不多说,人家要赔偿,五十块!拿 Does not come out, catches your son to see the officer! 不出来,就抓你儿子去见官! Also as if warned that Aaron is particularly saying: „ We are the strength 又仿佛警告亚伦特别说着:“我们可是力 The helped person, the done obeisance adviser walked to pass the relations of thunder Boss, you 帮的人,拜的师爷走通了雷老大的关系,你们 First thinks over. ” 先掂量一下。” Strength help/gang! 力帮! With sea help/gang and water transport help/gang, if has, is gold/metal Shanghai three big faction it 与海帮、漕帮如有,都是金沪三大帮派之 First, comprised of one group of coolies. 一,原本是由一群苦力组成。 Afterward monopolized gold/metal Hu all wharf transporting to live gradually 后来就渐渐垄断了金沪所有的码头搬运生 intent. 意。 It can be said that the strength helps not open the mouth, no one dares to meet the wharf 可以说,力帮不开口,没有人敢接码头的 Lives, many goods also can only pile dead in the cabin cannot get down! 活,再多的货也只能堆死在船舱中下不来! This is a good deed, but after the strength help/gang stands firm, 这原本是一件好事,但力帮站稳脚跟之后 Gang Master with does the big shot to putrefy rapidly, in turn is intense 帮主跟一干大佬迅速腐化,反过来变本加厉 Under oppression strength labor. 5 地欺压手底下力工。五 After all, only then the original person on one's own side, how knows 毕竟,只有原本的自己人,才知道如何最 Deals with one of us ruthlessly! 准最狠地对付自家人! This is family affairs, I first went back to write a book. “这是各位的家事,我就先回去写书了。 Aaron smiles hot tempered, staggers seriously xian young master, mild 亚伦暴躁地笑了笑,当真蹁跹公子,温润 If the jade, returns to loft, opens the door, then closes... 如玉,回到自家阁楼,打开门,然后关上… He is not the softy, this Old Man odd/surplus to him 他又不是什么烂好人,这余老头一家对他 Also no kindness, but is the lessee and landlord relations but 也没什么恩惠,只不过是租客与房东的关系而 Already. 已。 For this helps over others, did the head show tease? 为了这個就帮别人出头,脑袋秀逗了? His own also one pile of matters on body! 他自己都还一堆事在身上呢! No matter the noise of External Realm, Aaron calms the mind, finished writing 不管外界的喧嚣,亚伦静下心来,结束写 Book. 书。 3 Also after writing probably 2000 characters, a knock biography 又写了大概两千字之后,一个敲门声传 Come. 来。 He sets out, in the past opened the door, the discovery was odd/surplus rain, 他起身,过去开门,发现是余雨,身后还 Follows Old Man odd/surplus. 跟着余老头。 Mr. white “白先生” Old Man odd/surplus the color of whole face anxiety, the back seemed lowered the number 余老头满脸愁苦之色,脊背都显得低了数 The minute/share, lowers the head to bend the back the said/tunnel: „ Doesn't know in your hand ample? 分,低头哈腰地道:“不知您手上是否宽裕? 99 99 It seems like or submitted, to... ordinary people also “看来还是屈服了,也对…市井小民还 What means can have? 能有什么办法呢? In the Aaron heart sighed, then asked: „ Does not know to need 亚伦心中叹息一声,转而问道:“不知需 How many wants? ” 要多少?” 15 and 15 Longyang!” Old Man odd/surplus returns hastily “十五、十五块龙洋!”余老头连忙回 Answering. 答。 Ok! “可以! Aaron dislikes troublesome cannot receive this matter, but 亚伦嫌麻烦是不能自己接下这件事,不过 Lending money is another matter. 借钱是另外一件事。 In odd/surplus Qiu's fact border Old Man odd/surplus goes to the load, and... 余秋的事实际上还是余老头去担,并且… ... This money is the minor matter, Aaron in fact and does not care. …这点钱也是小事,亚伦实际上并不在意。 Looks is staying for temporary lodging, calculates in share that is predestined friends. 看在借住一场,也算有缘的份上。 Before he returns to the writing table, opens the drawer, several 他回到写字桌前,拉开抽屉,从中数出十 Five Longyang, gives Old Man odd/surplus. 五块龙洋,交给余老头。・ Old Man odd/surplus choked to immediately cannot speak: „ From mister 余老头立即哽咽至不能言语:“自先生 ... You are anxious, this money I certainly also! …你忧虑,这钱我一定还! Ling Gong is sharp-eyed actually, sees in the drawer rows of sparking 倒是凌功眼尖,望见抽屉中一排排闪亮的 The silver dollar, in the eye as if emitted the brilliance. 2 银元,眼睛中都似乎冒出了光彩。二 Originally writes the novel, makes money? ’ 原来写小说,这么赚钱的诶?’ 3 The frog three go out of Old Man odd/surplus the main house gate, in several pockets full 蛤蟆三走出余老头家门,数着口袋里满满 The silver dollar, on the face smiles to blossom immediately. 1 的银元,脸上顿时笑开了花。一 Third Brother, this really has the perquisite.” “三哥,这家真有油水。” Nearby little brother is also full is the exciting said/tunnel: „ We first 旁边一个小弟也满是兴奋地道:“咱们先 Looks for the family/home tavern to eat greatly, in the evening goes again cheerfully cheerful... 去找家酒馆大吃一顿,晚上再去乐呵乐呵… Which day waits for not to have money, comes this wanting again. 等哪天没钱,再来这家要。 Although receives money, handed over differentiate Fu, but really works as the bludgers 虽然收了钱,也交了辨服,但真当混混们 Will let off Old Man odd/surplus? 就会放过余老头一家么? The people bully the weak and fear the strong. 人都是欺软怕硬的。 And, does to live to might as well do ripe. 并且,做生不如做熟。 Since knows this rich and good grasp, naturally toward 既然知道这一家有钱又好拿捏,自然是往 In dies weeds out! 死里薅! Un, sooner or later, the house of this odd/surplus family/home must turn over to me “嗯,早晚有一天,这余家的房子得归我 Just now looked, but also is really big. ” 们,方才看了,还真不小呢。” Frog three, because some appearance similar frogs, is ranked 蛤蟆三因为长相有些类似蛤蟆,又排行第 Third, therefore acquires fame. 三,因此得名。 His only wish, is becomes in the faction famous big 他唯一的心愿,就是成为帮派中有名的大 The bludgers, then achieve both fame and fortune. 混混,然后名利双收。 At this time touched a black mole on chin, suddenly asked 此时摸了摸下巴上的一颗黑痣,忽然问道 : „ Before Old Man odd/surplus, on hand insufficient, but also asked that lends money that lessee :“余老头之前手头不够,还问借钱那个租客 , As if also very rich... rents in odd/surplus the boss, the explanation ,似乎也挺有钱的…租住在余老头家,说明 Without many relations, is the people from other place... ” 没有多少关系,又是外地人…” Carried out odd/surplus boss ticket, touches again his “等搞完余老头家这一票,就再去摸他的 Bottom. ” 底。” We listen to Boss.” “我们听老大的。” Does the bludger more excited, just like finding other one 一干混混则更加兴奋,宛若找到了另外一 Source of wealth, or gold ore! 个财源,或者说金矿! Finishes barely the words, the opposite as if walked one to wear the fierce tiger 话音未落,对面似乎走来了一个戴着猛虎 The person of mask. 面具的人。 Looks at the figure, seems... 看身形,似乎就是… The frog three have not opened the mouth, saw the young people to run 蛤蟆三还未开口,就见到年轻人跑了起来 , Just like a fierce tiger, throws before oneself several people instantaneously. ,宛若一头猛虎,瞬间扑到自己几人身前。 Puff! 噗噗! The person's shadow flashes, the tiger crane sounds together, is almost the flash, several 人影闪动,虎鹤齐鸣,几乎是一瞬间,几 The bludger, the neck presented the Aberration curve but actually. 个混混就倒了下去,脖子呈现出诡异的弧度。 Murder! ” 杀人啦!” Several passers-by see a mask male facing the street murder, immediately 几个路人看到一个面具男当街杀人,顿时 Frightens scatters in all directions to escape. 吓得四散而逃。 Why... why you must bring about own destruction “为什么…为什么你们非要来自寻死路 ? 呢? The future felt impressively not if too has, comes out with one 来者赫然是感觉不太如有,出来跟一段的 Aaron. 亚伦 When hears the opposite party to shift the goal to own head 自从听到对方将目标转移至自己头上之时 He knows that this matter is unable to be friendly. 他就知道这件事无法善了了。 Therefore makes a move and kill people outrageously! 因此悍然出手、杀人! You must know, you not only killed yourselves, “你要知道,你们不仅仅害死了自己,更 Killed your higher authorities, many many people 害死了你们的上级,还有许多许多人” Aaron sighed, looks circle that in the sky is gradually presenting 亚伦叹息一声,望着天空中逐渐出现的圆 Moon/Month: „ To let the matter breaks here, I drank the symbol late 月:“为了让事情就断在这里,我晚喝了符 After the water, but must hasten to the fair to get rid of your Boss, you 水之后,还得赶场去干掉你们的老大,还有你 Boss Boss, really thinks is quite tired... ” 老大老大,真的想想都好累啊…”
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