TOTM :: Volume #9

#886: Kicks the hall

In front of Aaron, the translucent light screen appears together, is 亚伦面前,一道半透明光幕浮现,正是 His incomplete gold finger. 他残缺的金手指 Just now, he observes and emulates " Shocking Book » transcript is almost fascinated, 方才,他观摩《惊世书》抄本差点入迷, Was gold finger drew him. 就是金手指将他拉了出来。 Discovers " Shocking Book » transcript( remnant)!】 【发现《惊世书》抄本(残)!】 Usage-style: Mind immersive read, you will obtain 【使用方式:心神沉浸式阅读,你将获得 About different technique incomplete information, but the body will present the disassimilation 关于‘异术’的残缺信息,但身躯将出现异化 With the Inhuman characteristics! 】 非人特征!】 In decontamination...】 【消除污染中…】 【Lacking core part, is unable completely to eliminate the price!】 【缺少核心部件,无法完全消除代价!】 In change...】 【更改中…】 Revision is completed!】 【修改完成!】 Usage-style: Soaks this book, makes into the paper pulp, the system 【使用方式:将本书浸泡,打成纸浆,制 Makes the new paper, takes cinnabar and mix to defend the blood of palace, with wool pen 作成新纸,取朱砂、混合守宫之血,以羊毛笔 When draws up talisman, the moon/month circle swallows talisman water to moon/month burning down, but 绘制成符箓,月圆之时对月焚烧吞服符水,可 In order to obtain some incomplete different technique information, the body cannot the disassimilation! 】 以获得部分残缺异术信息,身躯不会异化!】 Direct reading, does the body meet the disassimilation?” “直接阅读,身躯会异化么?” Aaron touches the chin: „ Is the temporary matter 亚伦摸了摸下巴:“强不强是一时的事 , Leads is matter for a lifetime, naturally chooses the second type ,帅不帅是一辈子的事,当然是选择第二种了 However, he thinks of a matter suddenly! 不过,他忽然想到一件事情! Southeast the regulation transcribes «Shocking Book», inevitably also observing and emulating long time 程东南抄录《惊世书》,必然也观摩良久 , Why previous time meets, as if does not have any unusually? ,为何上次见面,似乎并没有什么异常? Is it possible that makes others copy? No, so important it 莫非是让其他人抄的?不,如此重要之 Can the thing, how use somebody as a cat's-paw? 物,怎能假手于人? Therefore... he had some changes probably, but covers up “所以…他大概有了些变化,只是遮掩 Lived, or... his body does not have the disassimilation, but mind disassimilation 住了,或者…他身躯没有异化,但心灵异化 ... Spiritual suturing was strange, compared with mortal body on sutures strangely 了…精神上的缝合怪,比肉身上的缝合怪更 in addition is scary! 加骇人啊! Aaron decides immediately, later must leave southeast the regulation far one 亚伦顿时打定主意,以后要离程东南远一 Point. 2 点。二 As for matter of travelling? 至于跑路的事? At this time has " Shocking Book » transcript of camouflage, he instead 此时身怀伪装的《惊世书》抄本,他反而 Does not dare to walk. 不太敢走了。 Only dares to hide from the regulation knows, Imperial Court certainly in 从程东南都只敢躲藏就知道,朝廷一定在 Has various Shanghai places to be equipped with the strict surveillance, perhaps is unable to monitor every 出沪各处都设有严密监视,或许无法监视每一 But personally, could monitor the different strength trace! 个人,但说不定能监视异力痕迹! At this time brought the book to go out of town again, simply with courting death not different, 这时候再带书出城,简直与找死无异,哪 Feared that is the transcript is also the same! 怕是抄本也一样! Waits for some time again, manufactures talisman, swallows “还是再等一段时间,制作成符箓,吞下 Later go out of town to wonderfully. ’ 之后再出城为妙。’ Next day 翌日 Aaron goes out manages various talisman manufacturing materials. 亚伦出门采办各种制符材料。 Meanwhile, bought a hedgehog hydnum mask conveniently. 与此同时,也顺手买了一个猴头面具。 golden gate Dojo. 金门武馆。 Eldest Disciple Ling Lun wears the jersey, is training does the master 大弟子凌仑穿着练功服,正在训练一干师 Younger brother. 弟。 He is the Master official apprentice, ‚ golden gate meritalready 他是师父的入门弟子,一身‘金门功‘已 After having most likely (80%) durations and degrees of cooking, entered the grade expert. 经有了八成火候,是入了段位的高手。 But his Master, golden gate chivalrous person Lu Lu, once 而他的师父,金门大侠‘路公鲁’,曾经 Is the phecda boundary expert, afterward arranged the arena, ten days of undefeated, this 是天玑境高手,后来摆下擂台,十天不败,这 Founded golden gate Dojo base industry smoothly.? 才顺利创建了金门武馆这个基业。? According to the common sense, this dojo is unable to pass to the master in the future 按照常理而言,这武馆未来是无法传给师 The father children, can only pass to the disciple. 父子女,只能传给弟子的。 Therefore permits learn/study seriously by handling family property special heat 因此许学当真是以打理自己家业特别的热 The sentiment, defends a household of dog to guard the dojo specially, treats to teach the disciple 情,守户犬特别看守着武馆,对待教导弟子也 Very attentive. 很用心。 However, in the dojo the disciple also divides the rank. 不过,武馆中弟子也分等级的。 That type only hands over several Longyang to study the military every month, is 那种每个月只交几块龙洋来学武的,是最 The low level disciple, can only study some martial arts stance, the hardship physique. 低级的弟子,只能学些武功招式,打熬筋骨。 But can understand to cultivate the behavior when study the military, invites Senior Brother 而能在学武之时懂得做人,请各位师兄 Often the flower difference deep and clear liquor, the gift, can pass on at holidays 常花差潇酒,逢年过节还有礼物的,就可以传 Gives 12 moves of trump card, even can please enter section Senior Brother to help 授一两招杀手锏,甚至可以请入段的师兄 Fist. 拳。 Finally, settled on by Master truly, receives for the disciple of apprentice 最后,真正被师父看中,收为徒弟的弟子 , Can result in passes on the golden gate merit, brings forth the inner strength to enter the section, and even charges into ,才能得传金门功,练出内力入段,乃至冲向 Higher. 更高。 And, even if in apprentice, there is a difference. 并且,哪怕入室弟子之中,也有区别。 For example only passed on first several golden gate merit, the position revealed 比如只传了前几层的金门功者,地位就显 However was inferior that Ling Lun this was taught the unabridged book Eldest Disciple. 然不如凌仑这个被传授全本的大弟子 Eldest Senior Brother, is not good 大师兄,不好了” At this time, a disciple ran from the front door position calmly busily 这时,一個弟子慌镇定忙地从大门位置跑 : Some people... have person 了进来:“有人…有人” Finishes barely the words, two disciples were scored the dojo, from outside 话音未落,两个弟子就被踢进武馆,从外 The surface walks a person who wears the white jersey, on the face brings 面走进来一个身穿白色练功服的人,脸上带着 Monkey mask. 猴子面具。 Who are you? ” 你是什么人?” Ling Lun beckons with the hand, the full house disciples stopped, static 凌仑一摆手,满场弟子都停了下来,静静 Gazes is coming the person. 注视着来人。 Breaks rock waste not Wukong... my Wukong, comes to kick “打破顽石不悟空…我名悟空,前来踢 Hall! ” 馆!” ! 啪! Finishes speaking, the monkey face mask person kicks on the under foot. 话音刚落,猴脸面具人就脚下一踢。 Center pebble the inscribed horizontal tablet of dojo, writesmy martial Wei 一枚石子正中武馆的匾额,写着‘我武惟 The inscribed horizontal tablet that raises, divides into two instantaneously. Mouth 扬的匾额,瞬间从中一分为二。口 Damn! “该死! Ling Lun sees this, the eye was clearly red. 凌仑看到这一幕,眼晴都红了。 In the middle of supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting, even if kicks the hall to have rule, must 武行当中,哪怕踢馆都有规矩,必须一家 The family/home comes, moreover must throw salutation missive ahead of time, invited the notary public, finally 家来,而且还要提前投拜帖,请公证人,最后 The losers please eat meal... 输家请吃饭… If can kick defeat half a dojo of street, that even 如果能将一条街的武馆踢败一半,那就算 The dojo of this street recognized losing, is willing to slice to be new 这条街的武馆都认了输,愿意分一杯羹给新来 Fist Master opens the dojo to accept the disciple. 拳师开武馆收徒。 This Wukong does this, does not take rule simply, when returns 这个悟空如此做,简直就是不拿规矩当回 Matter! 5 事啊!五 ! 呼! The golden gate merit is fastidious about the movement, Ling Lun's movement is extremely quick, in an instant 金门功讲究身法,凌仑的身法极快,转眼 In the middle arrives in front of Aaron, town/subdues fontanel works as the skull 间就来到亚伦面前,一手‘镇天门’当头盖 Next. 下。 Thistown/subdues fontanel ‚, similarly is killing in golden gate merit 这一手‘镇天门‘,同样是金门功中的杀 Incurs, is displayed by permits learn/study this Eldest Senior Brother, has imposingly 招,由许学这个大师兄施展起来,更是凛然有 Prestige, such as with wind and thunder. 威,如携风雷。 Eldest Senior Brother is great.” 大师兄好样的。” Other one does the apprentice, sees this, encircled 其它一干学徒,看到这一幕,不由围了过 Come, applauds. 来,纷纷叫好。 But the next quarter, they see that mask person figure as if 但下一刻,他们就看到那个面具人身形宛 If the spirit crane soars, dexterous passed over gently and swiftly Eldest Senior Brother 若灵鹤般一飞冲天,轻轻巧巧就掠过了大师兄 Even the foot still stepped on a foot in the forehead of Eldest Senior Brother sharp! 甚至足尖还在大师兄的脑门踩了一脚! Bang! 砰! The huge gravity kicks and beats the strength in addition, making Ling Lun basic 巨大的重力加上踢打力量,令凌仑根本来 Is less to respond, the knees kneel on the ground, sends out a big sound. 不及反应,双膝跪在地上,发出一声大响。 Eldest Senior Brother...” 大师兄…” Was hit kneels begs for mercy? “被人打得跪地求饶了? The surrounding disciple calls out in alarm in abundance. 周围弟子纷纷惊呼。 But is the evening however eye rises as Ling Lun of vision focus point clearly 而作为目光聚焦点的凌仑则是暮然眼晴涨 Red, hyperemia... goes crazy to crawl, charges into Aaron. 红、充血…发疯已头爬起,冲向亚伦 Your heart is chaotic “你的心已经乱了” Aaron is sideways, the right hand becomes the arisaema heterophyllum, pats in Ling Lun's nape of the neck 亚伦侧身,右手成虎掌,拍在凌仑的脖颈 Position. 位置。 This dojo Eldest Senior Brother instantaneous eyes turn white, faints 这位武馆大师兄瞬间双眼翻白,昏死过去 In the dojo, becomes the unrest to get up immediately. 武馆之中,顿时变得更加骚乱起来。 Several young people were thrown into confusion to lift Ling Lun, 几个年轻人手忙脚乱地将凌仑抬了回去, Not long, a wear embroiders the copper coin long gown, wears snow white Beard 没有多久,一个穿着绣铜钱长袍,留着雪白胡 Must, grasp the amethyst gold sand pot, had the manner old man to walk very much 须,手持紫玉金砂壶,很有派头的老者走了出 Come. 来。 Sees Aaron, his brow wrinkles instantaneously: „ This friend 看到亚伦,他眉头瞬间皱起:“这位朋友 , Since entered a day of position, why can also feel embarrassed with the young apprentice? ” ,既然入了天位,为何还要与小徒为难?” My this time, but to discuss martial art, “我这次来,只是为了探讨武学,既 Minute high, also decides the life and death. ” 分高下,也决生死。” Aaron crosses the hands behind the back to stand, a school of Ancestral Master style: „ Today... 亚伦负手而立,一派宗师风范:“今日… ... You, if wins fortunately, if defeats... ” …你若胜还好,若败…” Finishes barely the words, he has exhibited the crane shape, an approach. 话音未落,他已经摆出鹤形,一个助跑。 In the halfway, the crane shape transfers the tiger shape instantaneously! 于半路之中,鹤形瞬间转为虎形! Roar roar! 吼吼! The tiger taking advantage of the circumstances, increases the ominous prestige! 虎借风势,更增凶威! „... Jinmen Town eight sides! “啊…金门镇八方! golden gate chivalrous person permits Xuequn has not thought that the opposite party said hits 金门大侠‘许学群’也没有想到对方说打 Hits, but he responded is extremely quick, instantaneous both hands just like remnant shadow, horizontally 就打,但他反应极快,瞬间双手宛若残影,横 Sweeps eight sides. 扫八方。 Bang bang! 砰砰! Two people fight one time, has staggered, stands firm respectively. 两人一次交手,已头错开,各自站定。 permits Xuequn sudden complexion one white, spouts a blood. 许学群突然脸色一白,喷出一口鲜血。 Lu Lu, you are old, really disappoints me... “路公鲁,你已经老了,真是让我失望… Aaron turns around to leave, has not looked at Lu Lu who falls to the ground again one 亚伦转身离开,并未再看倒地的路公鲁一 Eye. 眼。 This once five phecda boundary experts, after old, solid 这位曾经的五段天玑境高手,老了之后实 The strength regressed is also fierce. „ 力退步得也太厉害了。“
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