TOTM :: Volume #9

#885: Total Branch Master( college entrance examination refuels!)

Had/Left the nighttime market, Aaron sped away. 出了鬼市,亚伦一路疾驰。 At this time late at night, even if were gold/metal Hu also extinguishes 此时正是深夜,哪怕是金沪也熄灭了 Large number of lights. 大量的灯火。 No one notices together the clever form, vertical plunders 没有人注意到一道灵巧的身影,纵掠 In the middle is ordinary just like the spirit crane, goes through in main street and small alley. 间宛若灵鹤一般,在大街小巷中穿行。 Suddenly, the Aaron footsteps stop. 忽然,亚伦脚步一停。 His ear moved, heard one extremely slightly 他耳朵一动,听到了一个极其轻微的 Sound of footsteps: What person?” 脚步声:“什么人?” Fierce, can discover me unexpectedly, at least is “厉害啊,竟然能发现我,至少是个 Enters martial practitioner, this time fished to a big fish. ” 1 入段武者,这次钓到一条大鱼了。”一 A black clothes health/guard goes out from the shadow, on the face brings 一名黑衣卫从阴影中走出,脸上带着 The smile of teasing: „ Said why... you are staring at that 戏谑的笑容:“说…你为什么盯着那个 Did the corner mark look? ” 墙角印记看了?” What are you saying? I cannot understand.” “你在说什么?我听不懂。” Aaron frowns, cold sound replied. 亚伦皱起眉头,冷声回答。 Do not install, that universe speaks the cipher, assigns “不要装了,那个乾坤会暗号,指定 The place our six grades have the ambush early... his old person 的地点我们六档头早有埋伏…他老人 Family/Home divine strategy, but also makes us stare at that wall, looks 家神机妙算,还让我们盯着那面墙,有看 Arrived the mark, the figure stops, immediately changes the direction, 到标记,身形停顿,立即更改方向的,就 Is the big fish! ” 更是大鱼!” The black clothes health/guard licked the lip: „ I also think 黑衣卫舔了舔嘴唇:“原本我还以为 Is the accident/surprise, but now, I determined, you do certainly 是意外,但现在,我确定了,你一定是乾 The high level of Kun meeting! ” 坤会的高层!” Finishes barely the words, he gust of wind heads on at present! 话音未落,他眼前疾风扑面而来! Is a tiger claw has actually arrived his at present, refers to 却是一只虎爪已经来到他的眼前,指 The armor broken wind, has the terrifying power that can open up the stomach! 甲破风,带着能开膛破肚的恐怖力量! Originally while the black clothes health/guard speech, Aaron 原来早在黑衣卫说话的同时,亚伦 The double crane bright wing approach, has rushed to his front, that 已经双鹤亮翅地助跑,冲到他的面前,那 Under the white styles of makeup of smooth line, impressively is pair of pale 流畅线条的白色脸谱之下,赫然是一双淡 The eye of desert. 漠的眼睛。 You know were too many. “你知道的太多了。 Aaron both hands grasp, has not caught this black clothes health/guard. 亚伦双手一抓,没有抓到这黑衣卫。 The opposite party movement is ordinary like the sea-monster, fended ingeniously 对方身法如同游鱼一般,巧妙闪避了 Expunging. 开去。 But in the flash of dodging, the Aaron claw is the palm 但就在闪避的一瞬间,亚伦化爪为掌 , Flies high a racket! ,凌空一拍! ! 噗! The black clothes health/guard spouts a blood directly: „ No... 黑衣卫直接喷出一口鲜血:“不… Was this... you had entered a day of position? ” 这是…你已经入了天位?” Just now, although Aaron has not grasped the black clothes health/guard strategic point 方才,亚伦虽然没有抓中黑衣卫要害 , But the inner strength flies high the stimulation, injured him instantaneously! ,但内力凌空激发,还是瞬间伤到了他! In his heart regretted immediately. 他心中顿时后悔。 If we had known the enemy is so fierce, should not accept bribes 早知道敌人如此厉害,就不应该贪墨 This merit! 这份功劳! However although spits blood, but the black clothes health/guard is with every effort instead 不过虽然吐血,但黑衣卫还是尽力反 Strikes, his palm dark red like blood, racket to Aaron. 击,他手掌一下殷红如血,拍向亚伦 Aaron is sideways to avoid the strategic point slightly, to body quilt 亚伦略微侧身避开要害,任凭身上被 In this blood palm racket, sends out to stroke the skin drum general sound 这血手掌拍中,发出击打皮鼓一般的声音 Baishu soaked the liquid medicines since childhood, arranges the sitat side to practice, finally 白术自幼浸泡药水,排打横练,终于 Practices hard qi art of copper sheet iron bone! 1 练出来一身铜皮铁骨的硬气功!一 Although cannot defend the sharp sword and flintlock, 虽然不能防御锋利的刀剑以及火枪, But facing blunt instrument attack, and even in martial arts world the fists and feet of person, 但面对钝器攻击、乃至武林中人的拳脚, Can reduce the injury effectively. 还是能有效减少伤害。 But at this time spells is eating opposite party several palms, is naturally rapid 而此时拼着吃对方几掌,自然是要迅 Fast ended the fight, so as to avoid the enemy reinforcements arrive! 速结束战斗,免得敌人援兵到来! Bang bang! 砰砰! Among the electric light flint, thinks of this in this black clothes health/guard 电光火石之间,在这名黑衣卫想到这 One point time, he has seen the finger of opposite enemy 一点的时候,他已经看到对面敌人的手指 to become Huixing, pecked ruthlessly on his eye! 成喙形,狠狠啄在了他的眼睛上! ! 噗! “Ah!” “啊!” The black clothes health/guard grasps a clear pitiful yell, next quarter actually by inferior (Asia) 黑衣卫抱住眼晴惨叫,下一刻却被亚 A claw according to day spirit strategic point, just like mud generally but actually 伦一爪按在天灵要害,宛若烂泥一般倒了 Getting down. 下去。 At this time, Aaron coughed several, on the face appears 这时候,亚伦才咳嗽几声,脸上浮现 Has not normal blushing, turns around to depart fast. 出一阵不正常的红晕,转身飞快离去。 000000 000000 In the alley returns to normal. 小巷中又恢复平静。 A moment later, more black clothes health/guard pursued: 片刻之后,更多的黑衣卫追了过来: „Not good... outstanding Qishou to be killed...” “不好…卓旗首被杀了…” Waste!” “废物!” Clothes sleeve flutters, facial features gloomy and cold six grades of arrive 衣袂飘飞中,面容阴冷的六档头来到 But on the spot, sweeps slightly, knows how to return 现场,只是略微一扫,就知道是怎么回 Matter. 事。 Corrupt merit advances recklessly, alone pursuit also... “贪功冒进,独自追击也就罢了… Was also discovered by the opposite party, instead massacres directly, seriously yes 偏偏还被对方发现,直接反杀掉,当真是 Is good , is very good 好得很,好得很啊” All around black clothes health/guard lowers the head, knows this six 四周黑衣卫纷纷低下头,知道这位六 A files smile is bright, more represents its innermost feelings to be angry, 档头笑容越是灿烂,越代表其内心愤怒, Easy to vent anger others, at this time does not dare to be many a few words 容易迁怒他人,此时连一句话都不敢多 Said. 说。 Looks for the best hunting dog and policeman, along here “去找最好的猎犬与巡捕,沿着这里 Starts to look, even if turns the sod three chi (0.33 m), must give us that person 开始找,纵然挖地三尺,也要将那人给咱 The family/home looks! ” 2 家找出来!”二 Six grades of stern voices and appearances, look suddenly to the nighttime market. 六档头声色俱厉,忽然又看向鬼市。 Bang! 嘭! One colorful Fireworks, impressively in that side 一蓬五颜六色的烟花,赫然在那边的 In the sky blasts out. 天空中炸开。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Six grades of the black cloak flap flap makes noise behind: 六档头身后黑色的披风猎猎作响: In the nighttime market discovered universe meeting surviving member? ” 鬼市之中又发现了乾坤会余孽?” Report!” “报!” A black clothes health/guard catches up at high speed, kneels in the place 一名黑衣卫快马加鞭地赶来,跪在地 On reported: „ Six grades of heads, discovered the universe in the nighttime market 上禀告:“六档头,在鬼市又发现了乾坤 Meets the rebellious party, but also... also alarmed the Pingyang king princess! 会乱党,还…还惊扰到了平阳王郡主! Pingyang king princess?” “平阳王郡主?” Six grades of expressions one startled, shot a look at the death of ground bitterly 六档头表情一惊,恨恨瞥了地上的死 Corpse: „ Most people first go back with me, stay behind 尸一眼:“大部分人先跟咱家回去,留下 One team of people guard the scene. ” 一队人看守现场。” The round trip catches up, while in the heart is also calculating. 一边往回赶,一边心中也在盘算。 gold/metal Hu the black clothes health/guard is not quite sufficient, is it possible that must let that 金沪的黑衣卫不太够用,莫非要让那 Some fresh blood also ended the training and consolidation ahead of time, comes out informed and experienced? 些新血也提前结束整训,出来历练? !” “呼!” Under a bridge. 一处桥下。 Aaron throws into the bloodstained mask the river, subsequently transfers 亚伦将染血的面具丢进河中,继而转 The body, goes to odd/surplus the boss. 1 身,前往余老头家。一 He studied independently many medical technique, gives itself to diagnose not 他自学了不少医术,给自己诊断并没 Some major problems. 有多大问题。 Baishu hard qi art, shoulders black clothing maker several moves hardly 白术一身硬气功,硬扛黑衣工数招也 It is not the important matter. 不是大事。 Truly by injury, but also without before projected on by the bird blunderbuss 真正论伤害,还没有之前被鸟铳打到 A spear/gun is serious. 一枪严重。 Was only... I as if comes to mistakenly the place.” “只是…我似乎来错了地方。” This gold/metal Hu is place is apt to get into trouble, or “这金沪就是一个是非之地啊,要不 Leaves as early as possible? ” 2 还是趁早离开吧?”二 Arrives at odd/surplus the boss, Aaron shoves open the front gate. 来到余老头家,亚伦推开院门。 At this time, in the Lord room really also had the light. 这时候,主屋中竟然还有灯光。 Who?” “谁?” odd/surplus rain ran, sees is Aaron, somewhat startled 余雨跑了出来,见到是亚伦,有些惊 Being astonished: „ Does Mr. white, how come back today late? 讶:“白先生,今日怎么回来得这么晚? For Yearning for gold/metal Shanghai is lively, slightly somewhat forgot the time. “留恋金沪繁华,略有些忘了时间。 Aaron hit, wants to return to the pavilion 亚伦打了個哈哈,就想回到自己阁 Building. 1 楼。一 A odd/surplus rain eyeball revolution: „ Can it be that mister went to the female 余雨眼珠一转:“先生莫不是去了女 In the house hall of mister? ” 先生的寓馆中?” „...” “咳咳…” Aaron coughs: „ A your girl, what's wrong 亚伦咳嗽一声:“你一个女孩子,怎 Knows that place? 么知道那种地方? What does this have?” odd/surplus rain replied deprecatingly “这有什么?”余雨不以为意地回答 Elder Brother has gone several times, but also stole the home money “哥哥就去过好几次,还偷了家里的钱 Do not speak irresponsibly.” “不要乱说。” This saying has not said, odd/surplus autumn does not know from assorted 这话还没有说完,余秋就不知道从什 The place runs, is covering younger sister's mouth. 2 么地方跑出来,捂着妹妹的嘴巴。二 Aaron seized the chance own loft, hid in little building 亚伦趁机进了自己的阁楼,躲进小楼 Becoming unification, no matter out of the window spring and autumn.. 一统,不管窗外春与秋。。 Afterward, even/including Mr. Yu and his wife were also as if quarrelled 只是后来,似乎连余老头夫妇也被吵 Awakes, then starts to be foul-mouthed. 醒,然后就开始骂骂咧咧的。 What young devilandOld Ghost three and so on 什么‘小赤佬”、‘老鬼三’之类的 The name is lingering on faintly.. 称呼不绝于耳。。 No matter Aaron also these, but returned to normal a heart 亚伦也不管这些,只是平复了一下心 The sentiment, sits cross-legged subsequently on the bed: „ It seems like... indeed should 情,继而盘坐在床上:“看来…的确应 This shift. ” 该转移了。” Next day. 翌日。 Aaron lives in seclusion, declared to the outside writes to be small earnestly painstakingly 亚伦深居简出,对外宣称埋头苦写小 Said, occasionally goes out to buy an herbal medicine, treats the injury. 说,偶尔出去买点草药,治疗伤势。 Fifth day time, he hears that side the nighttime market 只是第五天的时候,他听到鬼市那边 In something, had the policeman to make an arrest, immediately also thinks 发生了一些事情,有巡捕抓人,顿时也觉 Must be a little strange. 得有点奇怪。 After all, sounds the goal not to seem like his type 毕竟,听起来目标似乎不是他的样 . 子。 Un, they in any case what must grasp is the universe meets the rebellious party “嗯,反正他们要抓的是乾坤会乱党 white does Xuan, what relations have with my Baishu? ’ 白玄,跟我白术有什么关系?’ Aaron is raising a roast chicken, one bag of steamed buns, return 亚伦提着一只烧鸡,一袋馒头,回到 odd/surplus boss. 余老头家。 Suddenly, his expression changes. 忽然,他表情一变。 Because in odd/surplus the boss corner, is squatting to wear 因为在余老头家墙角,正蹲着一个戴 The man of felt hat, is seeming like finds at everywhere probably 着毡帽的汉子,看起来就好像随处可见的 Coolies. 苦力。 But the body faint makings, actually betrayed him completely 但身上隐隐的气质,却完全出卖了他 Aaron thinks, arrives in front of this person. 亚伦想了想,走到这人面前。 „The universe is limitless, the righteous qi exists forever!” “乾坤无极,正气长存!” This person sees Aaron, gesticulated directly a hand signal 这人看见亚伦,直接比划了一个手势 After seeing this, Aaron sighed. 看到这一幕之后,亚伦叹了口气。 This is the attachment cipher of universe meeting, the opposite party, since energy 这是乾坤会的接头暗号,对方既然能 Found here, he hid also does not have any meaning again 找到这里来,他再躲躲藏藏也没有什么意 Italy. 义了。 Walks!” “走吧!” Aaron nods, making this coolie guide in front. 亚伦点点头,让这苦力在前面带路。 Two people seven in the alley turn eight to turn, arrives at one 两人在弄堂中七拐八拐,就来到一条 small riverbank. 小河边。 The coolies blew several whistlings, sees black Peng 苦力吹了几个口哨,就见到一条乌篷 The ship from goes to come slowly somewhere. 船缓缓从某处行驶而来。 Aaron walked, enters in the cabin, sees 亚伦走了上去,进入船舱之内,就见 Quite had the youth of affinity to one, is looking with a smile 到了一个颇有亲和力的青年,正含笑望着 He: Say/Way it, did you come?” Four 他:“道之,你来了?”四 Say/Way it, ischaracter that white Xuan makes up wild stories 道之,是白玄胡诌的‘字 Southeast the regulation called white Xuan, obviously was intimate. 程东南如此称呼白玄,可见亲近。 Total Branch Master!” “总舵主!” Aaron advanced a ritual, this sits down, roast chicken 亚伦先行了一礼,这才坐下,将烧鸡 Places on the table, slowly rips open to eat. 放在桌上,慢慢撕开来吃。 Oh... do not call me total Branch Master, initially we “唉…不要叫我总舵主,当初我们 Ten the big brothers righteousness ties the sworn brother, resolves the counter- profound, what kind of spirit 十大兄弟义结金兰,立志反玄,何等意气 Energetic? Actually without thinking is only short several months, folds 风发?却没有想到只是短短数月,就连折 Many brothers 了许多兄弟” Regulation southeastern eye socket one red, almost must shed tears: 程东南眼眶一红,几乎要流下眼泪: Initially you stayed behind on own initiative bring up the rear, afterward how, with “当初你主动留下断后,后来如何了,与 When horse does converge? ” 马当汇合没有?” Such remarks, Aaron quickly grasps the meaning of something. 此言一出,亚伦就是一个激灵。 „ Does horse work as? Had been killed by me! Always “马当?早就被我打死了啊!难道总 Hasn't the rudder received the message? ’ 舵没有收到消息?’ This also has the possibility actually, after all the universe will not have “这倒是也有可能,毕竟乾坤会还没 Has that ability to proliferate branch greatly unreliably, and southeast regulation 有那个能力将分舵遍布大玄,而且程东南 Has been hiding here and there, drifts about destitute..., 一直都在东躲西藏,颠沛流离…, He is just about to open the mouth to lie, said before and horse, when dispersed 他正要开口撒谎,说之前与马当分散 , Does not feel suddenly right. ,忽然又觉得不对。 The universe meeting can find him, obviously the potential influence is big 乾坤会能找到他,显然潜在势力不小 . 的。 On the same day when the fist executed the horse worked as, there is a circlet with massively 当日拳毙马当之时,又有小环跟大量 The universe meeting member sees, oneself again string, 乾坤会成员看到,自己再说谎话,岂不是 It seems afraid? 显得心虚? Read hence, on the Aaron face appeared indignant it 一念至此,亚伦脸上就浮现出气愤之 Color: „ Horse , before is not the good person..., I stay behind for the brother 色:“马当不是好人…之前我留下为兄 The younger brothers bring up the rear, therefore the severe wound, he wants to throw down me unexpectedly from 弟们断后,因此重伤,他居然想丢下我自 Oneself escape, afterward, my injury changed for the better, wants to leave, 己逃命,后来,我伤势好转,想要离开, He stops inadequately, got down the extreme methods unexpectedly directly... I 他阻拦不成,竟然就直接下了死手…我 Suspected that he is the profound spy! Lets slip him incautiously 怀疑他是玄廷的奸细!一不小心失手将他 Killed! ” 打死了!” Has this matter unexpectedly?” The regulation southeastern brow is pressed, resembles “竟有此事?”程东南眉头蹙起,似 Was pondering , seems to be sad: „ Brother horse in the past 乎在思考,又似乎在伤心:“马兄弟当年 Sanctifies an oath by smearing blood with us together, has not actually thought that 是与我们一起歃血为盟的,却没有想到, Finally falls to so situation 最后落到如此地步” His tone as if stems from most sincerely, but Aaron actually felt 他语气似乎出于至诚,但亚伦却感觉 Absolutely terrified: 一阵毛骨悚然: This person... some are not right. 这个人…有些不对。 Perhaps he had long known in the ruined temple one of the “他恐怕早就知道了破庙中发生的一 Is waiting for me. ’ 切,就等着我呢。’ 1 Now, is looks at me to choose also good, and day living person “现在,是看我选择还行,并旦活人 Also is more valuable than the deceased person, prepared so final judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buried 也比死人有价值,就准备如此盖棺定论了 But at this time looks at his emotion, unexpectedly probably is real 但此时看他情感,居然好像都是真 If really wants to deceive people, first deceives itself? ’ 2 的,果然要想骗人,先骗自己么?’二 In Aaron heart thousand chapters of hundred revolutions, in surface, actually only energy 亚伦心中千回百转,表面上,却只能 Similarly makes the sad color. Mouth 同样做出悲戚之色。口 After the moment, the regulation southeast wiped tears: „ Horse works as 片刻后,程东南擦了擦眼泪:“马当 Also perishes, I must to take care of his old mother, by the entire filial piety 既亡,我还要让人照顾其老母,以全孝道 ... Brother white you can come the gold/metal Shanghai buyers actually I, my heart really …倒是白兄弟你能来金沪帮我,我心甚 Consoles. ” 慰啊。” Total Branch Master but has a life, bounden!” “总舵主但有所命,义不容辞!” Aaron pays respects say/way. 亚伦一拜道。 At this time he will certainly not say anything prepare 此时他当然不会开口说什么自己准备 Withdrawn words. 退出的话。 Is the rebellion group, said that withdraws withdraws, opens plays 都是造反团体,说退出就退出,开玩 Smiles? 笑呢? Believed a oneself such saying, regulation southeast 信不信自己这么一说,程东南现场就 Gets angry? 翻脸? Good brothers.” “好兄弟。” Southeast the regulation grabs the hand of Aaron with emotion: „ Numerous institutes 程东南感动地抓着亚伦的手:“众所 Is known by everybody unreliably... founds a nation toward the by different technique, I and others wanted to revolt 周知…玄朝以异术立国,我等想要反抗 Also must have the different technique... the present Pingyang kings to arrive at the gold/metal 也必须拥有异术…如今平阳王亲临金 Shanghai suppression, for brother hand «Shocking Book» on, feared that is insurance 沪镇压,为兄手上的《惊世书》,怕是保 Does not live in... my goal is too big, attracts the firepower for you 不住了…我目标太大,为你们吸引火力 You bring «Shocking Book» immediately run away, can escape far 你立即带着《惊世书》逃走,能逃多远 Escapes far! ” 就逃多远!” Said, while also takes out one from the table 一边说,一边还从桌子底下取出一个 The package, opens layer upon layer, appears a blue title page 包裹,层层打开,现出其中一本蓝色封面 Ancient book. 3 的典籍。三 Aaron sweeps sketchily, can actually see with the same day 亚伦粗略一扫,倒是能与当日所见的 «Shocking Book» corresponds. 《惊世书》对应起来。 Total Branch Master... is this «Shocking Book»?” “总舵主…这就是《惊世书》?” On the Aaron face reveals to shock, excitedly and even 亚伦脸上露出震撼、激动、甚至略带 A expectation and greedy color. 一丝憧憬与贪婪之色。 Any martial practitioner, sees a different technique ancient book, most likely (80%) 任何武者,看到一本异术典籍,八成 Is such response. 都是这样的反应。 Yes, this is the brothers sacrifices the life, to sprinkle the heat “是的,这就是兄弟们抛头颅、洒热 Hope that the blood, takes finally. 血,才终于抢到手的希望。 Southeast the regulation puts out a hand to stroke the pure blue ancient book title page 程东南伸手抚摸着纯蓝色的典籍封面 , Threw to Aaron it suddenly: „ Brother white... invited ,忽然将它抛给了亚伦:“白兄弟…请 You fast deliver south this book the to the sky, there has our brother 你将此书速速送往天南,那里有我们的兄 The younger brother, is tying the stronghold to protect oneself in the remote mountain, trains the military force... 弟,正在深山中结寨自保,训练武力… If can comprehend this book to be mysterious, must be have a help/gang to the great undertaking 若能参悟此书奥妙,必能对大业有所帮 Helps. ” 助。” Respectfully follows the command of total Branch Master!” “谨遵总舵主之令!” Aaron loud reply. 亚伦大声回答。 Meanwhile, his palm has stroked shockingly this « 与此同时,他手掌抚摸过这本《惊世 Book », in the heart sneered. 书》,心中就冷笑了一下。 Some inspirational slightly responses, but is not very intense... “灵感略有反应,但不是很强烈… Did not have to see the wax figure on the same day Aberration and beforehand Nangong is wonderful 并没有当日所见蜡像的诡异与之前南宫妙 Wonderful intense... 妙的强烈… This big probability is counterfeit goods... ‘这大概率是一本假货… Southeast this regulation, is to make me work as the scapegoat! “这程东南,是让我当替死鬼啊! Goes out of black awning boat, Aaron discovered oneself have been in 走出乌篷船,亚伦发现自己早已处于 Another waters. 另外一片水域。 Not far away, has a blue stone ancient bridge. 不远处,就有一座青石古桥。 He comes ashore from that side, on the avenue, found one 他从那边上岸,上了大街,找到一辆 The ricksha , to continue to take taxi to go home. 黄包车,继续打车回家。 odd/surplus boss. 余老头家。 loft. 阁楼 Aaron lightens the oil lamp, slowly opened in the hand « 亚伦点亮油灯,慢慢翻开了手中的《 Shocking book ». 惊世书》。 Although in the heart has 99% assurance books is false 虽然心中有90%九的把握这本书是假 Goods, but southeast the regulation in order to confuses falsehood with the truth, obviously also under 货,但程东南为了能以假乱真,显然也下 Initial capital. 了血本。 Not only its contour and real thing not the slightest difference, inside 不仅其外形与真品一般无二,内里更 With a Aberration writing, wrote densely and numerously not 是用一种诡异的文字,密密麻麻地写了不 West young masters. 少东西。 This most likely (80%) are southeast the regulation traces, truly “这八成是程东南临摹下来的,真正 «Shocking Book» above content., 《惊世书》之上的内容。, Aaron is looking at obscurely the article that is difficult to understand, starts to defer to 亚伦望着晦涩难懂的文章,开始按照 Own meaning understood. 自己的意思去理解。 Regarding reading this type of ancient book, he has rich 对于阅读这种典籍,他有着丰富的经 Examining. 验。 The next quarter, Aaron let loose own thought that the command 下一刻,亚伦放开了自己的思维,令 It diverges unceasingly, by an imagination and self- explanation, come 其不断发散,以一种想象与自我解读,来 Is analyzing the writing on paper. 解析着纸张上的文字。 Absent-minded within, his angle of view was raised little 恍恍惚惚间,他的视角被一点点拔高 , Just like leaving own body. ,宛若离开了自己的躯体。 Meanwhile, Aaron saw a similar lying down corpse 与此同时,亚伦看到了一个类似躺尸 Glyph. 的象形文字。 Inexplicable, he associated to the waxworks in wax 莫名的,他就联想到了蜡像馆中的蜡 Like. 像。 And... that «Wax oil Corpse after»! 以及…那一本《蜡油尸经》! Originally «Shocking Book», recorded " wax “原来《惊世书》之中,记录了《蜡 The oil corpse after " partial content, or both are one 油尸经》的部分内容,或者说两者就是一 Body? Not and not... ” 体?不、不…” Aaron looks to other writing, analyzed few 亚伦看向其它文字,又解析出了寥寥 Fragment information, for example «Paper Clothes Technique», « black blood merit 的片段信息,比如《纸衣术》、《黑血功 » Wait... 》等等… What a pity, only then a name, but can also see 可惜,只有一个名字,但也可以看出 Come, this «Shocking Book», seems like connects many 来,这一本《惊世书》,似乎是串联诸多 The general outline of Aberration cult tactic!) 诡异邪术的总纲!) In the Aaron look gradually by books content attraction 就在亚伦的眼神渐渐被书籍内容吸引 , When cannot transfer. ,挪移不开之时。 A cool feeling, just like being enlightened general 一阵清凉的感觉,宛若醍醐灌顶一般 The overhead overwhelms. 当头盖下。
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