TOTM :: Volume #9

#884: Nangong( the month before last monthly ticket 15200 made up)

In nighttime market. 鬼市之内。 In the midair is hanging rows of lanterns, is released externally dull green 半空中悬挂着一排排灯笼,外放惨绿 Color radiance. 色的光辉 Aaron passed by stalls, in the pupil full 亚伦路过一个又一个摊位,眸子里满 Is disappointed. 是失望。 He strolled, finally has achieved nothing. 他逛了一圈,结果一无所获。 This is also very normal, is impossible I to come out to window-shop “这也很正常,不可能我出来逛个街 Found the different technique goods... such payout of universe meeting 就找到异术物品…那样将乾坤会的付出 What regarded? 当成什么了? The universe will exhaust the painstaking care, inquired one 乾坤会可是耗尽心血,才打听到一部 Different technique ancient book one by one «Shocking Book» whereabouts. 异术典籍一一《惊世书》的下落。 And without hesitant, immediately attacks the county city, this 并且没有犹豫,立即就攻打县城,这 Takes this ancient book. 才将此典籍拿到手中。 Therefore, encountered the profound powerful to chase down. 为此,也遭遇了玄廷的强力追杀。 Southeast the total Branch Master regulation has also been fleeing now, 舵主程东南现在都还一直在潜逃, tall Ju issues a warrant for arrest the list first place! 高居通缉榜榜首呢! Oneself want to take advantage of a mistake with ease to marking the universe meeting 自己想要轻松捡个漏就对标上乾坤会 Until now all efforts, rather too not others 迄今为止所有的努力,也未免太不将别人 Placed in the eye? 放在眼中了吧? Strolled in Aaron, thought that tonight wants the idle work 就在亚伦逛了一圈,觉得今晚要无功 But when returning, he looks suddenly to the nighttime market entry position. 而返之时,他忽然看向鬼市入口位置。 This feeling, not wrong...” “这种感觉,不会错的…” Is the different strength!” “是异力!” Also in movement...” “还在移动中…” A Aaron footsteps revolution, pursued hastily. 亚伦脚步一转,连忙追了过去。 After crossing several waves of crowds, he saw finally 在越过数波人群之后,他终于看到了 Attracts the inspiration the root. 吸引自己灵感的根源。 The opposite party are really moving, actually not goods, 对方果然在移动,却并非什么物品, But is a person! 而是一个人! Accurately, is one probably ten years old over 准确地来说,是一位大概十岁出头的 Little girls. 小女孩。 She has a pitch-black shining big eye, just like 她有着一双乌黑发亮的大眼睛,宛若 Was full of the interest in this nighttime market same, the calf wind ran 对这個鬼市充满了兴趣,小腿风一样地跑 . 着。 But in her behind, then also follows two strong 而在她身后,则还跟着两个膀大腰圆 The guard and maidservant, look to look like what wealthy and powerful family person 的护卫以及丫鬟,一看就像是什么大户人 The princess journey of family/home. 家的千金小姐出行。 Profound strange people?” “玄廷异人?” Aaron thought of the status of opposite party directly. 亚伦直接想到了对方的身份。 Because of the strange people of the world, stands in profound now 因为当今天下的异人,都是站在玄廷 A side! 一方的! Even several also therefore sealed different surnamed Wang! 甚至其中几个还因此封了异姓王! This little girl, should be the descendants of these strange people 这小女孩,应该就是那些异人的后代 ? ? Thinks of here, Aaron gathers up to go, the preparation is careful 想到这里,亚伦凑上前去,准备仔细 Sizes up opposite party. 打量对方一番。 But that little girl is squatting before a stall, resembles 而那位小女孩正蹲在一个摊位前,似 In various small jewelry and rag doll very inspiration to stall 乎对摊位上的各种小首饰与布偶很感兴 Interest. 趣。 Young lady, we should go back.” “小姐,咱们应该回去了。” In her behind, one wears the emerald green clothes is small he 在她身后,一名穿着翠绿衣服的小丫 huan the face was saying painstakingly. 鬟苦着脸道。 If we had known, should not talk too much the nighttime market matter 早知道,就不该多嘴说鬼市的事情 . 了。 Now troubled in a big way, after going back, no matter how, 现在麻烦大了,回去之后不管如何, They must subject to a penalty. 他们肯定都得受罚。 No... I play a meeting again.” “不嘛不嘛…我再玩一会。” Nangong grabs a puppet baby wonderfully, quite some 南宫妙妙抓着一个人偶娃娃,颇有些 Is unable to put down the said/tunnel. 爱不释手地道。 This young lady is really insightful.” “这位小姐真有眼光。” The puppet vendor sees that immediately sells saying: „ My this 人偶摊主见状,立即推销道:“我这 In babies are good-quality, is west the clever artisan Master copy 里的娃娃都质量上乘,是巧手师父仿造西 Words that the doll manufacture of foreign, the young lady you likes, 夷的洋娃娃制作而成,小姐您喜欢的话, Ten dollars took away. ” 十块钱就拿去好了。” „” “咳咳” At this time, Aaron coughed, wanted to enter the stage. 这时候,亚伦咳嗽一声,想要出场。 But in an instant, two guards one left one 但就在刹那之间,两个护卫一左一 Right, arrived at side him, keeps off him outside. 右,来到了他身边,将他挡在外面。 Quite fierce, looks at the movement, entered a day of position absolutely “好厉害,看身法,绝对是入了天位 Is two day expert the bodyguard? 的,两个天位高手当保镖? Aaron pretends to be surprised: „ Why you block me 亚伦故作惊讶:“你们为什么挡住我 The way... I also like puppet, just wants with this paternal aunt 的去路…我也喜欢人偶,正想跟这位姑 The mother shares the attainment. ” 娘分享一下心得。” Bah! Who you are, dares with our family/home young lady “呸!你是什么人,敢跟我们家小姐 Chitchatted? ” 攀谈?” The young housemaid of emerald green women's clothing first called, stretch/open tooth 翠绿衣裙的小丫鬟先叫了起来,张牙 The dance claw, the facial expression is aggressive, but looks like in Aaron, is only 舞爪,神情凶悍,但在亚伦看来,就只是 A small milk cat. 一只小奶猫。 She was also the plays of various talented men and beautiful women looks, 她也是各种才子佳人的戏剧看多了, The young people who for fear that this wears the mask come, oneself 生怕这个戴面具的年轻人过来,就将自家 The young lady turns to run away. 小姐拐跑掉。 The protection is very strict... 防备很严啊… Aaron touched the mask on face, does not demand. 亚伦摸了摸脸上的面具,也不强求。 While these two bodyguards move, he already 就在这两个保镖动弹的同时,他已经 Sees them to hide the exquisite silk vigor attire under surcoat, is 看到他们隐藏在外袍之下的锦绣劲装,乃 To above is embroidering a little gold/metal flood dragon mark. 至上面绣着的一个小小金蛟标记。 „The person in palace?” “王府的人?” Gold/Metal Shanghai does not have the palace, it seems like that this girl really “金沪并没有王府,看来这女孩果然 Is a different descendant surnamed Wang, her father ancestor inevitable ten points 是一位异姓王的后裔,她的父祖必然十分 Powerful! 强大! „But why comes gold/metal Hu suddenly, is it possible that...” “但为什么突然来金沪,莫非…” The Aaron flash thinks of many things, the pupil 亚伦一瞬间想到许多东西,瞳孔不由 Shrinks. 一缩。 Replies at court to the emperor's question «Shocking Book» regarding as important unreliably, perhaps also wants 玄廷对《惊世书》的看重,或许还要 Above his imagination! 在他的想象之上! Walks either, either begins!” “要么走,要么动手!” Two guard looks just like looking at a deceased person. 两个护卫眼神宛若在看一个死人。 Really thinks the story-telling script novel, in the newspaper described 真以为话本小说,还有报纸上描写的 Does the poor student entice the princess success is the normal state? 穷书生勾引千金小姐成功是常态? Guard who experiences this matter, definitely will be directly 遇到这种事的护卫,肯定都是直接将 Male hits half dead even to kill 11 this to defer to the main family power 男的打个半死甚至打死一一这依照主家权 The potential decides. 势而定。 Even if not kill, must disfigure one's face to disfigure, then lets 纵然不打死,也要毁容破相,然后让 The princess love vainly hopes to vanish... 千金小姐爱情梦想幻灭… Although oneself young lady is young, but they are the servant 虽然自家小姐年岁尚小,但他们做仆 Service guard, must be vigilant ahead of time! 役护卫的,也要提前警惕起来! After all, greatly profound women's 14 years old can get married 毕竟,大玄女子十四岁就可以嫁人了 Good all various professions, I walk...” “行行行,我走…” Aaron no longer hesitates, turns around to walk. 亚伦不再犹豫,转身就走。 To be honest, even if can be victorious these two guards, 说实话,哪怕能打得过这两个护卫, He did not feel oneself can be victorious this little girl. 他也不觉得自己能打得过这个小女孩。 This coming, hugs has the jujube not to have the jujube to hit three 这次过来,也只是抱着有枣没枣打三 The idea of pole. 杆子的想法。 Since the opposite party does not give the opportunity, that even. 既然对方不给机会,那就算了。 Hey, you wait/etc...” “喂,你等等…” Aaron have not left several steps, behind one on hearing 亚伦还没有离开数步,就听见背后一 Clear sound sound. 个清脆的声音响了起来。 He turns head, good a ritual, the discovery is that powder vulture 他回头,行了一礼,发现是那个粉雕 The little girl who the jade carves is gazing at herself, pitch-black shines 玉琢的小女孩正注视着自己,乌黑发亮的 In the pupil as if brings wisp of different glow: „ You seem like 眸子中似乎带着一缕异芒:“你似乎是个 Very fierce person... my name was Nangong to be wonderful, you called anything 很厉害的人…我叫南宫妙妙,你叫什么 Name? ” 名字?” The little girls are raising hand the puppet baby to say. 小女孩举着手中的玩偶娃娃道。 My name was Baishu!” 2 “我叫白术!”二 The Aaron crack opens the mouth, shows a big smile, 亚伦裂开嘴,露出一个大大的笑容, But under the mask blocking, is no one sees, to turn around unexpectedly 但在面具遮挡之下,竟是无人看见,转身 Walks into the crowd. 走入人群。 „ The different technique of auxiliary ability? “辅助能力的异术么? This as if direct attack is more terrifying than... “这似乎比直接攻击的更加恐怖啊… ... Can discover my uncommonness unexpectedly? ’ …竟然能发现我的不凡?’ Aaron turned several curved, the footsteps sped up suddenly, 亚伦拐了几个弯,脚步骤然加快,准 Prepares is separated from the nighttime market category. 备脱离鬼市范畴。 When turning around a corner, his footsteps 就在拐过一处墙角之时,他脚步一顿 , The expression has changed. ,表情有所变化。 On the white wall of this corner, which obstinance does not know by 在这处墙角的白墙上,不知被哪个顽 The children described several strange doodles with the charcoal pencils. 童用炭笔描绘了几个奇异的涂鸦。 If an average person, naturally cannot understand intent 如果是普通人,自然看不懂其中的意 Thinking. 思。 But Baishu can understand! 但白术看得懂! Or his camouflage status 11 white Xuan, 或者说,他的伪装身份一一白玄,就 Is the universe meets one of the ten big chieftains! 是乾坤会十大头目之一! This is the urgent contact way, expressed that nearby does “这是紧急联络方式,表示附近有乾 The brothers of Kun meeting, need to support... me to support you immediately 坤会的兄弟,需要立即支援…我支援你 Ghost! 个鬼! A Aaron footsteps revolution, to mark reverse direction 亚伦脚步一转,就向标记的相反方向 Overtaking. 1 赶了过去。一 If he originally also has anything to «Shocking Book» 如果说他原本还对《惊世书》有什么 Idea, but to gold/metal Hu, especially saw that Nangong is wonderful 想法,但到了金沪,特别是见到南宫妙妙 Later, he knows replies at court to the emperor's question this matter to pay close attention unreliably, really 之后,他就知晓玄廷对此事密切关注,甚 A Aaron footsteps revolution, to mark reverse direction 亚伦脚步一转,就向标记的相反方向 Overtaking. But 赶了过去。可 If he originally also has anything to «Shocking Book» 如果说他原本还对《惊世书》有什么 Idea, but to gold/metal Hu, especially saw that Nangong is wonderful 想法,但到了金沪,特别是见到南宫妙妙 Later, he knows replies at court to the emperor's question this matter to pay close attention unreliably, really 之后,他就知晓玄廷对此事密切关注,甚 To possibly sent the powerful strange people to come. 至可能派遣了强大的异人前来。 At this time also plunged into this vortex, was not sane 这时候还跳入这个漩涡,就不理智 . 了。 Managing him what is shocking the book, without my poor life “管他什么惊世书,都没有我的小命 Important. 重要。 Let alone... the world is so bigger, different technique not 更何况…天下这么大,异术又不 Is only then this itself/Ben! Looks other and that's the end. ’ 是只有这一本!去找其它的就是了。’ Aaron goes out of the nighttime market, both hands such as Bai He spreads the wings, vertical 亚伦走出鬼市,双手如白鹤展翅,立 Namely starts to dash. 即开始飞奔起来。 „ The universe will also be silly, so many people were grasped “乾坤会也是傻的,那么多人被抓了 , But also hasn't the self-confident beforehand contact cipher leaked? ,还自信之前的联络暗号没有泄密么?
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