TOTM :: Volume #9

#883: Nighttime market( 15000 make up)

In the morning. 清晨。 Aaron goes out of odd/surplus the boss, found one home in the intersection 亚伦走出余老头家,在街口找到一家 Lives to fry package of shops to buy the breakfast. 生煎包店买早餐。 gold/metal Hu gathers the square merchant, gathered eight side beautiful 金沪汇聚四方客商,也汇聚了八方美 The food, any cuisine can find together here. 食,任何一道菜系都可以在这里找到。 This lives to fry the package is to also do explodes the juice class/flow oil, the fragrance four 这生煎包也是做得爆汁流油,香气四 Overflowing. 溢。 The Aaron one breath ate eight, is drinking the bean 亚伦一口气吃了八个,然后才喝着豆 The thick liquid, returns to odd/surplus the boss slowly. 浆,慢悠悠回到余老头家。 Mr. white.” “白先生。” At this time, odd/surplus the boss also has a man and a woman two study 此时,余老头家还有一男一女两个学 The person who lives the appearance, the smile greets. 生模样的人,微笑打了个招呼。 This is Old Man odd/surplus one son and one daughter, male named 这是余老头的一儿一女,男的名为 What odd/surplus autumn, female isodd/surplus rain. 余秋、女的是‘余雨。 odd/surplus autumn stature tall thin, sees the oiled paper on Aaron 余秋身材高瘦,见到亚伦手上的油纸 The package and soybean milk, did not swallow a saliva voluntarily. 包与豆浆,不自觉吞了口口水。 On odd/surplus rain face a little baby is fat, moon-face, big eye 余雨脸上还有点婴儿肥,圆脸,大眼 The eyeball, is very lovable, feels regarding the Baishu handsome look 睛,很是可爱,对于白术英俊的相貌更感 Interest. 兴趣。 Small autumn and light rain!” “小秋、小雨!” The Aaron smile greets, walks into own pavilion 亚伦微笑打了个招呼,走入自己的阁 Building. 楼。 odd/surplus autumn attracted the nose, looks at own miscellaneous grains gruel 余秋吸了吸鼻子,看着自家的杂粮粥 With brined vegetable: „ Mr. white each eats the meat... is really 跟咸菜:“白先生每顿都吃肉呢…真是 Rich man. ” But 个有钱人。”可 Writer who „ others publish, one month of payment for published piece “人家可是出书的作家,一個月稿费 Minimum dozens dollars! ” odd/surplus rain envies the said/tunnel. 起码好几十块钱呢!”余雨羡慕地道。 Publishes books? What book?” odd/surplus autumn eyes clear one bright, “出书?什么书?”余秋眼晴一亮, He thinks the style is good, perhaps can also write a thing. 他自认为文笔还行,或许也能写点东西。 What probably called... «Book Mountain Knight-errant swordsman Biography»? “好像叫什么…《书山剑侠传》? odd/surplus rain reply. 余雨回答。 I see... the book inscription brother quite to wallow this “我看过…书铭兄就相当沉迷这 . ” odd/surplus autumn thinks novel of own schoolmate intense recommendation 个。”余秋想到自家同学强烈推荐的小说 , Suddenly on interest is waning. ,忽然就意兴阑珊。 This foundation of basic skills style, he cannot write probably. 这种功底文笔,他大概写不出来。 Therefore getting what one deserves do others make money? 所以活该人家挣钱么? The dull green youngster, almost wants to cry to faint in the restroom. 惨绿的少年,差点就想哭晕在厕所。 Good, hasn't attended class?” “好了好了,还不上课去?” Old Man odd/surplus paces slowly the room, is smoking, opens 余老头慢悠悠踱步出屋,抽着烟,开 The beginning reproved pair of children. 始训斥一对儿女。 In loft. 阁楼内。 Aaron drinks up the soybean milk slowly, starts to take up the pen to write 亚伦慢悠悠喝完豆浆,开始动笔写作 Plot that the book mountain knight-errant swordsman passes on already completely in his mind 书山剑侠传的剧情早已全部在他脑海 Writing is also article not points adding, forms a coherent whole. 中,写作起来也是文不加点,一气呵成。 Short one hour, wrote several thousand characters. 短短一个小时,就写了数千字。 Then, he stands up, stretches oneself, suddenly 接下来,他站起身,伸了个懒腰,蓦 However makes a move of tiger shape! 然打出一招虎形! Roar roar! 吼吼! Aaron joint explosive, the physique sounds together, unexpectedly 亚伦身上骨节爆响,筋骨齐鸣,竟然 Makes the sound of tiger's roar faintly! 隐隐发出虎啸之音! Attracts... shouts...” “吸…呼…” Others walk along, both hands to become claw, small room 他人随身走,双手成爪,小小的房间 Immediately just like occupying a tiger. 中顿时宛若盘踞着一只老虎。 Although the tiger is ominous, step actually light and lively vigorous, including 只是老虎虽凶,步伐却轻灵矫健,连 A furniture has not bumped into. 一件家具都没有碰到。 The Aaron chest fluctuates unceasingly. 亚伦胸膛不断起伏。 With the breathing, his aura becomes softer 伴随着呼吸声,他的气息变得更加绵 Long. 长。 Finally, is training once again fully 终于,在又一次酣畅淋漓地演练一遍 After tiger crane diphyphyllum fist, his inner strength broke faintly some 虎鹤双形拳之后,他的内力隐隐打破了某 The checkpoint, increased sharply again several tenths! 个关卡,再次激增了数成! Day position!” “天位!” „ Was my since day authority Jing? “我这是进入天权境了吧? Aaron is looking at own both hands, muttered. 亚伦望着自己的双手,喃喃自语。 Day authority Jing! 天权境! Not only this is martial arts world's recognized soldiers strikes fourth, 这不仅是武林公认的兵击第四段,更 Entered into brand-new realm, may call the master class 是迈入了一个全新的境界,可称一流高手 Can open sect Lipai, with beforehand was entirely different.. 能开宗立派,与之前截然不同了。。 Aaron is realizing the change of body carefully. 亚伦仔细体会着身体的变化。 Day authority Jing is known as the day of position threshold, before most too “天权境号称天位门槛,与之前最太 The difference, is the inner strength rises suddenly... 的不同,就是内力暴涨… He thinks, extends the finger above the tea table, transports/fortunes 他想了想,将手指伸在茶桌之上,运 Transfers the inner strength. 转内力。 wave! 波! The air current emerges out of thin air together, overthrows a teacup 一道气流凭空出现,将一个茶杯推翻 Crash-bang! 哗啦! A lot of tea along desktop dispersing, a little bit pound to fall 大量茶水沿着桌面散开,一滴滴砸落 In ground. 在地面。 In addition, Aaron can also feel the body of Baishu 除此之外,亚伦也能感觉到白术的身 The body was stronger than for several points before. 躯比之前更加强壮了数分。 Broke through into the day position on the cultivation incautiously, met “一不小心就修炼突破入天位了,接 Gets down must go to the dojo to acknowledge as teacher? ” 下来难道还要去武馆拜师么?” He thinks, finally changed the beforehand idea 他想了想,最终还是改变了之前的计 Delimiting: „ Day power martial practitioner acknowledges as teacher... others not to believe 划:“天权武者拜师…别人也不会相信 , Comes to kick the hall simply? ” ,干脆一个个上门踢馆?” In fact, Master teaches the apprentice probably also to hold back one trick 实际上,师父教徒弟或许还要留一手 But is related to the dojo prestige and life and death preying actually 但事关武馆声誉、生死搏杀当中却 Is not possible to keep the hand. 是根本不可能留手的。 „ The status of Baishu is a little awkward, if in “不过白术的身份有点尴尬,要是在 gold/metal Hu became famous... is caught the tail by profound, no 金沪出名了…被玄廷抓到了尾巴,也不 Is the fun matter. ’ 是好玩的事情。’ Aaron goes out of odd/surplus the boss, a manpower ricksha 亚伦走出余老头家,一位人力黄包车 The cart drivers have been waiting. 车夫早就在等候着了。 Sees Aaron, immediately discards the cigarette butt, throws white 见到亚伦,立即丢掉烟屁股,一抛白 The sweat towel, goes forward to salute upon meeting obsequiously: „ Mr. white... 汗巾,点头哈腰地上前见礼:“白先生… Un, today your car(riage) I wrapped, leading me to go to the gold/metal “嗯,今天你这车我包了,带我去金 The Shanghai famous place strolls... ” 沪出名的地方逛逛…” Aaron said that while ejects together Longyang. 亚伦一边说,一边抛出一块龙洋。 little odd/surplus eyes shone immediately: „ Master, this 小余的眼睛顿时亮了起来:“爷,这 You may look ripe... I to gold/metal Shanghai cannot be ripe 您可找对人了…我对金沪熟的不能再熟 , No matter this gold/metal Huba scenery, the female in which apartment ,不管是这金沪八景、还是哪家公寓的女 The mister prettiest, which alley is most interesting fun, and even 先生最靓、哪家弄堂最有趣好玩、乃至哪 Locating the nighttime market good thing to be most, is clear! ” 处鬼市好东西最多,都一清二楚!” „The female teacher in apartment?” 3 “公寓的女先生?”三 Aaron sits boards the ricksha, suddenly understands, this 亚伦坐上黄包车,忽然明白过来,这 Is the special industry practitioner of excellence in moral integrity and professional performance. 就是德艺双馨的特殊行业从业者啊。 Un, the greatly profound this aspect is quite open, 嗯,大玄这方面还是比较开放的,相 When thriving. 当繁荣昌盛。 It is said in major apartments and even recreation areas, not only 据说各大公寓乃至娱乐场所中,不仅 Each attractive in their own right, has everything expected to find, even west foreigner, 燕瘦环肥,应有尽有,甚至还有西夷人、 Female Kunlun Mountains slaves and other types of seeking novelty tastes. 女昆仑奴等各种猎奇口味。 Can criticize actually... 倒是可以去批判一下… „ It is not right, I am not in ten thousand Huacong, piece “不对,我已经不是万花丛中过,片 The leaf did not moisten in the Great Qian wave of body the Little Bai dragon, but was the virgin 叶不沾身的大乾浪里小白龙了,而是童男 Baishu... ’ 白术啊…’ In the Aaron heart slightly was somewhat a pity, at once asks: 亚伦心中略有些可惜,旋即问道: What is the nighttime market? ” 何为鬼市?” So-called nighttime market, after the darkness, or “所谓鬼市啊,就是在天黑之后,或 When early morning day also dawn, in some under nobody's jurisdiction places 者凌晨天还蒙蒙亮之时,在一些三不管地 Stall transaction that the belt/bring conducts. Because of darkness, person's shadow numerous 带举办的地摊交易。因为天黑,人影重重 , Taking the form of ghosts and demons, thus acquires fame... ” ,形似鬼魅,因而得名…” In night market anything has, only then you do not think “夜市中什么东西都有,只有你想不 Without... naturally, because the ray that it does not sell asked 到,没有它不卖的…当然,因为光线问 The topic, buys the counterfeit goods , can only take as bad luck, others day 题,买到假货,也只能自认倒霉,人家天 Breaks up brightly, you looked could not find. ” 亮一散场,你找都找不到。” little odd/surplus familiar said/tunnel. 小余如数家珍地道。 Un? This good, I go to the nighttime market to stroll tonight “嗯?这个不错,今晚我就去鬼市逛 Strolls. ” 逛。” Aaron came the interest. 亚伦来了兴趣。 If can find similar wax oil teardrops again east 如果能再找到一件类似蜡油泪珠的东 west, he can manufacture hidden trump. 西,那他就又可以制作一张底牌了。 Even, enters the front door of different technique depending on this! 甚至,是凭此迈入异术的大门! At night. 夜晚。 In a plaza. 一块大空地上。 Late at night the ghost opens the door, the idler should not be near!” “三更半夜鬼开门,闲人勿近嘞!” The night watchman who several get in the coconut palm is yelling, the lamp in hand 几个打梆子的更夫叫喊着,手中的灯 The cage emits the green and glossy ray, very infiltrates the person. 笼放出绿油油的光芒,十分渗人。 The surrounding pedestrian runs back in the home fast, obviously does not think 周围的行人飞快跑回家中,显然不想 Stirring up trouble. 惹事。 But above the flat land as if presented many 's shadows suddenly 而平地之上仿佛忽然出现了许多人影 , They push the car, to pull the mule... in the open area ,他们推着小车、牵着骡马…就在空地 On gathers, sets up the tent, to exhibit the stall, starts to do 上汇聚,搭起帐篷、摆开地摊,就开始做 Business. 着生意。 The come customer also mostly hides, is not positive 前来的顾客也大多躲躲藏藏,不似正 People. 人。 Aaron wears drama surface that is drawing the white styles of makeup 亚伦戴着一个画着白色脸谱的戏曲面 Has, similarly entered the nighttime market. 具,同样进入了鬼市。 Today one strolls outside all day, what a pity not 今天一整天都在外面闲逛,可惜并未 Triggers own inspiration. 触发自己本身的灵感。 Wanted to find the different technique related thing, can only come the ghost 想要找到异术相关之物,就只能来鬼 The city had a look. 市看看了。 Good antique.” “上好的古董。” Comes to see this draft animal...” “来看看这牲口…” In the middle of the nighttime market is very lively, Aaron even sees 鬼市当中果然十分热闹,亚伦甚至见 Having to sell false Longyang and population. 到有卖假龙洋与人口的。 This dark market, if three big factions and “这种黑暗市场,如果说三大帮派与 Four big policemen do not have the member, kills me not to believe. ’ 四大巡捕没有份子,打死我都不信。’
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