TOTM :: Volume #9

#882: Settles down with the youngster

Wū wū! 呜呜! Drives into the lively harbor along with the steam launch, does 伴随着小火轮驶入繁华的港口,作 on the front surface for the gold/metal Shanghai rich and populous air/Qi of first under heaven city 为天下第一城的金沪富庶之气就迎面扑 Come. 来。 In harbor, pontoon like mountain, ship's sail like clouds. 港口之中,铁船如山,船帆如云。 Just the wharf, saw massive streams of people to well up 刚一下了码头,就见大量的人流涌 Moves, just like tide. 动,宛若潮水。 The cart driver and sedan car of drawing ricksha pursue mutually 拉黄包车的车夫与小轿车互相追 By all around clock and watch shop, restaurant and fruit shop command 逐,四周的钟表铺、小吃铺、水果铺令 The people are eyes cannot take it all. 人目不暇接。 On a stall, lives to fry the package, to fill the soup 在一个小吃摊上,生煎包、灌汤 The package and salt sincere fresh... give off the attractive fragrance. 包、腌笃鲜…散发出诱人的香气。 Brother white!” “白兄弟!” At this time, history Mingsi also leads the wife son one 这时候,史明思也带着妻子儿子一 Got up to disembark, looked for 21 rickshas: „ If not 起下船,找了两一辆黄包车:“如果没 Has the place of staying, I can introduce that you go to south the day the merchant 有下榻之处,我可以介绍你去天南商人 Clubhouse, when the contract discussed, Brother white also had 会馆,等到合约谈成,白兄弟也就有了 The capital of housing, can move. ” 住房之资,可以搬出去了。” Many thanks, but on me also has several money, “多谢,不过我身上还有几个钱, The preparation first finds the house. 准备先去找找房子。 Aaron turned down history Mingsi the good intention, gazes after right 亚伦婉拒了史明思的好意,目送对 The side leaves, at once also calls a ricksha, 方离开,旋即也叫了一辆黄包车,在人 In running of strength cart driver, is familiar with this slowly in his eye 力车夫的奔跑中,慢慢熟悉这座在他眼 Is only novel, is not the extremely lively city. 中只算新奇,并不是太过繁华的城市。 After all, he just came back from Great Liang. 毕竟,他可是刚刚从大梁回来的。 But in Great Liang, even the Internet has. 而在大梁,已经连互联网都有了。 The ricksha also has the advantage, can easily go through the streets 黄包车也有优势,可以轻易穿街走 The lane, can only accommodate several people to walk side-by-side after that type 巷,经过那种只能容纳数人并肩而行的 Alley. 弄堂。 Where is there?” “那里是什么地方?” When passed by under a bridge, Aaron is pointing at 当路过一座大桥之下时,亚伦指着 The pillar that a dragon mark circles, asked. 一处龙纹盘旋的柱子,问道。 There is dragon pile “那里是‘龙桩’” The ricksha husbands is a local bully, this type picks up at fingertips 黄包车夫都是地头蛇,这种信手拈 Come: „ When it is said initially cut in line, how not to hit 来:“据说当初打桩之时,怎么都打不 Gets down, but also died several people, afterward invited the jade Buddha 下去,还死了好几个人,后来请了玉佛 The Grandmaster in temple came to see... had set up dragon pillar, following evil 寺的大师来看过…立了龙柱,下面的邪 Honored does not dare to rebel. ” 崇就不敢作乱了。” „.” “哦。” Aaron continuation lets ricksha running quickly, passed by one 亚伦继续让黄包车奔驰,又路过一 Street. 条街。 Comes and goes above this street mostly is 在这条街道之上来来往往大多都是 Some military people, muscular, the temples are prosperous 一些武夫,一个個肌肉发达,太阳穴隆 Gets up, eye none four put. 起,眼睛精光四放。 „Is here... where?” “这里…又是何处?” Aaron looks, the feeling is quite kind. 亚伦看着,感觉颇为亲切。 Here is martial Beijie, is gold/metal Hu becomes famous “这里是武备街,也是金沪出了名 A dojo street, done is the supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting business... 的武馆一条街,做的都是武行的生意… Because bans the blade greatly unreliably, if fights commonly also 因为大玄禁刀,若是寻常斗殴也就罢 Once reveals the pointed weapons, is see the blade to ominously, searches for 了,一旦亮出兵刃,就是见刀为凶,搜 Catching the effort is not general therefore greatly regardless of wharf pain 捕力度不是一般的大因此不论码头苦 Strives to steal away of business, the criminal syndicate contests the domain, mostly 力争抢生意,还是黑帮争夺地盘,大多 With the fists and feet, can the motionless sword and spear on motionless sword and spear 用拳脚,能不动刀枪就不动刀枪” The horse cart drivers explained: „ The person of demand were many, learn 马车夫解释:“需求的人多了,习 The person of military were also many, develops a supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting street gradually 武的人也多了,渐渐发展成武行一条街 To live hand to mouth to eat on this street, is not easy 想要在这条街上混口饭吃,可不容易 Can open the dojo, confronted eight side in an arenas, 啊,能开武馆的,都是摆了八方擂台, Has supported big Fist Master of seven days of undefeated! ” 撑过七天不败的大拳师!” So that's how it is “原来如此” Aaron nods: „ I very like here, 亚伦点点头:“我挺喜欢这边的, Looks for the family/home to rent the place of house in the nearby 就在附近找家能租房子的地方” Can open the dojo in gold/metal Shanghai, at least entered the day 能在金沪开武馆的,至少入了天 Position, even the day power is a little possibly insufficient. 位,甚至天权可能都有点不够。 Perhaps is the phecda and merak, and even the maximum day 或许是天玑、天璇、乃至最高的天 Pivot shaft Ancestral Master! 宗师呢! Good opportunity that learns from the experience actually., 倒是一个汲取经验的好机会。, Different technique has no way to do temporarily, can first integral point military ‘异术暂时没法搞到,可以先整点武 Merit Aaron also chats with ricksha all the way, 亚伦一路上又跟黄包车夫聊了聊, For example comes to this gold/metal Shanghai to need to pay attention to anything. 比如来这金沪需要注意什么。 Sure enough, the cart driver said: „ This guest 果不其然,车夫就说:“这位客 The people, look at you are a student, besides feudal official, this 人,看你是个学生,除了官府之外,这 gold/metal Hu most cannot annoy, is four big policemen, as well as 金沪最不能惹的,就是四大巡捕、以及 The people of three big factions. ” 三大帮派的人了。” Four big policemen and three big factions?” “四大巡捕与三大帮派?” Aaron came the interest: Said carefully 亚伦来了兴趣:“仔细说说” These four big policemen were needless saying that has the official back “这四大巡捕不用说,有着官方背 Scenery, but three big factions respectively are the water transport help/gang, the sea help/gang and strength 景,而三大帮派分别是漕帮、海帮、力 The help/gang, eats one piece respectively... ” horse cart drivers continuously 帮,各吃一片…”马车夫源源不绝地 Said: „ Initially had rich people's daughters in the gold/metal 道:“当初有一位大户人家的女儿在金 Shanghai walked to lose, looked for feudal official to strive for uselessly afterward 沪走丢了,找官府都没用后来还是求 Arrived four big policeman's Thunder Dragon of heads on, thunder Boss one 到四大巡捕之首的雷龙头上,雷老大 The words solved. 句话就解决了。 This seems like, is four big policemen adds on three in a big way 这看起来,就是四大巡捕加上三大 Did the faction, eat up gold/metal Hu the dark side influence together?, 帮派,共同吃下了金沪的黑暗面势力?, Aaron touches the chin, knows in the heart under the sunlight to 亚伦摸了摸下巴,心知阳光之下必 Has the shadow, presents this underground emperor unable to avoid 有阴影,出现这种地下皇帝也是免不了 Matter. 的事情。 Three big given name of factions and four big policemen 将三大帮派、四大巡捕的名号记 Lives, Aaron saw that the ricksha husband will bring attaching 住,亚伦看到黄包车夫将自己带到了附 A near stretch of private residence area. 近的一片民房区。 Here whole family happen to rents a room, position then “这里一家人正好租房,位置便 The advantage, going out is Xiaochi Street, is also near to martial Beijie... 利,出门就是小吃街,离武备街也近… The ricksha husband please enter one Aaron obsequiously 黄包车夫点头哈腰地将亚伦请进一 The alley, then shoved open a leaf of door to walk 条弄堂,然后推开一扇房门就走了进 Going: Second Uncle, I come.” 去:“二叔,我来啦。” My young devil “侬个小赤佬” It seems like over 40 -year-old about middle age woman 一名看起来四十多岁左右的中年妇 The female walked, just scolded one, sees Aaron, 女走了出来,刚骂一句,看见亚伦,就 Stopped the mouth. 停了嘴。 Aunt, your home does not have a house “婶婶,你家里不是还有一间房子 Hiring? I gave you to have the business to come. ” 出租么?我给你带生意来了。” The ricksha husband hehe said with a smile. 黄包车夫呵呵笑道。 But this time Aaron, discovered that dries the dust and 而此时的亚伦,才发现擦干灰尘与 After the sweat, this cart driver is actually not old. 汗水之后,这车夫的年纪其实不大。 Does to the life the vicissitudes, has made him compare actual 奈何生活的沧桑,已经令他比实际 The age are too maturely many. 年龄成熟太多。 Un, I come to see the room.” “嗯,我来看房。” Aaron nods: „ If appropriate, 亚伦点点头:“如果合适的话,就 Rents. ” 租下来吧。” In any case he to house not many requests, not 反正他对房子没多少要求,也不介 The intent opposite party make. 意对方多挣一点。 After all his another statuswhite 毕竟咳咳他另外一个身份‘白 Profound ‚, is resounding profound toward most wanted terrorist! 玄‘,可是响当当的玄朝通缉犯呢! Really gave shelter, not necessarily is the good deed. 真收留了,也未必是好事。 050000 050000 Finally, Aaron has looked at the room, but also is satisfied, 最终,亚伦看过房间,还算满意, Then signs the agreement withOld Man odd/surplus ‚, the agreement room 便与‘余老头‘一家签订协议,约定房间 Monthly rent five Longyang, if eats meal at home in addition 月租五块龙洋,如果在家吃饭的话另 Calculates. 算。 During the conversation, he knows Mr. Yu and his wife also to have 交谈当中,他知晓余老头夫妻还有 One sons and one daughter, attend class in the school. 一儿一女,都在学校上课。 Listens to the opposite party to mention the children quite proud table 听对方提到子女都相当自豪的表 The sentiment, Aaron thinks to understand. 情,亚伦想了想就明白了。 After all this age education charge is very expensive, can the son 毕竟这年代教育收费很贵,能将儿 Even the daughters send to have the higher education, in 子,甚至女儿都送去接受高等教育,在 In the civilians is indeed rare. 平民中的确难得。 Two days later. 两天后。 Aaron enters Hong business publishing house. 亚伦走进洪商印书馆。 Mr. white “白先生” history Mingsi greets, on the face has the smile: 史明思迎接出来,脸上带着笑容: Welcome, here invited “欢迎,这边请” Aaron follows history Mingsi, walks into a small conference 亚伦跟着史明思,走入一间小会议 Room. 室。 In the conference room, there are figure good female staff to deliver 会议室内,有身段不错的女员工送 Comes the tea with the dessert. 来茶水跟点心。 This is south the day large red robe, please with!” “这是天南大红袍,请用!” history Mingsi has handed over one cup of tea, said with a smile. 史明思递过一杯茶,笑着说道。 Un the flavor is really mellow.” “嗯果然味道香醇。” Aaron sipped one, eye clear one bright. 亚伦抿了一口,不由眼晴一亮。 Novel about Mr. white, I already with always “关于白先生的小说,我已经跟总 Arranged has read... the preparation in the report that this book hall managed 编都拜读过了…准备在本书馆下辖的报 On the society publishes. ” history Mingsi has handed over a contract: „ This 社上发表。”史明思递过一份合同:“这 Is the long-term providing the writing agreement, thousand character 3 Longyang, white first 是长期供稿协议,千字三块龙洋,白先 How lives to feel? 生感觉如何? Aaron received the contract, swept one, probably look 亚伦接过合同,扫了一眼,大概看 After , signed with a smile. 了之后就笑着签了。 „ Does Mr. white so trust our publishing house? “白先生如此信任我们书局? history clear(ly) thought of some surprise to receive the contract, although 史明思有些诧异地接过合同,虽然 The smooth signature, making him relax slightly, and profound 顺利签署,令他稍微松了口气,而且玄 Natives of North Korea did not pay great attention to the treaty contents, but opposite party 朝人本来就不注重合同内容,但对方的 The attitude was extremely optional. 态度还是太过随意了一些。 Naturally trust, after all moral behavior of Mr. history, “自然信任,毕竟史先生的人品, I naturally am believe. ” 我自然是相信的。” Aaron smiles, in fact, believes itself 亚伦笑了笑,实际上,是相信自己 Military force. 的武力。 Even if publishing house pit he, can retaliate at will 哪怕印书馆坑他,也能随意报复回 Come, the nature is fearless. 来,自然无所畏惧。 Said, while from burden on hand 一边说,一边又从手边的包袱里面 Took out one pack of drafts: „ Happen to... here writes 取出了一叠文稿:“正好…我这里又写 The drafts of 100,000 characters, you can look. ” 了十万字的稿子,你可以看一看。” “Oh?” “哦?” history Mingsi received the draft, in the heart is somewhat surprised. 史明思接过稿子,心中有些惊讶。 This Brother white, write the speed of draft to be really quick 这位白兄弟,写稿子的速度着实快 ! 啊! When looked at a content again, in the heart has 等到再看了一遍内容,心中更是有 Some doubt. 些狐疑。 Splendid naturally is splendid, feels the plot “精彩自然是精彩,就是感觉剧情 Many has not greatly promoted, to have the suspicion of hydrology 没有多大推动,有水文之嫌疑” In his heart unstated criticism, thinks of a pass/test suddenly 他心中腹诽一句,忽然想到一个关 Key issue: „ Does not know that Brother white prepare to write many 键问题:“不知道白兄弟准备写多少 Character? ” 字?” According to the custom of paper book, several hundred thousand characters calculate 按照纸质书的习惯,几十万字都算 Lengthy. 长篇了。 This probably 2,000,000-3,000,000 characters.” “这个大概2,000,000-3,000,000字吧。” Aaron blinks the reply. 亚伦眨了眨眼睛回答。 history Mingsi: Knows bad early should 史明思:糟糕早知道就应该将 The payment for published piece presses to two Longyang in 稿费压到两块龙洋以内的 0 ” 9 years 8 years 0”九年八年 Haha... this is the Internet economy impact entity “哈哈…这就是网络经济冲击实体 Economy? ” 经济么?” Goes out from the publishing house, since Aaron recalls finally 从印书馆中走出,亚伦回想起最后 history Mingsi the expression, still some want to smile. 史明思的表情,仍旧有些想笑。 However he bore, draws on yellow hold/container 不过他忍住了,又招来一辆黄包 The car(riage), arrives at martial Beijie, is a dojo street institute 车,来到武备街,也就是武馆一条街所 In. 在。 The street, a person is gathering round reads the bulletin. 街头,一圈人正围着看告示。 Aaron also collected, the discovery is one row issues a warrant for arrest 亚伦也凑了过去,发现是一排通缉 Made, and white Xuan given name impressively in row! 令,并且白玄的大名赫然在列! Even, has arranged third, the monetary reward eight 甚至,已经排到了第三位,赏金八 Hundred Longyang, only southeast regulation with another universe meeting 百龙洋,只在程东南跟另外一位乾坤会 Under chieftains. 头目之下。 Was I kills the Aunt Sun matter to be sent probably finally ‘大概是我杀了孙大娘的事终于被发 Presently? 现了? Who should not the normal person pile of waxes 不应该啊正常人谁会将一堆蜡 The oil with the corpse links? 油跟尸体联系在一起啊? Un, if I am feudal official, discovered that white Xuan uses 嗯,如果我是官府,发现白玄使用 The different technique, at least must rank the second, monetary reward broken thousand... 异术,至少得排在第二位,赏金破千… Thinking, Aaron is leaving the crowd at will, 这么想着,亚伦就随意离开人群, Arrives on the dojo street. 来到武馆街上。 Hongmen Secret Society fist hall, Chen primal chaos and Huo Jia martial “洪门拳馆、陈氏太极、霍家武 Hall and elite meeting 馆、精英会” Advertisements looked at the past, Aaron do not feel 一个个招牌看过去,亚伦都觉得不 Wrong. 错。 Even, some dojos also specially in main entrance position 甚至,有的武馆还专门在正门位置 Opens the Buddhist temple, making the disciple train, solicits the business. 开辟道场,让弟子训练,招揽生意。 Aaron watched a meeting, nods secretly. 亚伦只是看了一会,就暗自点头。 Although these studied the disciple in three-legged cat, 虽然这些只是学了三脚猫的弟子, Even the inner strength has not brought forth, has not entered the section. 连内力都未曾练出,也没有入段。 After all pays tuition to study, is not real 毕竟只是交学费来学习的,不是真 Passes on the disciple. 传弟子。 But from the repertoire, is reluctantly good, 但从套路上来看,勉强还算不错, It seems like in dojo some real things. 看来武馆中还是有些真东西的。 Thousand character three Longyang, a day can gain “千字三块龙洋,一天就能赚回住 The lodging allowance perhaps, I should do obeisance several dojos, 宿费了或许,我应该多拜几家武馆, Studies study martial arts? 学学武功? Aaron thought. 亚伦思索了一下。 In fact, the martial art foundation of Baishu hits the ten points 实际上,白术的武学根基打得十分 Steady, even has the trend of faintly breaking through into the day position. 稳健,甚至隐隐有突破入天位的趋势。 But looks like in Aaron, is weakly and is too too weak 但在亚伦看来,还是太弱、太弱 . 了。 While this opportunity, making up for one's deficiency by learning from others'strong points is also 趁着这个机会,取长补短一下也是 Good. 不错。 In Aaron calculates is practicing martial arts. 就在亚伦盘算着练武之时。 A wharf. 一处码头。 A giant steamboat approaches shore slowly, from above 一艘巨大的轮船缓缓靠岸,从上面 Gets down one team to wear the person of jet black uniform/subdue. 下来一队身穿漆黑制服之人。 Their spirits shake the rope, the manner is capable, 他们一个个精神抖索,举止干练, The body generally has gloomy and cold makings, on the clothes 身上普遍有着一种阴冷的气质,衣服上 Has the symbol of some anchor. 有某个铁锚的符号。 This is the mark of greatly profound black clothes health/guard! 这是大玄黑衣卫的标记! The person who as long as sees this mark, lowers the head 但凡看到这个标记的人,都是低头 The quick line, does not want with the falcons and dogs of this group of subordinate greatly profound emperors 快行,不想与这帮直属大玄皇帝的鹰犬 Draws in relates slightly. 拉上丝毫关系。 Sir, had arrived at gold/metal Hu, immediately has “大人,已经到了金沪,马上就有 Our people relate. ” 我们的人来联系。” A black clothes health/guard arrives at side the leader, said in a low voice 一名黑衣卫来到首领身边,低声说 . 着。 This leader surface does not need white/in vain, the facial expression sinister and vicious, the speech 这首领面白无须,神情阴鸷,说话 The sound is very sharp: „ Held these universe meetings 声音却十分尖利:“抓住的那些乾坤会 The rebellious party could not endure the cruel punishment, confessed that southeast the regulation flees to the gold/metal 乱党熬不过大刑,供认程东南逃往金 Shanghai, «Shocking Book» must find! ” 沪,《惊世书》必须找到!” In addition, Aunt Sun that team of people, death “除此之外,孙大娘那一队人,死 Under in Yishu, must check an outcome well. ” 于异术之下,也要好好查个究竟。” The black clothes health/guard has 12 grades of heads, this chieftain is ranked 黑衣卫有十二档头,这头目排行第 Sixth, a martial arts is immeasurably deep. 六,一身武功深不可测。 Yes.” “是。” Receives an order hand/subordinate respectfully the retreat. 手下恭敬领命退去。 Quick, the chieftain of local black clothes health/guard arrived, 很快,本地黑衣卫的头目就到了, Bows to salute: Pays a visit six grades of heads.” 躬身行礼:“拜见六档头。” Gets up.” Six grades of wave at will, imitates “起来吧。”六档头随意挥挥手,仿 Buddha thought of anything: „ Me remember, gold/metal Shanghai this 佛想到了什么:“咱家记得,金沪这 In, there is a training battalion of our black clothes health/guard 里,也有咱们黑衣卫的一个训练营 ? ” 吧?” Any organization, joining of fresh blood is the head 任何机构,新鲜血液的加入都是头 Waits for the important matter. 等大事。 But the black clothes health/guard attaches great importance to loyally, from small 而黑衣卫更加重视忠诚,都是从小 Accepts the child to train. 收容小孩培训。 gold/metal Hu as big profound business of extending in all directions first 金沪作为四通八达的大玄商贸第一 The city, the nearby naturally also has the camp of black clothes health/guard. 城,附近自然也有黑衣卫的一个营地。 Sir is perceptive of the finest detail now in the training battalion, “大人明察秋毫如今训练营中, Has the fresh blood 237 people, is teaching 已经有新血二百三十七人,正在训 Practices. ” 练。” The black clothes health/guard local area chieftain bows to say. 黑衣卫本地头目躬身道。 200 people? Too many... one year later, must “两百人?太多了…一年之后,必 Must eliminate to is only left over 36 people, our black clothes 须淘汰至只剩下三十六人,咱们黑衣 The health/guard, wants in the essence to choose the essence. ” 卫,要精中选精。” Why six grades of do not know, in the heart has one suddenly 六档头不知为何,心中忽然生出一 Thought: „ Such being the case, me look 个念头:“既然如此,咱家就去看一看 . ” 吧。” Six grades of can in spite of being very busy visit the instruction, from “六档头能百忙之中莅临指导,自 However is best. 然是最好的。 The black clothes health/guard chieftain did not know six grades of hair anything 黑衣卫头目不知道六档头发了什么 Insane, but since six grades had this meaning, 疯,但既然六档头有了这个意思,就只 Can manage. 能去办。 When departure, gave nearby person 只是在离开之时,就给了旁边的人 A meaningful glance. 一个眼色。 That side training battalion, but cannot have an accident absolutely 那边的训练营,可绝对不能出事 . 啊。 Outside gold/metal Shanghai suburbs. 金沪郊外。 One around the big fence by the camp that encircles 一处四面都被高大围墙围起来的营 In. 地内。 Often has the big figure of wear black clothes to walk 不时就有穿着黑衣的高大身形走 Has been inspecting the inside and outside. 过,巡视着内外。 But in a small square, one crowd accepts 而在一处小广场上,正有一群接受 Half big youngster of training. 训练的半大少年。 Whistling!” “呼呼!” Yang Kui puts on the thick air/Qi, is hitting one set of palm 杨魁穿着粗气,正在打着一套掌 law. 法。 This palm method catching up posture is very strange, and fee/spent 掌法发力姿势十分怪异,并且费 Vigor, one set, his both hands dark red such as 劲,一整套下来,他的双手已经殷红如 Blood, not intermittence strokes the sandbag. 血,又不间歇地击打沙袋。 „ The blood Kui hand is extremely profound martial art, “血魁手是一门极其高深的武学, Also can be intensive, practices the peak, sufficiently comparison dubhe sect 还能速成,练到巅峰,足以比拟天枢宗 Masters! ” 师!” A person of chief instructor appearance passes through: „ This 一个教头模样的人经过:“不过此 The merit devastates essence qi extremely, must therefore coordinate decoction Yang 功极其摧残元气,所以要配合汤药杨 Good that Kui, you do , to continue maintains, I believe you 魁,你干的不错,继续保持,我相信你 One day can enter Ancestral Master. ” 总有一天能入宗师。” Many thanks the teacher directs!” “多谢教官指点!” The named Yang Kui youngster is pretty, the eyes spirit 名为杨魁的少年眉清目秀,双眼灵 Moves, has a tenacious meaning, hears Yanda 动,又带着一种坚韧不拔之意,闻言大 Sound expression of gratitude. 声道谢。 When this chief instructor walks far away, nearby black 等到这教头走得老远,旁边一名黑 The clothes health/guard collected: „ Boss, your really bad this 衣卫就凑了过来:“头儿,您真坏这 The blood Kui hand is extremely intensive, but does not have necessary secret medicine, 血魁手极其速成,但没有配套秘药,只 Drinks some nutritious qi and blood prescriptions, is exercising martial arts with the life 喝些滋补气血的方子,都是拿命在练功 Returns Ancestral Master, can enter the day position on all that one could wish. ” 啊还宗师,能入天位就烧高香了。” The chief instructor facial expression is indifferent: „ They can train even 教头神情冷漠:“他们就算能训练 Has, has the camp to join the black clothes health/guard, is the cannon fodder... 有成,出营加入黑衣卫,也就是炮灰… Did not die in battle with several years is the dying of illness blood Kui palm reading 用个几年不是战死就是病死血魁手相 When appropriate, let alone... this martial arts, if practices to the summit 当合适,更何况…这门武功若练至巅 The peak, can compare favorably with dubhe Ancestral Master, I have not deceived him... 峰,能媲美天枢宗师,我也没有骗他… He does not live by that time. ” 只是他活不到那个时候而已。” Boss, is you are high.” “头儿,还是您高啊。” In the training ground, the youngster still taught meticulously 训练场上,少年仍旧一丝不苟地训 Practices, to streaming with sweat. 练,任凭汗如雨下。 Only has when lowering the head, in the eye flashes through one 唯有在低头之时,眼中才闪过一丝 Fine glow: I not only need go on living, but must become Ancestral Master 精芒:我不仅要活下去,还要成为宗师 Revenge! 报仇! Day falls transports/fortunes in me greatly, must want my achievement “天降大运于我,必是要我成就一番 Enterprise! ’ 事业!’
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