TOTM :: Volume #9

#881: Writing a book( 14800 make up)

Crumb talisman seal, this was the way of displaying. 伦捏碎了符印,这就是施展的方式。 Subsequently, he feels the strength that one type led craftily. 继而,他就感受到了一种诡导的力量。 It before the inner strength, spirit essence and dao method that sees do not bring clearly- plants the Aberration corrosiveness. 它与之前所见的内力、灵性道法都截然不带着-种诡异的侵蚀性。 This makes in Aaron feeling as if grasp- group ice-cold fire, this is not contradictory, but is real in if does not discard promptly, will fire from turn. 这让亚伦感觉手里仿佛握着-团冰冷的火,这不是矛盾,而是真实在并且如果不及时扔掉,就会反过来灼烧自了。 Therefore, he operates with the thought directly, assigns this group of fires on the falcons and dogs of profound towards. 因此,他直接用意念操纵,将这团火分配在玄朝的鹰犬身上。 Subsequently Aberration appeared! 继而诡异的一幕出现了! These ordinary black clothes team members, the expression delay, as if solidify eternal in this moment, turned into a wax figure? 那些普通黑衣队员,一个个表情呆滞,似乎永恒凝固在这一刻,变成了一个蜡像? Only has Aunt Sun and others also to move, but the movement is extremely also slow, just like slowing down ten times of general. 唯有孙大娘等寥寥几人还能动弹,但动作也极其缓慢,宛若放慢了十倍一般。 Under this condition, even if allow/let- a child takes the blade, can kill dubhe Ancestral Master? ‚ ‘这种状态下,哪怕让-个小孩拿着刀来,都能杀了天枢宗师吧?‘ This world, really practices martial arts not to have the future, must practice the different technique! 这个世界,果然练武没前途的,还是要练异术啊! Aaron goes forward several steps, somewhat touched the Aunt Sun arm curiously. 亚伦上前几步,有些好奇地摸了摸孙大娘的手臂。 Even was the touch of clothes very smooth, turns into the wax oil? ” 连衣服的触感都十分光滑,变成蜡油了么?” He nods, touched the Aunt Sun cheeks: „ Really is the wax figure living wax 他点点头,又摸了摸孙大娘的脸颊:“果然是蜡像活着的蜡 During speech, he relaxed- flashes, evaded dying without a heir of Aunt Sun to pull up the Yin leg. 在说话的同时,他轻轻松松-闪,就躲过了孙大娘的断子绝孙撩阴腿。 Aunt Sun the face just like the fine wax figure baby, the lip opens and closes slowly, asked own question. 孙大娘脸庞宛若精致的蜡像娃娃,嘴唇缓慢开合,问出了自己的问题。 Did not grasp the strength of different technique. “不是只是掌握了一点异术的力而已。 In the Aaron heart sighed: Also and only has 11 times, really 亚伦心中叹息一声:并还只有一一次,真 He sees Aunt Sun, looks to the sky: ” When the time comes 他看着孙大娘,又看向天空:”到时候 Aunt Sun does not understand that Aaron said is what meaning, raised the head until her, saw the warm sunlight. At this moment, Aunt Sun sent out the scream directly. 孙大娘不明白亚伦说得是什么意思,直到她也抬头,望见了温暖的阳光。这一刻,孙大娘直接发出了尖叫。 Because in those days according to warm ray above skin, at this time turned into the knife simply probably, is blowing her flesh. It seems like from the Aaron angle, sees only on the Aunt Sun face to be melted each one pinholes. 因为往日照在皮肤之上暖洋洋的光芒,此时简直好像变成了刀子般,在刮着她的血肉。从亚伦的角度看上去,只见孙大娘的脸庞上被融化开个个小洞。 Drop another drop of wax oil melts, on the brother's grandson aunt tumbles, accumulated in the ground thick- level. 滴又一滴蜡油融化,从孙大娘身上滚落而下,在地面积累了厚厚-层。 Not is only Aunt Sun, other Imperial Court falcons and dogs, and even their clothing and spears/guns at this time in the Aberration melting! Finally, above the ground is only left over the thick solidification the wax oil, these pursuing troops impressively without a trace! 不仅是孙大娘,其它朝廷鹰犬、乃至他们的衣物、枪此时都在诡异地融化!最终,地面之上只剩下厚厚一层凝固的蜡油,那些追兵赫然已经无影无踪! Originally does not exempt from the pollution, but passes the burden? „ “原来也不是豁免污染,而是转嫁?“ Aaron touches the chin: „ hidden trump did not have, but is really good because of the waxworks here. 亚伦摸了摸下巴:“底牌没有了,真可好在蜡像馆就在这里。 He swept wax oil in ground finally, turned around to leave the alley. 他最后扫了一眼地面上的蜡油,转身离开了小巷。 Three days later. 三天之后。 A Aaron face goes out of Horkins Waxworks unluckily. 亚伦一脸晦气地走出霍金斯蜡像馆。 in this period of time, no matter how he intimidates the threat, and even the induction is clever, crossed mountain tiger the wax figure as if dead- was the same. Does not burst into tears. 这段时间内,不管他怎么威逼恐吓、乃至感应通灵,过山虎的蜡像就仿佛死了-一样。再也不流泪了。 But this wax figure is also the heart of Mr. Horkins is obviously good, is not willing to act. 而这座蜡像显然也是霍金斯先生的心头好,并不愿意出手。 Even if acts, Aaron also not necessarily can afford. 哪怕出手,亚伦也未必买得起。 The key has no way to use! 关键没法用啊! If were really discovered the usage of wax figure by him, perhaps person divorced from reality is also glad to do. 若真的被他找出了蜡像的用法,说不定梁上君子也是乐意做做的。 „Does Mr. white come to see the wax figure?” “白先生又来看蜡像么?” In the entrance, he met that to the couple. 就在门口,他又遇到了那对夫妇。 And female is hugging the baby, a face is vigilant. 其中女的抱着婴儿,一脸警惕。 Wears the circular eyeglasses, had the bookishness man actually to smile very much: „ Friend you were really stubbornly disobedient, but the previous delivering candy cane was very happy many thanks. 戴着圆形眼镜,很有书生气的男人却是笑了:“朋友你着实顽劣了一些,但上次送的棒棒糖很喜多谢了。 His another holds the fist in the other hand: „ My history Mingsi, works in Hong business publishing house, this time leads the wife to travel, because the lover likes here very much, therefore kept several days 他又一抱拳:“鄙人史明思,在洪商印书馆工作,这次是带着妻子旅行,因为爱人很喜欢这里,因此多留了几日 Originally is history the brother, the vulgar trivial military person Aaron salutes similarly:” history does brother then prepare to go to where?. “原来是史兄,鄙一介区区武夫罢了亚伦同样行礼:”史兄接下来准备去何处?。 Now in the book hall also has the work to prepare with the wife to return to gold/metal Hu.” history Mingsi smile reply. “如今书馆内还有工作正准备与妻子回金沪。”史明思微笑回答。 All anchors the city of three new nine law day institutes district ten peaceful harbor not to have the population to incur to ask for labor ten thousand Ceratop to mix nine to arrive at the milk to occupy happen to suits hides! 全泊县十安第港口之城三新九法天所不有人口招讨工万角龙混九到奶占正好适合藏身! He remembers vaguely, southeast universe total Branch Master regulation spare will run away to travel 他依稀记得,乾坤会总舵主程东南的备用逃跑路
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