TOTM :: Volume #9

#880: Demons( the month before last monthly ticket 14600 made up)

The night falls, the sky is dim. 夜幕降临,天空昏暗。 Inn guest room. 旅店客房内部。 Aaron looks, on talisman seal, somewhat is slightly speechless. 亚伦望着手,上的符篆,略有些无语。 This rune/symbol Gao takes a piece of pomelo seed leaf as the carrier, above as if drenched with the wax oil incantation that interrogated bends Zhengya, bringing- some cracks. 这符藁以一片柚子叶为载体,上面仿佛用蜡油淋了诘屈整牙的咒文,带着-些破洞。 It can be said that seems like, is not related issues completely with rune/symbol policy, talisman seal. 可以说,一眼看上去,完全与符策、符印扯不上关系。 But inexplicably, Aaron is knows oneself have completed. 但莫名地,亚伦就是知道自己已经完成了。 „The strength of strange people?!” “异人之力?!” This is exceeds t strength... to calculate good hidden trump reluctantly, finally were many a security sense.” “这是超越t段的力...勉强算一张不错的底牌吧,终于多了一丝安全感了。” Next day. 翌日。 Aaron gets out of bed, the hot water that using servant to send washes the face, however went out of the room leisurely. 亚伦起床,用了小二送来的热水洗脸,施施然走出房间。 Walks along the street, can discover that buys the coffee cake the shop. 沿着街道行走,就能发现许多买早餐点心的铺子。 Steamed stuffed bun cruller and soybean milk oil.-. 包子油条、豆浆油.-. Quite rare bread law stick, 还有比较少见的面包法棍, Aaron stretches oneself satisfied, then saw one team of soldiers and horses. 亚伦惬意地伸了个懒腰,然后就看到了一队兵马。 They wear the unified black uniform/subdue, the body has- plants the command, the person the heart startled gate imposing air/Qi. 他们身穿统一的黑色制服,身上有着-种令,人心惊的公门凛然之气。 When first person 40 years old is, are an old yet still graceful woman, two big long legs with the boots, making the person impression extremely profound! 当先之人四十来岁,是个风韵犹存的女人,两条大长腿配长筒靴,令人印象极其深刻! Sees the opposite party subconsciously, Aaron underground half-length one tight, this is the conditioned reflex that this body leaves behind! 只是一看到对方,亚伦就下意识地下半身一紧,这是这具身体留下的条件反射! Flying demon Aunt Sun?” “飞天夜叉孙大娘?” Aaron complained secretly- sentence, turned around to walk. 亚伦暗自吐槽-句,转身就走。 Mixes the opportunity in crowd while this time, perhaps the opposite party has not discovered him. 趁着此时混在人群中的机会,或许对方还没有发现他。 But in any event, should shift. 但无论如何,都应该转移了。 Wait!” “等等!” Aunt Sun the eye flashes, although before has not discovered Aaron, but saw the back that he leaves, thought somewhat looks familiar. Her eye pupil flashes, immediately shouted sternly. 孙大娘眼睛一闪,之前虽然没有发现亚伦,但看到了他离开的背影,觉得有些眼熟。她眼眸一闪,顿时厉声喝道。 That back, not only has not stayed, instead runs quickly, during drilling into one is small. 过,那道背影非但没有停留,反而跑得更快,钻入一小之中。 Has the fish?!” “有鱼?!” Aunt Sun the expression becomes extremely excited: „ With me on, you goes to other group of peristomes .... Not being able to do well is the counter- thief of universe meeting! „ 孙大娘表情变得极其兴奋:“跟我上,你们去其它路口围....搞不好就是乾坤会的反贼!“ Her leg law is excellent, two big long legs display nimble art, the figure is similar to- only big bird, will do flings hand/subordinate completely after behind, drills into that alley. 她腿法过人,两条大长腿施展轻功,身形如同-只大鸟,将一干手下全部甩在身后,钻入那条小巷之中。 When has transferred some corner, the front person's shadow flashes suddenly, an approach, the shoulders vibrate, the sleeves flutter, just like- Only before Bai He rushes to the body, the palm actually becomes the tiger shape! Tiger crane diphyphyllum fist! 转过某个拐角之时,前方忽然人影闪,一个助跑,双肩抖动,衣袖飘飞,宛若--只白鹤冲到身前,手掌却成虎形!虎鹤双形拳! Attacks facing this suddenly, Aunt Sun is unhurried, on the right hand holds, the inner strength agitation, blocks the tiger shape fist, the under foot will draw back in the future, dexterous evaded this 面对这骤然袭击,孙大娘丝毫不慌,右手上托,内力鼓动,就将虎形拳挡住,脚下往后一退,轻轻巧巧就躲过了这袭 When sees clearly the raider, on the face reveals a surprise, but also is a little surprised: ” Is you? Old lady pulls up the Yin leg to kill to incur, hasn't died unexpectedly? ” 等到看清袭击者,脸上就露出一点诧异,还有一点惊疑:”是你?中了老娘的撩阴腿杀招,竟然还没死?” Aaron just like the crane beak, just like the tiger claw, exhibits the Chinese boxing: „The enmity of same day, I must report today!” 亚伦一手宛若鹤喙,一手宛若虎爪,摆开拳架:“当日之仇,我今天就要报了!” Aunt Sun hehe smiles: " You, although hard qi art of copper sheet iron bone, the background plays well, has not actually entered the day position, but the old lady has been day of authority Jing .... 孙大娘呵呵一笑:"你虽然有一身铜皮铁骨的硬气功,底子打得不错,却还未入天位,而老娘早已是天权境了.... The sound has not fallen, her big long leg moves, the figure goes forward again, both hands like folding the plum are graceful, has the infinite murderous intention. „ Tiger's roar crane cry! " 音未落,她的大长腿一动,身形再次上前,双手如同折梅般优雅,却又带着无穷杀机。“虎啸鹤鸣!" Aaron both hands- wrong, crossed with Aunt Sun- incurs, only feels some both arms numb and achings. 亚伦双手-错,与孙大娘过了-招,只感觉双臂有些酸麻。 This is own inner strength does not beat the opposite party, was rebounded the created slight injury! 这是自己的内力不敌对方,被反弹回来所造成的轻微伤势! Aunt Sun said right, on pure martial arts realm, oneself three, indeed lost this four to plan 孙大娘说得没错,在单纯的武功境界上,自己才三段,的确输了她这个四段一筹 But next flickers, Aaron does not draw back instead enters, bullies the body on, the cheeks and Aunt Sun finger is almost scratching a distance of hair. 但下一瞬,亚伦不退反进,欺身而上,脸颊与孙大娘的手指几乎是擦着一丝头发的距离而过。 If the opposite party points at again the light curving, inevitably is the cheeks fester, the fate that the eyeball was dug. 若是对方手指再稍微弯曲一点,就必然是脸颊溃烂,眼珠子都被挖出来的下场。 The next quarter, a move of crane beak has hit the Aunt Sun chest. 下一刻,一招鹤喙已经击中了孙大娘的胸膛。 .... .... She draws back continually two steps, is coughing old phlegm that puts out a belt/bring blood: Boy, several days does not see, martial arts sees to rise!” 她连退两步,咳嗽着吐出一口带血的老痰:“小子,几日不见,武功见涨啊!” Aunt Sun can feel clearly, opposite this counter- clever inner strength or alioth boundary category, but various stance actually became exquisite. I especially regarding time assurance, not many-, a second of silk, may be called as wonderful as the peak. ’ 孙大娘可以清晰感觉到,对面这反贼的内力还是玉衡境范畴,但各种招式却变得精妙了许多。I特别是对于时机的把握,不多-毫,秒丝,堪称妙到巅峰。’ Such Fist Master, often can jump the ranks to fight! 这样的拳师,往往可以越级而战! Today, I must complain about seeking vengeance, has. Report ..... “今日,我就要有怨报怨,有.报..... Aaron both hands such as the Bai He bright wing, will continue to take advantage to win the pursuit, suddenly saw that Aunt Sun the person's shadow flashes behind, originally was her team member with, their spirits were stimulated, the principle also takes unexpectedly- planted the iron Jane/simple appearance .... Flintlock? 亚伦双手如白鹤亮翅,正要继续趁胜追击,忽然就看到孙大娘身后人影一闪,原来是她的队员跟了上来,他们一个个精神亢奋,理居然还拿着-种铁简模样....火枪? I hiss... you did not speak martial ethics, unexpectedly brought the spear/gun!” “我嘶...你们不讲武德,居然带枪!” The Aaron squeal, turns around to run, what a pity is too late. 亚伦尖叫声,转身就跑,可惜已经太迟了。 Although is only the bird blunderbuss of ancient edition, but several people launch together are also quite terrifying. 虽然只是古老版本的鸟铳,但几人一起发射也相当恐怖。 Smoke many already mouth, industry machine the feeling sees , since the entering leg still Buddha did and did obeisance two 件烟多已啊过口,业化机感见自的入腿上仍佛做与拜到了二 In that strength. 在那力这本。 Do not let instead very run!” “不要让反贼跑了!” But in the end of road of his escaping, Imperial Court falcons and dogs of one team of color uniforms/subdue surrounds unexpectedly! 而在他逃跑之路的尽头,居然也有一队色制服的朝廷鹰犬包围过来! Aunt Sun the plan of encircling, is quite useful. 孙大娘的四面包围之策,还是相当有用的。 Naturally, this was Aaron was also injured, will otherwise not be sphered. 当然,这也是亚伦受伤了,否则根本不会被围住。 Hehe... was high depending on your martial arts, how entered a day of position, can resist the firearm? Even if Ancestral Master of dubhe boundary, were surrounded by the flintlock must die in the same old way! ” 呵呵...凭你武功再高,入了天位又如何,能抵挡火器么?哪怕天枢境的宗师,被火枪包围了照样要死!” Aunt Sun brings people to surround Aaron all round, in eye pupil some cat play mice- look: ” He is injured, does not run .... Grasps to the old lady lives! The universe meeting letter written in blood, the above chieftain has ten big brothers, was known as that south day ten big outstanding youth, you must give the old lady- All confesses! ” 孙大娘带人将亚伦团团包围,眼眸中有些猫戏老鼠-般的神色:”他受了伤,跑不....给老娘抓活的!乾坤会血书,上面的头目有十大兄弟,号称天南十大杰出青年,你都要给老娘--个个交代出来!” " Even this knows, in feudal official clearly has the ghost at the universe meeting. "连这都知道,官府显然在乾坤会中有内鬼。 Good .... I dare to sneak attack , because has hidden trump. 好....我敢偷袭,就是因为有着底牌 Thinks of here, Aaron no longer hesitates, puts out a hand to enter the pocket, stimulated that wax oil leaf talisman seal secretly. 想到这里,亚伦不再犹豫,伸手进入衣兜,暗自激发了那一枚蜡油叶符篆 Aunt Sun- starts is also calm and composed even in press of work, how prepares to have a look at Aaron also to struggle. 孙大娘-开始还好整以暇,准备看看亚伦还能怎么挣扎。 But the next quarter, her expression changed fiercely. 但下一刻,她的表情就剧烈变化了。 Just like the person noticed that the tiger will be afraid is the same, as day position martial practitioner, her sensation even must be higher than the common person. 正如人看到老虎会害怕一样,作为天位武者,她的感知甚至比寻常人还要更高。 After Aaron puts out a hand into the bag, she felt- planted the intense fear! 亚伦伸手入袋之后,她就感受到了-种强烈的恐惧! This even made her whole body Lai Su tremble, recalled that finding it unbearable to recall... that was her life-long nightmare!, „ It is not good, opens fire quickly, .... 这甚至令她全身都赖簌发抖,回想起那个不堪回首的...那是她终生的梦魘!,“不好,快开枪,.... Aunt Sun the words has not said, at present as if appears one group of rays. 孙大娘话还没有说完,眼前就似乎浮现出一团光芒。 That is wax yellow, the light of pollution! 那是蜡黄的、浑浊的光! Her body is stiff, in the four limbs joint just like pouring into the thick lead ingot, was swaying from side to side the neck difficultly. 她身躯僵硬,四肢关节之中都宛若灌入了厚厚的铅块,艰难地扭动着脖子。 Sees only her subordinate to maintain the beforehand movement, the time just like solidified on them, the skin brings- plants the Aberration luster... 只见她的手下一个个保持着之前的动作,时光在他们身上宛若被凝固,皮肤带着-种诡异的光泽感...
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