TOTM :: Volume #9

#879: Wax oil

Good good...” “不错不错…” The pleasure of so-called waxworks, lies in you forever 所谓蜡像馆的乐趣,就在于你永 Does not know anyone or the thing do with the wax. 远都不知道什么人或物是用蜡做的。 Possibly a chair and a fruit, and even 可能一张椅子、一盘水果、乃至 A cat, a dog and a big living person... 一只猫、一条狗、一个大活人…都 Is the wax figure! 是蜡像! If the living person is motionless, attire 如果再有一个活人一动不动,装 Plays the role of the wax figure the words, that was scarier. 扮成蜡像的话,那就更加吓人了。 Aaron strolls at the same time, appreciation wax figure art, 亚伦一边闲逛,欣赏蜡像艺术, At the same time seeks for in the heart the source of inspiration. 一边寻找自己心中灵感的来源。 The waxworks are very big, has several tours 蜡像馆很大,其中也有几个游 Guests. 客。 Where was Facility Master does not know, no 就是馆主不知道去了哪里,也不 Where knows the service personnel. 知道服务人员在什么地方。 The Aaron footsteps stop suddenly. 亚伦脚步忽然一停。 In an exhibition hall, he saw himself spirit 在一个展厅中,他见到了自己灵 The origin of feeling. 感的来源。 That is one lifelike and the others high wax figure 那是一尊惟妙惟肖的等人高蜡像 , It seems like martial practitioner, the both arms muscle is high ,看起来是一位武者,双臂肌肉高高 Sticks out, on the five senses distinct face, then brings panic-stricken 隆起,五官分明的脸上则带着惊恐的 The expression, the opening mouth, does not know that is shouting assorted some 表情,张大嘴巴,不知道在喊些什 . 么。 This as if... is not the wax figure..., but is “这似乎…不是蜡像…而是 ... Wax figure?! ’ …蜡人?!’ The hand of Aaron touches. 亚伦的手触摸上去。 The next quarter, he as if appears at present one 下一刻,他眼前就似乎浮现出一 Fuzzy image. 幕幕模糊的影像。 That is a rivers and lakes expert, pleased love and hate 那是一位江湖好手,快意恩仇的 Picture. 画面。 Looks at its martial arts, had entered the day impressively 看其一身武功,赫然已经入了天 Position! 位! Un, rivers and lakes martial arts world martial arts seven, on four 嗯,江湖武林将武功七段,上四 The section has day being called of character day position, house 段带着‘天’字的称为‘天位’,寓 The intent no small matter, keeps aloof. 意非同小可,高高在上。 Even if fourth day power realm, foot 哪怕是第四段的天权境界,也足 In order to be possible be called the master class. 以堪称一流高手了。 However these Aaron slightly cross fast. 不过这些亚伦只是飞快略过。 In the picture, this person also obtained a craftiness 在画面中,这人又得到了一张诡 Different clausena lansium paraffined paper, some above indistinctly also articles 异的黄皮蜡纸,上面隐约还有一些文 Character and portrait. 字与画像。 This person as if one had found a treasure, is following the practice fast 这人如获至宝,飞快跟随着练习 Last, was this person has turned 最后一幕,就是这人已经变成了 A true wax figure, was laid aside in this waxworks 一尊真正的蜡像,被放置于这蜡像馆 In. 之中的一幕。 ... . 恍惚间。 Aaron recovers, takes back the palm. 亚伦回过神来,收回手掌。 His first response not other, instead some 他第一反应并非其它,反而有些 Joyful: „ I biggest gold finger, although ran... 欣喜:“我最大的金手指虽然跑了… ... But as if kept a root... otherwise does not have …但似乎留了一点根…否则也没有 Matter of this clever induction... ” 这通灵感应的事了…” Pitifully, only has a root merely “可惜,也仅仅只有一点根而已 ... Otherwise, only depending on this wax figure, I …否则的话,仅凭这一尊蜡像,我 Should be able to end the content on that wax paper 就应该能够将那张蜡皮纸上的内容完 Entire divination comes out 占卜出来” This mister, you likes this wax figure very much “这位先生,你很喜欢这尊蜡像 ? ” At this moment, side suddenly walks one ?”就在这时,旁边忽然走过来一 People. 人。 The opposite party put on the white shirt and black sock puppet, 对方穿着白色衬衫、黑色马甲 Has hybrid characteristics, seems like one 却带着一种混血特征,看起来就像一 Bogus foreigner. 个假洋鬼子。 Is...” “是的…” Aaron shows a faint smile. 亚伦微微一笑。 That bogus foreigner introduced oneself: 那個假洋鬼子自我介绍道: Vulgar “鄙 Person warm Qiao sends... the owner in this waxworks, it 人温巧致…这座蜡像馆的主人,其 Most wax figures have the self- hand, only has to be few 中大部分蜡像都出自我手,唯有极少 The number is the outsourcing... for example this. ” 数是外购的…比如这一座。” Does not know that it does stem from where?” “不知它出自何处?” Aaron somewhat inquired one curiously. 亚伦有些好奇地询问一句。 Horkins really replied: 没想到,霍金斯真的回答了: Some of its people deliver to here to come, stemming from one 它是有人送到我这里来的,出于一位 Not well-known artist's hand, but this artist 不知名的艺术家之手,但这位艺术家 Technique without a doubt... as for sending the person is assorted 的技艺毋庸置疑…至于送来的人什 Had not said, only said this is south one becomes famous the military 么都没说,只说这是一位南方出名武 11 Ding tiger wax figure. ” 者一一丁虎的蜡像。” Crosses mountain tiger?” “过山虎?” Aaron to this name quite some impressions, according to 亚伦对这个名字颇有些印象,据 Said that is southern famous Fist Master, has not thought 说是南方一位出名的拳师,没想到第 Meets one time unexpectedly in this strange form. 一次见面居然是以这种奇怪的形式。 He expressed gratitude with Horkins politely, the preparation transferred 他礼貌地跟霍金斯道谢,准备转 The body leaves. 身离开。 But in turning around instantly, Aaron sees Ding 但就在转身的刹那,亚伦看见丁 The wax figure of tiger as if blinks. 虎的蜡像似乎眨了眨眼睛。 Drop of tears, flow from his eye socket 有一滴泪水,从他的眼眶中流淌 Looks is coagulating the later tird division to become the wax of pollution 望着凝固之后丙部变得浑浊的蜡 Oil bead, Aaron at once, some unexpectedly hair 油珠子,亚伦一时之间,竟然有些毛 The bone is terrified: ‚ Is it possible that... this Ding tiger can also feel 骨悚然:‘莫非…这个丁虎还能感 Knows External Realm? This was more terrifying than the death 知到外界?这可是比死亡还要恐怖的 Torture... 酷刑啊… However next quarter, he in wax oil by hand 不过下一刻,他就被手中的蜡油 Bead attraction. 珠子吸引了。 In him at present, there is a translucent square 在他眼前,有一个半透明的方框 Appears, an information appears automatically: 浮现,一段信息自动浮现出来: Corpse seals wax oil 【尸封蜡油】 Usage-style: After swallowing, possibly obtains 【使用方式:吞服之后可能获得 Incomplete «Wax oil Corpse after» information, but will admit in a big way 残缺《蜡油尸经》信息,但会接纳大 The quantity pollution, the body inevitable disassimilation, cannot see the sunlight 量污染,身躯必然异化,不能见日光 , Otherwise melts dead the whole body fester! 】 ,否则将全身溃烂融化而死!】 In decontamination...】 【消除污染中…】 【 Lacking core part, is unable completely to eliminate 【缺少核心部件,无法完全消除 Price! 】 代价!】 In change... 】 更改中…】 One group of additive devices appear, making Aaron almost think 一团乱码出现,让亚伦几乎以为 Met BUG. 遇到了BUG。 Also after is some time waiting, brand-new 又是一段时间的等待之后,全新 The information appears: 的信息浮现出来: Revision is completed!】 【修改完成!】 Usage-style: By two pieces of pomelo seed leaves, three 【使用方式:以两片柚子叶、三 Drops the virgin blood and drop of pure tears to compromise, but 滴童男血、一滴纯真之眼泪调和,可 Refines disposable talisman, making the user support shortly 炼制成一次性符箓,让使用者短暂拥 Has the different strength, does not have the side effect. 】 有异力,无副作用。】 My gold finger, really travelled... “我的金手指,果然跑路了… Lacks core part one by one 【Scarlet Creator】 缺少核心部件一一【猩红造物主】 ? ? Aaron touches the chin: „ But well in also remnant 亚伦摸了摸下巴:“但好在还残 Kept some functions, is unable to exempt from the pollution completely, 留了部分功能,无法完全豁免污染, But can pay some prices, then replaces the originally 但可以付出部分代价,然后代替原本 Pollution? ” 的污染?” Turned into the disposable goods from the permanent 从永久性变成了一次性物品么 ? ? He looks at the corpse on hand to seal the wax oil, slightly some 他望着手上的尸封蜡油,略有些 Speechless: „ Also good, I do not want to turn into the wax 无语:“不过也好,我可不想变成蜡 People, must melt of fester under the sunlight 人,还是在阳光下就要融化溃烂的那 Plants... ” 种…” Aaron closes the eye, a well distributed method 亚伦闭上眼睛,一种调和的方法 Appears in the mind. 就浮现在脑海之中。 Un, the virgin blood has the origin... the shaddock “嗯,童男血自有来源…柚子 Sets up by the waxworks to have, therefore, is only left over one 树蜡像馆旁边就有,所以,只剩下一 Drop pure tears? 滴纯真的眼泪么? He glances right and left, saw a pair is hugging the infant 他左顾右盼,看到了一对抱着婴 Son's couple. 儿的夫妇。 The present child thoughts ghost legendary creature, is wanting 现在的小孩心思鬼蜮着呢,要 The pure tears are not quite safe, but was just born, but also 纯真眼泪不太保险,但刚刚出生,还 Without many babies of power of thought that the tears inevitably are 没多少思维能力的婴儿,泪水必然是 Pure... 纯真的… A Aaron eyeball revolution, had the idea. 亚伦眼珠一转,有了主意。 After the moment, he brings a round sign candy cane 片刻后,他带着一根圆牌棒棒糖 , Arrives at side this couple: „ Two... good ,来到这对夫妇身边:“两位…好 Lovable child. ” 可爱的孩子啊。” This candy cane is he goes to look for the confectionery store to buy 这棒棒糖是他出去找点心店买的 , Was not quite cheap, spent a Longyang. ,相当不便宜,花了一块龙洋。 Hello, you are...” “你好,请问你是…” The husband wears circular eyeglasses, looks 男主人戴着一副圆形眼镜,看起 Comes very somewhat the air of scholarly refinement, although smiles, actually 来很有几分书卷气,虽然微笑,却也 Brings vigilantly some. 带着一些警惕。 Wears the child of baby hat to be startled, at once 戴着婴儿帽的小孩一怔,旋即就 Cries aloud. 哇哇大哭起来。 Was sorry and was sorry!” “抱歉、抱歉!” Aaron apologized hastily, another stick 亚伦连忙道歉,将另外一根棒棒 The sugar forces in this mother hand, received one conveniently 糖塞进这位母亲手里,顺手接过了一 Drops the tears. 滴眼泪。 You “你” This father almost thinks that to rub has the sleeve to hit the person 这位父亲差点就想撸起袖子打人 , But Aaron ran quickly, he has not grasped actually ,但亚伦跑得太快了,他硬是没有抓 Is breathless, then coaxes hastily is small 到,不由气急败坏,连忙回头哄小 Children. 孩。 Returns the tears with the candy cane, fair trade, “用棒棒糖还眼泪,公平交易, Treats both the young and old honestly. ” 童叟无欺。” Aaron goes out of the waxworks, a face righteous qi cold 亚伦走出蜡像馆,一脸正气凛 However. 然。 He picks the pomelo seed leaf at once, found one home 他旋即又摘了柚子叶,找到一家 The inn, spends to stay. 旅店,花了钱住宿。 Twists off the kerosene lamp, under the light, he refers to 拧开煤油灯,在灯光之下,他指 armor flashed, cut own finger, in white enamel 甲一闪,划开了自己的手指,于白瓷 In the large bowl drips into three to drop own fingertip blood. 大碗中滴入三滴自己的指尖血。 Profound in September 91 玄91年九月” Before poster, Aaron mixes in the crowd, good 告示牌前,亚伦混在人群中,好 The standing on tiptoes foot waited and saw wonderfully long time: ‚ Father is really valuable 奇地踮脚观望了良久:‘老子真值钱 Although Baishu once put in an appearance with the Imperial Court falcons and dogs, 虽然白术曾经与朝廷鹰犬照面, But has not left behind the picture and so on. 但并没有留下照片之类。 According to first asks the artist to trace and then send the official documents 按照先找画师临摹、然后发公文 To the speeds of various yamen, Aaron felt oneself have 给各衙门的速度,亚伦觉得自己还有 Last time. 最后一点时间。
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