TOTM :: Volume #9

#878: Waxworks

The fist of Baishu is very heavy! 白术的拳很重! At least kills the person to have no issue! 至少打死人没有什么问题! When the Aaron revolution inner strength, strokes the horse to work as Sun 亚伦运转内力,击打马当太阳 When hole, has the thoughts of sure-kill. 穴之时,更是带着绝杀的心思。 The ordinary fist can kill the person, let alone this 普通的拳都能打死人,更何况这 Plants? 种? The inner strength agitation, defeated horse Dang instantaneously 内力鼓动,瞬间就击破了马当的 The temples, pass through the head, making horse Dang die not 太阳穴,更贯穿脑袋,令马当死得不 Can die again. 能再死。 The look that horse works as is somewhat vacant, dies with injustice unredressed 马当的眼神有些茫然,死不瞑目 ! ! Indeed, he to dying does not believe that Aaron unexpectedly 的确,他到死也不相信,亚伦 However really dares to kill him! 然真的敢杀他! You.” “你.” Sees Aaron to set out, fist belt/bring blood, circlet 看到亚伦起身,拳头带血,小环 Was frightened continually draws back three steps. 被吓得连退三步。 In ruined temple, other universe meeting member 破庙之内,其它‘乾坤会’成员 Is shows the surprised and vigilant facial expression... to vary 更是露出惊讶、警惕的神情…不一 But foot, but all stands up, got hold of the weapon in hand. 而足,但全都站起身,握紧了手中的兵器。 I look at him to call rampantly, not to endure “我看他叫得那么嚣张,就忍不 Lived to help. ” 住帮了一把。” Aaron shows a big bright smile, 亚伦露出一个大大的灿烂笑容, Looks to the circlet: „ What kind of? Also follows not to follow me 看向小环:“怎么样?还跟不跟我走 ? ” ?” I... not!” “我…不!” The circlet draws back continually several steps, feels thiswhite Xuan 小环连退数步,感觉这个‘白玄 ’, Unexpectedly is that strangely! ’,居然是那么得陌生! Not with also good... for ever and ever, latter meeting “不跟也好…天长地久,后会 Limited. ” 有期。” Aaron cups one hand in the other across the chest, goes out of the ruined temple with stride. 亚伦一拱手,大步走出破庙。 The following universe will mix not to have the future, this broken ship 跟着乾坤会混没前途,这条破船 Jump down to as early as possible well. 还是趁早跳下为好。 As for circlet? 至于小环? If can also meet in the future, naturally can repay 如果日后还能遇到,自然会报答 The graciousness of this period of time attendance. 这段时间的照顾之恩。 At present is most essential, is my gold finger “目前最关键的,是我的金手指 It is not right, is 【Scarlet Creator】 some meanings 不对,是【猩红造物主】的部分意 Did the will, where escape to? ” 志,逃到哪里去了?” Aaron ponders diligently, actually discovered oneself do not have 亚伦冥思苦想,却发现自己没有 Means. 办法。 Own gold finger travelled... 自己的金手指跑路了… But the wall of this world bonds also, even if lifts 而这个世界的壁障还在,哪怕举 Good ceremony, most communicates several with the main body, wants 行仪式,也最多跟本体沟通几句,想要 Increases the investment, obviously not possible 11 main bodies possibly with 加大投资,显然不可能一一本体可能同 The type was being diverted by other Fate Manager. 样在被其它司命牵制着。 This opening certainly...” “这开局绝了…” Aaron complained in the heart. 亚伦在心中吐槽。 Thinks, he while picks up the speed to catch up 一边思索,他一边加快速度赶 Road. 路。 Has saying that movement of crane, regarding catching up 不得不说,鹤形的身法,对于赶 The road is very useful. 路还是很有用的。 Especially when hurrying along, he melts the inner strength 特别是在赶路之时,他将内力融 Enters in the both legs, the movement is quick like the remnant shadow. 入双腿之中,身法快得如同残影。 In an instant, can run the average person 只是转眼之间,就能跑出普通人 Distance that is inconceivable. 难以想象的距离。 „ The universe will fan out in two groups, my reveals “乾坤会兵分两路,我这一路显 However is the bait..., but I am also scattered with the large unit, 然是诱饵…而我又与大部队分散, They turned into my bait... I to calculate the ratio 他们变成了我的诱饵…我应该算比 Safe? 较安全吧? Pitifully, cannot see «Shocking Book» it “可惜,不能一睹《惊世书》之 Elegant demeanor... strange people? ’ 风采…异人?’ The words saying words that can immortal cultivation, Aaron naturally not 话说能修仙的话,亚伦当然是不 Is glad to practice martial arts. 乐意练武的。 In the past conquered the whole world greatly unreliably, in opposition even/including 当年大玄席卷天下,反对派中连 Dubhe Ancestral Master left much. 天枢宗师都出了不少。 Does, facing the slaughter of strange people, with ordinary 奈何,面对异人的屠杀,跟普通 The people have no difference. 人也没什么区别。 Therefore, on the rivers and lakes has the public opinion early. 因此,江湖上早有公论。 The prestige of strange people, irresistible! 异人之威,不可阻挡! Even if weakest strange people, strength also in seven 哪怕最弱一个异人,实力也在七 Above section! 段之上! This lets a martial practitioner very desperate matter. 这是让武者很绝望的一件事。 Even if Baishu, is joining the universe meeting, from regulation 哪怕白术,在加入乾坤会,从程 After the eastern Nankou knows some secret, is equivalent 东南口中得知一些秘辛之后,也相当 Desperate. 绝望。 Then, everyone will re-focus on different 然后,大家就将注意力转移到了异 Above technique ancient book. 术典籍之上。 «Shocking Book» is just born, brought in 《惊世书》甫一出世,就引来了 Sanguinary rule. 腥风血雨。 Where then... I do go to now?” “那么…现在我去哪里?” First goes home? Recognized the relative is too awkward randomly... “先回家?乱认亲戚太尴尬了… Or... snatches «Shocking Book»? But “要不…去抢《惊世书》?但 Before I have been separated from the universe to meet..., is slightly 我已经脱离乾坤会了…之前还是略 Desperate. 绝望。 Then, everyone will re-focus on different 然后,大家就将注意力转移到了异 Above technique ancient book. 术典籍之上。 «Shocking Book» is just born, brought in 《惊世书》甫一出世,就引来了 Sanguinary rule. 腥风血雨。 Where then... I do go to now?” “那么…现在我去哪里?” First goes home? Recognized the relative is too awkward randomly... “先回家?乱认亲戚太尴尬了… Or... snatches «Shocking Book»? But “要不…去抢《惊世书》?但 Before I have been separated from the universe to meet..., is slightly 我已经脱离乾坤会了…之前还是略 Somewhat rash, is mainly horse Dang the posture suspends 有些莽撞了,主要是马当的姿势摆得 Too good, can not help and be able not help... ” 太好,情不自禁、情不自禁啊…” Aaron touched own pocket, turns out several 亚伦摸了摸自己的衣兜,翻出几 Silver dragon mark ocean, as well as several silver coins, 枚银色的龙纹大洋,以及几枚角子、 Copper Yuan. 铜元。 Longyang face value one Yuan, can arrive at ten corner/horn, “龙洋面值一元,可以抵十角, 100 copper Yuan, one copper Yuan can buy three 或者一百枚铜元,一枚铜元可以买三 Sesame seed cake... ” 个烧饼…” Is stroking in Longyang the complex pattern, as well as 抚摸着龙洋上复杂的花纹,以及 The surroundings prevent to scrape, and even as the anti-fake label 周围防止刮削、乃至作为防伪标志的 The heel teeth, the Aaron look somewhat is slightly complex. 边齿,亚伦神色略有些复杂。 Greatly unreliably was not the pure ancient times. 大玄可不是纯粹的古代啊。 Silver dollar of this large-scale use, obviously 这种大规模使用的银元,显然就 Is the strength of machinery, rather than what manpower builds 是机械之力,而非什么人工打造而成 He forwarded, arrived at a code 他又向前走了一段,来到一处码 Head. 头。 The waterfront, spurts the steam launch of steam to stop slowly 江边,喷着蒸汽的小火轮缓缓停 In the wharf one group of coolies are calling the business. 靠,码头上一堆苦力正吆喝着生意。 The communication pedestrian are many, mostly puts on the indigo blue 来往行人很多,大多穿着靛蓝色 The grey cotton fabric long gown, outside is wrapping the jacket. 或者灰色的棉布长袍,外面套着马褂。 Only looks at the poster 只看楼主 Collection 收藏 Returning „, I think simply oneself also in “恍惚间,我简直以为自己还在 Great Liang..., although is Great Liang of steam engine period 大梁了…虽然是蒸汽机时期的大梁 Aaron sighed, integrated in the middle of the stream of people 亚伦叹息一声,融入了人流当中 The warrant for arrest 11 now there is universe meet the rebellious party, 通缉令一一兹有乾坤会乱党, Attacks the county city, kills and burns to plunder... the present nation to issue a warrant for arrest 攻打县城,烧杀掳掠…现全国通缉 , Has to provide vital clue to enjoy Longyang 50, captures ,有提供重要线索者赏龙洋50,擒获 Partisan enjoys 100, the important chieftain calculates in addition in a big way... 党羽者赏100,重要头目另算…大 Profound in September 91... ” 玄91年九月…” Before poster, Aaron mixes in the crowd, good 告示牌前,亚伦混在人群中,好 The standing on tiptoes foot waited and saw wonderfully long time: ‚ Father is really valuable 奇地踮脚观望了良久:‘老子真值钱 Although Baishu once put in an appearance with the Imperial Court falcons and dogs, 虽然白术曾经与朝廷鹰犬照面, But has not left behind the picture and so on. 但并没有留下照片之类。 According to first asks the artist to trace and then send the official documents 按照先找画师临摹、然后发公文 To the speeds of various yamen, Aaron felt oneself have 给各衙门的速度,亚伦觉得自己还有 Last time. 最后一点时间。 And... ancient feudal official sketch technology 并且…古代官府的素描技术 Not necessarily credible. ’ 未必可信。’ He walks is filling China and West to unify the flavor the street 他行走在充满中西结合风味的街 On say/way, slightly somewhat flavor eyes cannot take it all. 道上,略有些目不暇接的味道。 The teahouse and Western Confectionery store is a next door. 茶肆与西洋点心店是隔壁。 in Pharmacy and Western Hospital posts. 中药房与西洋医馆并列。 East and West, fine and atmosphere... altogether 东方与西方、精致与大气…共 With composing an extremely special style. 同组成了一种极其特殊的风貌。 But, eventually is not that history... “不过,终究不是那個历史… Had not been invaded greatly unreliably, instead invades its other country 大玄也未被入侵,反而是入侵其它国 The family/home, established many colonies... ” 家,建立了不少殖民地…” Because is the victor, therefore greatly profound common people “因为是胜利者,因此大玄百姓 Treats the foreign civilization and manners and customs does not have any 对待外国文明与风俗习惯就没有什么 Feeling of being able to gain ground, what are more looks at a liveliness 抬不起头的感觉,更多的是瞧个热闹 Has blind faith in as for anything, is complete “至于什么崇洋媚外,更是完全 Without matter of shadow 没有影子的事情” Aaron quite likes such atmosphere, in code 亚伦比较喜欢这样的氛围,在码 The head patrols, is appreciating the wind of another world 头上游弋,欣赏着另一个世界的风 Scenery. 景。 This regarding his long life, is 这对于他漫长的人生而言,可是 Good pleasure and adjustment. 不错的乐子与调剂。 Suddenly, he touches the forehead, the footsteps stop 忽然,他摸了摸额头,脚步一停 , Looks to three foreign-style house architecures. ,望向一处三层洋房式建筑。 Has an inexplicable feeling... the inspiration?! “有种莫名的感觉…灵感?! Aaron looks to the signboard of foreign-style multi-storied building, sees only above 亚伦看向洋楼的招牌,只见上面 Writes 11 Horkins Waxworks with the greatly profound article impressively 赫然用大玄文写着一一霍金斯蜡像馆 This waxworks, are not right!” “这座蜡像馆,不对劲!” Or... has the unusual circumstance!” “或者说…有异常情况!” In greatly profound... the thing of Aberration can so “在大玄…诡异之物可以如此 Openly appears in bazaar? ” 堂而皇之地出现在集市中么?” Aaron arrives at the waxworks main entrance place, the front door opens 亚伦来到蜡像馆正门处,大门敞 Opening, has not been caging, side also has one and the others 开着,并未上锁,旁边还有一个等人 The puppet of proportion, is exhibiting one to invite respectfully into 比例的玩偶,正摆出一个恭敬请入的 Posture. 姿势。 The nearby is setting upright a poster 11welcome 边上竖着一个告示牌一一‘欢迎 Arrives at Horkins Waxworks, life that perfect duplicate/restores carves 来到霍金斯蜡像馆,完美复刻的人生 , Is built by Mr. Horkins carefully... ,由霍金斯先生精心打造… Without the doormen receipt, seem to should exempt 没有门童收票,看起来应该是免 Spends the form of museum. 费博物馆的形式。 The Aaron corners of the mouth exude a smile, walked 亚伦嘴角泛起一丝微笑,走了进 Going. 去。 Just enters the hall, saw that wears 甫一进入大厅,就看到一位身穿 The service person of red formal clothes, look lifelike... 红色礼服的服务员,相貌栩栩如生… Yes, he is only that perfect duplicate/restores carves 是的,他只是一个完美复刻的等 Person high wax figure! 人高蜡像! Looks five senses who the opposite party can even see the pore 望着对方甚至能看到毛孔的五官 What Aaron felt profoundly is the The Valley of Fear effect 亚伦深刻感受到了什么叫恐怖谷效 Should. 应。 I look at him to call rampantly, not to endure “我看他叫得那么嚣张,就忍不 Lived to help. ” 住帮了一把。” Aaron shows a big bright smile, 亚伦露出一个大大的灿烂笑容, Looks to the circlet: „ What kind of? Also follows not to follow me 看向小环:“怎么样?还跟不跟我走 I... not!” “我…不!” The circlet draws back continually several steps, feels thiswhite Xuan 小环连退数步,感觉这个‘白玄 ”, Unexpectedly is that strangely! ”,居然是那么得陌生! Not with also good... for ever and ever, latter meeting “不跟也好…天长地久,后会 Limited. ” 有期。” Aaron cups one hand in the other across the chest, goes out of the ruined temple with stride. 亚伦一拱手,大步走出破庙。 The following universe will mix not to have the future, this broken ship 跟着乾坤会混没前途,这条破船 Jump down to as early as possible well. 还是趁早跳下为好。 As for circlet? 至于小环? If can also meet in the future, naturally can repay 如果日后还能遇到,自然会报答 The graciousness of this period of time attendance. 这段时间的照顾之恩。 At present is most essential, is my gold finger 目前最关键的,是我的金手指 It is not right, is 【Scarlet Creator】 some meanings 不对,是【猩红造物主】的部分意 Did the will, where escape to? 志,逃到哪里去了? Aaron ponders diligently, actually discovered oneself do not have 亚伦冥思苦想,却发现自己没有 Means. 办法。
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