TOTM :: Volume #9

#877: Internal strife and open fight between factions( 14400 make up)

" Total Branch Master they fanned out in two groups, are escorting «Shocking Book» from other leave... "总舵主他们兵分两路,护送着《惊世书》从另外一路离开了… Circlet nie is breathing heavily the reply. 小环嗫喘着回答。 Hears here, the horse in the pupil flashes through gloomy now, fell the soup bowl. 听到这里,马当眼眸中闪过一丝阴沉,将汤碗摔了。 Bang! 砰! The ceramic large bowl falls is split up, just like in ruined temple the heart of wounded person: „ Especially we are abandon the child... to attract the Imperial Court pursuing troops specially 陶瓷大碗摔得四分五裂,正如破庙中伤员的心:“特么的我们都是弃子…专门吸引朝廷追兵 Attention! 注意力的! Aaron at present, appears instantaneously a being concerned about country and people youth image. 亚伦眼前,瞬间浮现出一位忧国忧民的青年形象。 His five senses pretty, treat people temperately courteous, can throw the head and liquor hot blooded, to be popular for the brothers the universe to be able extremely total Branch Master 其五官俊秀、待人温和有礼,更可以为兄弟抛头颅、酒热血、极得人心正是乾坤会总舵主 Southeast regulation! 程东南! Unexpected, is in the reason? “意料之外,还是情理之中呢? If beforehand Baishu, was attacked inevitably dejected. 如果是之前的白术,必然被打击得心灰意冷。 But Aaron does not have many feelings, instead has one type should such idea., 亚伦却没有多少感觉,反而生出一种本该如此的想法。, I need to do now, first maintains life, second is the nosing gold finger matter! 我现在需要做的,第一是保命,第二是查探金手指的事情! Aaron just had this idea, suddenly on a palpitation. 亚伦刚刚冒出这个想法,忽然就一阵心悸。 Absent-minded, he as if saw oneself main body, the ear resounds familiar twittering 9 d 恍惚之间,他仿佛看到了自己的本尊,耳边响起熟悉的呢喃9d” Subsequently, a clear(ly) became aware, quick gave birth in his heart. 继而,一种明悟,很快就在他心中生出。 „ The fight of main body and Fate Manager has been continuing this mortal world and Spirit Realm great change is only the fight of pond and extant Fate Manager also has with it “本尊与司命的战斗一直在继续尘世与灵界的巨变只是池与现存司命的战斗还有与其 It already withering away and fight of waiting resurrecting Fate Manager for example, half Creator rank 它已经消亡、等待复活司命的战斗比如,半步造物主等级的 Scarlet Sun! ” 猩红太阳】!” " This world was equipped with spirit essence, but my arrival, caused the appearance of spirit essence of luminary... 【Scarlet Creator】 "这个世界本来是设有灵性的,但我的到来,导致了曜之灵性的出现…【猩红造物主】 The will exists inshining, some did seizing the chance resurrecting regain consciousness, fled me? This is almost impossible , because is respectively big 的意志存在于“耀之中,趁机部分复活苏醒,逃离了我?这这几乎不可能,是因为各大 Does Fate Manager exert the influence relations jointly in secret? ” 司命联手暗中施加影响的关系?” But this also in planning of main body, the pond must in this world, first defeat the part of 【Scarlet Creator】 will, after “但这也在本尊的算计之中,池要在这个世界,先击破一部分【猩红造物主】的意志,为后 Does the come decisive battle establish the advantage? ” 来的决战奠定优势么?” Aaron has to acknowledge, some wills that oneself this clone is the board game piece and 【Scarlet Creator】 are also the board game pieces. 亚伦不得不承认,自己这个分身是棋子、【猩红造物主】的部分意志也是棋子。 But this world, is the giant checkerboard. 而这个世界,就是巨大的棋盘。 Perhaps in the victory and defeat in this world, is unable directly the victory and defeat that affects to fight a decisive battle finally, but also is good weights! 在这个世界的胜负,或许无法直接影响最终决战的胜负,但也是一枚不错的砝码! Worthily is Creator that I create .... 不愧是我所创造出来的造物主.… Wait, Sun is insane, but died after long, part of wills that resurrecting regains consciousness, is insane or other types 等等,太阳是疯的,但漫长死亡之后,复活苏醒的一部分意志,到底是疯的还是其它样 ? 子? Is it possible that this is also the main body intentionally reason independently, wants to probe the 【Scarlet Creator】 true condition? 莫非这也是本体故意放手的原因,想要试探【猩红造物主】真正的状态? Aaron deeply inspires. 亚伦深吸口气。 Compared with this goal, greatly profound these trillion lives and even the whole world, but is the background boards. 与这个目标相比,大玄这亿万生灵乃至整个世界,不过都是背景板罢了。 Does the Fate Manager games net birth continue? 司命净的诞延续? He south central the heart nan, swept a horse to work as: „ I am about to leave this place. The circlet, can't you walk? 他叭心中南喃一声,扫了眼马当:“我准备离开此地.小环,你走不走? This is also because before the circlet, has looked after Baishu, asked one while convenient. 这也是因为小环之前照顾过白术,顺带问上一句。 If the opposite party is not willing to walk, Aaron will not care. 要是对方不愿意走,亚伦也不会在意。 I 我” The circlet thinks, clenches teeth: „ I follow Brother Bai! 小环想了想,一咬牙:“我跟白大哥走! Follows you? You had gone to half life, can be implicated dead by you? “跟你走?你都已经去了半条命,要被你拖累死么? When horse puts out a hand suddenly, blocked the way of circlet. 马当忽然一伸手,拦住了小环的去路。 He indeed does not hate the circlet to leave, after all the universe will flicker mostly is one group of coarse men, the beautiful woman is the scarce resource. 他的确舍不得小环离开,毕竟乾坤会忽悠到的大都是一群糙汉子,美女是稀缺资源。 Horse works as. “马当。 Aaron narrows the eye slightly: 亚伦微微眯起眼睛: Before wants saying that you looked at my non- eye for a long time, because I was more graceful than you? ” 之前就想说了,你是不是看我不眼好久了,因为我比你帅?” " What chaotic 78? "什么乱七八槽的? When horse some indeed uncomfortable Baishu grow gracefully, but this words are certainly unwarrantable: „ I suspected spy who you obviously are unreliable! Reveals you to steal 马当的确有些不爽白术长得帅,但这种话当然不能承认:“我怀疑你显玄廷的奸细!显你偷 Stole secret! 偷告了秘! Finishes barely the words, he has put out a hand to grasp, above the arm the joint one after another crack, just like having iron hoops stimulates to movement one after another, the potential may not 话音未落,他已经伸手一抓,手臂之上骨节接连炸响,宛若有一枚枚铁环接连催动,势不可 Keeping off. 挡。 A southern skill at martial arts iron wire fist! 南方拳术一铁线拳! Aaron both arms swinging, just like the crane wing, the sleeve blows up, just like two giant sails, the figure clear spirit like the emu, moves sideways to avoid the horse 亚伦双臂摆动,宛若鹤翅,袖子鼓起,宛若两只巨大的风帆,身形清灵如鸸,一闪身躲开马 When sudden attack: „ Horse works as, you are really a villain! 当的突然袭击:“马当,你果然是个小人! Finishes barely the words, his hand being selected law changes, turned into the tiger shape to lift! 话音未落,他手中举法一变,变成了虎形举! The tiger shape attack, the crane shape dodges, this is also the tiger crane diphyphyllum outline tamper force with mercy true meaning! 虎形攻击,鹤形闪避,这也是虎鹤双形纲刚柔并济的真谛! Bang! 砰! When horse turns round, the elbow cross piece, above muscle fall, becomes hard like the iron. 马当回身,手肘横档,上面的肌肉一块块降起,变得坚硬如铁。 Two people arm intersections, drew back simultaneously one step. 两人手臂相交,同时退了一步。 Although the strength of elbow is inevitably bigger than the fist, the fist after having cloud rather suffers ten fists, not by an elbow, but the horse considers the unexpected turning round standard 虽然手肘的力量必然比拳头大,拳经有云宁挨十拳,莫挨一肘,但马当是猝不及防回身格 Keeps off, unexpectedly also drew back two steps compared with Aaron. 挡,居然比亚伦还多退了两步。 Un? hard qi art? “嗯?硬气功 Especially, feels the inner strength that in the opposite party tiger fist that type rushes intensely, the horse works as one startled: " Do you have martial arts unexpectedly? ” 特别是,感受到对方虎拳之中那种激烈澎湃的内力,马当不由一惊:"你居然还有武功?” This white Xuan, should not be kicked the problem by flying demon Aunt Sun, does not die remnantly also? 这个白玄,不是应该被飞天夜叉孙大娘踢中罩门,不死也残的么? Why this exquisite mellow inner strength? 为什么还有这一身精湛醇厚的内力? The internal strength rare book of this world, is very rare goods. 此世的内功秘籍,都是十分稀罕的货色。 However Baishu has handed down in the family, the hardship physique, suffered the big hardship forcefully since childhood, by outside, but, crosses the threshold by hard qi art forcefully, 不过白术有着家传,硬生生从小打熬筋骨,吃了大苦头,才由外而内,以硬气功强行入门, Production inner strength! 生成内力! The inner strength 10%, are separated from not the popular martial practitioner ranks automatically, enters into the grade! 内力10%,就自动脱离不入流武者的行列,迈入段位之中! According to view that the present martial arts world is established by usage, the martial arts roughly seven grades, name by the Big Dipper Big Dipper, respectively be dubhe boundary and day 按照如今武林约定俗成的看法,武功大致有七个段位,以北斗七星命名,分别为天枢境、天 Fine jade boundary, phecda boundary and day authority Jing, alioth boundary, Kaiyang boundary and benetnasch boundary! 璇境、天玑境、天权境、玉衡境、开阳境、摇光境! And, the first benetnasch boundary is lowest, but also is in many rivers and lakes person unattainable realm. 其中,第一段的摇光境最低,但也是许多江湖中人可望而不可及之境界 complete(ly) Jing, must bring forth the true inner strength, entered the grade truly! 毕镜,要练出真正的内力,才算真正入了段位! Ordinary martial practitioner sits in meditation the cultivation internal strength, after bringing forth an inner strength, entered the benetnasch boundary. 普通武者打坐修炼内功,练出一丝内力之后,就入了摇光境。 day Baishu is different! 日白术不同! Although the external work suffering ate, but a dynasty merit is honest, by outside, but , is really air/Qi the spontaneity, the life had/left the inner strength to break three boundaries instantaneously 虽然外功苦头吃了许多,但一朝功诚,由外而内,真气自生,一生出内力就瞬间破了三境 Now is alioth boundary martial practitioner, even can contend with day authority Jing! 如今已是玉衡境武者,甚至能与天权境相抗衡! After all although martial arts has the division of realm, but looks at martial practitioner. 毕竟武功虽然有境界之分,但更看武者 Even if most common martial art, falls in startled certainly the colorful martial practitioner hand, often can display to transform castoffs into delicaties the effect 哪怕是最寻常的武学,落在惊才绝艳的武者手中,也往往能发挥出化腐朽为神奇的效果 Not to mention, some people births were the talents of fight! 更不用说,有的人一出生就是战斗的天才! Baishu is such person! 白术就是这样的人! But Aaron is! 亚伦更加是! After the concubine received the memory of Baishu, he has a more thorough understanding of the tiger crane diphyphyllum this skill at martial arts, and with horse, when hitting 妾收了白术的记忆之后,他已经对虎鹤双形这门拳术有了更加深入的理解,并在与马当的打 During fights, even more thoroughly cooked in heart. 斗之中,越发烂熟于心。 Do not hit 你们不要打了 The circlet looks at this, worried to cry. 小环看着这一幕,着急得都要哭出来了。 With is the alioth boundary, the horse, when was weaker than Baishu planned incessantly! 同为玉衡境,马当却比白术弱了不止一筹! In fact, is not he does not want to call a halt, but is the discovery, oneself could not have called a halt. 实际上,不是他不想停手,而是发现,自己已经停不了手了。 I bang! I砰! Two people fight dozens moves, felt that this sparring partner useless Aaron has flown a foot, center horse Dang the chin, kicks down him in 两人交手数十招,感觉这个陪练已经没什么用的亚伦飞起一脚,正中马当下巴,将他踢倒在 . 地。 horse works as the look to be fierce, stares to look at Aaron, shouted: „Do you dare to move me one to try?” 马当神色狰狞,瞪看亚伦,喝道:“你敢动我一下试试?” Also dares to do that naturally has the reason. 也敢这么做,自然是有原因的。 When first is knows that this white Xuan defends rule, good-hearted.! 当先就是知道这个白玄守规矩,心地善良。! Moreover, so many people looked, if, white Xuanzong is insufficient to betray the universe meeting 另外,这么多人看若,白玄总不至于要背叛乾坤会 The area is gentleman weak Israel! 区就是君子可欺之以方! " Real man, I helps you! ” "好汉子,我成全你!” Does, Aaron does not care about what universe meeting ”, stone to horse, when plants, that helps certainly him. Only only settles me 奈何,亚伦根本不在乎什么乾坤会”,石到马当这么有种,那当然是成全他啦。只只安我 secure Bang! 砰! His right hand makes a fist, the revolution inner strength, pounds ruthlessly in horse works as on the temples! 他右手握拳,运转内力,狠狠砸在马当太阳穴上!
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