TOTM :: Volume #9

#876: gold finger travels( 14200 make up)

„ The lower part is a little sore! „ “下半身有点疼!“ Aaron opens the eye slowly, felt that some are not right. 亚伦缓缓睁开眼睛,感觉有些不对。 Oneself seem lying down on the ground, and lower part sense of touch is not wonderful, a pain transmits. 自己似乎正躺在地上,并且下半身触觉不妙,有一种痛感传来。 Is good because of being not front, is it possible that is the hemorrhoids?” * TU 8 q] SrJ + " “好在不是前面,莫非是痔疮?”*TU8q]SrJ+」 A Aaron intention revolution, follows spirit essence that oneself arrive, is patching the body fast, making the unusual feeling dissipate fast. 亚伦心念一转,伴随自己降临的灵性,就在飞快修补着身躯,令异样感飞快消散。 At this time, he had the thoughts to observe the environment. 这时,他才有心思观察周围环境。 This seems like a ruined temple, the outside cold wind whistling is blowing, not far away has the gang, gathers round record/native place fire, clothing ragged building, 这似乎是一间破庙,外面冷风呼呼吹着,不远处有着一伙人,围着籍火,一个个衣衫褴楼, The body is tying the arms the cloth strip, some also in unceasingly outward oozing of blood. 身上绑着布条,有的还在不断往外渗血。 „ Did Brother Bai, you awake? „ “白大哥,你醒了?“ Side, wears the red clothes lined jacket, gripped the young girls of two pitch-black braids to shout one pleasantly surprised. 旁边,一名穿着红色衣袄,扎着两条乌黑辫子的少女惊喜叫了一声。 " You are. Circlet?! " "你是.小环?!" Aaron muttered, just like receiving anything stimulated, in the mind massive memories appeared. 亚伦喃喃自语,宛若受到了什么刺激,脑海之中大量记忆浮现出来。 Unreliably toward, family and master gate, rebellion! 玄朝、家庭、师门、造反! Such many information, pass through the guest to choke to roll the eyes any sufficiently. 如此之多的信息,足以将任何一个穿越客噎到翻白眼。 However to Aaron, he closes the eye, had not usually to accept these memories and knowledge. 不过对亚伦而言,他只是闭上眼睛,就有条不素地接受了这些记忆与知识。 No mistake! 没有错! This is a counter- thief! 此身是一位反贼! The present is the greatly profound 91 years! 如今是大玄九十一年! Won the world greatly unreliably, the nation bans the military, has the emblem blade command! The offenders regard as the rebellion, kills entire family! 大玄得了天下,全国禁武,有徽刀令!违者视为造反,杀全家! Therefore is very unpopular, each region martial arts world school and heroic few hero risers are innumerable. 因此十分不得人心,各地武林门派、英雄少侠起义者数不胜数。 This Baishu, is an enthusiastic youth. 这位白术,也是其中一位热血青年。 He from small growth in the martial arts world aristocratic family, handed down in the familytiger crane diphyphyllum fist, 他自小生长在武林世家,家传‘虎鹤双形拳, Every day smudges the whole body with the iron vinegar and liquid medicines, again with bamboo strip iron bar 每日用铁醋与药水涂抹全身,再用竹片铁条 Wraps the body, wears the iron boots, practices martial skill. 包裹身体,穿铁靴,习练武艺 Self-torture more than ten years later, exercises a copper sheet iron bone, then makes a living as a wandering fortune-teller, runs into the good friend who had a common goal dry/does, reached agreement 苦修十余年后,练就一身铜皮铁骨,然后闯荡江湖,遇到了干志同道合的好友,相约起 Matter! 事! Finally meets the profound falcons and dogs to encircle, the Baishu even/including successive defeats kill the powerful enemy, retreats fighting, finally actually injured in female Zhou Quan 结果就遇到玄廷鹰犬围剿,白术连连败杀强敌,且战且退,最终却还是伤在了一名女周犬的 Under Yin leg!, 阴腿下!, After seeing clearly this memory, in the Aaron heart, immediately is full speechless. 当看清这段记忆之后,亚伦心中,顿时就是满满的无语啊。 The opposite party did not call five masters luckily too, I did not call Fong Sai-yuk... 幸好对方不叫五枚师太,我也不叫方世玉… Brother Bai was injured, needs the bouillon! “白大哥受伤了,需要肉汤! At this time, the young girl clear voice, spread to the Aaron ear again. 这时,少女清脆的声音,再次传入亚伦耳中。 Circlet, the Baishu problem was broken, must die without doubt you do not pester endlessly.” Another vigorous sound resounds. “小环,白术罩门被破,必死无疑了你不要胡搅蛮缠。”另外一个浑厚的声音响起。 Aaron opens the eyes, sees near the wooden frame soup caldron, on circlet takes a broken bowl, is preparing to give itself abundant one bowl of bouillon. 亚伦睁开双眼,就见到木架汤锅边上,小环手上拿着一个破碗,正准备给自己盛一碗肉汤。 But another is tall, the skin number black such as the bald youth of iron rejected directly. 但另外一个身材高大,皮肤数黑如铁的光头青年直接拒绝了。 " Brother Ma .... But Brother Bai protects us for me injured, but the eye I saw him to open the eye a moment ago "马大哥.…可是白大哥是为了俺护我们才受伤的,而目刚才我看见他睁开眼睛了” The circlet eye socket is red. 小环眼眶通红。 Snort! „ “哼!“ The Ma youth snatched the soup bowl directly, gu has presented as a gift to drink, grasped bone to gnaw greatly, even in soup bowl last juice 马姓青年直接抢过汤碗,咕赠赠喝了起来,抓起其中的骨头大啃,甚至连汤碗中最后一点汁 The fluid is not willing to let off, stretches out the tongue to lick to lick greedily. 液都不愿意放过,伸出舌头贪婪地舔舐着。 To him, at this time always a split strength, were that many point of a hope escapes from the Imperial Court pursuing troops! 对于他而言,这时每多一分体力,就多一分从朝廷追兵中逃生的希望! Aaron also recognizes this person, is called horse Dang, the appearance is rogue, actually is also one of the own sworn brothers. 亚伦也认得这个人,叫做马当,面相凶恶,却也是自己的结义兄弟之一。 Initially the enthusiastic youth gathered together, became the brothers of a different surname together, but also letter written in blood pledge, resolved to overthrow greatly unreliably. 当初热血青年聚首,共同结为异姓兄弟,还血书盟普,立志推翻大玄。 Finally once comes across the setback, is this morality! 结果一旦遇到挫折,就是这种德性! ! " 咳咳!" However in Aaron this type has seen a lot, coughs to rinse one directly, partly sits. 不过亚伦这种中早已见得多了,直接咳漱一身,半坐起来。 „Did Brother Bai... you really awake?” “白大哥…你真的醒了?” The circlet cheers one, arrives at side Aaron , helping up him carefully. 小环欢呼一声,来到亚伦身边,将他小心扶起。 Aaron takes a fast look around one, these wounded person do not dare to look at each other with him, is hanging down the head. 亚伦扫视一眼,这些伤员根本不敢跟他对视,一个个都低垂着脑袋。 complete(ly) Jing, Baishu is because brings up the rear on own initiative, is seriously injured! 毕镜,白术是因为主动断后,才身受重伤的! horse Dang, saw actually Baishu can also stand unexpectedly, in the heart slightly somewhat regretted, felt before seemed like some making the mistake. 倒是马当,见到白术竟然还能站起来,心中略有些后悔,感觉之前似乎有些做错了。 But at this time the wrong thing has done, but this Baishu martial arts problem was broken, does not die also waste, is actually sneers one , to continue to eat the soup to eat the meat. 但此时错事已经做下,而这白术武功罩门被破,不死也废,却是冷笑一声,继续喝汤吃肉。 Either does not do, must do certainly! 要么不做,要做做绝! The good fortune not concentrates to ask, he is this extreme personality person! 幸无凝问,他就是这种偏激性格的人! Aaron has not managed him, is realizing the situation of this body silently: 亚伦也没有管他,默默体会着这具身体的情况: Un... the injury restores 7788, martial arts is also similar 嗯…伤势恢复得七七八八,武功也差不多 Came back the tiger crane diphyphyllum fist? 回来了虎鹤双形拳么? This set of Fist Arts takes the tiger vigor andshape, takes the craneposture with Italy, the tiger shape practices breathing exercises the strength, the movement sinks hero, the prestige 这套拳法取虎之“劲和“形,又取鹤之“姿”和“意”,虎形练气力,动作沉雄,声威 Dominates, has the bustling with activity potential ; The crane shape practices the spirit, the skill is nimble, quick-moving, the wonder of angry static god idling, both unite, 叱咤,有龙腾虎跃之势;鹤形练精神,身手灵捷,动作迅速,有气静神闲之妙,两者合一, For the tamper force with mercy, is really rare excellent martial art! 是为刚柔并济,着实是一门不可多得的上乘武学 Copper sheet iron bone hard qi art that in addition Baishu exercises since childhood, has the rivers and lakes to be then difficult to meet the opponent initially. 再加上白术从小锻炼的一身铜皮铁骨硬气功,初出江湖便难逢对手。 Just, cannot stand off profound eventually! 只不过,终究还是敌不过玄廷! Even the profound true experts have not appeared, by one team of demon dogs sending. 甚至玄廷真正的高手都还没有出现,就被一队魔犬给打发了。 This war, has in fact broken Baishu sufficiently tries a faith, making him develop not to burst him also soon dead, before first burst, 这一战,实际上已经足以打破白术的试道信念,让他演溃不过他原本也快要死了,前溃前 Is bursting also on be used.! 溃着也就习惯了.! As for Aaron, then absolutely does not have heart of matter martial arts! 至于亚伦,则是根本就没武道之心这回事! Looked that this horse Dang knew, will revolt not to have the future happen to with the universe to seize the chance to withdraw... 看这马当就知晓了,跟着乾坤会造反没前途的正好趁机脱身吧… Baishu this person, is a little cleverness in trivial matters , although at least before doing this decapitates the business, has not changed surname, but uses an aliaswhite Xuan 白术这个人,还是有点小聪明的,至少干这杀头买卖之前虽然没有改姓,但化名‘白玄 , At least not calamity and family member..., if Imperial Court has not traced. ,至少不会祸及家人…如果朝廷没有追查到的话。 Aaron rubbed the forehead, the memory of before emerging were too many, he also can only first extract some essential. 亚伦揉了揉自己额头,之前涌现的记忆实在太多,他也只能先提取一些最关键的。 Also has a look at the circlet, what say/way: „ Does Association President have «Shocking Book»? 也看看小环,何道:“会长还有《惊世书》呢? The greatly profound past years can capture the world, was lucky " strange peoplehelp one another, but the strange people do not practice martial art, but is cultivationdifferent technique 大玄当年能够夺取天下,多亏了"异人”相助,而异人并不习练武学,而是修炼“异术 Said that is quite fearful and powerful, kills the martial arts masters like killing the chicken! 说相当可怕与强大,杀武林高手如同杀鸡! secure according to the view of Aaron, is they practices martial arts, Imperial Court immortal cultivation, the disparity was too big, has no way to hit! 安照亚伦的看法,就是他们练武,朝廷修仙,差距太大了,根本没法打! As overthrowing big person of high ideals, they will not let off any related „ the news of different technique obviously. 作为推翻大的有志之士,他们显然不会放过任何有关“异术的消息。 This time, the universe meetingalso obtains the information, a «Shocking Book» present world of record different technique, this revolt rebellion, breaks 这一次,乾坤会”也是得到情报,一本记载异术的《惊世书》现世,这才起义造反,打破 The county administration, captured this ancient book. 县衙,夺取了这本典籍。 Again then, is Imperial Court is furious, encircled on a large scale. 再然后,就是朝廷震怒,大举围到了。 Different technique? 异术? Aaron thinks that some information aboutdifferent technique, the expression becomes somewhat subtle. Only only settles me to settle. 亚伦想到关于‘异术的一些信息,表情不由变得有些微妙。只只安我安。 Although cultivates different technique progress ten thousand li in a day, kills the martial arts masters like killing the chicken, but this different technique was not called the immortal law, yes 虽然修炼异术进度一日千里,杀武林高手如同杀鸡,但这种异术之所以不叫仙法,就是 Because it is cruel enough, bloody, Aberration! 因为其足够残忍、血腥、诡异 And, cultivates the different technique, will make the person have the phenomenon, appears the Inhuman characteristics, gradually, turns into the monster! 并且,修炼异术,会令人身有异像,浮现出非人特征,久而久之,就变成怪物! This is pollutes! 这就是污染啊! In the Aaron heart talked to oneself: Was good brings gold finger because of this time me, as if focusing onluminary, can purify all pollution... 亚伦心中自语:好在这次我带了金手指,似乎就是以‘曜为主的,能净化一切污染… Also just wants to call own gold finger, suddenly in feeling heart: „ Not to... my gold finger? How not to have? 也刚刚想叫出自己的金手指,忽然就感觉心中一空:“不对…我的金手指呢?怎么没有了? What to do opening gold finger to disappear? 开局金手指不见了怎么办? Lives the line, is very anxious...... 生线等,挺急的……
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