TOTM :: Volume #9

#875: Change

Spirit Realm. 灵界 Mother of Nature body of Olivia and Motula 自然之母琳・奥莉薇摩图拉的身 The shadow also appears. 影同时浮现。 This is a pure white forest, various modeling are wonderful 这是一片纯白的森林,各种造型奇 The different trees level is uneven, the branch hung all over the eyes of person 异的树木层次不齐,枝头挂满了人的眼 bead and ear. 珠与耳朵。 Arrives along with two Year Manager, these eyeballs 伴随着两位司岁降临,这些眼珠都 In abundance closed, the ear also dreaded to roll up. 纷纷闭合,耳朵也畏惧地蜷缩了起来。 Although Spirit Realm is all information and mysterious collections 灵界虽然是一切信息与神秘的集 About extreme danger, but regarding Year Manager, except that 合,极端危险,但对于司岁而言,除了 Outside the places of several special hazards, actually also with oneself 几处特别危险的地方之外,却也跟自家 The back garden is similar. 后花园差不多。 „ The greatness of Fate Managers, can find time unexpectedly instantaneously 司命们的伟岸,竟然能瞬间抽空 In a world all spirit essence, completely change mystically 一个世界内所有的灵性,彻底改变神秘 Studied floor rule? ” 学的底层规则么?” Forest Olivia two-sided four, wear one to have 林・奥莉薇双面四手,身穿一件带有 The aquamarine long skirt of vine flower petal, muttered. 藤蔓花瓣的碧绿色长裙,喃喃自语。 Great of Fate Managers, surpassed me 司命们的伟大,原本就超出我 Imagination. ” 想象。” Motula also sighs with emotion one. 摩图拉也感慨一声。 Regarding these two Year Manager, true testing 对于这两位司岁而言,真正的考 Examines, just started. 验,才刚刚开始。 yi are waiting for silently, because believes fabricated it 衪们默默等待着,因为相信虚妄之 Spirit enlightenment, knows that the disaster happened inevitably! 灵的启示,也知道灾难必然发生! Started!” “开始了!” How long the time does not know, Lin Olivia suddenly 时间不知道过去多久,琳奥莉薇 However said. 然道。 In the Motula eye pupil appears together the unusual god 摩图拉眼眸中浮现出一道异样的神 Picks, as if induced anything. 采,仿佛感应到了什么。 AsYear Manager of secret, he regarding multiple history 作为‘秘之司岁,他对于多重历史 Has the unique authority and field of vision. 有着独特的权柄与视野。 But at this time, he can feel, wields in October it 而此时,他能感受到,执掌10月之 Was the same age Secret Keeper to fall from the sky one by one! 同岁一一守秘人陨落了! No! 不! Does not fall from the sky, but was taken back! 不是陨落,而是被收回! The history of single layer heavy secret appears, that is 一重重隐秘的历史重新浮现,那是 The multiple history, are the world trend different possibilities. 多重历史,是世界走向的不同可能。 Even, each layer of history, is a uniqueness 甚至,每一重历史,都是一个独特 Parallel world! 的平行世界! low-rank irregular, even can through passing through 低阶非凡者,甚至可以通过穿越 Gate of Multiple Histories, arrives at the different world, the experience 多重历史之门,来到不同的世界,体验 Different history and lives! 不同的历史与人生! However, at this moment! 然而,就在此时此刻! That multiple history is crashing, history 那一道道多重历史正在崩塌,历史 The worms scatter in all directions to flee, can endure to compare Immortal and even 的蠕虫们四散奔逃,能堪比长生者乃至 Engraved One they, just like had actually been ground by the wheel finally 刻印者的它们,最终却宛若被车轮碾过 The insect is common, blasts out one after another, flows 的虫子一般,一个接一个炸开,流淌出 Plump juice .... 肥硕的汁液.… But at this time, he can feel, wields in October it 而此时,他能感受到,执掌10月之 Was the same age Secret Keeper to fall from the sky one by one! 同岁一一守秘人陨落了! No! 不! Does not fall from the sky, but was taken back! 不是陨落,而是被收回! The history of single layer heavy secret appears, that is 一重重隐秘的历史重新浮现,那是 The multiple history, are the world trend different possibilities. 多重历史,是世界走向的不同可能。 Even, each layer of history, is a uniqueness 甚至,每一重历史,都是一个独特 Parallel world! 的平行世界! low-rank irregular, even can through passing through 低阶非凡者,甚至可以通过穿越 Gate of Multiple Histories, arrives at the different world, the experience 多重历史之门,来到不同的世界,体验 Different history and lives! 不同的历史与人生! However, at this moment! 然而,就在此时此刻! That multiple history is crashing, history 那一道道多重历史正在崩塌,历史 The worms scatter in all directions to flee, can endure to compare Immortal and even 的蠕虫们四散奔逃,能堪比长生者乃至 Engraved One they, just like had been ground actually by the wheel finally 刻印者的它们,最终却宛若被车轮碾过 The insect is common, blasts out one after another, flows 的虫子一般,一个接一个炸开,流淌出 Plump juice 肥硕的汁液 ... Finally, from history, indescribable 最终,从历史之中,一位莫可名状 Existence revives. 之存在苏醒了过来。 Any language is unable to describe this together form 任何语言都无法描述这一道身影的 Great, the words in this moment are so weak. 伟岸,话语在这一刻是如此无力。 Motula both eyes flow out the tears of blood, closes difficultly 摩图拉双目流出血泪,艰难地闭上 Eye. 了眼睛。 Fate Manager of secret! 秘之司命 Once collected Sun dead this essential history 曾经收藏太阳死亡这一关键历史的 Jiada Division gathers I 佳大司合I Once collected Sun dead this essential history 曾经收藏太阳死亡这一关键历史的 Great Fate Manager! 伟大司命 Regained consciousness! 苏醒了! Finally, all starts, all conclusions... “终于,一切的开始,一切的结束… Raven muttered one, the figure was unreal, changes into does not have 渡鸦喃喃一声,身形虚幻,化为无 Counts the occultism foundation with entering the step knowledge. 神秘学基础与进阶知识。 Its each feather, in fact by far 它的每一根羽毛,实际上都是由远 The knowledge quantity of over library constitutes. 超一個图书馆的知识量所构成。 Only looks at the poster 只看楼主 Collection 收藏 Only replies 只回复 Withstands incomparably fearful knowledge mighty current to clash in the flash 在一瞬间承受无比可怕的知识洪流冲 Brushing, exploding is the most relaxed cause of death. 刷,爆头是最轻松的死法。 In addition, the myriad things died are born 除此之外,还有万物死亡中诞生的 Deep Fate Manager! 冥之司命 Exists during the shadow and distortionDistortion bubble 存在于阴影与扭曲之中的【扭曲泡 Shadow 】! 影】! On behalf of change and invariable 【Insect Cocoon】! 代表变化与不变的【虫茧】 Five big Fate Manager also regains consciousness, brought to Spirit Realm 五大司命同时苏醒,给灵界带来了 Extremely profound influence and change! 极其深刻的影响与变化! But this change, responded the dust similarly 而这种变化,也同样反应到了尘 World! 世! Ingves. 英维斯 On the street, irregular has settled on some 街道上,一位非凡者已经看准了某 Prosperous-looking gentleman, as well as in his pocket bulging 位富态绅士,以及他口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的 Wallet. 钱包。 " Is hungry and greedy. **. ” "饿、贪婪.**.” Damn, since association destruction, I “该死的,自从协会覆灭之后,我 Survived is getting more and more difficult 们生存越来越困难了” Scarlet irregular was hard to control from 赤之非凡者本来就是难以控制自 Body ** type. 身**的类型。 And, lost 并且,失去了【 And night 】以及夜 Mother, ‚ Lord of Buried Bones and other Year Manager asylums, they 之母、‘藏骸主司岁的庇护,他们就 Lost secrets sphere biggest taking advantage, faced in every way 失去了隐秘界最大的依仗,面临被多方 Encircled misfortune. 围剿的厄运。 By the present, high level and elite casualty danger 到了现在,高层与精英都死伤殆 Performs, only has fish slip through of floor to be remnant in the live day to day 尽,唯有底层的漏网之鱼还在苟延残 Breathing heavily. 喘。 Longed for by the flesh as well as poor almost suffers sends 被血肉渴望以及贫穷几乎折磨得发 Insane irregular, is following this gentleman, returns 疯的非凡者,跟随着这位绅士,一路回 Arrived his family/home. 到了他的家中。 That is very good two villas, but also brings 那是一间很不错的二层别墅,还带 A small garden. 着一个小花园。 Although the parapet is very high, but also is raising the hunting dog, but is right 虽然栏杆很高,还养着猎犬,但对 irregular, solving them is very relaxed 非凡者而言,解决掉它们是很轻松的 Matter. 事情。 Finally, this irregular went into the room, 终于,这位非凡者闯入了屋内,准 Prepares a grand feast! 备来一次盛宴! " Who? ” "谁?” The next quarter, the gentleman discovered the unexpected visitor, one 下一刻,绅士发现了不速之客,一 Taking up hung the hunting rifle on wall: „ It is not accurate 把抄起了挂在墙壁上的猎枪:“不准 Moves, otherwise I opened fire. ” 动,否则我开枪了。” Weak one! The mortals... your firearms are unable “弱者!凡人…你的枪械根本无法 Is brought to a successful conclusion thousand what injuries to me. ” 给我告成仟何伤害。” Weak one! The mortal your firearms are unable “弱者!凡人你的枪械根本无法 Causes any damage to me. ” 给我造成任何伤害。” The irregular criminal laughs, plunges fiercely right 非凡者罪犯大笑一声,猛地扑向对 . 方。 Bang! 砰! A gunshot. 一声枪响。 Smog dispersing, this criminal mister pours in the pool of blood 烟雾散开,这位罪犯先生倒在血泊 Middle, the whole face has doubts: Why my energy 当中,满脸疑惑:为什么我的能 Strength? 力? „ The present entering the inner rooms robbers are so silly “现在的入室抢劫犯都这么傻的 ? " 么?" The puzzled gentleman equally feels at a loss, but 一脸疑惑的绅士同样感到迷惘,但 This does not hinder him to call the public security officer immediately...... 这并不妨碍他立即叫来治安官…… In some secret room. 某个密室内。 Then, I must explain the sacrificial offering with returning to you “接下来,我要向你讲解祭祀与回 Should the knowledge remembers, never approach unknown saving 应的知识记住,永远不要向未知的存 Was praying, otherwise you will die very difficult to look at. ” 在祈祷,否则你会死得非常难看。” A secret organization teacher is in the Professor study 一个隐秘组织的导师正在教授 People: „ In Spirit Realm, Year Managers keeps aloof, except 徒:“灵界之中,司岁们高高在上,除 Beside this is major Secret Existence..., but they too 此之外就是各大隐秘存在…但祂们都太 Our School process sought, analysis and experiment 强了,我们学派经过寻找、解析、试验 ... Also had the essential sacrifice, finally determined one …还有必不可少的牺牲,最终确定了一 The position can stabilize responded to the hope has 113 sharp it 位可以稳定回应祈求的存在一一三尖之 Insect! ” 虫!” Pond likes 11 : 00 pm to 1 : 00 am when “池喜欢夜晚11点到凌晨1点的时 In the middle, likes the pot marigold and rose volatile oil... using enough 间,喜欢金盏花、玫瑰精油…用足够 The precious metal and gem of weight/quantity prayed to pond, It will return 分量的贵金属、宝石向池祈祷,祂会回 Feeding bywater of this forgetting is the key of our School 馈以‘遗忘之水这是我们学派的关键 Commodity. ” 物资。” I had taught the complete pray to you, “我已经向你讲授了完整的祈祷、 Communicates and grants the ceremony, then... I will demonstrate one 沟通、赐予仪式,接下来…我会示范一 Spreads, then you come. ” 遍,然后你来。” This teacher knows extremely well uses the candle and dagger and salt 这位导师熟稔地用蜡烛与匕首、盐 Manufactured a prayer ceremony, puts on the ceremony center 制作了一个祈祷仪式,在仪式中心放上 Together ruby. 一块红宝石。 favored one of mother of insect!” “虫之母的眷顾者!” „The feudal lord in river of forgetting!” “遗忘之河的领主!” „ The insects of great three point please accept my sacrifice “伟大的三尖之虫请收下我的祭 Grants me the water of forgetting 品,赐予我遗忘之水” The teacher with the Spirit Realm speech word, is reading aloud the incantation loudly 导师用灵界语言,大声念诵着咒 Article. 文。 Then .... 然后.… The candle stable conbustion, anything has not sent as before 蜡烛依旧稳定燃烧,什么都没有发 Fresh. 生。 Looked at the eyes of apprentice, the teacher is smiling awkwardly 望着学徒的眼睛,导师尴尬地笑了 : „ A moment ago what I demonstrated is the wrong method, 一下:“刚才我演示的是错误的做法, Wish makes you discover its fault, very pitifully, you and 想要让你找出它的错处,很可惜,你并 No. ” 没有.” " Was sorry "抱歉” The apprentices immediately become anxious. 学徒马上变得紧张起来。 Good, I try again, you saw clearly!” “好,我再试一遍,你看清楚了!” Teacher previous ceremony complete crew cut, then 导师将之前的仪式全部推平,然后 Recreates. 重做一遍。 The candle flaming is burning, anything does not have as before 蜡烛熊熊燃烧着,依旧什么都没有 In 发生 “Ahem!” “咳咳!” “Ahem!” “咳咳!” On the face of teacher appears rapidly dark red: 导师的脸上迅速浮现出一丝殷红: Is impossible to defer to the most standard flow obviously. 不可能明明都按照最标准的流程. No, is not right, my spirit essence? ” 不,不对,我的灵性?”
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