TOTM :: Volume #9

#874: Drains( 14000 make up)

Does not know that is what disaster?” “不知道是什么样的灾难?” Liliette looks to Mother of Nature and Motula. 莉莉娅特看向自然之母摩图拉 Perhaps these two Year Manager, should know, after all is Spirit Realm 这两位司岁,或许应该知道一些,毕竟是灵界 Important matter. 大事。 But she felt vacant of two Year Manager unexpectedly! 但她竟然感受到了两位司岁的茫然! Meaning that behind this represents, instead is more terrifying! 这背后所代表的含义,反而更加恐怖! This time disaster, involved great existence above Year Manager one- division “这次的灾难,涉及了司岁之上的伟大存在一-司 Perhaps the life, only hasRaven to understand 12. ” 命,或许唯有‘渡鸦才能了解一二。” Aaron patted clapping. 亚伦拍了拍手。 In the dense fog opens a channel automatically, lets black Black Raven 迷雾之中自动打开一条通道,让一只黑色的乌鸦 Flew. 飞了进来。 This Black Raven also falls on a chair, is sizing up all around curiously: 乌鸦也落在一张椅子上,好奇地打量着四周: My ally... Raven comes on your summon “我的盟友…渡鸦应你的召唤而来” Wields Year Manager of September, Raven of wisdom... I needs your solution “执掌9月之司岁,智慧之渡鸦…我需要你的解 Answered. ” 答。” Aaron sits well on the representative Green Woods Count chair, both hands naturally hang 亚伦端坐在代表绿森伯爵的椅子上,双手自然垂 In the knee, asked leisurely and carefree: Disaster about soon after Spirit Realm!” 在膝盖,悠闲发问:“关于不久之后灵界的灾难!” This should be the security category!” “这应该属于保密范畴!” The third eye of Raven opens, to center the treasure of nobody left 渡鸦的第三只眼睛睁开,对着正中空无一人的宝 Place good a ritual: „... I indeed know, this is Fate Managers 座行了一礼:“不过…我的确知道,这是司命们 secret approximately, they will regain consciousness collectively one time, yes .... My itself/Ben 的秘约,他们将会集体苏醒一次,是的.…我的本 Reveres, Fate Manager of source of that Tajikistan, will have regained consciousness similarly 尊,那位“塔”之源头的司命,也同样会苏醒过 Comes 来” You must know, falling from the sky of previous 【Blood and Flesh Mother Tree】, Fate Manager “你要知道,上次【血肉母树】的陨落,将司命 Annoyed. Before the Flood, 【Scarlet Creator】, 们都惹毛了.自从上古时代,【猩红造物主】 After 【Black Sun】 falls from the sky, this is the first time that presented Fate Manager to fall from the sky, 【黑日】陨落之后,这还是第一次出现司命陨落, True falling from the sky that is unable to resurrect! ” 真正的、无法复活的陨落!” The Raven sound as if has one to shiver. 渡鸦的声音都似乎带着一丝颤抖。 Indescribably and incomparably powerful Fate Manager?” Liliette asked “不可名状、无比强大之司命么?”莉莉娅特 Said: Some of their altogether how many positions?” 道:“他们总共有多少位?” Eight, or nine... Aaron chuckle, by one type not really “八位,或者九位…亚伦轻笑一声,以一种不甚 The cared tone replied: „ Each spirit essence source, with one 在意的语气回答:“每一种灵性的源头,都与一位 Fate Manager is related, they wieldluminary respectivelyScarlet divine creative force 司命有关,他们分别是执掌‘曜的【猩红造物 Hosts 】, Wields scarlet 【Blood and Flesh Mother Tree】, ‚ pavilion itBlack 主】、执掌赤的【血肉母树】、‘閣之【黑 day 】, ‚ Cocoon【Insect Cocoon】, ‚ 【Distorted Naught】 of shadow also 日】、‘蛹”之【虫茧】、‘影之【扭曲泡影】 Has secret and ‘Tower’, ‚ existence of deep source! ” 有‘秘、‘塔’、‘冥之源头的存在!” In perhaps them each, can easily destroy this mortal world, “他们中的每一位,或许都可以轻易毁灭尘世, Complex change and shadow that is also at least inconceivable to world bring 至少也是给世界带来难以想象的复杂变化与影 Sound. ” 响。” Eight, or nine?” Yefnay looks to Green Woods Count, the feeling “八位,或者九位?”叶芙奈看向绿森伯爵,感觉 In concealed the occultism knowledge to these words, is most important 到这句话中所隐含的神秘学知识,才是最重要 . 的。 Naturally, My Lord Dreamt-Up Spirit!” “当然,还有吾主虚妄之灵!” Aaron spoke thoughtlessly the reply. 亚伦随口回答。 After all he has supposed oneself person turned into Green Woods Count resurrecting 毕竟他已经将自己的人设变成了绿森伯爵复活的 Vessel, but Green Woods Count is ‚ the Dreamt-Up Spirit vessel. 容器、而绿森伯爵又是‘虚妄之灵的容器。 Rounds up, oneself are ‚ the Dreamt-Up Spirit spokesman, 四舍五入起来,自己就是‘虚妄之灵的代言人, The nature speech does not need to expose again devotionally. 自然说话不需要再展露虔诚。 great existence is impossible to believe itself devotionally! 伟大存在不可能虔诚信仰自己! Raven the head, is interested in this mysterious knowledge obviously. 渡鸦偏着头,显然对这种神秘知识非常感兴趣。 But eight big spirit essence sources have Fate Manager, My Lord why “但八大灵性的源头都已经有了司命,吾主为何 Also is Fate Manager, is it possible that same path can have two Year Manager, 也是司命,莫非同一道路可以存在两位司岁,又 …… ? ” 者?” Yefnay thinks that some possibility, the body cannot help but starts to shiver 叶芙奈想到某个可能,身体不由自主地开始颤抖 Getting up. 起来。 The showing of Aaron, has stated clearly Dreamt-Up Spirit on the difference compared with the division 亚伦的这番说明,已经就差明说虚妄之灵是比司 The lives must higher first-level existence! 命们还要更高一级的存在了! Many Fate Manager covered up in all occultism significances jointly occupies “诸多司命联手遮掩了所有神秘学意义上的占 The divination, ‚ Dreamt-Up Spirit can discover, and gives you to inspire, position standard is absolute 卜,‘虚妄之灵能发现,并给予你启示,位格绝对 Yes Fate Manager first-level. ” 司命一级。” Raven nods, approved. 渡鸦点点头,表示了认可。 My Lord demonstrated to me a future, that indeed is a disaster 吾主只是向我展示了一段未来,那的确是个灾 Difficult, but more detailed information, but also wants you to explain. ” 难,但更详细的信息,还要你来说明。” Aaron looks to Raven. 亚伦看向渡鸦 Raven opens the wing, good a ritual: „ Is willing to work for you ..... 渡鸦则张开翅膀,行了一礼:“愿意为您效劳..… In fact, the plan of Fate Managers is very simple, they short Su 实际上,司命们的计划很简单,他们将短暂苏 Awakes, and spirit essence of extraction this mortal world... makes the entire this mortal world change into does not have 醒,并且抽取尘世的灵性…让整个尘世化为没有 spirit essence wilderness! ” 灵性的荒漠!” What?” “什么?” Liliette takes the lead to call out in alarm makes noise: „ Is this possible? spirit essence not 莉莉娅特率先惊呼出声:“这怎么可能?灵性 Exists in the myriad things? How it can be derived, command world 是存在于万物之中么?它怎么可以被汲取,令世 Turns into the spirit essence wilderness? ” 界变成灵性的荒漠?” That is you have not lived has done for many years .... “那是你还没有活过一干多年.… In the Aaron heart shows the whites of the eyes: „ I testified, did for many years ago, this 亚伦心中翻了个白眼:“我作证,一干多年前,这 The world and has no so-called spirit essence to exist, spirit tide recovery 个世界并没有什么所谓的灵性存在,灵潮复苏也 Is a red herring! Was I accomplished this world that filled spirit essence! ’ 是个伪命题!是我造就了这个充满灵性的世界!’ „ The first wave of attack of Fate Managers, drains spirit essence this mortal world, the command world 司命们的第一波攻击,是将尘世抽干灵性,令世 Popularizes for the mysterious wilderness, compelling me to fly upwards? 俗化为神秘的荒漠,逼我飞升么? Aaron has to acknowledge, this move is quite indeed sinister. 亚伦不得不承认,这一招的确相当毒辣。 If ordinary Present Times Immortal, facing this situation, perhaps 如果是普通的现世长生者,面对这种情况,恐怕 Also can only submit, flies upwards Spirit Realm. 也只能屈服,飞升灵界 But in many Fate Manager eyes, Dreamt-Up Spirit is a condition is special 而在诸多司命眼中,虚妄之灵是一个状态特殊的 Fate Manager, he chose this mortal world deep sleep, the condition is not very certainly right! 司命,他选择了尘世沉睡,状态一定十分不对! At this time extracts spirit essence, removes firewood from under the pot! 此时抽取灵性,就是釜底抽薪! In this mortal world, Aaron and Dreamt-Up Spirit are fearless. 在尘世之中,亚伦虚妄之灵无所畏惧。 But after flying upwards Spirit Realm, what he needs to face is several Fate Manager encircles 但飞升灵界之后,他需要面对的是数位司命 Attacks, the biggest victory only feared that also drags Fate Manager dead! 攻,最大的战果只怕也只是拖着一位司命去死! Not to after present ahead of time holds the ceremony, he enters Spirit Realm 不对经过如今的提前举行仪式,他进入灵界 Latter can be promoted toEngraved One instantaneously, could carry off two departments 后就能瞬间晋升为‘刻印者,或许能带走两位司 Life, even three! 命,甚至三位! But this as before is a losing money business. 但这依旧是个亏本的生意。 spirit essence is the mysterious foundation, without spirit essence, all meters 灵性是神秘的基础,若没有灵性,所有的仪 The type, spell and irregular ability... will expire completely. ” 式、符咒、非凡能力…都将完全失效。” Yefnay said an incomparably fearful future: „ All extraordinary 叶芙奈说出了一个无比可怕的未来:“所有非凡 The degeneration is an average person! Even, ‚ Immortal position 者都将退化为普通人!甚至,就连‘长生者的位 Isn't square, able to continue Immortality again? ” 格,都无法再继续长生?” Hears here, the Liliette material worried immediately looks to the ancestor. 听到这里,莉莉娅特料立即担忧地看向先祖。 Hehe .... Do not use your superficial thoughts, guesses My Lord “呵呵.…不要用你们浅薄的思维,来揣测吾主 Strength! ” 力量!” Aaron knocked a seat hand: „ I call you to come, 亚伦敲了敲座椅把手:“我之所以召集你们前来, Before to deal with the future disaster is, knows in the disaster 就是为了应对未来的灾难是前知晓灾难内 The sentiment, you can make many preparations. ” 情,你们可以做出更多的准备。” Liliette understands the meaning of Sir Ancestor instantaneously. 莉莉娅特瞬间就明白先祖大人的意思。 When the disaster arrives, all irregular and mystical article will lose 等到灾难降临,所有非凡者神奇物品都将失去 The effect, the secular strength will suppress all! 效果,世俗的力量将镇压一切! But as Green Woods Count her, can purchase the munitions and reserve ahead of time 而作为绿森伯爵的她,可以提前购买军火、储备 The ammunition, even trains the army thus to occupy in the future certainly superiorly 弹药、甚至训练军队从而在未来占据一定优 Potential! 势! At the same time, when you discovered that some on the 1st, oneself lost the god “与此同时,当你们发现某一日,自己失去了神 When secret strength, should not be startled, prayed to My Lord .... My Lord will shield 秘力量之时,不要惊慌,向吾主祈祷.…吾主会庇 Blesses your. ” 佑你们的。” Aaron smiles. 亚伦笑了笑。 How Fate Managers guesses again, is unable to think of own gold finger, 司命们再怎么揣测,也无法想到自己的金手指, Was once mysterious source! 就是曾经的神秘之源! Therefore, spirit essence of being cut off this mortal world, they can achieve. 因此,断掉尘世的灵性,他们可以做到。 Is not actually able to achieve to be cut off own spirit essence! 却无法做到断掉自己的灵性 Even, oneself have the ample force, can shelterInvisible Hermitage 甚至,自己还有余力,可以庇护‘无形隐修会 Followers. 信徒。 When the time comes, this mortal world does not turn into the mysterious environment, but also is grasping not 到时候,尘世变成没有神秘的环境,还掌握着非 They of every ability and level, can occupy in this mortal world inevitably 凡能力与位阶的他们,必然可以在尘世中占据更 Big share. 大的份额。
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