TOTM :: Volume #9

#873: Meets( celebrates for red and white z Alliance Lord!)

Ingves. 英维斯 Green Woods City. 绿森市 Somewhere in mysterious space. 某处神秘空间内。 Aaron revives. 亚伦苏醒了过来。 In his eye, appears suddenly the innumerable stars universe general shape 他的眼中,蓦然浮现出无数星辰宇宙一般的形 The body, has a Milky Way just like one. 体,宛若一眼之中就有一个银河系。 The innumerable innumerable general galaxy, are representing world. 无数恒沙一般的星河,代表着一个又一个世界。 Immortal Cultivation, Aberration, dragon qi and dao method... and even the physical principle 修仙、诡异龙气道法…乃至物理法则最为 Severe magicless world! 严苛的无魔世界 But his clone, wanders, engraves and disseminates 而他的一个个分身,正在其中游荡、刻印、传播 Influence .... 影响.… My homemade occultism system, 7th Emanation- Immortality!” “我自创的神秘学体系,第七原质--长生!” " 8th Emanation- Flies upwards, needs Ascension Ceremony, flies upwards Spirit Realm, "第八原质--飞升,需要飞升仪式,飞升灵界, But was twisted to shuttle back and forth other world to replace by me. ” 但被我扭曲以穿梭其它世界代替。” 9th Emanation 11 engrave, needs to inscribe my shadow in various Tianwan 第九原质一一刻印,需要在诸天万界铭刻我的影 Sound. ” 响。” Aaron muttered is lifting the hand. 亚伦喃喃着抬起手。 Since becomes Immortal ‚ after Academician of Life, regardless of inundates 自从成为长生者的‘生命学家之后,无论多么漫 The long time and years washout, is unable to remain on his body 长的时光与岁月冲刷,都无法在他这具身体上留 Next slightly trace. 下丝毫痕迹。 I have felt, I already brand mark enough many marks... “我已经感觉到,我已经烙印了足够多的印记… Engraving Ceremony also completed. ” 刻印仪式也完成了。” Aaron has massive memories. 亚伦拥有大量的记忆。 Has him in immortal cultivation realm Immortal and Unaging, there are in the modern world hits the roaming 有他在修仙界长生不老的,也有在现代世界打游 The play, strove for hegemony in ancient world slaughter dragon... 戏的,还有在古代世界屠龙争霸的… These world were inscribed oneself mark by him, bright seal 这些世界都被他铭刻上了自己的印记,鲜明的印 ! 记! Some day, even if oneself competitive failure in this world, because 有朝一日,纵然自己在这个世界的竞争失败,因 This death... can also in the mysterious rebirth of form in other world! 此死亡…也能以神秘的形式在其它世界中重生! Ceremony has completed, the resources have 【Blood and Flesh Mother Tree】, so long as “仪式已经完成,资源也有【血肉母树】,只要 I want, at this time can promote is ‘Engraved One’, opening decides 我愿意,此时就可以晋升为‘刻印者’,开启决 War! ” 战!” But, I so will not be certainly stupid... must at least initial accomplishment “不过,我当然不会如此愚蠢…起码也必须先成 For Secret Existence! ” 隐秘存在!” Most powerhouse in main world, naturally is crazy Fate Managers. 主世界中的最强者,自然是疯狂的司命们 But under Fate Manager, is runs the month symbol Year Managers, in addition 而在司命之下,则是执掌月份象征的司岁们,加 Leap year month Year Manager Motula that on prop up, the grand total has 13 上自己扶植起来的闰月司岁摩图拉,总计有13 Position, as for the Year Manager essence, 10th Emanation 【Secrecy】, 位,至于司岁的本质,也不过第十原质【隐秘】, Is equivalent to Secret Existence! 隐秘存在相当! „Becoming the Secret Existence ceremony I also to pass Tajikistan probably as well as “成为隐秘存在的仪式我大概也通过“塔”以及 The experience of Motula deduced... to need secret to exist 摩图拉的经历推演出来了…需要隐秘自身存在 The enough long time, becomes truesecret? ” 足够漫长的时间,成为真正的‘隐秘么?” I the deep sleep is very long, but this time is not enough obviously “我已经沉睡了很久,但这点时间显然不够” The Aaron finger moves slightly, like provoking string. 亚伦手指微微一动,如同拨弄琴弦。 The strong divination ability, makes him appear instantaneously at present pictures 强大的占卜能力,瞬间令他眼前浮现出一幕幕画 Surface. 面。 That is the development and application of electric power, not only walks into the factory, but also walks into 那是电力的发展与应用,不仅走入工厂,还走入 Everyone .... 千家万户.… In the desert, the oil field was discovered one after another, flows 沙漠之中,一块又一块油田被发现,从中流淌出 Black gold... 黑色的黄金… At the release conference, the Chief inventor whole face of Kaul Corporation proclaimed proudly 发布会上,考尔公司的首席发明家满脸自豪地宣 Arrange/Cloth: „ Third-generation internal combustion engine could definitely be operational, merit 布:“第三代内燃机已经完全可以投入使用,功 Leading 率“ These were this world or the matter. 这些都是这个世界正在或者已经发生的事情。 It is representing productive forces of matter this world profoundly 它深刻代表着一件事一这个世界的生产力正在 Fast progress, even to a quickly changing situation. 飞快进步,甚至到了一种日新月异的地步。 How long does not need, this world will change beyond all recognition to even/including self 想必不需要多久,这个世界就会面目全非到连自 Situation that oneself do not recognize. 己都认不出的地步。 Technological progress really quick... the electric power petroleum and technology information sends together “科技发展得真快…电力石油与科技信息一起发 Exhibition? ” 展么?” Aaron muttered one, the corners of the mouth appears a smile. 亚伦喃喃一声,嘴角浮现出一丝微笑。 Suddenly, his expression becomes extremely dignified. 忽然,他的表情变得极为凝重。 As onePresent Times Immortal, even held ahead of time entered twice 作为一位‘现世长生者,甚至提前举行了两次进 The step ceremony, detains existence of Fate Manager, his intuition divination feels 阶仪式,关押司命之存在,他的直觉占卜感受到 Extremely fatal threat! 了极为致命的威胁! As onePresent Times Immortal, even held ahead of time entered twice 作为一位‘现世长生者,甚至提前举行了两次进 The step ceremony, detains existence of Fate Manager, his intuition divination feels 阶仪式,关押司命之存在,他的直觉占卜感受到 Extremely fatal threat! 了极为致命的威胁! That is... Spirit Realm!” “那是…灵界!” The Aaron pupil flash changes into pure white, saw grotesquely and gaudily 亚伦的眸子一瞬间化为纯白,看到了光怪陆离的 Spirit Realm. 灵界 This once half disatema surface that was transformed by the substantive world, gathered did not have 这曾经由实质世界所转化的半虚位面,汇聚了无 Counts the information, mysterious, and even the symbolic sign. 数信息、神秘、乃至象征符号。 But in divination, boundless Spirit Realm is shivering! 而在占卜中,无垠的灵界都在颤抖! The innumerable symbols and were annihilated mystically! 无数象征与神秘被湮灭! The constructions of multiple history are collapsing! 多重历史的架构正在坍塌! Has inexplicably existed to regain consciousness, alarms did Year Manager, and even other 有莫名的存在苏醒,惊动了一干司岁、乃至其它 The high-rank Spirit Realm lifeform, making them escape just like the animal generally. 高阶灵界生物,让他们宛若动物一般逃命。 That is... 那是… Palatially, greatly and inexpressible, both crazy and powerful 巍峨、伟岸、不可言说、既疯狂又强大至极的 One by one Fate Managers! 一一司命们 They regained consciousness! 他们苏醒了! In the near future, perhaps is the next hour these original “在不远的将来,或许就是下一个小时那些原 This deep sleep, crazy, powerful... only cuts the personality mask 本沉睡的、疯狂的、强大的…只切割出人格面具 Rules Spirit Realm Fate Managers for Year Manager, will recover, brings greatly 司岁统治灵界司命们,都将复苏,带来巨大 Disaster? ” 的灾难?” Aaron pursing the lips lip. 亚伦抿起嘴唇。 He hides in this mortal world now, does not fly upwards Spirit Realm. 他如今躲在尘世,坚决不飞升灵界 But by his present position standard and strength, even if Year Manager arrives also 而以他现在的位格、实力纵然司岁降临也就 Is dead characters. 是一个死字。 If gives him the time to grow again slowly, completes the hidden secret rite type, even 如果再给他时间慢慢发育,完成隐秘仪式,甚至 Can become Secret Existence after flying upwards instantaneously, wields gold/metal again 可以在飞升之后瞬间成为隐秘存在,再执掌金手 Refers, changes into the powerful authority, the god position of ascending a height to get a broad view real Creator. 指,化为强大之权柄,登临真实造物主之神位。 But is very obvious, his enemy the so long time will not send to him 但很显然,他的敌人不会给他如此漫长的时间发 Nurtures and prepares. 育与准备。 Their first wave of attack must arrive! 他们的第一波袭击就要到来! Fate Manager regains consciousness, their goals, are to destroy me, at least compels me 司命苏醒,他们的目的,是毁灭我,至少逼我 Flies upwards! ” 飞升!” I am naturally all right, but this mortal world, as well as secrets sphere of this mortal world, fears “我自然没事,但尘世,以及尘世的隐秘界,恐 Feared that will be hit by the fearful disaster. ” 怕会遭遇可怕的灾难。” Aaron thinks, suddenly hit a sound to refer. 亚伦想了想,突然打了个响指。 All around mist fills the air, just like arriving in dreamland. 四周雾气弥漫,宛若来到了梦境之中。 But he was actually the body directly entered the dreamland! 但他却是身体直接进入了梦境! Arrived present position standard, real and illusory boundary, already very 到了如今的位格,真实与虚幻的界限,已经非常 Fuzzy. 模糊了。 Aaron sits above a giant throne, all around has pure white 亚伦坐在一张巨大的王座之上,四周都有洁白的 The marble column stands erect. 大理石柱屹立。 He knocked the chair the hand, the chair appears one after another, 他敲了敲椅子把手,一张又一张椅子浮现出来, Many things around a center are ordinary, center ‚ the Dreamt-Up Spirit position will reside. 众星捧月一般,将‘虚妄之灵的位置居于正中。 However, Dreamt-Up Spirit is unable existence of observation, therefore the position of pond 不过,虚妄之灵是无法观测之存在,因此池的位 Setting is spatial forever. 置永远是空的。 But above the Aaron throne, then appears the mark of green banyan fig, 而在亚伦的王座之上,则浮现出绿榕树的印记, On behalf of himGreen Woods Count status. 代表着他‘绿森伯爵的身份。 Thump thump! 咚咚! Thump thump! 咚咚! Points at the joint to sound along with him, a secret fluctuation was transmitted 伴随着他手指骨节敲响,一种隐秘的波动被传递 Expunging. 开去。 First is Year Manager Motula and on the Mother of Nature chair appears one 首先是司岁摩图拉自然之母的椅子上浮现出一 Old and together youth form. 道苍老、一道青春的身影。 Subsequently, in palace, ‚ Invisible Hermitage ” the member floats 继而,殿堂之中,一名名‘无形隐修会”的成员浮 Presently however leaves. 现而出。 Sir Ancestor, great Year Manager 先祖大人,伟大的司岁 Countess Liliette took the lead good a ritual. 女伯爵莉莉娅特率先行了一礼。 Subsequently, is Percy, Yefnay, William, Nicholas and the others. 继而,是珀西叶芙奈威廉尼古拉斯等人。 After long time, the Invisible Hermitage member gathers finally again! 时隔多日,无形隐修会的成员终于再次聚集! The Aaron vision is looking below people tranquilly: „ For a long time does not see, 亚伦目光平静望着下方众人:“很长时间不见, I noticed joyfully your emanation level have promoted, from 我欣喜地看到你们的原质层次都有所提升,距离 Immortality was close one step. But is insufficient, by far insufficiently! ” 长生更接近了一步.但还不够,远远不够!” „Does Sir Ancestor, have an accident?” 先祖大人,出了什么事?” William felt the ominous atmosphere. 威廉感受到了不祥的气氛。 I regained consciousness from the deep sleep, made divination, obtained one “我从沉睡中苏醒,做了一个占卜,获得了一份 Future key .... Has the huge change to produce in Spirit Realm, subsequently 未来的关键.…有巨大的变化将在灵界生成,继而 Affects this mortal world! ” 波及尘世!” Aaron indifferent say/way. 亚伦淡然道。 Affects the momentous change of this mortal world?” “波及尘世的巨大变化?” Yefnay and the others in heart one startled: ‚ Can discuss seriously, 叶芙奈等人心中一惊:‘能如此郑重其事地讨论, Perhaps .... 恐怕.…
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