TOTM :: Volume #9

#872: Many years later

Many years later. 很多年以后。 Great Liang. 大梁 An airplane has delimited from the blue sky. 一架飞机从蓝天之上划过。 Huge inverted image, above passing over gently and swiftly ground dense and numerous reinforced concrete 巨大的倒影,掠过地面之上密密麻麻的钢筋水泥 Construction. 建筑。 Then reports a current politics news...” “接下来播报一条时政新闻…” Intersection place. 十字路口处。 The beautiful woman host above screen, the tone of correct use clear pronunciation and mellow voice broadcasts 屏幕之上的美女主持人,正用字正腔圆的口吻播 Reporting: „ Today, our country warship going abroad on a diplomatic mission countries with a thousand islands, in equality, 报着:“今日,我国军舰出使千岛之国,在平等、 Friendly, in the foundation of harmony, with doing the country of island signed rented the port 友善、和谐之基础上,与干岛之国签订了租借港 The mouth and trade treaty... the prime minister delivered the important speech .... 口与贸易条约…首相对此发表了重要讲话.…” Xiao Lin at the back of the book bag, is riding the bicycle, speeds along above the street, 萧林背着个书包,骑着单车,在街道之上飞驰, Thinks little to this news. 对这新闻不以为意。 He is a joyful skipping classes high-school student, goes study in the Jinshi city third 他是一个快乐的逃课高中生,就读于金石市第三 Middle school. 中学。 Thanks to parents, as soon as he were born has the imperial capital registered permanent address, can in the itself/Ben 托父母的福,他一出生就有帝都户口,可以在本 The area went to school, civil service entrance examination to say that stood in the goal lines of many people 区上学、考公可以说站在了许多人的终点线 On. 上。 Doing to... Xiao Lin is not joyful. 奈何…萧林却并不快乐。 This is not only the academic pressure, is the verboseness of parents, lets 这不仅仅是学业压力,更是父母的絮絮叨叨,让 He is admitted to the university in imperial capital, from must accumulate greatly from the beginning 他好歹考上帝都的一所大学,从大一开始就要积 Extremely 极为 Graduates later civil service entrance examination to prepare, like this tests the probability to be big! 毕业之后的考公做准备,这样考中的概率才大! Real universe end all civil service entrance examination?” “真的宇宙尽头皆考公了么?” In the Xiao Lin heart complained one, arrived under a bridge. 萧林心中吐槽一句,来到一座大桥下。 In the aperture of bridge, had stopped several bicycles, side is a piece of grass 在桥洞里,早就停了几辆单车,旁边则是一片草 Level ground. 坪。 Above the lawn, is in full bloom one not well-known pink little flower, hears 草坪之上,盛开着一种不知名的粉色小花,闻起 Comes completely relaxedly. 来令人心旷神怡。 Old Lin, on you.” 老林,就等你了。” Lies down the fatty in lawn beckons. 一个躺在草坪上的胖子招招手。 Xiao Lin throws toward the lawn in the bicycle, lay down directly, makes supple 萧林将单车往草坪上一丢,直接躺了过去,让柔 The soft lawn lifted own body, the tip of the nose was smelling the nature 软的草坪托举着自己的身体,鼻尖嗅到了大自然 Fragrant smell, really drowsy. 的芬芳气味,着实令人昏昏欲睡。 Here is his diehards, fatty Jin Bao, learns from tyrant Chen Lu 在这里的都是他的死党,胖子金宝、学霸陈露 The reveal, has another young girl Pan Miao. 露、还有另外一个少女潘苗 Old Lin, you came late.” 老林,你来晚了。” Jin Bao has thrown one bottle of drink. 金宝丢过一瓶饮料。 Xiao Lin catches, the spin operates the cover, rumble was filling one to the mouth in a big way 萧林接住,旋开盖子,对着嘴咕噜噜灌了一大 The mouth, this replied: „ With displayed their wisdom and bravery older the half of the day, from study 口,这才回答:“跟老班斗智斗勇了半天,才从学 The school escaped... you saying that why being probable let the Sirs me 校逃出来…你们说,为什么非得让大人们将我 Does the life arrange? I want to grow up a bit faster, oneself make the decision... 们的人生安排好?我想快点长大,自己做决定… Chen reveal serious said/tunnel: „ According to the investigation, 99 people grows up 陈露露一本正经地道:“根据调查,99的人长大 Later, instead will remember fondly own childhood time! ” 之后,反而会怀恋自己的童年时光!” Oh... that is Old Lin you are hopeful, I have given up.” Gold/Metal “唉…那是老林你还有希望,我已经放弃了。”金 The treasure lies down in the lawn, languid said/tunnel: „ Waits for the high school to graduate, 宝躺在草坪上,懒洋洋地道:“就等着高中毕业, Then goes to my father's company to work, waits to inherit trillion family property 然后去我老爸的公司打工,等着继承亿万家产 ! ” 呢!” Jin Bao you should be delivered to go abroad to study, but the university in foreign country 金宝你应该会被送出国留学,但外国的大学都 Was the pheasant, the home is not necessarily willing to recognize... Xiao Lin to lose returning the drink 是野鸡,国内未必肯认啊…萧林将饮料丢了回 Going: Has a diploma, always compares not to have.” 去:“不过有张文凭,总比没有好。” Present Great Liang is the world's first powerful nation, regardless of science and technology and education, 如今的大梁是世界第一强国,不论科技、教育、 The culture leads, and strictly carries out the technical blockade to handle 文化都是遥遥领先,并且严格执行科技封锁措 . 施。 The slightly high-level point advanced technology is blocking the range, refuses outside 稍微高级一点的先进技术都在封锁范围,严禁外 Releases, the offender puts to death the entire family! 泄,违者族诛! Because of this, Great Liang people everyone has in the Heavenly Dynasty the heart of country's 正因为如此,大梁子民人人都有天朝上国的心 Condition , when they ride the airplane journey, does the country's of island 态,因为当他们乘坐飞机出行之时,干岛之国的 Indigenous, even is possibly still riding the manpower sedan chair! 土著们,甚至可能还在坐人力轿子! Accordingly, the diploma mill degree of foreign country, Great Liang does not recognize totally 相应地,外国的野鸡大学学位,大梁是一概不认 . 的。 However the Jin Bao situation is special, he wants a diploma, but to meet 不过金宝的情况特殊,他要个文凭,只是为了接 Class time attractive, that is all. 班的时候好看一点,仅此而已。 Old Lin you do not know it is said our Great Liang man arrived outside 老林你是不知道据说咱们大梁的男人到了外 The surface, must learn to protect itself good, otherwise there are female indigenous insane to be the same 面,要学会保护好自己,否则有女土著疯了一样 To marry you, good blending Great Liang household register 想要嫁给你,好混成大梁户籍” Jin Bao serious said/tunnel: „ Depending on this Sir's look, goes out it 金宝一本正经地道:“凭本大爷的相貌,出去之 Latter reads completely the dried flowers, but commonplace... 后阅尽干花,不过等闲尔… Xiao Lin shows the whites of the eyes, is disinclined to say with this self- good fatty 萧林翻了个白眼,懒得与这个自我良好的胖子说 The words, look to young girl Pan Miao. 话,看向少女潘苗 Pan Miao wears a white one-piece dress, the five senses are delicate, although is not 潘苗穿着一身洁白连衣裙,五官秀气,虽然不是 Very shocking that type, but combines to have a worth looking at flavor, 很惊艳那种,但组合起来就有一种耐看的味道, As if a neighbor Little Sister. 仿佛一个邻家小妹。 She is looking at the river water under bridge tranquilly, suddenly said: „ I had decided 她平静望着桥下的河水,忽然说:“我已经决定 After high school graduation, joins Supreme Dao! ” 了,高中毕业后就加入太上道!” Supreme Dao.” 太上道啊.” Xiao Lin hangs down a pupil, does not want to make others discover own line of sight actually 萧林低垂眼眸,不想让别人发现自己的视线其实 Has followed Pan Miao, suddenly remembered the background capital about Supreme Dao 一直跟着潘苗,忽然想起了关于太上道的背景资 Material. 料。 Supreme Dao, Liang Country national religion! 太上道,梁国国教! Also has name of the god of science! 同时也有科学神教之称! Since the referendum killed the emperor in the past, the Supreme Dao lord has not changed the country 自从当年公投杀皇帝之后,太上道主并未改变国 Number, but completely abandons the Xiao royalty, the by cabinet system always leads the world. 号,只是尽废萧氏皇族,以内阁制总领天下。 But Chief in cabinet is called auxiliary, ‚ prime minister, is now 而内阁中的首席称为‘首辅、‘首相’,算是如今 Liang Country highest authority. 梁国最高权力者。 The regime, later also has so experienced several relapses, once was 如此政体,之后也经历过几次反复,都是曾经的 Landlord gentries social class, and even god Hanshen woman and so on strange person 地主士绅阶级、乃至神汉神婆之类奇奇怪怪人的 Counter-attack. 反扑。 The regime, later also has so experienced several relapses, once was 如此政体,之后也经历过几次反复,都是曾经的 Landlord gentries social class, and even god Hanshen woman and so on strange person 地主士绅阶级、乃至神汉神婆之类奇奇怪怪人的 Counter-attack. 反扑。 But finally, under the Supreme Dao suppression, changes into the ashes all. 但最终,都在太上道镇压之下,尽数化为灰灰。 In the work places even has the rumor, because of that Supreme Dao lord, from beam 坊间甚至有着传言,因为那位太上道主,是从梁 The emperor period, has lived present Old Monster! 帝时期,一直活到现在的老怪物 But Xiao Lin when only the joke listens! 萧林只当笑话听! Are the people possibly exactly so long? This is unscientific! 人怎么可能活这么久?这不科学! And, Supreme Dao Courtyard chief continuously by Liang Country Chief scientist load 并且,太上道院的院长一直由梁国首席科学家担 No matter what, on the Internet has the list is the card! 任,互联网上都有名单为证! That once ended the tumultuous times, the unification world, gives back to the day the imperial authority 那个曾经结束乱世,一统天下,又将皇权还给天 The legendary first generation lord of servant, only feared that the bone has turned into the ash 下人的传奇第一代道主,只怕骨头都已经变成灰 ... 了… I also want to join Supreme Dao, but is Supreme Dao Courtyard.” Chen reveal “我也想加入太上道,不过是太上道院。”陈露露 Saying with a smile: „ Pitifully .... Also must wait again for four years, then attempts to test 笑道:“可惜.…还得再等四年,然后尝试考 Tests. ” 考。” Supreme Dao also divides External Way and inner courtyard. 太上道也分外道与内院。 External Way is some home Ascetic and Daoist temple taoist priest anything, pays respects Tai 外道就是一些居家修士、道观道士什么的,拜太 On Way Monarch, there are to do obeisance the Red Moon day to revere, light king Buddha and so on. 道君,也有拜红月天尊、光王佛之类的。 As for true Supreme Dao Courtyard, that is actually the Liang Country highest honor, only 至于真正的太上道院,那却是梁国最高荣誉,唯 Has the most outstanding scientist, or dao school can join. 有最出色的科学家,或者说道学家才能加入。 Although Chen reveal studies the tyrant, in fact not big assurance. 陈露露虽然是学霸,实际上并没有多大把握。 Or the Daoist temple middle school tyrant is not unusual, only has most top rank 或者说,道院中学霸根本不稀奇,唯有最顶级 Studies the god, somewhat enters the Supreme Dao Courtyard assurance! 学神,才有几分进入太上道院的把握! My mother plies the connections, enabling me to leave home quite near “我母亲托关系,让我可以在离家比较近的一处 The Supreme Dao view practice, then can work as the practice goddess... the hope day 太上道观实习,然后可以当见习神女…希望日 Latter can promote to become the Daoist priestess, this can lead an allowance, 后能升级成为女冠,这样就可以领一份津贴了, This saying record/native place establishment is also very stable, is next to civil service entrance examination... Pan Miao 这种道籍编制也很稳定,仅次于考公呢…潘苗 Holds appreciatively the black of fingertip to send the silk, supple sound said. 把玩着指尖的黑色发丝,柔声道。 The feeling that this everyone must drift apart, making the Xiao Lin heart vast 这种大家都要各奔东西的感觉,令萧林心头茫 Even however, the impulsion that a little wants to cry. 然,甚至有点想哭的冲动。 But the youngster is suppressing, in the surface does not reveal, four people are cheerful and lively 但少年强忍着,表面上丝毫不露,四人有说有笑 Plays the darkness, then goes various home respectively. 地玩到天黑,然后各回各家。 Miao Miao, bye!” 苗苗,再见!” After following Pan Miao to ride a section of road, looks back that the young girl is leaving 跟着潘苗骑了一段路后,望着少女离开的背影 Xiao Lin moved, is pushing a cart to walk toward the family/home depressed. 萧林怅然若失,闷闷不乐地推着车往家走。 Walks, but also while kicks the stone of roadside. 一边走,还一边踢路边的石头。 ! 啪! A stone flies into the hut that a piece of broken cardboard box creates, as if 一块石头飞入一片破纸板箱造成的小屋中,似乎 Pounded the person! 砸到了人! Well? Tramps? Insolvents?” “咦?流浪汉?破产者?” Xiao Lin saw that a whole body sloppy middle-aged man walked, no 萧林看到一个浑身邋遢的中年男人走了出来,不 By having a scare, apologized hastily: „ Sorry, Uncle, I not 由吓了一跳,连忙道歉:“对不起啊,大叔,我不 Is intentionally 是故意的” After this person really homeless person molds one with these bankruptcies 这人实在跟那些破产之后的无家可归者一模一 Type. 样。 Moreover, the crime rate of this person is also very high! 另外,这种人的犯罪率也很高! Xiao Lin apologized, after while the decision went back, worked as a warm-hearted city 萧林一边道歉,一边决定回去之后就当个热心市 The people, asking this tramp mister to feel the warmth of empire. 民,请这位流浪汉先生感受一下帝国的温暖。 This middle-aged person nail Guerry full is the contamination, the hair dishevelled just like the chicken 这中年人指甲盖里满是污秽,头发蓬乱宛若鸡 The nest, on the face is dirty does not draw several, only the eye has brightly 窝,脸上也是脏不拉几的,唯有一双眼睛炯炯有 Gods. 神。 At this time is looking at Xiao Lin, is actually suddenly the eye one bright: dragon qi?!” 此时望着萧林,却是忽然眼睛一亮:“龙气?!” „Did there stick out?” “那里隆起了?” Xiao Lin looked at the pants crotch subconsciously, somewhat is at once ashamed and resentful: „ You not 萧林下意识看了看裤裆,旋即有些羞愤:“你不 Must slander my happy sentiment! ” 要污蔑我的美好感情!” Youngster your foot has the dragon qi mark, has with Liang Country faintly “少年你山根处有龙气标记,隐隐与梁国 The pass/test, you were the descendant of past big Emperor Liang Sovereign! ” 关,你是当年大梁皇帝的后裔啊!” The middle-aged people have not actually managed other, does the eye wink is staring at desolate 中年人却没有管其它,眼睛一眨不眨地盯着萧 Forest, just like seeing what treasure. 林,宛若看到了什么珍宝。 Originally you have the neurosis, although I am also surnamed Xiao, this “原来你是有精神病,虽然我也姓萧,难道这就 Has a country to inherit on behalf of me? ” 代表我有一个国家可以继承么?” Xiao Lin snorts contemptuously, prepares to travel. 萧林嗤之以鼻,准备跑路。 After all, the lunatic adds on the tramp, this attribute was too fearful, does not annoy 毕竟,疯子加上流浪汉,这属性太可怕了,惹不 Gets up cannot stir up! 起啊惹不起! Do not walk!” “别走啊!” The middle-aged person half step goes forward, is really above the rapidness of imagination, full 中年人快步上前,真的是超乎想象的快,一只满 Was the big hand of dirt held the Xiao Lin bicycle back seat: „ I do not have 是污垢的大手就抓住了萧林的自行车后座:“我没 Has to deceive your me also really to say the 87 th generation of successors! Inherited 有骗你我可是还真道第八十七代传人!祖传 dao method, can observe the person appearance, breaks the rusticity, holds Hidden Dragon you, day 道法,能观人面相,断地气,扶潜龙你,天 Being born with is to work as the life of emperor! ” 生就是要当皇帝的命!” You roll to me!” “你给我滚吧!” Xiao Lin flies a foot, tramples this lunatic directly flies, at the same time steps up to the list 萧林飞起一脚,直接将这疯子踹飞,一边跨上单 The car(riage), an off horse does not return escapes fast: „ Father was silly the Sir/minister 车,一边头也不回地飞快逃跑:“老子傻了吧卿 Listened to you to talk nonsense... does not have a look now is what age, 的,才听你胡说…也不看看现在是什么年代了, When Emperor, I! ” 当皇帝,我呸!” He still remembered in the textbook these ancient emperors, the palaces and houses seven 他犹自记得教科书上那些古代皇帝,三宫六院七 12 imperial concubines, are quite actually good. 十二妃,倒是相当不错。 But also has the explicit record in the history book, in the past the referendum killed Liang Country 但在历史书上也有明确记载,当年公投杀了梁国 First , after is the last emperor, about hundred years work as 第一任,也是最后一任皇帝之后,将近百年当 Actually across world some not very awkward news 中,其实天下各地还是有些令人啼笑皆非的新闻 . 的。 For example some mountain village, grants an old man dream to the has god person the gold/metal 比如某个山村,一老汉梦到有神人赐予自己金 seal, therefore wakes up announced oneself ascend the throne for the emperor, the decapitation pig to invite 印,于是醒来就宣布自己登基为帝,杀了头猪请 The villages ate the seat opposite the host, then everyone is the Great General and big assist 全村人吃了顿席面,然后人人都是大将军、大丞 , Even if kids who wear the split pants have five officials. 相、哪怕一个穿开档裤的小屁孩都有五品官。 Again then, this matter was regarded the joke to spread, passes to the district, quilt 再然后,这件事被当成笑话流传,传到县里,被 A class of bailiff yamen runner easily extinguished the country. 一班捕快衙役就轻易灭国了。 This is several hundred years ago! ‘这还是数百年前! Now makes me revolt to be the emperor?” “现在让我造反当皇帝?” Has a urine yellow, goes to incite to awake him... ‘有没有个尿黄的,去把他滋醒一下… Because is afraid by the tramp is tracked, Xiao Lin also specially bountiful big 因为害怕被流浪汉跟踪,萧林还特意饶了一个大 The circle, gets home. 圈,才回到自己家。 Then, he saw father who takes the feather duster with side sand 然后,他就看见了拿着鸡毛掸子的老爸跟旁边沙 Sends the panting in indignation mother. 发上气呼呼的老妈。 Bad... that lunatic harmed me to forget a moment ago before , matter that skips classes “糟糕…刚才那个疯子害得我忘记之前逃课的事 Sentiment .... 情了.… Hidden Dragon Xiao Lin protects the book bag on the body, yelled: „ You hit lightly 潜龙萧林将书包护在身上,大叫道:“你们打轻 A point... 一点… Crackling! 噼里啪啦 In the bowl the fragrance of stir-fried dish fills the air, on the table suspends one plate of sliced meat to fry 锅子里炒菜的香气弥漫,桌子上摆着一碟肉片炒 The bitter melon and basin purple vegetable soup, have plate of red-roasted pork. 苦瓜、一盆紫菜汤、还有一盘红烧肉。 Xiao Lin takes the chopsticks, shot a look at a kitchen secretly, does not dare to steal 萧林拿着筷子,偷偷瞥了眼厨房,还是不敢偷 Eating. 吃。 Saw that gathers round the father of apron to come out, immediately asked: „ Father .... 看到围着围裙的老爸出来,立即问道:“老爸.… Asked your matter. ” 问你个事。” " Said! ” "说!” Xiao Lin his father sits, gave itself but actually one glass of liquor: „ Does not want 萧林他爸坐好,给自己倒了一杯酒:“不过不要 Said that does not want to go to college, wants to work, otherwise I kill you! ” 说不想上大学,想打工,否则我打死你!” „It is not this “不是这个” Xiao Lin thinks that tramp, actually feels the words of opposite party to be possible inexplicably 萧林想到那个流浪汉,竟然莫名觉得对方的话可 Can probably perhaps real. 能大概也许是真的。 Harbored leaving things to chance to ask one: „ My ancestor, not 不由抱着侥幸心理问了一句:“咱家祖上,是不 Is what highly placed people? ” 是什么达官贵人啊?” Brat, you asked that what this does make?” “臭小子,你问这个做什么?” The mother who side is filling a bowl with rice complained one: „ Really must such, I 旁边正在盛饭的老妈吐槽一句:“真要那样,我 Will push with your father in this small apartment? ” 会跟你爸会挤在这种小公寓里?” Said is also... “说的也是… Xiao Lin had no interest immediately, prepares to wash the hands to eat meal resentfully. 萧林顿时就没了兴趣,悻悻地准备洗手吃饭。 However his issue, as if brought back desolate father to recall long time. 不过他这个问题,似乎勾起了萧爸良久的回忆。 He sipped liquor, narrows the eye, seems tasting, as if 他抿了一口酒,眯起眼睛,似乎在回味,又似乎 Is recalling, suddenly opens the mouth: „ Remembered me in childhood, my father, 在回忆,突然开口:“记得我小时候,我爸爸,也 Was your grandfather had said... our Xiao ancestors, possibly with 就是你爷爷曾经说过…咱们萧家祖上,可能跟 Liang Country Imperial Family can have some relations..., although past Imperial Family quilt 梁国皇室能扯上些关系呢…虽然当年皇室都被 Reduces to the common people, but genealogical record also in... ” 贬为庶民,但族谱还在…” genealogical record?” 族谱呢?” Xiao Lin eye one bright: „ After never expected that I am also Imperial Family, we 萧林眼睛一亮:“没想到我也是皇室之后,咱们 What antique does the family/home have to hand down from generation to generation? ” 家有没有什么古董传下来?” genealogical record rotten... desolate father showed the whites of the eyes early: „ As for handing down from generation to generation 族谱早烂了…萧爸翻了个白眼:“至于传家 The charge that the treasure hands down from generation to generation do you want? In the past our these imperial clans, 宝传家的罪名你要不要?当年咱们这些宗室, But after is a criminal, ” 可一个个都是犯人之后呢” That considers as finished, I am an average person to be good.” “那算了,我还是做个普通人就好。” Xiao Lin did not have what thoughts thoroughly, ate red-roasted pork, suddenly 萧林彻底没了什么心思,吃了一块红烧肉,忽然 An eyeball revolution: „ Father. After you said my high school, goes to the Daoist temple to practise 眼珠一转:“老爸.你说我高中之后去道观实习 What kind of? ” 怎么样?” Not much, do you think the asking for it?” “不怎么样,你想讨打么?” „After today finished eating the food, gives me to review lessons well!” “今天吃完饭后,给我好好温书!” Another love attempt of playing hooky youngster, was suppressed by the parents severely 逃学少年的又一次爱情尝试,被父母严厉镇压 . 了。 At night. 夜晚。 In Xiao Lin hides in the bedding sobs, is sighing with emotion his happy affection 就在萧林躲在被窝里哭泣,感慨着他美好的恋情 When has not started to finish. 还未开始就要结束之时。 The person's shadow climbs up Shangyangtai just like the apes and monkeys together generally, arrives at his window 一道人影宛若猿猴一般攀爬上阳台,来到他的窗 Near household. 户边上。 This person of tramp dresses up, before that also really said the lunatic! 这人流浪汉打扮,正是之前那个还真道疯子! Oh... Supreme Dao goes too far, legislates to stipulate the remote antiquity unexpectedly directly “唉…太上道欺人太甚,竟然直接立法规定太上 The say/way is the only religion, other are the illegal evil cults... the Supreme Dao lord work as 道为唯一宗教,其它都是非法淫祠…太上道主当 The years world passes certainly, completely broke off the world and netherworld relation of... dives 年绝天地通,彻底断绝了人间与冥土之联系…潜 The dragon can not the air/Qi of Land Dragon, only remain a destiny, how suddenly 龙也不得地龙之气,仅剩一点天命,又如何勃 Sends? ” 发?” The Daoist are looking at Xiao Lin in bedding, muttered: „ But is difficult, 道人望着被窝中的萧林,喃喃自语:“但再难, This poor Daoist must go against heaven's will holds the dragon .... Is popular my Way Heritage...! ” 贫道也要逆天扶龙.…更兴我道统…啊!” He called out pitifully suddenly, the whole body is twitching, fell down. 他忽然惨叫一声,浑身抽搐着,倒在地上。 Also really said the profound heart, your accident, followed one me!” “还真道玄心,你的事发了,跟我走一趟吧!” Aaron dresses up ordinary inspects like one, in the hand takes the electric shock 亚伦打扮得如同一个普通巡检,手里拿着电击 Spear/Gun: „ Before not in vain, has kept the Xiao later generation, always energy source not 枪:“不枉之前一直留着萧家后人,总是能源源不 Breaks to fish the fish. ” 断地钓到鱼。” How... do you discover my?” “啊…你怎么发现我的?” In the middle-aged person eyes full is desperate. 中年人眼中满是绝望。 „ Did you just come out from the remote mountain? Silly Sir/minister naturally is “你刚从深山里出来么?傻了吧卿的当然是 The camera increases the data. ” 摄像头加大数据啊。” Aaron knows extremely well gives on the profound heart Daoist handcuffs the handcuff: „ You are authorized maintain 亚伦熟稔地给玄心道人铐上手铐:“你有权保持 Silent, each few words that but you spoke, will become will assume the hall card 沉默,但你所说的每一句话,都会成为呈堂证 For. ” 供。” “Ah!” “啊!” Waits to see clearly the face of Aaron, the profound heart Daoist pupil shrank the needle-tip: 等看清楚亚伦的脸,玄心道人瞳孔缩成了针尖: You... are you... the Supreme Dao lord? Haven't you died unexpectedly?” “你…你是…太上道主?你竟然还没死?” „!” “嘘!” Aaron gave the mute hand signal: Serious, is seizing!” 亚伦比了个静音的手势:“严肃点,正抓捕呢!” He will certainly not die. 他当然不会死。 Instead depends on Long-Lived and Undying, wielded this world forcefully for a long time 反而靠着长生不死,硬生生长久执掌了这个世界 Tidal current and ship's rudder, continuously to the present. 的潮流与船舵,一直到现在。 Several hundred years of influence, engraves is enough!” “数百年影响、刻印已经足够!” That side main body, how also didn't know? ” 本体那边,也不知如何了?”
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