TOTM :: Volume #9

#871: Raises the table( celebrates for red and white z Alliance Lord!)

Imperial palace main entrance. 皇宫正门。 Pure white and ignorant Xiao Liang was detained by two Liujia Almighty Soldiers 一身素白、浑浑噩噩的萧梁被两个六甲神兵押了 Comes out, walks to executing on the stage. 出来,走至行刑台上。 This platform cultivates very high, occupies a commanding position, can see densely and numerously 这台子修得很高,居高临下,可以看到密密麻麻 Crowd. 的人群。 The Xiao Liang dying embers pupil transferred the revolutions, suddenly restored an intent 萧梁死灰般的眸子转了转,忽然恢复了一点意 Knowledge: „Am We... We dying?” 识:“朕…朕要死了?” You and other do the outcastes, throw Us dead unexpectedly?” “尔等贱民,竟然投朕去死?” Should kill!” “该杀!” Should kill!” “都该杀!” Xiao Liang wants to drink to scold these, not only referendum die, but also comes to see from 萧梁想要喝骂这些不仅公投自己去死,还来看自 Oneself decapitate the lively outcastes, the discovery throat is dry does not have 己杀头热闹的贱民,却发现喉咙已经干涸得没有 …… Silk strength. 丝力气。 He is reluctantly excessive, cuts the position of officer in the prison, saw itself 他勉强偏过头,就在监斩官的位置,看到了自己 The lifetime nightmare, anything does not want to say suddenly. 的一生梦魇,忽然就什么都不想说了。 12 : 45, has executed!” “午时三刻已至,行刑!” The executioners are also Liujia Almighty Soldiers hold the post, otherwise no one dares to cut radically 刽子手也是六甲神兵担任,否则根本没人敢来砍 Head of Xiao Liang. 萧梁的脑袋。 At this time has been ordered, to be without hesitation, a blade cuts. 此时得到命令,毫不迟疑,一刀斩下。 ! 噗! The head of Xiao Liang falls, blood such as spring wells up. 萧梁的脑袋掉了下来,血如泉涌。 Under the common people call out in alarm one in abundance, just like returns to the reality from the dreamland. 底下百姓纷纷惊呼一声,宛若从梦境回到现实。 But until this time, they understood, emperor old with him 而直到这时,他们才明白过来,皇帝老儿跟他 Before as if also has no difference..., is a face 们,似乎也没什么区别嘛…之前不过就是一个脸 Color Pale middle-aged person! 苍白的中年人! Even if True Dragon Son of Heaven, a blade gets down also wants the head to fall to the ground! 哪怕真龙天子,一刀下来也要头颅落地! It can be said that this is the Aaron biggest goal. 可以说,这就是亚伦最大的目的。 Through this performance, spent the Confucian code does not know that in several hundreds did 通过这一场表演,将名教花费了不知道数百上干 The year, used the innumerable tedious etiquette, packs the powerful official and Son of Heaven 年,用了无数繁琐礼法,才将权贵与天子包装起 Comes 来的 Sacred, tore up without hesitation! 神圣性,毫不犹豫地撕掉了! Above sky, ardent sun tall Zhao, not thunder. 天空之上,烈阳高照,并无电闪雷鸣。 But in the insider eyes, actually really shakes intimidated! 但在知情者眼中,却是真的震怖! In a mansion. 一处大宅内。 Several eminent monks fall, grasp law seal. 数位高僧跌坐,手持法印。 Amitabha. Cannot think of Void Spirit Master, really dares to kill outrageously really “阿弥陀佛.想不到虚灵子,真的敢悍然杀了真 Dragon! ” 龙!” Must Old Monk hold their palms together white/in vain: „ Founding great ancestor! Son of Heaven 一名白须老僧双手合十:“还是开国太祖!天子 Before has offered sacrifice to heaven, the world must have the induction! ” 之前已经祭天,天地必有感应!” I and others detains buddhist gate destiny all here, is at risk of life one “我等将梵门气运尽数押在此处,就是要拼死一 Wrestle! Void Spirit Master by science Great Way, the suppression buddhist said that... this compels us 搏!虚灵子以科学大道,镇压梵道…此是逼我们 Enters the dead end! ” 入绝路!” Brahma on, I and others wanted the Nirvana... by the momordica grosvenori position, the blood to play “梵天在上,我等愿意涅槃…以罗汉果位,血奏 Heaven! ” 上天!” Middle-aged Buddhist priest skin like ancient bronzes, loudly shouting, suddenly is round 一个中年僧人皮肤如同古铜,大喝一声,忽然圆 Lonesome. 寂。 Another. 另外一处。 Buddhist gate began, is seriously staunch!” “梵门动手了,当真刚烈!” A gate honorable person is sighing: „ Void Spirit Master divine ability, by me 一名道门真人叹着:“虚灵子一身神通,假借我 The name of gate, in fact is not a gate, is it possible that scientific Great Way real 道门之名,实际上绝非道门,莫非科学大道 Has I and others the place of not understanding? ” 我等所不了解之处?” Does the honorable people are speechless, at once treads astral arrange/cloth fight, composed one 一干真人都是无语,旋即踏罡布斗,组成了一个 formation method: „ Has the buddhist gate before, I said that the gate also detains 50% destiny, 阵法:“既有梵门在前,我道门也押上50%气数, Helping Your helping hand! ” 你们一臂之力!” Only the non- corridor gate also has ample, therefore also kept the frontline. 只不过道门还有余裕,因此还留了一线。 ..... 。。。。。 Executes on the stage. 行刑台上。 Falls to the ground along with the Xiao Liang head/number of people, although as before colorful Yanggao photo, but in 伴随着萧梁人头落地,虽然依旧艳阳高照,但在 In the Aaron spirit essence field of vision, black qi overflows to disperse layer upon layer unceasingly, 亚伦灵性视野中,一层层黑气不断溢散开来, Change 化为 Black True Dragon, dragon eye bleeds. 一条黑色真龙,龙睛流血。 Void shakes suddenly, three destiny gatherings in black True Dragon it 虚空忽然一震,有三道气运汇聚于黑色真龙 On. 上。 And brings the golden light together, has the Buddha sound Zen to sing, is the buddhist gate air/Qi 其中一道带着金光,有佛音禅唱,乃是梵门气 Number. 数。 Together small half, has a rhyme, from the gate. 还有一道小了一半,带着道韵,来自道门。 Last is the black red air/Qi fills, is unifying the innumerable ghosts 最后一道则是黑红之气充满,其中凝聚着无数鬼 God form. 神身影。 Resulted in helping of these three destiny, the True Dragon thorough formation, face upwards to roar 得了这三道气运之助,真龙彻底成型,仰天咆 Heavy breathing! 哮! Dark, suddenly resounds a thunder. 冥冥之中,忽然响起一雷。 This thunder is not the mortal can hear, but is the thunder of true scourge! 这雷不是凡人能听到,而是真正的天谴之雷! Above the body of Aaron Vajra is Indestructible, the evening however shines skewers of fires 亚伦金刚不坏的躯体之上,暮然亮起一串串火 Flower. 花。 Explodes the bean general sound to blast out from his whole body, just like skeleton 炸豆子一般的声响从他全身炸开,宛若骨骼正在 Bears the tremendous incomparable pressure. 承受巨大无比的压力。 This is to make a false counter-accusation!” “这是反噬!” National destiny fusion buddhist say/way and ghosts and gods. Inspiring scourge!” “国运融合梵道、鬼神.引动天谴!” The Aaron corners of the mouth still directed to have the smile old: „ Come .... The world's largest 亚伦嘴角仍引旧带着微笑:“来啊.…一个世界最大 Anger, this? ” 的愤怒,也就这样了么?” Roar roar!” “吼吼!” On the black resentful dragon has the electric light, above each scale, floats 黑色怨龙身上带着电光,每一块鳞片之上,都浮 Appears a face of distortion, is pleased as punch suddenly, breaks in straightly 现出一张扭曲的人脸,忽而摇头摆尾,笔直冲入 Body of Aaron. 亚伦的身体。 Inexhaustible complaint, just like ant general, densely and numerously in 无穷无尽的怨念,宛若蚂蚁一般,密密麻麻地在 Aaron within the body drills into to drill. 亚伦体内钻入钻出。 This without a doubt, brought the huge pain. 这毫无疑问,带来了巨大的痛苦。 The inexhaustible sin, almost must obliterate Aaron, lags behind him 无穷无尽的罪孽,几乎要将亚伦磨灭,将他拉下 Present position standard, perishes into the netherworld. 如今的位格,沉沦入冥土。 Sky how how sudden tarnish?” “天空怎怎么突然变暗了?” Yang Fei mixes in the crowd, is looking at this, suddenly died to that 杨飞混在人群中,望着这一幕,突然就对那死去 Emperor, picked up an awe. 的皇帝,又拾起了一点敬畏。 Is it possible that... really has the Celestial to induce?” “莫非…真的有天人感应?” In this moment, with the Yang Fei general idea, actually has plenty of such people. 在这一刻,跟杨飞一般想法的,却是大有人在。 The Aaron similar sensation to this type, actually thought little, is only gently 亚伦同样感知到了这种,却不以为意,只是轻轻 Drinks: „ True Dragon has died, the system turns over to me... two channels, opening 一喝:“真龙已死,制度归我…两界通道,开启 ! ” 吧!” gold finger final divine ability 11 communicate two! 金手指最后的神通一一沟通两界! Netherworld. 冥土。 Dozens the ghosts and gods stand around the altar, is looking at the world, greatly like mountain 数十鬼神站在祭坛周围,望着人间,巨大如山岳 On the body is scarred, some have the color of hatred. 的躯体上伤痕累累,有的还带着仇恨之色。 Void Spirit Master dies stubbornly!” 虚灵子死死死!” Such as the mountain general ghosts and gods whole face hatred, the expression transforms ten thousand to do. 一头如山一般的鬼神满脸怨毒,表情幻化万干。 Before this is, by residual effects that Void Spirit Master injures. 这是之前被虚灵子所伤的后遗症 He, some ghosts and gods the thorough deep sleep, or insane. 他还算好,有的鬼神已经彻底沉睡,或者疯了。 During this Void Spirit Master strong murders True Dragon, must backlash... I and others to gather “这虚灵子强杀人间真龙,必有反噬…我等合 The strength, will him perish! ” 力,必要他沉沦!” Was being said by the Yin Mountain Mansion Monarch sinking sound of Heavenly Dao release. 被天道释放的阴山府君沉声说着。 Suddenly, presents all ghosts and gods to look up the day. 忽然,在场所有鬼神都抬头望天。 The netherworld should permanent not have the light gloomily, does not see the livelihood. 冥土本来应该永久晦暗无光,更不见日月。 But at this time, wipes the scarlet moonlight, suddenly tore thick 但此时,一抹猩红色的月光,蓦然撕裂了厚厚的 The cloud layer, sprinkles above the netherworld! 云层,洒落于冥土之上! This “这 On a ghosts and gods face appears the color of being at a loss, subsequently changes into frantically: 一头鬼神脸上现出迷惘之色,继而化为狂热: Praises and admires Supreme Dao! Praises and admires three to live light king Buddha, to praise and admire Red Moon in March/three months “礼赞太上道君!礼赞三生三月光王佛、礼赞红月 Day Reveres! ” 尊!” Bang! 砰! His body entire blasts out, subsequently gives birth to hand one after another 他的躯体整个炸开,继而生出一条又一条的手 The arm, changed into did the hand to do the monster of eye! 臂,化为了干手干眼的怪物! „It is not good, He Bo was insane!” “不好,河伯疯了!” Red Moon present world, hell great misfortune!” “啊红月现世,地府大劫!” Destruction, destruction!” “毁灭,毁灭啊!” One the numerous ghosts and gods are in great confusion, is actually not able to change Red Moon to fly high eventually it 一众鬼神乱成一团,却终究无法改变红月凌空之 Scene! 景象! The world of the living, the monk passed away one after another, some even also flow out the blood 阳间,一个接一个和尚圆寂,有的甚至还流出血 Tears. 泪。 What not good... Daoist wizard to open?” “不好…妖道打开了什么?” Terrifying, big terrifying!” “恐怖,大恐怖!” One Buddhist priest also one step, can escape from the mansion, while convenient 一个僧人本来还有一步,就可以逃出大宅,顺带 Leaves great formation, at this time actually glances back: „ heretical demon in my mind, 离开大阵,此时却蓦然回首:“邪魔在我脑海之中, I cannot leave, exert a baneful influence infinitely. ” 我不能离开,流毒无穷.” Immediately turns around, brings a Aberration smile Nirvana. 当即转身,带着一丝诡异的笑容涅槃。 Square. 广场。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The azure robe person of Hanshan view calls out in alarm one: „ I said the gate destiny, the booklet 韩山观的青袍人惊呼一声:“我道门气数,折了 50% fear these honorable people, has gone help in dangerous situation all! ” 50%恐怕那些真人,已经尽数赴难!” Looks quickly!” “快看!” Nearby some people raise the head, see only the dark cloud to disappear instantaneously, reveal brightly Yang 旁边有人抬头,只见乌云瞬间消失,露出灿烂阳 Light. 光。 Yang Fei raised the head, sees the dark cloud to disappear, suddenly somewhat is mute 杨飞恍惚间抬头,见到乌云消失,忽然就有些哑 However laughs in spite of trying not to: ‚ Yang Fei Yang Fei... the dark cloud appears is not very normal 然失笑:‘杨飞啊杨飞…乌云出现不是很正常的 Matter? Why always with the death of emperor links... now 事情么?为何总与皇帝之死联系在一起…如今 Has not thundered to rain, indicates the Celestial to induce, chatted! 没有打雷下雨,足见天人感应,都是说笑! However, does not know is the misconception, he always feels this light of Sun 不过,也不知是不是错觉,他总觉得这太阳的光 In the glow, as if brings scarlet continuously? 芒中,似乎带着缕缕猩红?
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