TOTM :: Volume #9

#870: Noontime( celebrates for red and white z Alliance Lord!)

Jinshi nine. 金石九门。 The unemotional Liujia Almighty Soldiers gathering, is maintaining the team 面无表情的六甲神兵汇聚,维持着队 Five order, acts as the heavy responsibility of tally clerk. 伍秩序,也充当点票员的重任。 Your Majesty the Emperor 皇帝陛下 Yang Fei mixes in the middle of the team, feels one in bosom 杨飞混在队伍当中,摸着怀中的一枚 Silver bean, in heart taste complex difficult word. 银豆子,心中滋味复杂难言。 This silver bean excellent workmanship, the surface has the snowflake to be the same 这银豆子做工精美,表面有雪花一样 The trace, obviously is the good snowflake money, the weight also has one 的纹路,显然是上好的雪花银,重量也有一 About two. 两左右。 Even if places in the national capital common family, calculates one not 哪怕放在京师百姓家中,也算一笔不 Small income. 小的收入了。 Thus it can be seen, Imperial Court for this referendum, at least 由此可见,朝廷为了这次公投,起码 Consumed 1.002 million money! 耗费了百万两银子! The team just like the long line, goes forward slowly. 队伍宛若长龙,缓缓上前。 Yang Fei sees the roadside, some old person pains 杨飞则是看到路边,有一些老人正痛 The heart headache, or appealed loudly: „ Daoist wizard country in disorder, you how 心疾首,或大声呼吁:“妖道乱国,尔等怎 Doesn't rise spiritedly to revolt? ” 么不奋起反抗?” " Great-grandfathergreat-grandmother is thrown into jail, I and other incompetent and incompetent "太祖身陷囹圄,我等无能、无能啊” These Liujia Almighty Soldiers have also been ordered, if these dregs 那些六甲神兵也得到命令,要是这些渣 The dregs wept and wailed anything, does not need to go to manage, happen to 渣只是哭喊什么的,根本不必去管,正好 Let the person see clearly the Confucian code ugly performance. 让人看清楚名教丑态。 If dares to take up the weapon resistance, that must admire 而若是敢拿起武器反抗,那就要敬佩 Their spirits, deliver the deep gentleman them while convenient! 他们的精神,顺便将他们送下冥士! The team moves and goes forward slowly... 队伍缓缓挪动、上前… It is said for fair fair, in fact in the evening also energy 据说为了公平公正,实际上晚上也能 Votes secretly, even can veiled face. 来偷偷投票,甚至可以蒙脸。 He deeply inspired, saw big of city gate position 他深吸口气,看到了城门位置的大 Cylinder. 缸。 Many people stand on tiptoes the tip of the toe, raises one's head diligently, wants to look 不少人踮起脚尖,努力伸出头,想要看 In vat bean. 缸中之豆。 Yang Fei also followed the crowd looked, he grew quite high, 杨飞也随大流地看了,他长得比较高, Finally saw... 终于看到了… The giant cylinder bottom, can only see light silver, 巨大的缸底,只能看见薄薄一层银色, Even the jet black bottom has not covered. " 甚至连漆黑的底部都没有覆盖。」 The imperial city common people most are good at making use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions .... 皇城脚下的老百姓最擅长趋利避害.… Your majesty has lost power, few individuals are willing openly to take a stand 陛下已经失势,没几个人愿意公开表态支 Holds the emperor... ” 持皇帝。。。” In Yang Fei hand is gripping that silver bean stubbornly, the heart 杨飞手中死死攥着那一枚银豆子,心 Thousand chapters of hundred revolutions: ‚ It seems like. Your Majesty the Emperor non- refused stubbornly to be possible 中千回百转:‘看来.皇帝陛下非死不可了 ...... Although those who lived in ages had the emperor to be murdered to kill, but that was ……虽然历朝历代都有皇帝被弑杀,但那都是 Last emperor, such as so a dynasty founding a country great ancestor, in national capital 末代皇帝,如这般一朝开国太祖,在京师 Was killed by the referendum .... Seriously ever-strange story!. 被公投杀死.…当真千古奇闻!。 " Hey! Hasn't walked? ” "喂!还不走?” In the middle of absent-minded, Yang Fei was pushed. 就在恍惚当中,杨飞被推了一把。 At this time, he recovered, discovered oneself not 这时候,他才回过神来,发现自己不 Knew has crossed the city gate unconsciously unexpectedly. 知不觉中竟然已经过了城门。 But that silver bean, but also was grasped by him stubbornly in the hand 而那一枚银豆子,还被他死死抓在手 . 中。 Then looked at one, Yang Fei somewhat is disappointed, if 回头望了一眼,杨飞不由有些怅然若 Loses, is shaking hand the silver bean, felt that some bloodlines spurt 失,握着手中的银豆子,又感觉有些血脉喷 Opening. 张。 Immediately decided, this silver bean do not use, in the future will want 当即决定,这银豆子自己不用,日后要 Makes a family heirloom to the family/home. 给家中做个传家宝。 Poisonous dragon Guan. 毒龙观。 Goes to the remote mountain Poison Dragon Master not to know when has come back, in 去深山的毒龙子不知何时已经回来,在 In a summit alcove is boiling the tea. 一处山巅亭子中煮着茶水。 His palm steady and firm just like nothing 他手掌平稳、坚定宛若没有什么事 Can make him change countenance. 能让他动容。 At this time the movement passing clouds and flowing water were common, soak two cups 此时动作行云流水一般,泡好了两杯 Tea. 茶。 After Poison Dragon Master makes the good tea, Aaron arrives at him to be right 毒龙子泡好茶之后,亚伦就来到他对 The surface, carries one cup of tea, sipped one, said with a smile: „ Really 面,端起一杯茶水,抿了一口,笑道:“果然 Good tea! ” 好茶!” Oh the referendum has not needed to ask.” “唉公投已经不必问了。” Poison Dragon Master sighed, is looking at the Jinshi City imperial palace side 毒龙子叹息一声,望着金石城皇宫方 To. 向。 Sees only there azure purple True Dragon already the scale 只见那里一条青紫色的真龙已经鳞片 Scatters, only remains a skeleton, and mold that also suffocates 散落,只剩个骨架,并且还奄奄一息的模 Type. 样。 Whether there is several tens of thousands of popular resentment strength, change into the blood light, as if next 有无数万民怨力,化为血光,仿佛下 The moment must submerge True Dragon. 一刻就要将真龙淹没。 This does not have the vitality on behalf of Xiao Liang! 这代表着萧梁已经毫无生机可言! Is good my intent to decide, after three days, executes the sovereign officially “不错我意已决,三日后正式处死皇 Emperor. ” 帝。” Aaron light say/way. 亚伦淡淡道。 Xiao Liang how, Old Daoist holds the dragon has become, does not want to manage 萧梁如何,老道扶龙已成,就不想管 Actually State Preceptor yourself? ” 了倒是国师你自己呢?” The Poison Dragon Master expression becomes dignified: „ Massacres one forcefully 毒龙子表情变得凝重:“强行杀掉一条 True Dragon, is the founding great ancestor, the national destiny in the rising trend 真龙,还是开国太祖,国运处于上升之势 True Dragon, don't you fear the scourge? ”. 真龙,你就不怕天谴么?”。 Others do not know, Poison Dragon Master knows, in the past 别人不知道,毒龙子可是知晓,当年 Cut the war of Jin King, Aaron suffers to backlash truly 阵斩金王之战,亚伦可是真正遭受反噬了 ! 的! But then Aaron can also make Xiao Liang rename 只不过当时的亚伦还可以让萧梁改称 Human Sovereign, violates to shift the contradiction and attention by the Celestial. 人皇,以天人相犯转移矛盾与注意。 But these massacres Xiao Liang time, really not other 但这一次杀掉萧梁,就真的没有其它 The means that can only withstand to backlash alone! 办法,只能独自承受反噬了! Poison Dragon Master, your I intersect for many years, knows 毒龙子,你我相交多年,想必也知晓 ... I have the big great aspirations, wants to transform the world, made everyone such as …我有大宏愿,欲变革天下,令人人如 Dragon! ” 龙!” Aaron said with a smile indifferently: „ Since the ancient times, political reform 亚伦淡然一笑道:“自古以来,变法都 Has the fall guy, are many my why not? ”. 有牺牲者,再多我一个又何妨?”。 The Poison Dragon Master expression shook greatly, sets out good a ritual: „ Said 毒龙子表情巨震,起身行了一礼:“道 The friend esteemed friendship, Old Daoist feels ashamed of one's inferiority! slaughter dragon Dang 友高义,老道自愧不如也!只是屠龙当 day, must have the catastrophe, even if the buddhist said that these years were suppressed, 日,必有大祸纵然梵道这些年被打压, Also will act, according to Old Daoist knows real that the gate only remains 也会出手,据老道所知道门仅剩的真 People, buddhist gate momordica grosvenori, now toward Jinshi 人,梵门的罗汉果位者,如今都在往金石 The city catches up! ” 城赶来呢!” Also good, feared that they do not come!” “也好,就怕他们不来!” Aaron sipped tea, the eye pupil is profound, as if 亚伦又抿了一口茶水,眼眸幽深,宛 If brings an inexplicable flame. 若带着一种莫名的火焰。 + + After three days . 三日之后。 Before imperial palace main entrance . 皇宫正门之前。 Lots of common people gather, bustling, Moroccan shoulder joint 大量百姓汇聚,熙熙攘攘,摩肩接 The heel, actually almost falls the needle to hear. 踵,却几乎落针可闻。 After all, on the same day the referendum result was published, today wants 毕竞,当日公投结果公布,今日就要 Kills True Dragon! 真龙 Xiao Liang was once Liang King, now opening of the world 萧梁可是曾经的梁王,如今天下的开 Country great ancestor! 国太祖! So one generation of True Dragon, do not give three chi (0.33 m) white satin unexpectedly and 如此一代真龙,居然不给三尺白绫与 Poisoned liquor, but really must kill it with the blade axe! « 毒酒,而是真的要用刀斧杀之!《 This approach, thoroughly broke through many Confucian scholars 此种做法,算是彻底突破了许多儒生 The bottom line, making them enter the conditions of three view collapses. 的底线,令他们进入了三观崩坏的状态。 Perhaps in some people hearts has given birth wrongis not 或许有的人心中已经生出了‘错的不是 I, but is this world and so on idea. 我,而是这個世界之类的想法。 But in the middle of the crowd, is mixing many camouflages 而在人群当中,更是混着不少伪装的 Monk and taoist priest. 和尚、道士。 A azure robe person looks at Sun, sees does 一名青袍人望了望太阳,又见到一干 The soldiers push lots of criminals to come out, sighed: „ Really 士卒推着大量犯人出来,不由叹息:“真是 Tian Street treads completely the high-ranking court official bone... in these people, has the Duke marquis 天街踏尽公卿骨啊…这些人中,多有公侯 Life, now actually by all knocking down dust 之命者,如今却被尽数打落尘埃” Hey since Void Spirit Master has made a debut, world where “嘿自从虚灵子出道以来,天下哪里 Fate? ” 还有定数?” Another person sneers saying: „ This time... is it possible that you 另外一人就冷笑道:“此次…莫非你们 Does the Hanshan view also need to act? ” 韩山观也要出手?” „, I did not say that the gate honorable person and buddhist gate arhats came “不不,我道门真人、梵门罗汉都来了 What can my trivial small view make? Comes to see 我一个区区小观能做什么?只是来看个 Lively... ” 热闹罢了…” Azure robe person both hands swing hastily randomly. 青袍人连忙双手乱摇。 But at this time, these criminals had tied up the fence 而这时候,这些犯人已经被绑到围墙 One team of flintlock soldiers line up in formation, lift gun... 边,一队火枪兵列队,举枪… Un, newly toward the new look, is person who kills too 嗯,新朝新气象,同时也是杀的人太 Many, the executioner is unbearably busy, Aaron ordered heavily 多,刽子手忙不过来,亚伦就下令只有重 Wanting has the treatment of beheading, others all execute by shooting! 要者才有砍头的待遇,其余人一律枪决! Bang bang! 砰砰! beautiful note note 美注注 A row of flintlock soldier touches off the trigger, along with smog, 一排火枪兵扣动扳机,伴随着烟雾, On all criminals overflows the blood splash, the back fence blasts out 所有犯人身上溢出血花,背后的围墙炸开 Pothole. 坑洞。 After this group of people die, there is a group of people by drawing 等到这批人死后,又有一批人被拉了 Coming up. 上来。 From the beginning, the common people are also watching full of enthusiasm, 一开始,百姓还兴致勃勃地观看着, Waited till afterward, becomes dreads numbly and even 等到了后来,就变得麻木、甚至畏惧 This is also the dignity of law of the land! 这也是国法之威严! Aaron sits, in the prison cuts in the position of officer, killed one batch 亚伦坐在监斩官的位置上,杀了一批 After Duke Uncle Hou child male, proposed Zhang Jushi beheads. 公侯伯子男之后,又将张居石提出斩首。 This gentleman somewhat gentleman dies actually, but crown unavoidably 这位君子倒是有几分君子死而冠不免 The bearing, after what a pity beheads, in the same old way is headless 的气度,可惜砍头之后照样就是一具无头 Corpse. 尸体。 Waited till the noontime, his cold Shengchuan assigns/life: „ Noontime already 等到了午时,他冷声传命:“午时已 Raises Xiao Liang! ” 到,提萧梁!” In all person hearts is one cold!. 所有人心中都是一凛!。
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