TOTM :: Volume #9

#868: Turns a weapon around( 13800 make up)

Mountain rain wants......” “山雨欲来啊……” civil service entrance examination on the same day, the overcast sky, the drizzle was dim. 考公当日,阴云密布,细雨朦胧。 Aaron coughed, shoves open the front gate, saw that kneels the form in courtyard. 亚伦又咳嗽了一声,推开院门,就见到一个跪在院子中的身影。 Under the dim fine rain, reveals the opposite party slender curve. 朦胧雨丝之下,显露出对方窈窕的曲线。 Impressively is the Tai Yin Daoist! 赫然是太阴道人! Teacher......” “老师……” The Tai Yin Daoist raised the head, in the foreheads is hanging the water drop, sees sad touching. 太阴道人抬头,眉宇间挂着水珠,更见一丝凄美。 Bang! 轰隆! In the sky, under the scale cloud, the electricity snake tumbles. 天空之中,鱼鳞云下,电蛇翻滚。 Tai Yin...... I know that you since childhood were benevolently good , heart is too soft, cannot do the important matter, was inferior to your two Senior Brother.” 太阴啊……我知道你从小就性格善良、仁慈、心地太软,干不了大事,不如你的两位师兄。” Aaron sighed. 亚伦叹息一声。 Kacha! 咔嚓! In this time, a lightning falls exactly, makes a world paleness. 恰在此时,一道闪电落下,令天地一片惨白。 Works as! 哐当! But in Aaron behind, making the plum Daoist just like been ordinary by the draw off bone, tumbles on the ground. 而在亚伦身后,弄梅道人则是宛若被抽去骨头一般,跌倒在地上。 Teacher...... your majesty has decided to lead hundred officers to offer sacrifice to heaven tomorrow, you...... you assign/life to continue the vitality by the emperor, at this time must cut off......” “老师……陛下已经决定明日就率领百官祭天,您……您以帝命延续生机,此时就要断绝了……” The Tai Yin Daoist sobs was saying: These two Senior Brother know, is actually hiding the truth from your!” 太阴道人哭泣着说道:“这两位师兄都知,却只是瞒着您一人!” This I know certainly.” “这我当然知晓。” Aaron beckons with the hand, looks to Xiao Zi, a hand finger/refers. 亚伦摆摆手,看向萧紫,手一指。 , Only listens to the sharp voice sound, makes sleeves blasting open of plum Daoist, falls magic tool. 刺啦一声,只听裂帛声响,弄梅道人的衣袖炸裂,从中掉落出一件法器 Subpoenaed token tile?!” “传讯令牌?!” The Tai Yin Daoist is looking at this token tile, muttered. 太阴道人望着这令牌,喃喃自语。 Kacha! 咔嚓! At this time, fell following the second company three lightnings, shines upon two female face fierce just like the evil spirit! 这时,继二连三的闪电落下,映照得二女脸庞都狰狞宛若厉鬼! ...... …… Imperial palace. 皇宫。 This civil service entrance examination is my Great Liang selects scholars for public office the basis, cannot idle......” “这考公乃我大梁取士之根本,不可懈怠了……” Xiao Liang is speaking with Zhang Jushi. 萧梁正跟张居石说话。 The Zhang Jushi surface should, actually think actually: Since has rejected the Confucianist, the world common people everyone chases the advantage to forget the righteousness, after holds the vertical Confucianism, must be able to sweep clean the entire world, but also world ringing universe.’ 张居石表面应下,实际却是想着:‘自从罢黜儒家以来,天下百姓人人都逐利而忘义,等到重新扶立儒学之后,必能扫清寰宇,还天下一个朗朗乾坤。’ At this moment, a purple robe court eunuch slightly is running, ignores the deportment, even fell a tumble. 就在这时,一个紫袍太监小跑着进来,丝毫不顾仪态,甚至摔了一跤。 But even if throws down, he still holds in the hand stubbornly a copy clerk, has not fallen to the ground: Opens reports your majesty, spiritual cultivation view big sister of the emperor dao method transmitted letter...... fears, the matter releases!” 但即使摔倒,他也死死捧着手上一份文书,并未落地:“启禀陛下,养心观大长公主道法传书……恐怕,事泄矣!” Kacha! 咔嚓! Outside the palace, the rainstorm like the note, the world instant is white. 殿外,暴雨如注,天地霎白。 What?” “什么?” Xiao Liang is almost soft above the dragon chair, those images and scenes, making Zhang Jushi feel that somewhat suffocates. 萧梁几乎软在龙椅之上,此情此景,让张居石都感觉有些窒息。 This Human Sovereign your majesty, at this time seems like a pale 30 -year-old man, the dignity of where a little emperor? 这位人皇陛下,此时看起来不过是一位脸色苍白的三十岁男子罢了,哪里有一点皇帝之威严? But next flickers, Confucianist for a long time cultivates to hold to cultivate vital energy, as well as before the teacher dies, final words, made Zhang Jushi calm, immediately said: Your majesty, at this time matter cannot be delayed, must transmit orders immediately, making the bright pavilion always start with side Gelao!” 但下一瞬,长久以来的儒家修持养气,以及老师死前最后的话语,还是令张居石沉稳下来,立即道:“陛下,此时事不宜迟,必须立即传令,让明阁老与方阁老发动!” This......” Xiao Liang also has some scruple. “这……”萧梁还有一些迟疑。 Zhang Jushi said immediately: Point of no return, has to send...... with the character of Void Spirit Master, is it possible that your majesty thinks that can also be friendly?” 张居石立即道:“箭在弦上,不得不发啊……以虚灵子之性格,陛下莫非以为还能善了?” You said are......” Xiao Liang are startled, at once says: Fast transmitted orders!” “你说得是……”萧梁一怔,旋即道:“速速传令!” ...... …… Naval forces military camp. 水师营寨。 Report, has the imperial palace highest rank news.” “报,有皇宫最高级别消息。” An officer comes, gives Si Yunming a bamboo tube. 一名道官前来,将一个竹筒递给司允明。 Si Yunming launched to look, immediately sneered: Brat is less than with the stratagem, critical moment, really real swords and spears ground! Transmitted orders...... beats a drum, roll-call!” 司允明展开看了,顿时冷笑:“竖子不足与谋,关键时刻,果然还是得真刀真枪地上!传令……击鼓,点将!” Thump thump! 咚咚! The drumbeats sound suddenly has. 鼓点响声顿起。 At this time in the naval forces the military law is really strict, after three drumbeats, if the military officer has not arrived, can behead directly. 此时水师之中军法甚严,三遍鼓声之后,若还有将领未到,可以直接斩首。 Thump thump! 咚咚! When the second drumbeat, has the mail-armor and helmet complete military officer, arrives at center Dazhai. 第二遍鼓声之时,已经有甲胄齐全的将领,来到大寨正中。 After three drumbeats, dozens military officer and school Wei Yici stand, austere allowed to look at Si Yunming, simultaneous/uniform Qihang a ritual: Pays a visit the big commanding officer!” 等到三遍鼓声之后,数十将领、校尉依次站好,肃容望着司允明,齐齐行了一礼:“拜见大都督!” Regarding this, Si Yunming is quite satisfied. 对此,司允明还是比较满意。 And, these he raises the trusted aide who pulls out single-handedly, is the juniors of merit expensive/noble family/home, the origin is pure, absolutely possibly is not that Daoist wizard person. 并且,这些他一手提拔起来的心腹,都是勋贵之家的子弟,来历清白,绝对不可能是那妖道的人。 Passes on me to make, simultaneous/uniform ground warfare sailor, surrounding spiritual cultivation view!” “传我将令,点齐陆战水兵,包围养心观!” Si Yunming loud say/way. 司允明大声道。 „!” “喏!” Although how many military officers not intimate think, but is simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform receives an order. 诸多将领虽然不知心中怎想,但都是齐齐领命。 At once must go out, leads under each one, dispatches troops the spiritual cultivation view. 旋即就要出去,带领各自属下,发兵养心观。 Swish! 刺啦! Many arrive to go out of commander Zhang, then some people called out pitifully. 诸多降临走出帅帐,然后就有人惨叫一声。 What matter had/left?” “出了何事?” Si Yun engages in introspection jumps, arrives at outside the graceful tent/account, the feeling somewhat suffocates suddenly. 司允明心中一跳,走到帅帐之外,突感觉有些窒息。 Beside tent, dense and numerous, is standing over a thousand people, looks at the clothing, is team and assorted long classes just. 在营帐之外,密密麻麻,站着上千人,看服饰,都是队正、什长之流。 At this time, they ice-cold face, a face gives up on the person to look at the people generally. 此时,他们正冰冷着脸,一脸看死人一般看着众人。 „Does the Zhang San dog, what you make? Did you forget? You are the person who a young master promotes......, if not for this young master, you must starve to death...... is a young master receive you to be the house slave......” 张三狗,你做什么?你忘了?你是本公子提拔的人……若不是本公子,你都要饿死了……是本公子收你做家奴……” A merit your school Wei sees this, as if discovered the acquaintance, reproved. 一个勋贵校尉见到这一幕,似乎发现了熟人,上去训斥。 At once, that Zhang San dog draws a sword, dispatches. 旋即,那张三狗就抽刀,递出。 The merit expensive/noble child looks at to flow the lower abdomen of blood, on the face full is unbelievable: „Do you dare...... to kill me unexpectedly?” 勋贵之子望着自己流淌出鲜血的小腹,脸上满是难以置信:“你居然敢……杀我?” Ended......” “完了……” Others do not know that what's the matter, Si Yunming actually understands instantaneously. 别人不知道是怎么回事,司允明却瞬间明白过来。 Although he can check the ancestor 18 generations the senior generals, but must lower the standard to the team just, and even not the popular corporal, is assorted long, lacks the ability to do what one would like. 虽然他可以将高级将领都查个祖宗十八代,但要将标准放低至队正、乃至不入流的伍长、什长,就力不从心。 Let alone, the military academy was that person proposed in the past sets up, what native place personal history couldn't fabricate? 更何况,当年军校都是那人提议开办,什么籍贯履历伪造不出来? But Aaron mixes the sand, always at least is half of sand half of water! 亚伦掺沙子,向来至少是一半沙子一半水地来! Even if Si Yunming is in the army the big shot, but can also direct dozens over a hundred school Wei Jiangling. 纵然司允明是军中大佬,但也就能指挥数十上百个校尉将领而已。 As for underlings, but also needs these team and assorted long corporals just to give orders, because even usually life and contact more, the influence is also the no small matter. 至于底下人,还需要这些队正、什长伍长去发号施令,甚至因为平时生活、接触得更多,影响力也是非同小可。 Who are 100 people big with several thousand people of influences? 一百人与数千人的影响力谁大? The so-called power, is actually such a very subtle thing, some people listen to your words, you are authorized. 所谓权力,其实就是这么一个很微妙的东西,有人听你话,你就有权。 No one hear of your words, your nonsense is not! 没人听你话,你就狗屁不是! In the past, no one can get up these grass-roots officer all organization, this was not completely realistic! 以往,没有人能将这些基层军官全部组织起来,这完全不现实! But now, this really appeared! 但现在,这一幕却真的出现了! Except for the past Void Spirit Master sorcery, no one can achieve this point! 除了当年虚灵子的妖法,没有人能做到这一点! Old man...... lost!” “老夫……输了!” Si Yunming the lip was nipped the hemorrhage: I must see State Chancellor, I to see State Chancellor!” 司允明嘴唇都被咬出血:“我要见丞相、我要见丞相!” „The lord has the command, puts to death totally!” “道主有令,一概诛杀!” A team is waving, naval forces Marine Corps go forward, take up the well-equipped cannon, aimed at these or begs for mercy, or scared shitless, or the generous solemn and stirring military officers, touched off the trigger. 一名队正挥挥手,水师陆战队上前,拿起装备精良的火铳,对准了这些或者求饶、或者屁滚尿流、或者慷慨悲壮的将领们,扣动了扳机。 Bang bang! 砰砰! ...... …… Oh...... mountain rain wants!” “唉……山雨欲来啊!” In Jinshi City. 金石城中。 In Ding Country presidential palace. 定国公府内。 Tang Xun is looking at the weather, suddenly sighed. 汤汛望着天气,忽然叹息一声。 You are the country Duke nobility, the pavilion old position, what is also worried about?” Nearby old wife is Tang Xun puts on the clothes, the gentle voice said. “你已经是国公之爵,阁老之位,还担心什么呢?”旁边的老妻为汤汛披上衣服,柔声说道。 She is an extremely intelligent person, has guessed correctly something: Why doesn't draw back one step?” 她是个极聪明的人,已经猜到了一些事情:“为何不退一步呢?” Actually...... your majesty has the suspicion to me, I have known, but I am not the State Chancellor person, is not your majesty person, I am loyal to Liang Country...... not to think both sides to battle, stir up the worldwide chaos, the plunging the people into disaster, does to......” “其实……陛下对我有猜忌,我一直都知晓,但我并非丞相的人,也不是陛下的人,我忠于梁国……不想双方交战,惹得天下大乱,生灵涂炭,奈何……” Tang Xun shakes the head, suddenly saw that a domestic servant takes the pigeon to come, in the heart had not the good premonition. 汤汛摇摇头,忽然看到一个家仆拿着鸽子过来,心中就有了不好的预感。 Family Head......” 家主……” This domestic servant is the veteran family background, is loyal and devoted to Tang Xun, at this time hands over an information. 这家仆原本是老兵出身,对汤汛忠心耿耿,此时递上一份情报。 Tang Xun looked, expression big change: Saddles a horse...... I to go to nine city soldiers and horses departments!!” 汤汛看了,表情大变:“备马……我要去九城兵马司!!”
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