TOTM :: Volume #9

#869: The referendum kills True Dragon

Rainstorm like note. 暴雨如注。 One team of cavalries are speeding along above the Jinshi Tian Street. 一队骑兵正在金石天街之上飞驰。 Nine city soldiers and horses division yamen. 九城兵马司衙门。 Tang Xun discontinues, intrudes in a hurry, arrives at white tiger festival hall: Where opens the director to cause? Fast makes him see me!” 汤汛下了马,匆匆闯入其中,来到白虎节堂:“张指挥使何在?速速让他来见我!” The directions of nine city soldiers and horses departments cause are his trusted aide, at this time the situation is urgent, must the fast quick decision break, can press slightly the influence. 九城兵马司的指挥使是他心腹,此时事态紧急,必须速速决断,才能将影响压到最小。 Ding Country Duke......” 定国公……” Not long, opens the director to enable not to come, actually came several guards. 没有多久,张指挥使没有来,却来了几个卫兵。 You......” “你们……” The Tang Xun feeling is not suddenly right, this is the intuition of his army horse half a lifetime, has never made the mistake. 汤汛忽然感觉不对,这是他戎马半生的直觉,从未出过差错。 You excel at rushing to white tiger hall, takes!”. “你擅闯白虎堂,拿下!”. A guard loud say/way. 一个卫兵大声道。 Blind your dog eyes, this is Ding Country Duke, Tang Gelao!” “瞎了你们的狗眼,这是定国公,汤阁老!” Follows to drink to scold in Tang Xun attendant soldier loudly. 跟在汤汛身边的亲兵大声喝骂。 But that several guards remain unmoved, outside enters one team of armed soldiers, encircles Tang Xun and attendant soldier. 但那几个卫兵不为所动,外面又进入一队甲士,将汤汛亲兵团团围住。 Murderous aura that this unemotional, goes to imposingly, Tang Xun very long has not seen. 这种面无表情,凛然赴死的杀气,汤汛已经很久没有见过了。 At this time saw again, but smiles bitterly, said to attendant soldier: Puts down the weapon...... not to want self to harm!” 此时再见到,只是苦笑一声,对亲兵道:“都放下兵器……不要自误!” Also made the guard tie up, said: I must see State Preceptor...... your majesty, although has the mistake, but the country cannot be chaotic!” 又让卫兵将自己绑了,说道:“我要见国师……陛下虽然有错,但国家不能乱啊!” We do not know these, only knows that Ding Country Duke you excel at rushing to the military heavily, first custom software!” “我们不知这些,只知道定国公你擅闯军事重地,先羁押待审!” One team of Liujia Almighty Soldiers replied unemotionally. 一队六甲神兵面无表情地回答。 Your majesty and your majesty......” “陛下、陛下啊……” Tang Xun weeps copiously suddenly, knew in the heart, since State Preceptor also has such almighty troops, your majesty fears the danger! 汤汛忽然泪如雨下,心知既然国师还有此等神兵,陛下恐怕危矣! ...... …… Examination place. 考场。 Outside heavy rain downpour, inside examinee is still writing with vigor. 外面大雨倾盆,里面考生还在奋笔疾书。 Yang Fei was touching own ears and cheeks by the arithmetic topic together rarely, suddenly the feeling is not right. 杨飞正被一道算术题难得抓耳挠腮,忽然就感觉不对。 Outside seemed like many people, some much noises. 外面似乎来了许多人,有大量喧嚣。 This fully does not conform to the stipulation of civil service entrance examination! 这完全不符合考公的规定! The examination officials go out in a hurry, at once comes back, said loudly: Today boycotts examinations...... constant speed fast the examination place, goes to Altar of Heaven to welcome harnesses.” 考官匆匆出去,旋即回来,大声道:“今日罢考……尔等速速出考场,前往天坛迎驾。” Altar of Heaven near examination place. 天坛就在考场附近。 After Xiao Liang announced to become Human Sovereign, Altar of Heaven was abandoned automatically. 只是当萧梁宣布成为人皇之后,天坛就被自动废弃了。 But Yang Fei and the others were ignorant, arranges in order when the path, acts as the audience, turns into the drenched chicken, the whole face is depressed, only listens to several artillery sounds, the brigade insignia walked, even if in the rain, everyone is solemn and respectful, awe-inspiring. 而杨飞等人懵懵懂懂,列在道路两边,充当观众,都变成落汤鸡,满脸郁闷之时,只听几声炮响,大队仪仗走了过来,纵然在雨中,都人人肃穆,威风八面。 This...... this is Son of Heaven cart.” “这……这是天子车架啊。” An examinee opens the mouth suddenly in a low voice: «Arbitrary» records: Son of Heaven has your honorable self, slightly to harness, law to harness. law harnesses to ride, said that gold/metal Genche, harnesses six horses, when five empty carriage accompanying the emperor's sedan chairs, all harness four horses, waits on the ginseng/partake to ride, the back-up vehicle 36 ride......, but Son of Heaven hasn't cart, abandoned?” 一名考生忽然低声开口:“《独断》中记载:天子有大驾、小驾、法驾。法驾上所乘,曰金根车,驾六马,有五时副车,皆驾四马,侍中参乘,属车三十六乘……但天子车架,不是早已废弃了么?” Yang Fei also looked, but at this time anything may I ask, anything does not dare saying that was only the eye glance , after seeing Le Zhangdui, one team of cavalries, are raising the vermilion bird flags and 12 dragon flags. 杨飞也看出来了,但此时啥也不敢问,啥也不敢说,只是眼睛一瞥,又看到乐杖队之后,有一队骑兵,打着朱雀旗与十二面龙旗。 But after the dragon flag, then wind uncle, rain master, Lei, goddess of lightning flag various four sides, wood, fire, earth, gold/metal and various water five phases flag side, left, Protector of the Right god flag various, Big Dipper multiple star roll-call flag. 而在龙旗之后,则还有风伯、雨师、雷公、电母旗各四面,木、火、土、金、水五行旗各一面,左、右护法神旗各一面,北斗聚星点将旗一面。 „The Son of Heaven journey, hundred gods are Altar of Heaven that follows...... to go.” 天子出行,百神相随……去的又是天坛。” Puts on the tattered old Confucian suddenly wiping the face cheek, said loudly: Son of Heaven revives! Son of Heaven revives!” 一名穿着破烂的老儒忽然擦了擦脸颊,大声道:“天子复兴!天子复兴!” Nearby Yang Fei wishes one could to cover his mouth, but these cavalries swept one, no one manages him. 旁边的杨飞恨不得捂住他的嘴,但那些骑兵只是扫了一眼,没有人来管他。 This makes Yang Fei know immediately, perhaps made this person say. 这顿时让杨飞知晓,恐怕让此人说中了。 Human Sovereign will soon offer sacrifice to heaven, restores the name of Son of Heaven! 人皇即将重新祭天,恢复天子之称! Altar of Heaven. 天坛 Mentioning is also strange, when Son of Heaven cart one, Altar of Heaven nearby ** all disperses, the rainbows appear, look at the auspicious omen. 说来也是奇怪,等到天子车架一至,天坛附近就**皆散,有一道道彩虹浮现,看着十分祥瑞。 In a hurry by drawing the ritual officer was being urged, started the offering sacrifice to heaven ceremony directly. 一名匆匆被拉来的礼官被催促着,直接开始了祭天典礼。 Xiao Liang steps onto Altar of Heaven step by step, has a fleeing from calamity shame. 萧梁一步步走上天坛,有种逃难的耻辱。 This feeling, when childhood, after the father stages a rebellion is defeated that time, he again has not felt. 这种感觉,自从幼年之时,父亲起事失败那一次之后,他就再也没有感受过了。 But at this time, his footsteps fast, mount Altar of Heaven, making court eunuch prepare the offering sacrifice to heaven goods, and jade chapter, offers sacrifice to heaven to play the article wait/etc...... 但此时,他脚步飞快,登上天坛,让身边太监准备祭天物品,以及玉章、祭天奏文等等…… Is looking under the stage, by the subject of gathering, Xiao Liang deeply was inspired forcefully: We am Son of Heaven, We am a country!” 望着高台之下,被强行汇聚的臣民,萧梁深吸口气:“朕乃天子,朕即国家!” Although, he does not want to break off with State Chancellor from the beginning. 虽然,一开始他并不想与丞相决裂。 But the Confucian code and say/way buddhist two, are promoting. 但名教、道梵两家,都在明里暗里推动。 But the military and even the merit expensive/noble have the opinion. 而军方乃至勋贵中同样有着意见。 Let alone, the ghosts and gods added that State Preceptor lives is consuming his life! 更何况,鬼神还说国师活着就是在耗费他的性命! As emperor, there is place of the having no other choice, was being so coerced unexpectedly, the person who then knows are too many, the plan divulges inevitably, then stages a rebellion again hastily, ends drearily! 身为皇帝,也有许多不得已之处,竟然就如此被裹挟着,然后知道的人太多,计划必然泄露,再然后就是仓促起事,惨淡收场! Even if in the past so many years, that person's control to army, as before such! 哪怕过去这么多年,那个人对军队的掌控,依旧如此之强! When receives the information, Si Yunming, Zheng side were cut to kill by the subordinate, because after Tang Xun unexpectedly a laughable reason was taken the captivity, Xiao Liang knows, oneself have had no alternative, can only offer sacrifice to heaven rapidly, becomes Son of Heaven! 当收到情报,司允明、郑方被属下斩杀,汤汛竟然因为一个可笑的理由被拿下囚禁之后,萧梁就知晓,自己已经别无选择,只能迅速祭天,成为天子 The ceremony conducts hastily. 仪式仓促进行。 After burning down the sacrificial offering, Xiao Liang is reading rapidly: Premier mountains and rivers feudal official Xiao Liang to play the day, the world have the sorcerer to chaotically, world common people many by it painstakingly......” 焚烧祭品之后,萧梁迅速念着:“总理山河臣萧梁以奏天,世有妖人为乱,天下苍生多受其苦……” Yang Fei follows person to kneel down together, is inconspicuous. 杨飞跟着身边的人一起跪下,毫不惹眼。 In the heart only has a thought: Must be the big deal, to be the big deal!” 心中却只有一个念头:“要出大事了、要出大事了!” You look quickly!” “你们快看!” Suddenly, some people are pointing at a direction. 突然,有人指着一个方向。 Sees only in that side, young Daoist who is riding white tiger, slowly. 只见在那边,有一个骑着白虎的年轻道人,正缓缓而来。 Even if Yang Fei has not seen personally, but tiger strength immortal legend, but has spread for dozens years in world! 纵然杨飞并未亲自见过,但虎力大仙的传说,可是已经在世间流传数十年了! Is State Preceptor!” “是国师!” State Chancellor!” 丞相!” Void Spirit Master!” 虚灵子!” Hundred officer looks vary, in person heart that in knowing Aaron did anything, this together form, already with devil not different. 百官眼神各异,在知晓亚伦做了什么事的人心中,这一道身影,已经与恶魔无异。 But Aaron has not brought the mighty force, but came. 亚伦并未带着千军万马,而是就这么来了。 „!” “嗷呜!” Little Yu arrives under Altar of Heaven, looked at Aaron to walk, oneself lay in one side bored, is having the yawn. 小玉来到天坛之下,望着亚伦走了上去,自己无聊地趴在一边,打着哈欠。 State Preceptor holds on a minute!” 国师且慢!” Aaron walks up the first stair, a civil official walked: This is the offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony, but also please defend the ritual......” 亚伦走上第一个台阶,一名文官就走了出来:“此乃祭天大典,还请守礼……” ! 噗! Finishes barely the words, this ritual officer forehead appears a blood hole, poured. 话音未落,这礼官额头就浮现出一个血洞,倒了下去。 Great Liang raises the gentleman ten years, upholds justice the spike knot today!” 大梁养士十年,仗义死节就在今日啊!” An old Confucian yells loudly, then similarly also but actually. 一名老儒大声叫喊,然后同样也倒了下去。 Side Aaron, seven flying sword humming sound thunder, patrols in the air just like the fish generally, seems has spirit essence. 亚伦身边,七口飞剑嗡嗡轰鸣,宛若鱼儿一般在空气中游弋,显得颇有灵性 He continues to walk upward, step by step. 他继续往上走,一步又一步。 But to this time, dares to come out to block, unexpectedly no one! 但到了此时,敢出来拦着的,竟然没有一人! This is the prestige! 这就是威望! Why after Li Shimin can the turning of merit Black Turtle gate, succeeds to the throne smoothly, hundred officers bow the head, few do have an emotional tie with Li Yuan? 李世民为何能玄武门之变成功后顺利继位,百官俯首,没有几个心系李渊? This similarly is the prestige that the beforehand illustrious military exploits establish! 这同样是之前赫赫战功所立下的威望! But Aaron the meritorious military service in Liang Country and prestige...... the common people are perhaps ignorant at this time, hundred officers are actually clear. 亚伦此时在梁国中的战功、威望……百姓或许无知,百官却是一清二楚。 However Xiao Liang was so many year of emperors, always also some loyal ministers. 不过萧梁当了这么多年皇帝,总还有些忠臣。 When Aaron ascends to finally, has to meet the court eunuches in martial arts, to hold the gold/metal I to clash, wins the time with oneself life for the emperor. 亚伦登到最后之时,就有会武功的太监、执金吾冲过来,用自身性命为皇帝争取时间。 „......, still Xiang!” “……呜呼哀哉,尚飨!” When Aaron is stepping on the pool of blood, when mounts the Altar of Heaven highest place, Xiao Liang has read the offering sacrifice to heaven copy clerk, loses into it the brazier, sees is swallowed by the roaring flame. 亚伦踩着血泊,登上天坛最高处之时,萧梁已经读完了祭天文书,将其丢入火盆中,见着被烈焰吞噬。 Bang! 轰隆! In sky, suddenly crack startling thunderclap. 天空之中,蓦然炸响一个惊雷。 Dark, as if azure purple True Dragon appear, is roaring to Aaron. 冥冥之中,似乎有一条青紫色的真龙浮现,对着亚伦咆哮。 Aaron complexion one white, the figure stagnates instantaneously. 亚伦脸色一白,身形瞬间一滞。 Bang bang! 砰砰! At this moment, two gunshots! 就在这时,两声枪响! Actually does not know that hides the flintlock sniper where, aimed at Aaron to touch off the trigger! 却是不知藏在何处的火枪狙击手,对准亚伦扣动了扳机! Flintlock of skilled craftsman careful manufacture, eruption blazing bullet. 能工巧匠精心制作的火枪,喷发出炽热的子弹。 Hits on Aaron, flees unexpectedly together the spark, sends out gold/metal Tiejiao to strike the general sound. 打在亚伦身上,竟然窜起一道火花,发出金铁交击一般的声响。 Vajra is Indestructible! 金刚不坏 This is Aaron has been hiding hidden trump, when fights Jin King has not exposed! 这是亚伦一直藏着的底牌,纵然大战金王之时也未暴露! Xiao Liang looked at Aaron, the vision gradually from anticipating to change into the fear: Hell ghosts and gods...... do you dare to deceive Us?!” 萧梁望着亚伦,目光渐渐从期待化为了恐惧:“地府鬼神……你们竟敢骗朕?!” Did not say that Void Spirit Master assigns/life to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence by the emperor, always lives the moment, is corroding his happy life? 不是说虚灵子以帝命苟延残喘,每多活一刻,都是在侵蚀他的福寿么? At this time why offers sacrifice to heaven has become, Void Spirit Master is all right unexpectedly! 为何此时祭天已成,虚灵子竟然没事! Not only all right, and a copper sheet iron bone, even if the god cannon is hard to damage the slightest?! 不仅没事,并且一身铜皮铁骨,纵然神火铳都难以损伤分毫?! Good Heavenly Dao True Dragon! Forgot to tell you, this poor Daoist Vajra is Indestructible, all generations have not rubbed!” “好一条天道真龙!只是忘记告诉你了,贫道早已金刚不坏,万劫不磨了也!” Aaron smiles, sighed: In the past founded a country, this poor Daoist then wants to kill a True Dragon great ancestor, to congratulate that still world happy, read with your majesty friendship, asked your majesty to go to the Son of Heaven title, changes to Human Sovereign...... to do to the present, your majesty picked up the Son of Heaven status, worthily one generation of True Dragon, do not blame this poor Daoist to kill True Dragon to offer sacrifice to heaven!” 亚伦笑了笑,又叹息一声:“当年开国,贫道本来便想杀一条真龙太祖,以庆贺平定天下之喜的,念在与陛下一点情分,就请陛下去天子称号,改为人皇……奈何如今,陛下重新拾起天子身份,不愧一代真龙,就不要怪贫道杀一条真龙祭天了!” These two goods.” “还有这两个货色。” Aaron refers to two person's shadows that in the crowd shrank: Thinks that your teacher severe wounds, in the army the influence also 11 wiped out, wants the jetty impatiently? Is it possible that did you forget my Supreme Dao family discipline?” 亚伦指了指人群中畏畏缩缩的两道人影:“以为你们老师重伤了、军中势力也被一一拔除了,就迫不及待地想要跳船?莫非你们忘了我太上道家法乎?” A hand finger/refers, two flying sword vanished on the flight, took Tai Chong and life of Tai He Daoist. 手一指,两道飞剑就飞行绝迹,取走了太冲太和道人的性命。 Un...... 嗯…… Although they are the Supreme Dao marriage go-between biographies, grasps science Great Way, but also is mortal two, what guard skill does not have, can only , whatever butchers...... 他们虽然是太上道主亲传,掌握科学大道,但也就是凡人两个,什么护身本事都没有,只能任凭宰割…… As for you......” " “至于你……”" Aaron looks to Xiao Liang, no matter also these kowtow for the court eunuches and hundred officers who your majesty begs for mercy with hardship: „The fate of thou, makes servant of this day decide......” 亚伦看向萧梁,也不管那些苦苦磕头为陛下求饶的太监与百官:“汝之命数,就让这天下人决定吧……” ...... …… Next day. 翌日。 The Jinshi heavy rain dissipates thoroughly., 金石大雨彻底消散。, East Sun, is forever glorious. 太阳东出,光芒万丈。 But Jinshi City common people actually each family shut tightly the gateway, just like meeting what total destruction. 金石城百姓却家家紧闭门户,宛若遇到了什么灭顶之灾。 In days before, in the national capital had the important matter one after another, many big shot planted. 就在前几日,京师之中接连发生大事,好多大佬都栽了。 Although this does not close the matter of their door small family, but must handle affairs carefully. 虽然这不关他们这种小门小户的事,但总得小心行事。 Heavenly Prison. 天牢 The prison guards had changed into Liujia Almighty Soldiers all, firm inside packed in this event the involved unlucky egg as well as his family. 狱卒早已尽数换成了六甲神兵,牢里面装满了这次事件中被牵连的倒霉蛋以及其家眷。 Especially was known as that with the country with resting, Great Liang founds a country 200 merits that confers to be expensive, this time almost folded half. 尤其是号称与国同休,大梁开国册封的二百勋贵,这次几乎折了一半。 Aaron wears the Daoist robe, walks in the prison. 亚伦穿着道袍,走在监狱之中。 Both sides prison instantaneously becomes peaceful, at once the middle-aged person grabs the stockade: State Preceptor and State Preceptor...... I was the black bean...... I had also pulled the horse for you in the past, how can I instead? I am unjust!” 两旁监狱瞬间变得安静,旋即才有一个中年人抓着栅栏:“国师国师……我是黑豆子啊……当年我还为您牵过马的,我怎么会反?我冤枉啊!” Xingyi uncle...... do not install again, you artificial are, this poor Daoist were disinclined to say......” “兴义伯……不要再装了,你所做作为,贫道都懒得说……” Aaron shakes the head, arrives at another prison. 亚伦摇摇头,来到另外一处监狱。 This prison is very clean, is a small house, inside also has the household furniture, as well as a bed, book! 这监狱很干净,是一处小房子,里面还有桌椅板凳,以及一张床,还有书! Zhang Jushi, is seeing Aaron to come, sets out to salute: Has seen State Preceptor.” 张居石正在,见到亚伦过来,起身行礼:“见过国师。” You is a captive, why so?” “你都已经是阶下囚了,何必如此?” Aaron goes, sits down directly, assigns/life the person to provide the food and wine. 亚伦进去,直接坐下,命人送上酒菜。 Ritual cannot abandon!” “礼不可废!” The Zhang Jushi lip is sipping for quite a while, finally said this: This time, was State Preceptor you won......, but Confucian code comfortable will of the people!” 张居石嘴唇抿着半天,才最终说出这一句:“这一次,是国师你赢了……但名教自在人心!” Will of the people?” “人心么?” Aaron laughs: Really thinks that the world doesn't have the Confucianist to want the chaos? Don't Liang Country these years cross very well?” 亚伦哈哈一笑:“真以为天下没有儒家就要大乱?梁国这些年不也过得挺好?” Your majesty how?” “陛下如何了?” Zhang Jushi asked suddenly. 张居石忽然问道。 Can make the heart such as the dying embers he care that perhaps also only then this matter. 能让心如死灰他关心的,恐怕也只有此事了。 Before several days, above Altar of Heaven, Aaron had not killed Xiao Liang directly, but the life person detained. 数日之前,天坛之上,亚伦并未直接杀了萧梁,只是命人押了下去。 This issue, you will know quickly. This is your beheading food, I did not accompany you to use......” “这个问题,你很快就会知道的。这是你的断头饭,我就不陪你用了……” Aaron sets out, arrives at the female in Heavenly Prison to imprison. 亚伦起身,来到天牢之中的女囚。 In a prison, only has one person, is Xiao Zi. 一间囚牢之中,只有一人,乃是萧紫 Pays a visit a lord!” “拜见道主!” Sees Aaron to arrive, on the Xiao Zi face flashes through all sorts of complex colors immediately: My nephew how? Oh...... hopes the generation after generations, was born in king's family/home not, honest present said!” 见到亚伦到来,萧紫脸上顿时闪过种种复杂之色:“我侄子如何?唉……愿生生世世,莫生于帝王之家,诚哉斯言!” In fact, Liang Sovereign did not use.” Aaron sighed. “实际上,梁皇原本不用死的。”亚伦叹息一声。 State Preceptor this saying I believe that the world person not necessarily likes to believe. My that nephew does not believe!” 国师这话我信,天下人未必愿意相信。我那侄子更是不信!” I have not deceived you......” Aaron to continue saying: Although from the beginning, this poor Daoist indeed is holding the founding extraordinarily good luck, kills idea that True Dragon adds to the fun, but this poor Daoist changed the thoughts afterward......, if your majesty does not revolt, can give him actually means of livelihood.” “我可没有骗你……”亚伦继续道:“虽然一开始,贫道的确抱着开国大吉,杀条真龙助助兴的想法,但后来贫道就改了心思……若是陛下不造反,倒是可以给他一条活路。” Has made above ten thousand people, where has the escape route?” Xiao Zi sneers: Is it possible that must play dead to withdraw, conceals identity again?” “已经做了万人之上,哪有退路?”萧紫冷笑:“莫非要假死脱身,再隐姓埋名?” This did not need...... Aaron somewhat to say actually full of enthusiasm: In fact...... must break dragon qi, the best way was to make the emperor is not valuable...... this poor Daoist to study for many years, if your majesty did not revolt, that after a period of time, this poor Daoist in the name of Supreme Dao, will confer 1000 and 10,000 emperors! When the time comes, everyone has the emperor to do, even if your grade of female, can ascend the throne is one generation of empresses!” “这倒是不用……”亚伦有些兴致勃勃地说了起来:“实际上……要破龙气,最好的办法就是让皇帝变得不值钱起来……贫道早已研究多年,若陛下不造反,那过段时间,贫道就会以太上道之名义,册封一千个、一万个皇帝!到时候,人人都有皇帝做,哪怕是你这等女子,也可以登基为一代女帝!” The emperor were many, is not valuable. 皇帝多了,就不值钱了。 Xiao Liang naturally did not use. 萧梁自然也就不用死了。 This also calculates to start well and end well, everyone may for the emperor, Tai Yin with you, be possible for an empress, this emperor to be many were not valuable, does not have any needs to compete to dread......” “这也算善始善终,人人都可为帝,太阴跟你,都可为一女帝,这皇帝多了就不值钱了,也就没有什么需要争夺忌惮的了……” Aaron continues to sigh: Does . Your majesty chose another road.” 亚伦继续叹息:“奈何,.陛下选了另外一条路。” What road?” “什么路?” Xiao Zi has not the wonderful premonition immediately. 萧紫顿时生出不妙的预感。 „The world is the world of the world person, rather than the world of autocrat!” “天下乃天下人之天下,而非独夫之天下!” To be bright I the will and other, when the referendum kills True Dragon!” “为明我等之志,当公投杀真龙!” Aaron tranquil say/way: Xiao Liang is lives dies, looked at his good fortune.” 亚伦平静道:“萧梁是生是死,就看他的造化了。” ...... …… After three days . 三日之后。 Because civil service entrance examination postpones to be forced to be detained Jinshi Yang Fei, saw official announcement that may be called Aberration: 因为考公延期而被迫滞留金石的杨飞,就看到了一份堪称诡异的榜文: „The world is the world of the world person, rather than the world of autocrat...... now Jinshi common people referendum, to decide emperor life and death!” “天下乃天下人之天下,而非独夫之天下……今金石百姓公投,以决皇帝生死!” Under, some rule explanations. 在下方,还有一些规则说明。 In the voting on the same day, will issue the resident each person grain of silver bean, then in Jinshi nine, is equipped with the big vat. 在投票当日,会发给居民每人一粒银豆子,然后在金石九门,都设有大缸。 If wants to make the emperor live, can invest in the big vat the bean. 若是想让皇帝活着,就可以将豆子投入大缸之中。 If wants to make the emperor die, then can the silver bean with going home. 若是想让皇帝死,则可以将银豆子拿回家。 This...... this...... the civilian ignorant and corrupt advantage, this clarified was to kill the emperor!” “这……这……小民愚昧而贪利,这摆明了就是要杀皇帝啊!” „Was a country great ancestor, murdered actually? Ancient fantastic story!” “一国太祖,竟而被弑?亘古奇闻呐!” In many hearts speechless. 不少人心中无语。 But this is also the Aaron goal, the people wisdom has not opened, the referendum kills the emperor is only a farce and joke! 而这也正是亚伦的目的,民智未开,公投杀皇帝只是个闹剧与笑话! He must do truly, kills Liang Country True Dragon that this fattened up personally frankly and uprightly, ensures the victory thoroughly! 他真正要做的,就是光明正大地杀了这条自己亲手养肥的梁国真龙,彻底奠定胜局!
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