TOTM :: Volume #9

#867: Current event( the month before last monthly ticket 13600 made up)

Inn. 客栈。 Yang Fei looked for one ‚the Xie Family old-established shop to stay, this old-established shop had opened it is said for hundred years, did not have the oversight, had the prestige in this piece very much. 杨飞找了一家‘谢家老店’住下,这老店据说已经开了百年,从无疏漏,在这一片很有信誉。 He makes a payment, returns to the room, has the servant attentive end the water for foot-washing, after having soaked the feet, only felt journey tired dissipates all. 他交了钱,回到房间,就有小二殷勤端来洗脚水,烫过脚之后,只感觉旅途的疲乏尽数消散。 Heard that the family/home of highly placed people, the boiler of useful Supreme Dao Courtyard research and development boils water, 12 double-hour may use at will, this is really luxurious.” “听说达官贵人之家,有用太上道院研发的锅炉烧水,十二时辰都可随意使用,这真是奢侈。” Yang Fei sighed one, after washing, exchanges multi-layered cloth shoe cloth shoes that the shop owner sent, arrived at the fore room to eat. 杨飞感叹一声,洗漱过后,换上了店家送来的千层底布鞋,就来到前堂用饭。 The business of Xie Family old-established shop is good, especially the drunk fish, many guests likes igniting together., 谢家老店的生意不错,特别是一道醉鱼,很多客人都喜欢点着。, Yang Fei looked, discovered that many people with the same student, come to rush to civil service entrance examination probably. 杨飞看了看,发现有不少人大概都是跟自己一样的学生,前来赶赴考公 In addition, several merchants, several residents, incited drank liquor smooth, saying: Peaceful good......” 除此之外,还有几个商人,几个市民,不由滋溜喝了一口酒,说着:“还是太平好啊……” The worldwide chaos is about 20 years, the people of father's generation have the deep impression. 天下大乱才不过二十年,父辈们可是对此还有深刻印象的。 Now the peaceful country and safe people, people are yearning for stability, this is the luck of state! 如今国泰民安,人心思定,这就是社稷之福! Yang Fei actually did not understand very much why the north also has bandit to be chaotic unexpectedly repeatedly, although majority were encircled immediately, but made one feeling very inconceivable. 杨飞其实很不理解,为何北方居然还频频有‘匪乱’,虽然大多数立即就被围剿,但还是令人感觉很不可思议。 At this time, the surrounding several students are competing the alcohol capacity, the person drank, what words liked saying outward. 这时候,周围几个学生正在比拼酒量,人一喝多了,就什么话都喜欢往外说。 Is born with open wide the front piece crazily, whatever the liquor water front the chin and neck...... are slipping into the chest. 一个狂生就敞开衣襟,任凭酒水沿着下巴、脖子……一路滑到胸膛。 He rumble did one bowl, then said: This Your Majesty the Emperor discussed the hero pavilion, unexpectedly didn't have the State Preceptor position...... you unable to understand? State Preceptor lost power.” 他咕噜噜干了一碗,然后道:“这次皇帝陛下议功臣阁,居然没有国师的位置……你们还看不懂么?国师失势了。” State Preceptor is Immortal Person descends to earth, perhaps is the achieved success body draws back?” Another person expressed the different opinions. 国师仙人下凡,说不定是功成身退呢?”另外一人就发表了不同的意见。 Bah...... I told you, although under was State Preceptor hits on this day most probably, but fickleness of life...... in my opinion, this State Preceptor could not do well to but actually big mildew!” “呸……我告诉你们,虽然这天下大半是国师打下来的,但人走茶凉……依我看啊,这国师搞不好要倒大霉!” „The boys of my uncle's family work in the god hot army, can I?” “我舅舅家的小子就在神火军中做事,我会不懂?” It seems to me, that Daoist wizard will unable to say in the future results in goes to Caishikou to walk one time.” “照我看,那妖道日后说不得得去菜市口走一遭。” Bold, do you dare to insult my Supreme Dao Ancestral Master?” “大胆,尔敢侮辱我太上道祖师?” A man stood: My stretch/open cold, is Imperial College of Supreme Learning lives, is the Supreme Dao disciple!” 一名汉子站了起来:“我张寒,也是太学生,更是太上道徒!” Bang! 砰! On his not only mouth reproved, went forward directly, raises did the table of alcoholic. 他不仅嘴上训斥,直接就上前,掀了一干酒客的桌子。 I said that you how?” “我就说了,你又如何?” Opposite lived the liquor to drink crazily, the anger upwelled: You dare to upset my table, the grandfather butchered you!” 对面的狂生酒喝多了,怒意上涌:“你敢掀我桌子,爷爷宰了你!” Bang! 砰! Two groups of people wrestle in the same place, making the alcoholics be too busy avoids. 两帮人扭打在一起,让酒客们忙不迭地躲避。 servant and storekeeper whole face forced smile, both hands swing randomly want to console, how actually to convince? 小二与掌柜满脸苦笑,双手乱摇地想要劝解,却如何劝得动? Yang Fei also avoids hastily. 杨飞也连忙避开。 Suddenly, only listens to a resounding. 忽然,只听一声脆响。 Originally is that Supreme Dao disciple opens takes up a wine pot coldly, pounds after is living the brain crazily. 原来是那太上道徒张寒拿起一个酒坛,就砸在狂生脑后。 That lives to fall down crazily, a beach blood slowly from sending the silk seeps out. 那狂生倒在地上,一滩鲜血缓缓从发丝中渗出。 This......” “这……” stretch/open cold sees this, suddenly also stayed, standing is motionless there, dumb as a wooden chicken. 张寒看到这一幕,突然也呆了,站在那里不动,呆若木鸡。 Storekeepers the courage was examining greatly in the past, feels the breath pulse, suddenly the eyelid jumps: „It is not good, without air/Qi!” 掌柜的大着胆子过去查看一番,又摸了摸呼吸脉搏,忽然眼皮就是一跳:“不好,没气了!” Murder?” “杀人了?” Fast informs the yamen runner!” “速去通知衙役!” Suddenly, in inn in great confusion. 一时间,旅店内乱成一团。 Yang Fei saw that cold look is pale, but muttering: „It is not I, I do not think...... not, I am the Supreme Dao disciple, the name list say record/native place, I must see just, attendant...... you unable to catch me......” 杨飞见到那张寒神色苍白,只是喃喃着:“不是我,我也不想的……不不,我是太上道徒,名录道籍,我要见道正、执事……你们不能抓我……” ...... …… This day matter, quick returns to normal, the yamen runner came, took away stretch/open cold, then the crazy fresh family member also received the corpse. 这日的事情,很快就平复下去,衙役过来,带走了张寒,然后狂生的家人也来收了尸体。 Is many people feels unluckily, at the same night moves out from the Xie Family old-established shop, lets looking distressed of storekeeper. 就是许多人感觉晦气,连夜从谢家老店搬走,让掌柜的愁眉苦脸。 Yang Fei also wants to move out, winds around how not too enough, and this environment is indeed good, therefore remained. 杨飞本来也想搬走,奈何盘缠不太够,并且这家环境的确不错,因此就留了下来。 After three days . 三日之后。 He heated the half day book in the room, made several sets of exercises, finally made a mistake much. 他在房中温了半日书,做了几套习题,结果错了不少。 In heart depressed, then comes out to relax. 心中郁闷,便出来散心。 At this time listened to one person saying: What? The Daoist believers kill people, had been put unexpectedly?” 这时就听一人说着:“什么?那道徒杀了人,竟然已经被放了?” Is impossible, this is Son of Heaven, no, Human Sovereign under foot, even if the emperor's relatives, kills people must annoy a show. That does have what background coldly?” “不可能,这可是天子,不,人皇脚下,纵然是皇亲国戚,杀了人也要惹一身骚。那张寒有何背景?” „Didn't others say? Others name list said record/native place, commits a crime to only have Supreme Dao to manage him, others, having no way managed!” “别人不都自己说了么?人家名录道籍,犯了事只有太上道能管他,其他人,没法管!” „Does this have the natural justice? Law of the land? Can Supreme Dao dominate above the law of the land?” “这还有天理么?还有王法么?太上道便可凌驾于国法之上?” Oh, who makes others have State Preceptor to support...... your majesty not to dare with State Preceptor to argue it is said.” “唉,谁让人家有国师撑腰呢……据说陛下都不敢与国师争辩。” Two people who Yang Fei looks at the speech, heard the comparison to care about the place, went forward to chitchat. 杨飞看着说话的两人,听到了比较关心之处,不由上前攀谈。 After one is polite, knows that a these two personal name for white, another person is Ou Yangzhi, comes the civil service entrance examination student. 一番客气之后,才知道这两人一人名为白辛、另一人是欧阳志,都是来考公的学生。 Speaking of finally, him cannot even bear: „Did that cold, really put?” 说到最后,连他也忍不住:“那张寒,真的放出来了?” white said indignantly: Was not...... many people saw, felt sorry for that dead orphan widowed mother, threw over the hemp to wear mourning clothes beats a drum to present a petition, but the yamen paid no attention.” 白辛气愤道:“可不是……许多人都看到了,可怜那死者孤儿寡母的,披麻戴孝地敲鼓鸣冤,但衙门就是不理。” Ou Yangzhi face hyperemia: Broad daylight, how ringing does the universe...... allow the Daoist to be dissolute?! I had contacted many schoolmates, goes to Supreme Dao Courtyard together, the necessary chief gives a view!” i6x7 欧阳志脸庞充血:“光天化日,朗朗乾坤……岂容道人放肆?!我已经联络了许多同学,一起去太上道院,必要院长给个说法!”i6x7 beam Lv criminal law 326 th......’ ‘梁律刑法篇第三百二十六条……’ Towering, although Yang Fei saw Ou Yangzhi's the meaning of invitation, has not actually complied, instead in the mind appears beam Lv who recited. 突兀的,杨飞虽然看出了欧阳志的邀请之意,却并未答应,反而脑海中浮现出自己背诵的一道梁律。 Little brother must review lessons at home, please can not obey orders.” “小弟还要在家温书,请恕不能从命。” Snort! Never expected that you unexpectedly are this person!” Ou Yangzhi leaves in a huff: Our generation large number of students, always have do not fear might, I collect ten thousand people to submit a written statement necessary, the expostulation your majesty, expels the Daoist!” “哼!没想到你竟然是这种人!”欧阳志拂袖而去:“我辈莘莘学子,总有不畏强权者,我必要收集万人上书,谏言陛下,驱逐道人!” Looks at these two to depart, Yang Fei deeply breathes, only feels giant storm , is occupying in the Jinshi City sky fermentation...... 望着这两人离去,杨飞深深呼吸,只感觉一股巨大的风暴,正在金石城上空酝酿、盘踞…… ...... …… A secret room. 一处密室。 Si Yunming and Zheng Fangju, but has quite seen the senile. 司允明与郑方俱在,只是已经颇见老态。 At this time, the secret room front door opened, walks two people. 这时,密室大门又开,走进来两人。 They see these two, on the face cannot show the anticipation expression: You came!” 他们见到这两人,脸上露出不出意料的表情:“你们来了!” Two people take off the cape, impressively is Tai Chong and Tai He! 两人摘下斗篷,赫然是太冲太和 The Tai Chong Daoist beckons with the hand: That person of too many people around, needs to be careful that especially the beast...... is good because of this time has Buddhist Way two to set up the wall barrier jointly, cannot fly...... this time I to probe including a mosquito, Old Fogy was like before, immeasurably deep.” 太冲道人摆摆手:“那人的耳目众多,尤其需要小心禽兽……好在这次有佛道两家联手设立壁障,连一只蚊子都飞不进来……这次我去试探,老家伙还是跟之前一样,深不可测。” This as we expected, wanted to eliminate this traitor, is not inevitably simple, must prepare worst.” “这本就在我们预料之中,想要除此国贼,必然不简单,要做好最坏之准备。” Si Yunming looks to Tai He: „Can the god hot army also use?” 司允明看向太和:“神火军还能用么?” God hot army, although reorganizes, but does not know had how much Tang Gelao, is the Zhidao Lord person......” Tai He shakes the head: This in fact is a pretence, can't not train sailor Marine Corps with...... us in secret? God cannon that there equips, is truly the most excellent product. You are actually recent, do the matter quite a lot......” “神火军虽然整编,但其中不知道有多少汤阁老、乃至道主的人……”太和摇摇头:“这实际上是幌子,不能用……我方不是早就暗中训练了水兵陆战队么?那里装备的神火铳,才是真正最精良的制品。倒是你们最近,搞得事情颇多啊……” That is not we, is...... actually also are not many big significance that these poor and pedantic Confucian scholars make, is only the smoke shell......” “那不是我们,都是那些穷酸儒生弄的……实际也并无多大意义,只是烟雾弹罢了……”
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