TOTM :: Volume #9

#865: Retires( 13400 make up)

Supreme Dao Courtyard. 太上道院 A Tai Chong pure purple long gown, enters floating, meeting knows that met the honored person, gives way to traffic to salute in abundance. 太冲一身纯紫长袍,飘然而入,所遇见者都知道遇见了贵人,纷纷避让行礼。 Great Liang has the system, a high-ranking official official's costume with bright yellow, seven uses white with the ultramarines and five official with scarlet, Ninth Grade with pure purple, three official red. 大梁有制,一品大员官服用纯紫、三品官员用纯青、五品官员用明黄、七品用大红、九品用白红。 Looks at his middle age appearance, has achieved a high-ranking official, has a very successful official career absolutely, and Jane/simple in emperor heart. 看他不过中年模样,就已经做到了一品大员,绝对是官运亨通,并且简在帝心。 Bang! 轰隆! A square, suddenly has the sound of thunder to transmit, jumps scary. 一处广场,忽然有雷霆之声传来,吓人一跳。 But Tai Chong actually thinks little. 太冲却不以为意。 He walks into a room without consulting anybody, saw a short and stout middle-aged person, looks at the appearance, had in the past the Tai He shadow vaguely, said with a smile: Junior Brother, you were also fat! Doesn't pay attention to the official decorum?” 他径自走入一处房间,见到了一个矮胖的中年人,看模样,依稀有当年太和的影子,不由笑道:“师弟,你又胖了!只是怎么也不注意官体?” Oh...... the present weather is burning hot, could not attend to that many...... in my Daoist temple doing an air condition actually, another day after installing, did not fear......” “唉……如今天气炎热,也顾不得那许多……倒是我道院中搞出了一个水空调,改天装上之后,就不怕了……” The Tai He Daoist azure official's costume is opening wide, reveals the most chest, does not have any deportment: My this type with the person of being a companion, needed this daily......” 太和道人青色的官服敞开着,露出大半个胸膛,没有什么仪态:“我这种天天与雷法为伍之人,太需要这个了……” Since five years ago after Aaron the position of Dean Supreme Dao Courtyard dismisses, the Tai He Daoist then took over this position. 自从五年前亚伦太上道院院长的位置都辞了之后,太和道人便接任了这位置。 „......” “雷法……” The Tai He Daoist vision is spooky: „The god cannon and god artillery of you Supreme Dao Courtyard latest invention...... your majesty looked, dragon heart is happy...... my Great Liang suppression Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, must have five honorable people who this type of sharp weapon helps...... previous time strangles to death to refuse to accept the law of the land, only got up one team of god hot army, under the volley, made into the honeycomb!” 太和道人目光幽幽:“伱们太上道院最新发明的神火铳、神火炮……陛下看了,龙心大悦啊……我大梁镇压三教,少不得此种利器之助……上次绞杀不服王法的五通真人,只上了一队神火军,排枪之下,就被打成了蜂窝!” This is the teacher merit, I use another's words and present them as one's own.” “这都是老师功劳,我不过拾人牙慧罢了。” Speaking of the teacher, the Tai He expression becomes complex: Walks...... us to see the teacher.” 说到老师,太和的表情不由变得复杂:“走吧……我们去见见老师。” He reorganizes the good clothes, as Tai He goes out of the Daoist temple together, on a carriage. 他整理好衣服,随着太和一起走出道院,上了一辆马车。 In the carriage, has a beautiful Daoist priestess to wait impressively, the years are unable to leave many traces on her, were still ordinary just like the young girl, the pupil that but a pair can speak, has the mature graceful bearing that the young girl does not have, impressively is the Tai Yin Daoist priestess! 马车之中,赫然有着一位美丽女冠等候,岁月都无法在她身上留下多少痕迹,仍旧宛若少女一般,只是一双会说话的眸子,带着少女所没有的成熟风韵,赫然是太阴女冠! Junior Sister!” 师妹!” Tai Chong greets, Tai He drove personally, had/left Jinshi City, arrived at purple Qing Shan. 太冲打了声招呼,太和亲自驾车,出了金石城,来到紫青山 In the purple Qing Shan corner, the small Daoist temples, do not accept the incense and candle outward, only planted a piece of plum blossom outside the Daoist temple, seems very quiet and beautiful. 在紫青山角落,有一座小小的道观,并不对外接受香火,只在道观外种了一片梅花,显得十分清幽。 Three people got down the carriage near the plum blossom forest, goes up step by step along the green slat alley, before arriving at the Daoist temple . 三人在梅花林边下了马车,沿着青石板小路拾级而上,就来到道观之前。 Sees only above the bronzed inscribed horizontal tablet, writes spiritual cultivation view flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes three large characters. 只见烫金匾额之上,龙飞凤舞地写着‘养心观’三个大字。 Looks at this character, although slightly obviously immature, brings the majestic atmosphere, side has a side private seal, for landscape room lord. 看此字,虽然稍显稚嫩,却也带着堂皇大气,旁边有着一方私印,是为‘江山斋主’。 This is the Your Majesty the Emperor imperial seal! 这是皇帝陛下的印玺! Few knows personally, this Daoist temple was past State Chancellor Void Spirit Master lives in seclusion, but the inscribed horizontal tablet was gift of the emperor, for now Liang Sovereign personally book! 没有几个人知晓,这道观是当年丞相虚灵子所隐居,而匾额乃是御赐,为当今梁皇亲手所书! Tai Yin goes forward to knock on a door. 太阴上前敲门。 Long time, the person opens the door, is one looks with the Tai Yin almost big female. 良久,才有一人开门,是一位看起来与太阴差不多大的女子。 But Tai Yin knows, this is now the big sister of the emperor, the Your Majesty the Emperor biological paternal aunt, afterward gave self up to entered the dao, dao name makes plum! 太阴知晓,这位是当今大长公主,皇帝陛下的亲姑姑,后来舍身入道,道号‘弄梅’! Originally is you.” “原来是你们。” The Xiao Zi facial expression is light, opens the Daoist temple front door: Comes in!” 萧紫神情淡淡,将道观大门打开:“进来吧!” Tai Chong and Tai He good a ritual, walks in the front, across the main hall, arrives at outside a side building. 太冲太和行了一礼,走在前方,穿过厅堂,来到一处厢房之外。 “Ahem!” “咳咳!” Has not approached, hears a cough sound to transmit. 还未靠近,就听得一阵咳嗽声传来。 Pays a visit the teacher!” “拜见老师!” The Tai Chong three people salute in out of the door hastily. 太冲三人连忙在门外行礼。 Comes in!” “进来吧!” In the gate, the Aaron sound spreads, brings weak. 门中,亚伦的声音传出,带着一丝虚弱。 Tai Chong Tai He pushes the door to enter, Tai Yin is sharp-eyed, sees on Aaron takes above embroidering gold/metal Baipa, brings to wipe the bloodstain impressively. 太冲太和推门而入,太阴眼尖,见到亚伦手上拿着的绣金白帕之上,赫然带着一抹血迹。 Is looking at this, her pupil micro, thought initially. 望着这一幕,她的瞳孔微缩,想到了当初。 After cuts Jin King, teacher was not healthy. 阵斩金王之后,老师的身体就不大好了。 But in hundred officers, the monarchists actually think that this is the luck of landscape state, if after all in the past State Chancellor carried the dreadful great merit to turn over, perhaps next step was to force the emperor turns over the throne to another. 而百官之中,保皇派却认为这是江山社稷之福,毕竟当年若丞相携带滔天大功而归,说不定下一步就是逼迫皇帝禅让了。 The Aaron complexion is somewhat pale, appearance actually also young, with beforehand general. 亚伦脸色有些苍白,模样倒是还年轻,与之前一般。 He smiles, making Xiao Zi move in the pillow, oneself depend on the pillow, looks at three students: Today is what auspicious day, gathered together you.” 他笑了笑,让萧紫搬来枕头,自己靠在枕头上,看着三个学生:“今儿是什么好日子,将你们都一起聚来了。” In the middle of three people, even if government position lowest Tai Yin, there is all things to be encumbered, recently did a bit less gradually. 三人当中,哪怕官职最低的太阴,也有诸事缠身,最近渐渐少来了。 Teacher start/open report/give!” “启禀老师!” Tai Chong advanced a ritual: Recently in the royal government indeed was the big deal, Zhang Jushi successfully became a cabinet minister, Lu Xiaoyi not only attacks the cabinet failure, but also suffers defeat above the literary arena thoroughly, but it is well known, Lu Xiaoyi is always intimate with the teacher, is I and other small Junior Brother. Imperial Court so approach, really bitterly disappointing......” 太冲先行了一礼:“最近朝政上的确出了大事,张居石成功入阁,卢晓义不仅冲击内阁失败,还在文坛之上彻底败北,但众所周知,卢晓义一向亲近老师,算是我等的小师弟朝廷如此做法,着实令人寒心……” Tai He said: Teacher...... also has followed you, most loyal most and devoted Zhan Da, when subjugation southwest foreign, the bewilderment died in battle......” 太和道:“老师……还有一直跟着你,最为忠心耿耿的展大,在征讨西南夷的时候,莫名其妙就战死了……” Before a north war, Liujia Almighty Soldiers lost seriously. 之前北方一战,六甲神兵就损失惨重。 In recent years, Liujia Almighty Soldiers one is the military officer of family background mostly is also on the wane. 近些年来,六甲神兵一系出身的将领也大多凋零。 Although seems like accidental/surprised, but gathers to look, has not a wonderful flavor faintly. 虽然看起来都是意外,但集合起来看,隐隐就有一种不妙的味道。 In addition the emperor imperial order discussed that recently the hero pavilion ranks, actually does not have Void Spirit Master, this is very dangerous signal! 再加上最近皇帝诏令议论功臣阁排名,竟然没有虚灵子,这已经是很危险的信号了! Has saying that the status and principle of righteousness might, are seriously inconceivable. 不得不说,名分与大义之威力,当真不可思议。 Xiao Liang again is a puppet, worked as a about 20 years of puppet, already today we are no longer as we have been! 萧梁再是傀儡,也当了将近二十年的傀儡,早已今非昔比! It can be said that makes a name! 可以说,成了气候! Xiao Zi in the one side, the expression is invariable, calmly is listening. 萧紫在一旁,表情不变,静静听着。 “Ahem……” “咳咳……” Aaron beckons with the hand weakly, starts to cough: „Did Zhan Da also die? Oh...... old friend half on the wane...... in present army, is whose chancellor?” 亚伦虚弱地摆摆手,又开始咳嗽:“展大也死了?唉……故人半凋零啊……如今军中,是谁主事?” Is Tang Xun and Si Yunming, Zheng side!” “是汤汛、司允明、郑方!” Tai Chong replied: Tang Xun, Si Yunming, Zheng side are the false loose surrendered generals, resulted in State Chancellor to promote builds up, now shakes, especially planted the partisan in the naval forces broadly, trained the trusted aide, now meddles your majesty thought that difficult...... this two people were called three with Tang Xun old, was rampant domineering!” 太冲回答道:“汤汛也就罢了,那司允明、郑方不过是伪松降将,得了丞相提拔才起家,如今都抖起来了,特别是在水师之中广植党羽,培养心腹,如今连陛下插手都觉得艰难……此二人与汤汛合称‘三老’,最是嚣张跋扈!” Regarding this human affairs change, Aaron is also very clear. 对于这种人事变化,亚伦也很清楚。 As Army Lord, will want to place the person on one's own side is too simple. 作为一军主将,想要安插自己人太简单了。 But Great Liang results in the country to be really quick, so long as joins early, or is quite early, can obtain many advantage. 大梁得国甚快,只要加入得早,或者比较早,都能得到不少好处。 For example that Zhang Jushi, becomes a cabinet minister unexpectedly, becoming the pavilion was old. 比如那张居石,居然都入阁,成为阁老了。 Ahem…… Tang Xun was not young in the past, now already 50-60? Can External Realm call his Tang Gelao probably? Haha......” 咳咳……汤汛当年就不年轻,如今已经50-60了吧?外界大概要叫他汤阁老?哈哈……” Aaron laughs, has not expressed what view, instead waves, making three disciples withdraw: Good...... you to see today also saw, has not died the old bones for master this, should walk?” 亚伦哈哈一笑,并未对此发表什么看法,反而挥挥手,让三个弟子退出:“好了……你们今日见也见了,为师这把老骨头还没死,该走了吧?” In Tai Chong heart one cold, salutes with Junior Brother Junior Sister: Teacher innumerable blessings, I and others asked to be excused......” 太冲心中一凛,与师弟师妹行礼:“老师万福,我等告退……” After leaving the spiritual cultivation view, he is looking lonely Daoist temple one, suddenly sighed. 当离开养心观之后,他回望着寂寥的道观一眼,蓦然叹了口气。 Now is powerful, a lot of materials can look. 如今位高权重,很多资料都可以看了。 In the past although teacher divine ability was astonishing, helped the emperor win the world, actually also as if by scourge, how many dao method but also remained, seriously did not say...... otherwise, do some ganefs, how dare to probe? 当年老师虽然神通惊人,助皇帝得了天下,却也似乎遭了天谴,还剩多少道法,当真不好说的……否则的话,一些宵小,如何敢来试探?
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