TOTM :: Volume #9

#864: Prosperous times( 13200 make up)

The operate level two years, Liang King sends State Chancellor to lead the army 30,000 Northern Expedition, wins total victories, cuts to kill Jin King. 开平二年,梁王丞相率大军三万北伐,大获全胜,斩杀金王 The operate level three years, State Chancellor is seriously ill, returns to Jinshi personal cultivation. 开平三年,丞相病重,回返金石修养 In the same year, Liang King Xiao Liang ascends the throne to proclaim oneself emperor, number Human Sovereign, does not offer sacrifice to heaven, simultaneously abolishes Son of Heaven title. 同年,梁王萧梁登基称帝,号‘人皇’,并不祭天,同时废除‘天子’称号。 The operate level four years, State Chancellor Void Spirit Master lives in seclusion gradually, holds the politics junction in Cao Man, Fan Jin, Tai Chong, Tai He, Tai Yin and the others. 开平四年,丞相虚灵子渐渐隐居,将政事交托于曹满范金太冲太和太阴等人。 The operate level five years, Tang Xun leads Liang Army to attack and capture the loose national capital and Northern Expedition gold/metal Guo, captures the young king, queen mother and nobility over ten thousand people, offers the prisoner of war imperial ancestral temple, does the emerging military officer, such as Si Yunming, Zheng side and others started to rise, Zhang Jushi and Lu Xiaoyi and others did the civil official to show talent for the first time similarly. 开平五年,汤汛率领梁军攻克松京师、北伐金国,俘虏幼王、太后、王公贵族上万人,献俘太庙,一干新兴将领,如司允明、郑方等开始崛起,张居石、卢晓义等一干文官同样崭露头角。 ...... …… In an instant, arrived at the operate level six years. 转眼间,就到了开平六年。 At this time the world after ten several years chaos, was stilled finally, the domain must expand several tenths compared with former Great Song, the dynasty name as before is beam, establishes the capital in Jinshi. 此时天下经过十数年大乱,终于又被平定,版图比之前大松还要扩张数成,国号依旧是‘梁’,定都金石 Xiao Liang 18 years old, had also grown up in the ancient times. 萧梁也十八岁了,在古代早已成年。 The State Chancellor Void Spirit Master therefore also politics in your majesty, Xiao Liang starts to personally guide the government into a new era, sealing Void Spirit Master is State Preceptor, abides by the rules laid down by one's predecessor, does not use the four books and five classics as before, but carries out civil service entrance examination, levies additional taxes the religious tax, business tax and officials and gentry body accept Liang, forever will be the national policy, simultaneously will set up Supreme Dao Courtyard, will study the science and truth say/way. 丞相虚灵子因此还政于陛下,萧梁开始亲政,封虚灵子国师,萧规曹随,依旧不用四书五经,而是推行考公,加征宗教税、商税、官绅一体纳粮,永为国策,同时设立‘太上道院’,研究科学与真理之道。 Void Spirit Master is Dean Supreme Dao Courtyard. 虚灵子担任太上道院院长一职。 A government and people praise, thinks the rulers and ministers to get on well together, has not had the royal government for the millenniums, Liang Country also gradually enters the prosperous times. 朝野一片赞颂,认为君臣相得,是为千年未有之朝政,梁国也逐渐进入盛世。 ...... …… Time like water, time flies. 时光如水,岁月如梭。 In an instant, arrived at the operate level 16 years. 转眼间,就到了开平十六年。 The time is best medical practitioner, can smooth the grief, can make one forget many things. 时光是最好的医者,能抚平伤痛,也能令人遗忘许多事情。 The ten several years ago distinguished people, some deaths, some retired, some to occupy the deliberation hall, some to become the legend high. 十数年前的风流人物,有的死了、有的退隐、有的高居朝堂、有的成为传说。 Even also has, had forgotten gradually. 甚至还有的,已经被人渐渐遗忘。 ...... …… ! 都都都! Above the canal, a steam launch braves the black smoke, carries a ship tourist to swim against the stream, directly soars Jinshi. 运河之上,一艘小火轮冒着黑烟,载着一船游客逆流而上,直奔金石 This steam steam launch, takes the steam engine as the power, the revolution water and fire, calm automatic, wonderful.” “这蒸汽小火轮,以蒸汽机为动力,运转水火,无风自动,妙不可言呐。” In the deck a person, wears the short sleeve shirt, leans against a railing to look, feeling. 甲板上一人,穿着短袖衬衫,凭栏而望,不由感慨。 This person of having regular facial features, the lip is thick, when did not speak closely sipped, was very easy to give people a tenacious feeling. 这人五官端正,嘴唇较厚,不说话时紧紧抿起,很容易给人一种坚韧不拔之感。 In the book, such person the will is often firm, regardless in the future the commerce will take part in government has major accomplishment. 在相书上,这样的人往往意志坚定,日后不论从商从政都有大成就。 This personal name is Yang Fei, is a student, this time goes to Jinshi City to rush to Duke tests. 此人名为杨飞,是一位学生,这次前往金石城赶赴公考。 „Is Yang brother the first time sat the steam launch?” “杨兄是第一次坐小火轮?” Nearby fat businessman said with a smile: This indeed is the rarity, three years ago after Supreme Dao Courtyard studies......, is invested commercial, on some mine pit needs, is not excellent always has the wonderful idea, places on it the ship, then can be equivalent to ten number strong labor forces to row a boat, continuous that...... must use on the ground day and night it is said that but must lay down the railway rail, spends greatly, Imperial Court Zhu also at discussion......” 旁边一个胖胖的商贾就笑道:“这的确是稀罕物,三年前才被太上道院研究出来……之后投入商用,也就一些矿井需要,不过人总有奇思妙想,将它放在船上,便能相当于十数壮劳力划船,还是日夜不休的那种……据说还要在地上使用,只是要铺设铁轨,耗资巨大,朝廷诸公还在讨论……” Zhen brother worthily peddler, the vision is open! The students listened to reason.” “甄兄不愧行商,眼界开阔!学生受教了。” Yang Fei expressed gratitude sincerely. 杨飞诚恳道谢。 „...... Does not use such politely.” The businessman Zhen treasure look is simple and honest, looked will not seem to deceive people, such look, will be most suitable to do business. “诶诶……不用这么客气。”商贾甄宝相貌憨厚,一看就似乎不会骗人,这样的相貌,最适合经商。 At this time both hands swing randomly: Little elder brother you can go to Jinshi civil service entrance examination, placed the past, that was the Son of Heaven disciple! How I feel better your ritual.” 此时双手乱摇:“小哥你能去金石考公,放在以往,那就是天子门生嘞!我怎么好受你一礼啊。” What Son of Heaven disciple, but a petty official...... I am also the family/home leave Jinshi to be near, was divided this district test!” “什么天子门生,不过一小吏罢了……我也是家离金石近,被划分到了这一大区考试!” Yang Fei is saying, is somewhat sigh with emotion. 杨飞说着,也有些感慨。 Although civil service entrance examination specifically stipulated that tests all starts from the petty local official, but each region is different. 虽然考公明令规定,考中者一律从吏员开始,但各地还是有所不同。 For example, enters six to work in the state capital, even if serves tea to pour water, in Bee County is better. 比如,在州府中入六房做事,哪怕只是端茶倒水,也比县中要好。 As for can take a test in Jinshi, the direct supplement enters various Imperial Court sections not to mention, promoted fast. 至于能在金石考试,直接补充进入朝廷各部的就更不用说了,提拔飞快。 This also caused Jinshi civil service entrance examination difficultly compared with other districts several times. 这也导致金石考公比其它大区困难了好几倍。 Even so, still some lots of examinees rather spent the large amount of money to purchase homes in Jinshi, changing household register, must take a test in Jinshi, the corrupt eucalyptus grandis that from this causes had/left several. 即使如此,仍旧有大量考生宁愿花费巨资在金石买房子,改易户籍,也要在金石考试,由此导致的腐败大桉出了好几件。 It can be said that although Liang dynasty entered the prosperous times, but the following issue also has. 可以说,虽然梁朝进入了盛世,但随之而来的问题也有许多。 I study under Jun mister, will the auxiliary left enlightened ruler, does an important matter for the world common people!’ ‘我师从君山先生,必要辅左明主,为天下百姓做一番大事!’ Yang Fei is grasping the parapet, the new tide rushes. 杨飞握着栏杆,不由新潮澎湃。 When his teacher Jun mister, it is said in the loosen toward is also the famous profound scholar, does to Imperial Court not to need the four books and five classics to select scholars for public office, the position of Confucian scholar suffers a disastrous decline. 他的老师君山先生,据说在松朝之时也是有名的大儒,奈何朝廷不用四书五经取士,儒生的地位就一落千丈。 Tonsures to become monk much directly, or dejected, worked as the taoist priest, and even the falling hair enters the remote mountain, was known as that does not eat beam Su! 不少直接剃度出家,或者心灰意冷,当了道士的,乃至披发入深山,号称‘不食梁粟’! Finally even if the monk taoist priest is also the same must pay taxes, entered the remote mountain shortly after cannot bear the ash to cook to run, or dies of the mouth of oppressor directly. 结果哪怕和尚道士也一样要交税,入了深山的没多久就受不了灰熘熘地跑回来,或者直接死于虎狼之口。 Remaining either was insane, either changed. 剩下的要么疯了,要么变了。 Jun mister is quite flexible that studied independently the say/way of science, imparts knowledge and educates people in the village, pours can also mix a warm and sufficient condition. 君山先生属于较为变通的那种,自学了科学之道,在乡间教书育人,倒也能混个温饱。 In teaching the naughty child is literate, always could not bear say that the cynical remark of some affected over-literary style, ridiculed the hand. 只是在教顽童识字之余,总忍不住说些之乎者也的怪话,讥讽时针。 Causes the Yang Fei small age, there are some thoughts of cynicism, wholeheartedly is thinking must meet the enlightened ruler, holds the big decision, then reforms! 导致杨飞小小年纪,也有了一些愤世嫉俗的心思,一心想着要遇明主,掌大政,然后就是改革! His thoughts conceal well, only chat with Zhen treasure very much at this time: Zhen brother recently peddler, profit how much?” 他这番心思隐瞒得很好,此时只跟甄宝闲聊:“甄兄最近行商,盈利几何?” Pours can also pass, Hukou...... the Imperial Court tax law is quite reluctantly careful, declares goods layer upon layer, must peel a skin...... to be good because of does not need to receive the checkpoint, outpost, vagabond and tyrants to exploit...... but actually also some profits, but does not in a big way.” “倒也还过得去,勉强湖口罢了……朝廷税法颇为仔细,层层报税,要脱了一层皮……好在不用受关卡、路卡、地痞、豪强盘剥……倒也还有些利润,只是做不大。” Zhen treasure as if sighed: These business interstate Lian Residence's merchant princes, always can only the scenery for a while, decline unknowingly...... the business of genuine sudden and huge profits, by the Imperial Court Guanying! Hehe...... the previous dynasty student said that anything does not compete with the people, is somewhat the truth.” 甄宝似乎叹了口气:“那些生意跨州连府的豪商,总是只能风光一时,不知不觉就败落下来……真正暴利的生意,都由朝廷官营呢!嘿嘿……前朝书生说什么不与民争利,还是有几分道理的。” Yang Fei was just about to say anything, saw in the deck to run several children, is competing for a picture storybook. 杨飞正要说什么,就见甲板上跑来几个小孩,争夺着一本小人书。 This type was also called picture-and-story book thing, Yang Fei liked looking in childhood similarly very much. 这种也叫‘连环画’的东西,杨飞小时候同样很爱看。 But at present the most popular book, was describes beforehand tumultuous times «Loosen Liang Ying XIONG Biography». 而时下最流行的本子,莫过于描述之前乱世的《松梁英雄传》了。 Gives me quickly, I must look at General Tang the greatly broken Jin troop!” “快给我,我要看汤大将军大破金兵!” No, I must look at the official strategy world, what good does the military person have? Must be the high official, for example model/pattern big Scholar, opens wide Scholar such...... a plan to make the world change, this is the elegant demeanor of top rank adviser......” “不,我要看文臣谋略天下,武夫有什么好?还是要做大官,比如范大学士、张大学士那样……一策而令天下变,这才是顶级谋士的风采……” A little girl is shy with strangers the unfamiliar road: Did not say that Liang King also does have Immortal Person to assist? I must look at the tiger strength immortal the story......” 一个小女孩却怯生生道:“不是说梁王还有仙人相助么?我要看虎力大仙的故事……” Several other children despise in abundance: What taoist priest Immortal Person, deceived people! Haven't you looked at the science decipher of Supreme Dao Courtyard? talisman paper can the self-ignition, but added the phosphorus, what wok with cooking oil taking the money, but added the borax with the vinegar!” 另外几个小孩纷纷鄙夷:“什么道士仙人,都是骗人的!你没看过太上道院的科学解密么?符纸能够自燃,只是加了磷而已,什么油锅取钱,只是加了硼砂跟醋!” My father said that recently the emperor set up the hero pavilion, no tiger strength immortal matter......” “我爹都说了,最近皇帝设立功臣阁,就没什么虎力大仙的事儿……” ...... …… child said shamelessly, Yang Fei was terrified one startled! 童言无忌,杨飞则是悚然一惊! Although he does not believe that what Void Spirit Master has junction pear fire date, understands the flying sword technique, may work miracles, makes the view that the deceased person resurrects, but also knows before Void Spirit Master, is Liang King State Chancellor, gram Jinshi, cut Wu King and Jin King, to perform the illustrious merit. 他虽然不相信什么虚灵子有交梨火枣,懂得飞剑术,可撒豆成兵,令死人复活的说法,但也知道虚灵子之前为梁王丞相,克金石、斩吴王金王、着实立下了赫赫功劳。 But to the present, seemed to be marginalized by Imperial Court unexpectedly gradually! 但到了现在,竟然似乎被朝廷渐渐边缘化了! Off topic 题外话 An unfortunate news, the computer went bad, the renewal is possibly unstable 一个不幸的消息,电脑坏了,更新可能不稳定
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