TOTM :: Volume #9

#863: Scourge

When! 当! Aaron drew out the waist saber, dexterous blocks this to seize a life blade! 亚伦拔出腰间佩剑,轻轻巧巧就挡住了这夺命一刀! Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Meanwhile, Little Yu also the claw, catches fiercely throws off Agoudas's mount in the place. 与此同时,小玉也猛地出爪,一抓就将阿古达的坐骑掀翻在地。 horse cannot compare the tiger after all! 马毕竟比不上老虎! And Little Yu tames after the Aaron spirit essence many years, cannot regard as the ordinary wild animal, but is the monster! 并且小玉经过亚伦灵性多年驯养,早已不能视为普通野兽,而是妖怪! Although the horses fall to the ground, but Agoudas was still unhurried, clever turning over was separated from the mount, flies high to divide three blades. 虽然马匹倒地,但阿古达仍然不慌,一个灵巧的翻身就脱离了坐骑,更凌空劈出三刀。 The blade glittering, brings dense/woods cold blade qi! 刀光闪烁,带着森寒刀气 Aaron long sword directs, blade qi and sword qi counter-balance mutually, make the sound. 亚伦长剑一引,刀气剑气互相抵消,发出嗤嗤声响。 He looks at Agoudas who is falling to the ground to crawl rapidly, suddenly smiled: Your these ghosts and gods, coming to the world of the living also to need to take possession, for this reason also opens ties, calculated the initial capital......, if this body of taking possession were killed by me, the bodies of your Shintoism also damaged inevitably greatly, could not say that needed the deep sleep several hundred years even to fall from the sky!” 他望着倒地迅速爬起的阿古达,突然笑了:“你们这些鬼神,来阳间还需要附体,为此还开结界,也算下了血本……若这附体之身被我杀了,你们的神道之身也必然大损,说不得就要沉睡数百年甚至陨落!” Outside territory heretical demon, kills!” “域外邪魔,杀!” Why Agoudas does not know, a few words blurted out, just like has the absolutely irreconcilable enmity with this person at present general, throws crazily. 阿古达不知道为什么,一句话脱口而出,宛若与眼前这人有着不共戴天之仇一般,疯狂地扑上。 This time, his goal is Little Yu! 这一次,他的目标是小玉 Aaron also jumps down Little Yu, two people sword connection, the person's shadow flutters. 亚伦同样跳下小玉,两人刀剑交接,人影翻飞。 After three moves, Agoudas shook the hand of long blade to fly, blood such as spring wells up. 三招之后,阿古达握着长刀的手飞了起来,血如泉涌。 His both eyes are red, yell: Enemy here, attendant soldier where?” 他双目赤红,大叫道:“敌首在此,亲兵何在?” General!” “将军!” All around is insane with the guards of Aaron attendant soldier entanglement generally, discards or hacks to death the enemy, surrounded. 四周正在与亚伦亲兵纠缠的卫兵都疯了一般,舍弃或者砍死敌人,包围了过来。 Haha...... saw? This is the situation!” “哈哈……看到了没有?这就是大势!” Agoudas broke an arm, actually laughs: Our people won eventually, you only then by in dire straits fate!” 阿古达断了一臂,却大笑:“我们的人终究赢了,你只有被困死一个下场!” „? Yes?” “哦?是么?” Aaron is looking above the battlefield, the seeing institute , the Liang Army rout, was being encircled and annihilated. 亚伦望着战场之上,入目所及,梁军大败,正在被包围歼灭。 But more Jin troops surrounded themselves, at least three senior generals, revealed behind the ghosts and gods faintly. 而更多的金兵过来包围自己,其中起码有三员大将,都隐隐显露出背后鬼神。 He refers to the top of the head sending the hairpin, the iron sword hairpin departs instantaneously, changes into together black light. 他一指头顶发簪,铁剑簪瞬间飞出,化为一道乌光。 flying sword technique! 飞剑术! Puff! 噗噗! black light vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered round trip, in the heart of Jin troop and great general across kilometer. 乌光纵横来去,穿过千米之内金兵与大将的心头。 In a flash, bloody water splash. 一瞬间,血水飞溅。 Other world as if only this together sword cries! 天地似乎只余下这一道剑鸣! „Is this...... flying sword?” “这是……飞剑?” Agoudas similarly by a sword through, the ghosts and gods that but takes possession, letting him also to continue to speak: Impossible...... why your sword technique...... unexpectedly such?” 阿古达同样被一剑穿心,但附身的鬼神,让他还能继续说话:“不可能……为何你的剑术……竟然如此之强?” Placed in the past, Aaron many flying sword 30 zhang (3.33 m). 放在往昔,亚伦最多飞剑三十丈。 However now, he can actually the flying sword three hundreds of zhang (333 m)! 不过如今,他却可以飞剑三百丈! It seems like you also know that a world limits, this should not be lucky you?” “看来你们也知道一点天地限制,这不还是要多亏你们么?” Aaron shows a faint smile. 亚伦微微一笑。 If no law territory, his flying sword technique cannot so. 如果不是有法域,他的飞剑术也不会如此。 The world relaxes a trap, similarly is to his relaxation. 天地放宽一丝罗网,同样是对他的放松。 Shoots!” “射!” One team of cavalries clash, bends the bow the nocking in not far away. 一队骑兵冲来,在不远处弯弓搭箭。 Arrows falling like the rain, is cut to fall by flying sword in the midair at once! 箭如雨下,旋即在半空中被一柄柄飞剑斩落! Seven flying sword appear in the Aaron body week, revolves unceasingly, just like seven shields, protects solid him. 七口飞剑浮现在亚伦身周,不断旋转,宛若七面盾牌,将他防护得严严实实。 Finally...... a little security sense.” “终于……有点安全感了。” He put out a hand, caught a falling arrow variety, looked that to still stood erect Agoudas not but actually. 他伸出手,接住了一根落下的箭簇,又看向仍旧屹立不倒的阿古达。 We...... can also come back......” “我们……还会回来的……” On Agoudas, shadow of the huge ghosts and gods is just about to be separated. 阿古达身上,一个庞大的鬼神之影正要脱离。 It seems like daunted...... wanted to be separated from this body......, forgot saying that was massacred by me, compared with was not massacred by the average person, residual effects more serious.” “看来是被吓住了……想要脱离这具躯体……哦,忘了说了,被我杀掉,可不比被普通人杀掉,后遗症会更加严重的哦。” Aaron is saying, ejects in the hand directly the arrow. 亚伦说着,就直接抛出手上箭头。 This arrow passes through Agoudas's forehead directly, simultaneously passed through his behind that together form. 这箭头直接穿过阿古达的额头,同时穿过了他身后的那一道身影。 ! 噗! Under that form, the ceremonial garments were torn into shreds, flow the azure black blood. 在那身影之上,冕服被撕碎,流淌下青黑色的鲜血。 This blood falls to the ground, cloud Qi who changes into the silk threads, middle actually appears to twist, the fierce face, to sob and call out, deranged speech suddenly one after another...... 这鲜血一落地,就化为丝丝缕缕的云气,当中却又忽然浮现出一张又一张扭曲、狰狞的面孔、正在哭泣、嚎叫、呓语…… No!” “不!” That person's shadow is holding the head, sends out frantic roaring, at once submerges the land. 那道人影抱着头,发出一声疯狂的咆哮,旋即没入大地。 Was injured by spirit essence by me, but also has the pollution, even if several hundred years later recovers...... will perhaps also turn into the lunatic.” “被我以灵性所伤,还带着污染,纵然数百年后痊愈……说不定也会变成疯子。” Aaron laughs. 亚伦哈哈大笑。 Meanwhile, seven flying sword of his body week were still protecting firmly, while convenient harvesting life...... 与此同时,他身周的七口飞剑仍旧在坚定地防护,顺带收割生命…… With sling mechanism!” “用抛石机!” Pounds ruthlessly!” “狠狠地砸!” After dies continually more than ten senior generals, finally has the great general to awaken, drinking. 在连死十几员大将之后,终于有大将醒悟,喝着。 Above the battlefield, Liang Army had been strangled to death completely, more and more soldiers gradually surrounds, even formed military formation! 战场之上,梁军已经渐渐被绞杀殆尽,越来越多的兵卒包围过来,甚至结成了军阵 At this time, died in battle along with last loyal Liujia Almighty Soldiers, Aaron is true by an enemy ten thousand, and even several tens of thousands of! 此时,伴随着最后一个忠诚的六甲神兵战死,亚伦已经是真正的以一敌万,乃至数万! Bang bang! 砰砰! Was thrown along with several over a hundred jin (0.5 kg) giant stones, flying sword was pounded distorts, falls on the ground. 伴随着几枚上百斤的巨石被抛来,一枚飞剑都被砸得变形,落在地上。 Really so...... wants to be a worthy opponent several tens of thousands of armies by a person of strength, extremely forced......” “果然如此……想要以一人之力匹敌数万大军,还是太过勉强了……” Aaron muttered one, suddenly sent out a long and loud cry. 亚伦喃喃一声,忽然发出一声长啸。 In the sky, transmits a resonant eagle to cry suddenly. 天空之中,蓦然传来一声嘹亮的鹰啼。 A giant god carves falls from the midair fiercely, making Aaron jump on its body, flies into the midair. 一只巨大的神雕猛地从半空中落下,让亚伦跳在它的身上,飞入半空。 Shoots to me quickly!” “快给我射!” Over ten thousand arrows ground fire, but kept off in the technique of standard flying sword by Aaron. 地面之上万箭齐发,但都被亚伦飞剑之术格挡。 I will also come back...... is not right, the speaking incorrectly lines...... traded one!” “我还会回来……不对,说错台词了……换一个!” Veteran does not die, is only on the wane!” “老兵不死,只是凋零!” Will certainly begin, its potential is fiercer!” “必将再起,其势更烈!” Looked that I...... work miracles!” “看我……撒豆成兵!” Aaron both hands appear a lot of red bean, throws from the upper air toward the battlefield. 亚伦双手浮现出大量红豆,从高空抛往战场。 Puff! 噗噗! A red bean falls into a corpse, making the corpse give birth to the innumerable granulations fast, broke the human bone combination with the stump residual limb of nearby...... 一枚红豆落入一具尸体中,令尸体飞快生出无数肉芽,与附近的残肢断骸组合…… At once, Liujia Almighty Soldiers stood slowly. 旋即,一个六甲神兵缓缓站了起来。 Law law law!” “律律律!” Not is only the person! 不仅是人! Heavy armor warhorse that died originally, calls out one, both eyes crawled red, conducted the back nearby heavy armor cavalry. 原本死掉的重甲战马,也嚎叫一声,双目通红地爬了起来,驮起了附近的重甲骑兵。 The Jin King 100,000 armies, attack to extinguish 30,000-40,000 Liang Army, oneself also paid the extremely serious price. 金王十万大军,攻灭30,000-40,000梁军,自身同样付出了极其惨重的代价。 But corpse that at this time, these died, majority transforms for the Liang soldier soldiers. 而此时,那些死掉的尸体,大部分又转化为了梁兵士卒。 Put on the light cavalry of Jin troop clothing to pull out the sickle suddenly, cut to a nearby living person Jin troop. 穿着金兵服饰的一个轻骑兵忽然抽出弯刀,就砍向附近的一个活人金兵。 That face...... I am your Anda!” “那颜……我是你的安达啊!” Opposite Jin troop whole face was unbelievable, until was killed dismount, finally said such a. 对面金兵满脸难以置信,直到被砍杀下马,才最终说出这么一句。 Kills!” “杀!” Many Great general Jin Bing angrily roars together, in hesitant and scruple, panic-stricken the Jin troop who wants to escape instantaneously is becoming unemotional, took over control of the body by the demon soldiers thoroughly, fights with all might with Liujia Almighty Soldiers in the same place...... 诸多金兵大将齐齐怒吼,原本还在犹豫、迟疑、惊恐着想要逃跑的金兵瞬间变得面无表情,彻底被阴兵接管了身躯,与六甲神兵拼杀在一起…… All as if changed. 一切的一切都仿佛变化了。 This place, is the battlefield of deceased person and demon soldiers, the living person should not be near! 此地,是死人与阴兵的战场,活人勿近! Chirp chirp!” “啾啾!” Aaron rides is carving the line greatly, sweeps away the entire battlefield, while killing Great general Jin Bing, in awakens Liujia Almighty Soldiers. 亚伦骑着大雕而行,横扫整个战场,在狙杀金兵大将的同时,也在一个个唤醒六甲神兵 And finally, his pupil moves, is pointing at a direction. 到了最后,他眸子一动,指着一个方向。 The black god carves understands his meaning instantaneously, the dive under! 黑色的神雕瞬间明白他的意思,俯冲而下! ...... …… King, this...... this......” “大王,这……这……” When the Jin King method of development territory, but also follows several surrender officials side Jin King to think that somewhat felt strange: Instantaneous sunset moon/month rises, this lord is ominous......” 早在金王展开法域之时,还跟在金王身边的几个投降文臣就觉得有些奇怪:“瞬间日落月升,此主不祥啊……” Then, that has, broke their three views. 然后,那发生的一幕幕,更是震碎了他们的三观。 Ghost God’s Descent world, demon soldiers taking advantage of body, unexpectedly real? 神降世,阴兵借体,竟然都是真的? Is good because , the has ghost Shinnosuke's gold/metal army defeated Liang Army eventually, so long as encircles massacres Void Spirit Master that sorcerer, on peace throughout the country! 好在,有鬼神之助的金军终究还是战胜了梁军,只要围杀掉虚灵子那个妖人,就天下太平! But, Void Spirit Master can also ride the eagle to roam through unexpectedly. 但没有想到,虚灵子竟然还能骑鹰遨游。 Even...... makes the deceased person begin! 甚至……让死人再起! „This this......” “这这这……” intellectual, felt that oneself three views must disrupt. 一个个读书人,感觉自己的三观都要碎裂了。 At once, they saw that a shadow rushes just like the fighter aircraft generally, above the person's shadow jumps down. 旋即,他们就见到一道黑影宛若战斗机一般冲下,上面又有一人影跳了下来。 In the middle of the midair, has flying sword to fall to the ground, pierces the guard near ground. 在半空当中,就有飞剑落地,刺穿地面附近的护卫。 A figure of young Daoist falls on the ground slowly, said with a smile: This poor Daoist Void Spirit Master, gives Jin King to see off especially!” 一名年轻道人的身形缓缓落在地上,笑道:“贫道虚灵子,特来给金王送行!” Bold Daoist wizard, by Taoist skill, but the chaotic landscape...... above the history the burin was clear, must have your one monster character!” “大胆妖道,以道术而乱江山……青史之上铁笔昭昭,少不了你一个‘妖’字!” An official stands to shout angrily, the body indeed has one type righteous qi. 一名文臣站出来怒喝,身上的确有着一种‘正气’。 If to the Confucianist world, could not say that can also realize the noble, ten thousand do flinch evilly?’ ‘如果到了儒家世界,说不得还能练成浩然正气,万邪辟易?’ Aaron waves at will, sword light flashes through together, the head of this profound scholar falls: Pitifully...... has not used!” 亚伦随意一挥手,一道剑光闪过,这大儒的脑袋就掉了下来:“可惜……没有用啊!” Puff! 噗噗! In the instance that this profound scholar died, Wanyan fierce nearby attendant soldier by flying sword is beheaded simultaneously. 在这大儒死亡的瞬间,完颜烈附近的亲兵同时被飞剑斩首。 Several can prey on the tiger bear the warrior, even the blade has not pulled out, falls down. 几个能搏杀虎熊的勇士,连刀都没有拔出来,就倒在地上。 „Are you Liang King State Chancellor?” “你是梁王丞相?” Wanyan Liewang Aaron, said fast: If you come gold/metal Guo, this Wangfeng you for the prime minister, Liang King give you, this king gives double!” 完颜烈望着走过来的亚伦,飞快道:“若你来金国,本王封你为宰相,梁王给你的,本王给双倍!” Really is the flood dragon seed, the fierce and ambitious character, kills the father personal enemies to discuss the transaction.” “果然是蛟龙种子,枭雄性格,杀父仇人都能谈交易。” Aaron nods, at once a sword, cuts the Wanyan fierce severed head: Pitifully...... you really think that the divine intervention is ignorant? Your destiny is to cope with me...... you to sum with me on own initiative, violated the divine intervention, is punished for an offense in heaven!” 亚伦颔首,旋即一剑,将完颜烈的首级斩了下来:“可惜……你真以为天意无知?你的天命是要对付我……你主动跟我求和,就违背了天意,获罪于天!” My this outsider does not care about this, but your flood dragon has no alternative but to care!” “我这个外乡人不在乎这个,但你这个蛟龙不能不在乎!” Dies in the Wanyan fierce body instantly, the law territory disrupts loudly. 就在完颜烈身死刹那,法域轰然碎裂。 The clear weather, the dusk ray sprinkles, covers golden color to the battlefield. 天朗气清,黄昏的光芒洒落而下,给战场镀上一层金色。 Kills!” “杀!” A Great general Jin Bing cuts to kill the front heavy armor cavalry instantaneously, at once shakes the head: Brat is less than with the stratagem!” 一名金兵大将瞬间将前方一个重甲骑兵斩杀,旋即摇头:“竖子不足与谋!” Although Daoist wizard has to work miracles and make the energy of deceased person resurrecting, but Liujia Almighty Soldiers is extremely scattered, without colony! 妖道虽然有撒豆成兵、令死人复活之能,但六甲神兵太过分散,没有集群! Even if the population are many, before becoming the army of organization system, as before without many lethality. 哪怕人数很多,在成建制的军队之前,依旧没多少杀伤力。 So long as insists, can obtain inevitably wins finally! 只要坚持下去,必然能获得最终胜利! After all...... the strength of enemy is not infinite! 毕竟……敌人的力量也不是无限的! But Jin King was beheaded by the enemy side unexpectedly directly! 金王竟然直接被敌方斩首! Not only beheads, before dying, departed from the destiny, stirs up the divine intervention to hate! 不仅斩首,死前还背离了天命,惹得天意憎恶! If this is not the case, will this law territory dissipate so quickly? 若非如此,这法域怎会消散得如此快? ‚...... This also serves our benefits...... this sorcerer also , the world has to and others continue to relax the limit to me!’ ‘不过……这也符合吾等之利益……这妖人还在,天地就不得不对我等继续放开限制!’ Naturally, this cannot raise the invader dead weight intentionally, but the truth, we do not have the means......’ ‘当然,这不能故意养寇自重,但实情如此,吾等也是没有办法……’ Strikes a gong, withdraws troops!” “鸣金,收兵!” The ghosts and gods return netherworld, brings a lot of cold winds, middle will have the innumerable demon soldiers indistinctly Yin. 一个个鬼神回归冥土,带起大量的阴风,当中隐约有无数阴兵阴将。 These left Jin Bing quickly grasps the meaning of something, blood dissipates bravely suddenly. 那些被离开的金兵一个激灵,身上的血勇忽然消散。 Looks army who the front is resurrecting, they called out pitifully hysteric, flees the battlefield competitively. 望着前方重新复活的大军,他们一个个歇斯底里地惨叫了起来,争先恐后地逃离战场。 Runs but actually quickly!” “跑得倒快!” Aaron is looking at the ghosts and gods of departure, sneers. 亚伦望着离开的鬼神,冷笑一声。 Doesn't matter, in the future opportunity of having to do! 没关系,日后还有打交道的机会! After cutting to kill Wanyan to be fierce, Aaron actually touched own forehead suddenly. 而在斩杀了完颜烈之后,亚伦却忽然摸了摸自己的眉心。 He felt the intense threat! 他感受到了强烈的威胁! In the sky, appears the innumerable scales to say suddenly, has the thunderclap crack! 天空之中,蓦然浮现出无数鱼鳞云,有雷声炸响! Indistinct , a big terrifying locked itself. 隐约之间,一股大恐怖锁定住了自己。 This......” “这……” Aaron consumes spirit essence, understood the cause and effect fast: This is the layout of this side world! Gives the Jin King subsidization, making him become True Dragon...... first to make him block me ahead of time...... once, but the blockade has not become, he died of my hand, was equivalent to me to be locked by the divine intervention directly?” 亚伦消耗一丝塔之灵性,飞快就明白了前因后果:“这是此方天地的布局!给予金王资助,令他提前成真龙……一来是让他阻击我……而一旦阻击未成,他死于我手,就相当于我被天意直接锁定了?” Before, Aaron somewhat cared about the repel of this side world. 之前,亚伦就有些在意此方天地的排斥。 Therefore has not called the king directly, but is the choice props up a puppet, oneself internal energy will hide under beam royal qi machine. 因此才没有直接称王,而是选择扶植起一个傀儡,将自己气机隐藏在梁王气机之下。 But now, preys on True Dragon directly, he has hidden not to be possible to hide! 但现在,正面搏杀掉一条真龙,他已经躲无可躲! The terrifying pressure, falls on Aaron, makes creaking sound that his joint makes to be unable to withstand the load. 恐怖的压力,落在亚伦身上,令他的骨节发出不堪重负的嘎吱声响。 „Not good...... I to have aimed by this side world now directly......” “不好……如今我已经被此方天地直接针对……” „The only means...... are make Liang King unify Nine Provinces as soon as possible, then announced that abolishes Son of Heaven title, supports oneself Human Sovereign, announced Human Clan to be independent and self-reliant, humanity and Heavenly Dao separation and resistance!” “唯一办法……是让梁王尽快统一九州,然后宣布废除‘天子’称号,自立‘人皇’,宣布人族自立自强,人道与天道分离、对抗!” Otherwise......” “否则……” Bang! 轰隆! In the pupil of Aaron, shines upon together the day tribulation thunder and lightning! 亚伦的瞳孔中,映照出一道天劫雷电! This is the scourge! 此乃天谴! This world may have nothing view that crosses the tribulation, the world lowers the thunder, is the lord puts to death! 此世可没有什么渡劫的说法,天地降下雷霆,就是主诛杀的! ...... …… Jinshi. 金石 State Chancellor belt/bring 30,000 soldiers go north, how also didn't know?” 丞相带三万兵北上,也不知如何了?” In the Daoist temple, Poison Dragon Master is looking at the north, muttered. 道观内,毒龙子望着北方,喃喃自语。 He is with the person of Liang King father peer, once protected and sustained was crossing the disaster, after Liang King ascends the throne is very respected. 他算是与梁王父亲同辈的人,又曾经护持着渡过大难,在梁王登基之后就很受尊敬。 However he subsidizes Hidden Dragon for the Way Heritage revenge, in the loosen after demise, is similar to puts down a big stone, asking Liang King to bestow poisonous dragon Guan, lived in this cultivates clear, supplements Torch Dragon Way dao method. 不过他资助潜龙只是为了道统复仇,在松朝灭亡之后,就如同放下一块大石,请梁王赐了一座毒龙观,在此居住清修,增补烛龙道道法 Master! State Chancellor is so fierce, certainly can win.” 师父丞相那么厉害,一定能大胜。” By Poison Dragon Master, a child Daoist novice fans, hears word said with a smile. 毒龙子旁边,还有一个道童打扇,闻言就笑着说道。 This is the disciple —— permanent magnificent that Poison Dragon Master receives newly! 这是毒龙子新收的弟子——恒华! After all Torch Dragon Way must inherit, and depends on is almost the entire south lineage/vein and Buddhist temple that the secret of not passing on plunders, Poison Dragon Master is confident, Torch Dragon Way dao method today we are no longer as we have been, has not had insufficient knowledge or skill! 毕竟烛龙道还得传承下去,并且靠着搜刮来的几乎是整个南方道脉、佛寺的不传之秘,毒龙子有信心,烛龙道道法已经今非昔比,绝不是二把刀了! ‚...... Master does not only let slip one time, perhaps is intentionally lethal point......’ ‘不……师父也只失手一次,也说不定是故意点的死穴……’ Selects dragon point...... the present to look like not the too major problem as for Old Daoist, was only the earlier twists and turns was bigger, lord one generation of heroic deeds, two generations of soaring!’ ‘至于老道所点龙穴……如今看来也没有太大问题,只是前期波折大了些,主一代英烈,二代腾飞!’ Poison Dragon Master narrows the eyes to focus, is thinking, suddenly feels a palpitation. 毒龙子眯着眼,正思索间,忽然感受到一阵心悸。 Master?” 师父?” In the screams of permanent magnificence child Daoist novice, this Old Daoist fell from the soft cot directly. 在恒华道童的惊呼声中,这老道直接从软榻上摔了下来。 But Poison Dragon Master cannot attend to itself, looks directly to Jinshi City, the royal palace direction. 毒龙子顾不得自身,直接看向金石城,王宫方向。 Sees only a black back carp to leap the water surface suddenly, having the thunderclap is billowing. 只见一条黑背鲤鱼蓦然跃出水面,有雷声滚滚。 In the thunder, this carp pulls out the long body rapidly, grew the lackey...... to change into black back flood dragon! 在雷霆当中,这鲤鱼迅速抽长身体,长出爪牙……化为了一条黑背蛟龙 No! 不! That is not flood dragon! 那不是蛟龙 The opposite party Adam's apple position has had one piece reverse scale, this is True Dragon! 对方喉结位置已经生出一片逆鳞,这是真龙 Liang King already achievement True Dragon?!” 梁王已经成就真龙?!” Poison Dragon Master muttered: Is it possible that the State Chancellor Northern Expedition wins, even cut Jin King?” 毒龙子喃喃道:“莫非丞相北伐大胜,甚至斩了金王?” Black Dragon discovers Poison Dragon Master to peep, actually does not counter-attack, instead has silk threads dragon qi to fall, changes to the asylum. 黑龙发现毒龙子窥视,却并不反击,反而有丝丝缕缕龙气落下,化作庇护。 Resulted in this air/Qi, a Poison Dragon Master merit progressed by leaps and bounds instantaneously, understood many things. 得了这气,毒龙子道功瞬间突飞猛进,明白了许多事情。 Since old times held the dragon, is fastidious to take back taking advantage of also...... Old Daoist now, if not continue to deepen the relations...... with the diplodocus the Liang King body dead in the future even if, was insufficient to involve Old Daoist.” “自古扶龙,讲究有借有还……老道如今只是收回,若不继续与梁龙加深关系……日后纵然梁王身死,也不至于牵连老道了。” After all Poison Dragon Master is not Sublime Wisdom Way, Sublime Wisdom Way is first benefits from dragon qi, naturally needs to return, but must add on the interest. 毕竟毒龙子不是崇明道,崇明道是先从龙气得益,自然需要归还,还要加上利息。 Poison Dragon Master first invests, now returns, has not made a false counter-accusation. 毒龙子则是先投资,如今都是回报,没有反噬。 Is only...... has State Chancellor, how can Liang King to turn into a dragon?’ ‘只是……有丞相在,梁王怎么能成龙?’ Is it possible that...... mutually wounded?!’ ‘莫非……两败俱伤?!’ This may really be the divine intervention measures not!’ ‘这可真是天意莫测啊!’ Even if in a flash, the achievement honorable person's body, Poison Dragon Master to this side world, instead were more many awes...... 一瞬间,纵然成就了真人之身,毒龙子对这方天地,反而更多了许多敬畏…… 7017 k 7017k
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