TOTM :: Volume #9

#862: The demon soldiers borrow the body( 13000 make up)

Casualty didn't 50%, still draw back?” “死伤50%,仍旧不退?” Behind. 后方。 Wanyan great general looks at this fiercely, on the face is reappearing similarly the shock and fear color. 完颜烈手下大将望着这一幕,脸上同样浮现出震惊、恐惧之色。 The casualty surpasses 60%-70%, infantry who still did not draw back, they have never seen! 死伤超过60%-70%,仍旧不退的步兵,他们从未见过! Soldiers who so fierce do not fear, if the Great Song imperial guard, that does not have the Jin King anything matter. 如此悍不畏死的士卒,如果是大松禁军,那早就没金王什么事了。 „It is not good, Great general Wanyan Kan......” “不好,完颜坎大将……” A military officer yelled suddenly. 一个将领忽然大叫。 Sees only one group of rewiring infantries to kill, cuts the armored cavalry not to have the horse leg of protection specially, then gangs up to surround and beats up the knight on horseback. 只见一群重装步兵杀出,专砍装甲骑兵没有保护的马腿,然后围殴马背上的骑士。 Wanyan Kan was surrounded by more than ten heavy armor infantries, his martial arts excels, breaks through again and again. 完颜坎被十几个重甲步兵包围,他武功高强,连连突围。 Suddenly, at present appears arrow rain! 忽然,眼前就浮现出一蓬箭雨! Originally benefitted the sacrifice in long spear/gun soldier, the rear archer finally prepared, started another round of fire! 原来是得益于长枪兵的牺牲,后方的弓箭手终于准备好,开始了又一轮射击! “Hah!” “喝!” Wanyan ridge depends armor excellent, does not attend to some arrow arrows, but opens out several fatal arrows, must kill the shooter square formation. 完颜坎仗着身上铠甲精良,不顾一些箭矢,只是拨开几道致命的箭头,就要杀去射手方阵。 At this moment, his mount exudes one to call out in grief, a horse leg cut off impressively, falls down. 就在这时,他的坐骑发出一声悲鸣,一条马腿赫然被斩断,摔倒在地。 The powerful inertia, Wanyan Kanshuai, fell down, quite a while cannot crawl. 强大的惯性,将完颜坎甩了出去,倒在地上,半天爬不起来。 After all mail-armor and helmet is too heavy! 毕竟身上甲胄太重! But when waits for him to crawl reluctantly, the front has been standing several heavy armor infantries, waved the weapon to cut! 而等他勉强爬起之时,前方已经站着数个重甲步兵,挥舞着武器砍了过来! ! 噗! After several moves, Wanyan Kan head/number of people soars high. 数招之后,完颜坎的人头高高飞起。 ...... …… While frontline approaches. 就在前阵接敌的同时。 Liang Army flank. 梁军侧翼。 Shoots!” “射!” Pairs of light cavalries go forward in turn, is maintaining certain distance with the enemy, shoots arrows again and again. 一对对轻骑兵轮流上前,与敌人保持着一定距离,连连射箭。 Once the enemy has counter-attacked, rides a horse to run off immediately. 一旦敌人有所反击,就立即骑马跑开。 This tactical rules, only has the enemy archer, may form certain killing to them, but often is not big. 这种战法,也唯有敌军弓箭手,才有可能对他们形成一定杀伤,但往往也不大。 This once the Mongolian cavalries swept away the tactical rules of Europe! 这就是曾经蒙古骑兵横扫欧洲的战法! However, Liang Army may not have morale view, whatever the cavalry harasses, the team is not chaotic. 不过,梁军可没有士气这种说法,任凭骑兵骚扰,队伍丝毫不乱。 The war is continuous, has projected on the dusk from the sun. 大战连绵,从日头正中一直打到了黄昏。 King?” “大王?” gold/metal army the military officer looked that is fierce to Wanyan, thought this king today's strategy of seems like some issues. 金军将领纷纷看向完颜烈,觉得这位大王今日的战略似乎有些问题。 According to the foreigner flexible fighting method arranged the soldier formation arranging words, the casualty must not be the extent that seriously is. 原本按照胡人灵活的打法来排兵布阵的话,死伤应当不至于如此惨重才是。 But at this time. 而此时。 Jin King Wanyan Lie, is looking at the mark on hand, sees only that has filled bright red, almost must drop. 金王完颜烈,则是望着手上的印记,只见那鲜红已经充满,几乎要滴落下来。 ‚The quantity of blood sacrifice...... sufficiently collected finally.’ ‘血祭的量……终于凑足了。’ He looks up the sky, sees only the sunset moon/month to rise, the vault of heaven gradually becomes dim: Double-hour also just...... that......’ 他抬头望着天空,只见日落月升,天穹渐渐变得昏暗:‘时辰也刚好……那么……’ Wanyan Lie lifts the hand suddenly: „When agreement has arrived, where has the blood sacrifice become...... and other ghosts and gods?” 完颜烈豁然抬手:“约定之时已到,血祭已成……尔等鬼神何在?” Bang! 轰隆! These words, the big day in sky did not have the ray fast. 这句话一出,天空中的大日飞快没有了光芒。 The world is dim suddenly. 天地蓦然昏暗。 Its corresponding, is blood that above the battlefield in these cavalry bodies flows, is being absorbed by the land rapidly. 与之相对应的,是战场之上那些骑兵尸体中流淌出的血液,正在迅速被大地吸收。 A dim domain is centered on Wanyan to be fierce, launches to the battlefield suddenly. 一层朦胧的界域以完颜烈为中心,蓦然向战场上展开。 This is not beforehand buddhist, somewhat is similar. 这并非之前的梵界,却有些类似。 This is...... the god only law territory! 这是……神祇法域! The huge and palatial forms...... passed through the boundary of netherworld and world of the living, arrives at this side world suddenly! 一道道庞大、巍峨的身影……似穿过了阴间与阳间的界限,骤然来到此方天地! Subsequently, Wanyan fierce great general body hand/subordinate shakes in abundance. 继而,完颜烈手下的大将纷纷身体一震。 Indistinct, as if fuses together with certain great existences. 隐约之间,仿佛与某些伟岸的存在融为一体。 Before their, that they, but the feeling had infinite martial arts and physical strength, and even Qi Prestige and faith! 他们还是之前那个他们,但却感觉拥有了无穷的武功与体力,乃至气势、信念! Agoudas, you commands troops the broken army!” “阿古达,你率部破其中军!” Wanyan Lie knows, the ghosts and gods are hard to manifest a presence in the world of mortals, even if there is blood sacrifice and law territory, the world also let loose a trap, but also needs the mortal to take possession. 完颜烈知晓,鬼神在凡间难以显圣,纵然有着血祭与法域,天地也放开了一丝罗网,但也需要凡人附体。 This is ‘God’s Descent’, although takes possession temporarily, but can also grant by the taking possession infinite energy and different functions of! 这就是‘神降’,虽然是临时附身,但也能赐予被附身者无穷的精力与异能! „!” “喏!” Agoudas is a fierce tiger guy, at this time kowtows fiercely, turns around to go. 阿古达是一条猛虎般的大汉,此时猛地磕了一个头,就转身而去。 Agoudas rides the warhorse, felt whether there is strength and courage completely, send out wolf howling roaring: My guard where?” 阿古达骑上战马,感觉身上有无尽的力量与勇气,不由发出一声狼嚎般的咆哮:“吾之卫兵何在?” General, we in!” “将军,我们在!” attendant soldier go forward, the body trembles suddenly. 一个个亲兵上前,身躯忽然一颤。 Indistinct, as if also in the demon soldiers with netherworld fuses together, in the eye pupil brings with fighting intent zealously. 隐约之间,似乎也与冥土中的阴兵融为一体,眼眸中都带着热忱与战意。 Along with me kills the enemy!” “随我杀敌!” Agoudas rides the warhorse, breaks in the enemy ranks. 阿古达骑上战马,冲入敌阵。 During the charge, he felt that martial arts of own this body flickered to raise planned incessantly, entered some god, but clear(ly) condition. 冲锋之中,他感觉自己这具身体的武功一瞬拔高了不止一筹,进入了某种神而明之的状态。 Kills!” “杀!” At this time, opposite several heavy armor infantries roll come, long blade, cuts the leg of his mount. 此时,对面几个重甲步兵滚地而来,长刀所向,就来砍他的坐骑之腿。 Agoudas is sideways fiercely, draws a sword...... 阿古达猛地侧身,拔刀…… The blade light flashes continually, indistinct between brings blade qi! 刀光连闪,隐约之间更带着一丝刀气 Puff! 噗噗! The heavy armor infantries drop down, on the neck appears together the red mark. 一个个重甲步兵倒下,脖子上浮现出一道浅浅的红色印记。 Kills!” “杀!” In Agoudas behind, his guard fierceer did not fear compared with the past, fierce charge. 在阿古达身后,他的卫兵也比以往更加悍不畏死,勇猛冲锋。 „Is this god strength only?” “这就是神祇之力么?” Wanyan Liewang Agoudas is almost killing to put on the heavy armor infantry square formation, great happiness: Infantry attacks!” 完颜烈望着阿古达几乎杀穿了重甲步兵方阵,不由大喜:“步兵出击!” Kills!” “杀!” Arrival that ghosts and gods take possession, just like outstandingly vigorous brave, brings similarly by the soldiers who the demon soldiers take possession, similarly pressed. 一个个鬼神附身的降临,宛若万夫不当之勇,带着同样被阴兵附身的士卒,同样压了上去。 How Liang Army fierce does not fear again, falls into the losing battle instantaneously! 梁军再怎么悍不畏死,也瞬间落入败局! ...... …… Un?” “嗯?” When the law territory opens, Aaron detected is not right: Space strength? In this region, the supernatural strength displayed becomes easier......” 当法域张开之时,亚伦就发觉了不对:“空间的力量?在这种地域中,超自然之力施展变得更加容易了……” He looks at Agoudas to charge, sweeps away all obstacles, the eye narrows the eyes slightly. 他看着阿古达冲锋,所向披靡,眼睛微微眯起。 Even does not use the spirit essence field of vision, absent-minded, can see that a god only takes possession in Agoudas's body, brings the endless strength and courage to him! 甚至都不用灵性视野,恍惚之间,就可以看到一尊神祇附体于阿古达之身,给他带来无尽的力量与勇气! The enemies as if had changed into netherworld god, brings demon soldiers great formation, comes to encircle him! 敌军仿佛已经化为了阴间神祇,带着阴兵大阵,前来围剿他! My goodness......, if ordinary army, regardless of again how elite, in this time of believing the ghosts and gods, the soldiers noticed that the god of belief comes, basically must collapse!” “好家伙……若是普通大军,无论再怎么精锐,在这个相信鬼神的时代,士卒看到信仰之神前来,基本都要崩溃!” Kills!” “杀!” At this time, one team of ghosts and gods cavalries have killed to put on interception at risk of life Liujia Almighty Soldiers, rushed to front of Aaron! 这时候,一队鬼神骑兵已经杀穿了六甲神兵的拼死拦截,冲到亚伦面前! Goes!” “去!” Aaron starts the taming technique, the frontline dozens horse instantaneous riots, flung the knight on horseback. 亚伦发动驯兽术,最前方的数十匹马瞬间暴乱,将马背上的骑士甩了下来。 But more knights disregard radically, are stepping on the body of companion, rushes to front of Aaron. 但更多的骑士根本不管不顾,踩着同伴的躯体,冲到亚伦面前。 Taming technique has the quantity limit, stirred up rebellion dozens on similarly...... to use in the small-scale battlefield one time may also, the large-scale war was the weak.’ ‘驯兽术有着数量限制,一次性策反几十头就差不多了……用在小型战场还可,大型战争就是鸡肋啊。’ Protection lord!” “保护道主!” Side Aaron, attendant soldier of guard rushes, was harvested by the cavalry. 亚伦身边,护卫的亲兵一个个冲了上去,然后被骑兵收割。 Kills!” “杀!” Agoudas sees to ride the Daoist of tiger, the eye socket was instantaneously red, insane flushed general recklessly. 阿古达看到骑着老虎的道人,眼眶瞬间就红了,疯了一般不顾一切地冲了过来。 As the great general, is the ghosts and gods, he knows, so long as seizes to kill this field of endeavor person, this war must win! 不论是作为大将,还是鬼神,他都知晓,只要擒杀此道人,此战就必胜! Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Little Yu roared again and again, does to always deters the awe-inspiring prowess of hundred beasts, at this time was completely useless regarding these cavalries. 小玉连连咆哮,奈何一贯威慑百兽的虎威,此时对于这些骑兵全然无用。 Its tiger flashes, reveals meaning of the going all out. 它虎目一闪,也露出一丝拼命之意。 Death!” “死!” Agoudas troops unite, just like a Black Dragon, the instantaneous charge to Aaron in front, wields a blade, takes the Aaron severed head! 阿古达人马合一,宛若一条黑龙,瞬间冲锋至亚伦面前,挥出一刀,直取亚伦首级! 7017 k 7017k
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