TOTM :: Volume #9

#861: War( 12800 make up)

Yanzhou. 兖州。 Great plains. 大平原。 Two army dispelling arrays, are flaunting the banner in turn respectively, impressively is the gold/metal and beam! 两支军队依次排开列阵,各自打着旗号,赫然是金与梁! This decides world destiny the war of ownership! 这是决定天下命运的归属之战! Liang Army attacks a city to seize territory to come, how as if not to have the personnel losses, instead over 30,000?” 梁军一路攻城略地而来,怎么似乎没有减员,反而超过三万?” Wanyan fierce great general Wanyan the ridge pats the horse returns, yelled: „The southern scout should kill, this type can miscount...... also has these to fall the officer, said to fight out, I looked fall am!” 完颜烈身边一名大将完颜坎拍马而回,大叫道:“南方的探子都该杀,这种都能数错……还有那些降官,一个个说拼命抵抗,我看都降了才是!” Wanyan does not feel the accident/surprise fiercely. 完颜烈却并不觉得意外。 Since by the buddhist gate guidance, after a netherworld one day roaming, he was known many secrets. 自从被梵门引导,于冥土一日游之后,他就知道了很多隐秘。 Especially in hearsay Void Spirit Master cult tactic, has greatly possibly real! 特别是传闻中虚灵子的‘邪术’,有很大可能都是真的! This is the enemy of the world, if I killed, is the child of true destiny! The divine intervention looks upon with favor!’ ‘此乃世界之敌,我若杀了,就是真正的天命之子!天意垂青!’ Wanyan Lieshen inspires, in the hand has a black red mark, at this time hidden does not send. 完颜烈深吸口气,手中有一道黑红色的印痕,此时隐而不发。 Transmitted orders, the cavalry prepares!” “传令下去,骑兵准备!” His time uses the full power, brought 100,000 armies, 50,000 are the cavalries! 他这次倾尽全力,带来了十万大军,其中五万都是骑兵! This is also in his hand the sharpest army. 这也是他手上最精锐的部队。 Because of this, Wanyan Lie does not have the choice to defend a city to fight, but chose great plains stretch of battlefield on own initiative. 正因为如此,完颜烈没有选择守城而战,而是主动选择了大平原这片战场。 After all, the cavalry entered the city, discontinuing, is not different in the siege warfare and infantry, even must be poorer. 毕竟,骑兵入了城,下了马,在攻城战中与步兵就没有什么两样,甚至还要更差一点。 This ties up the foolish matter of hands and feet, Wanyan Lie will be will not do absolutely. 这样自缚手脚的蠢事,完颜烈是绝对不会做的。 ...... …… „!” “啧啧!” Aaron is looking at opposite gold/metal army, sighs with emotion one: „The military discipline is seriously neat, combative!” 亚伦望着对面的金军,不由感慨一声:“当真军容齐整,杀气腾腾啊!” In his eye pupil has an extraordinary splendor, opened the spirit essence field of vision impressively. 他眼眸中带着一丝异彩,赫然开启了灵性视野。 Sees only opposite black military qi to shoot up to the sky, changed into threatening black flood dragon faintly. 只见对面黑色的军气冲天而起,隐隐化为了一条张牙舞爪的黑色蛟龙 No! 不! This flood dragon gives birth to four claws, each claw five feet, the head lives two horns, on the neck has reverse scale! Impressively most achievement True Dragon! 蛟龙生出四爪,每爪五趾,头生双角,脖子上有着逆鳞!赫然已经大半成就真龙 At this time, in the top of flood dragon, big azure cloud Qi, is submerging flood dragon within the body slowly, making it become the god steed. 此时,在蛟龙之顶,还有一大片青色云气,正在徐徐没入蛟龙体内,令其变得更加神骏。 But in flood dragon within the body, then the stars luminous spots, represent the talent who under Jin King is gathering! 而在蛟龙体内,则是有一颗颗星辰般的光点,代表着金王麾下所汇聚的人才! Most made the Aaron heart startled, was in flood dragon behind, dozens shadow shadow numerous figure, each one had destiny together to support flood dragon, that was the ghosts and gods of this world! 最令亚伦心惊的,还是在蛟龙身后,数十道影影重重的身形,各自都有一道气运支持着蛟龙,那是此世的鬼神! Until now biggest backlash, finally arrival?’ ‘迄今为止最大的反噬,终于到来了么?’ Aaron muttered, suddenly had clearly to become aware: This is the counter-attack of the world!’ 亚伦喃喃自语,忽然有所明悟:‘这是世界的反击!’ Passes on my military order, the array!” “传我军令,列阵!” He waves indifferently, immediately has the messenger to wield the colors. 他淡然挥手,当即就有传令兵挥动军旗。 When the bugle horn sound resounds, teams of soldiers start out the array. 号角声响起之时,一队队士卒开出列阵。 And frontline, impressively is the long spear/gun soldier, composes square formations, just like fortress. 其中最前方的,赫然是长枪兵,组成一个个方阵,宛若堡垒。 But in rear area, is grasps cuts the rewiring infantry of saber or heavy axe slenderly. 而在后方,则是手持修长斩马刀或者重斧的重装步兵。 After the infantry, takes the shooter of bow crossbow. 在步兵之后,才是拿着弓弩的射手。 In the ancient times the infantry wanted to restrain the cavalry, first only then tied with the long spear/gun, filled in the human life! Delays the potential of cavalry charge! 古代步兵想要克制骑兵,首先就只有用长枪结阵,用人命去填!延缓骑兵冲锋之势! Naturally, this has the extremely high request to the soldiers quality, but Liujia Almighty Soldiers fierce does not fear, obviously did not fear. 当然,这对士卒素质有着极高要求,但六甲神兵一个个悍不畏死,显然不怕。 But second, then cuts the horse leg with the heavy infantry. 而第二,则是用重步兵砍马腿。 If some large number of bow crossbows and marksmen, can play the effect of suppressed enemy side cavalry reluctantly. 若有大量弓弩与神射手,也可以勉强起到压制敌方骑兵的效果。 ...... …… Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” In the big city of not far away. 不远处的大城内。 In a temple. 一座寺庙中。 Above the innumerable monk sitting cross-legged square, is chanting sutras to pray to Buddha. 无数和尚盘坐广场之上,都在诵经念佛。 Indistinct, some golden characters appear from them, gather in the top of the head, forms a sun-blocking Sanskrit symbol. 隐约之间,有一个个金色卍字从他们身上浮现,汇聚于头顶,形成一个遮天蔽日的梵文符号。 Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Old Monk skin and bones, tall Xuanfo, an eye covered the golden color impressively, changes into the buddhist eyes. 一位老僧瘦骨嶙峋,高宣佛号,一双眼睛赫然蒙上了金色,化为梵眼。 His facial expression changes countenance, just like saw the battlefield directly. 他神情动容,宛若直接看到了战场。 Divine intervention looks upon with favor, Jin King already to turn into a dragon!” “天意垂青,金王已成龙矣!” Subsequently, the expression becomes strange. 继而,表情又变得古怪。 Because of Liang King military formation, the black red military qi similar ebullition, forms a black back dragon whisker faintly...... the carp? 因为梁王军阵,黑红色的军气同样沸腾,隐隐形成一条黑背龙须的……鲤鱼? Is impossible!” “不可能!” Liang King occupies the south, how possibly carp?” 梁王已经占据南方,怎么可能还是鲤鱼?” Let alone...... this is military formation, Liang King not in! This must be the destiny fan I!” “更何况……此乃军阵,梁王也不在!这必是气运迷我!” The Old Monk wisdom is insightful, had not been deceived by the carp, instead stern voice and appearance: Please three live buddhist seal , helping me!” 老僧智慧通透,并没有被鲤鱼糊弄住,反而声色俱厉:“请三生梵印,助我!” Such remarks, the monk who these sit cross-legged changes seal in abundance, hand imprint that the both hands ten fingers have Aberration. 此言一出,那些盘坐的和尚纷纷变印,双手十指结出一个诡异的手印。 The next quarter, many monks close eyes, had passed away impressively! 下一刻,不少和尚纷纷闭目,赫然已经圆寂! But on Old Monk appears faintly gold/metal seal, with the aid of this seal strength, as if breaks open dense fog finally, saw...... 老僧身上隐隐浮现出一金印,借助此印力量,似乎终于破开一层迷雾,看到了…… Unspeakable, is not possible to listen, is not possible to think the thing! 不可说、不可听、不可想之物! “Ah!” “啊!” The next quarter, the Old Monk eyes blast out directly, fall down call out pitifully: Not...... Jin King danger! Jin King danger!” 下一刻,老僧双眼直接炸开,倒在地上惨叫:“不……金王危矣!金王危矣!” Suddenly spouts an essence and blood, passed away! 忽然喷出一口精血,就此圆寂! ...... …… Battlefield. 战场。 Clash/To!” “冲!” Wanyan Kan leads 10,000 heavy armor cavalries personally, toward enemy ranks charge. 完颜坎亲自带着一万重甲铁骑,向着敌阵冲锋。 In the ancient times the iron-smelting difficulty, this 10,000 heavy armor cavalries, are the Jin King overwhelming majority family properties, gave him ; first, he indeed killed the enemy courageously, equestrian skill unparalleled, because second he was the Jin King clansman, was trustworthy! 古代炼铁困难,这一万重甲骑兵,已经是金王绝大部分家底了,都交给他,一是他的确奋勇杀敌,骑术无双,第二则因为他是金王族人,值得信赖! But Wanyan Kan is also the talent of great general, at this time takes the lead, to before the cavalry. 而完颜坎也是大将之才,此时身先士卒,冲在骑兵之前。 Shoots!” “射!” In Liang Army military formation spreads one to shout suddenly, subsequently has the arrow arrow to fall just like the raindrop generally. 梁军军阵之中蓦然传出一声大喊,继而就有箭矢宛若雨点一般落下。 Often has the cavalry to hit a target, falls down horse comes. 不时就有骑兵被射中,跌下马来。 But more cavalries are continue to charge, will not charge...... to be trampled flesh and blood to become mud by behind iron armor not good! 但更多的骑兵则是继续冲锋,不冲锋也不行……会被身后的铁甲践踏到骨肉成泥! Is good because, their armor brought the huge protection. 好在,他们身上的盔甲带来了巨大的防护。 So long as is not the strong crossbow bolt, the ordinary arrow arrow makes inadequately too greatly injures. 只要不是强劲的弩箭,普通箭矢造不成太大伤害。 But does the cavalry charge how quickly? 而骑兵冲锋何其快? Basically the archer only has 12 rounds firing times, is almost in a flash, before Wanyan Kan rushed ! 基本上弓箭手只有一两轮的射击时间,几乎是转瞬,完颜坎就冲到了阵前! Kills!” “杀!” The foreigners are roaring, the iron armor mighty current ran upon the spear/gun forest directly. 胡人咆哮着,铁甲洪流直接撞上了枪林。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang! 砰! The mail-armor and helmet and long spear/gun take off, bloody water and flesh lump simultaneous/uniform dance! 甲胄与长枪起飞,血水与肉块齐舞! The cavalry who has charged is irresistible, even if the front is tremendous dangers and difficulties, at this time also can only hit! 已经冲锋起来的骑兵根本势不可挡,哪怕前方是刀山火海,此时也只能撞了上去! First a row of cavalry dies quickly, but also killed several times in the long spear/gun soldier of one's own side! 最先一排的骑兵死得很快,但同时也撞死了数倍于己方的长枪兵! Behind, more cavalries flushed. 后面,更多的骑兵冲了过来。 Kills!” “杀!” Wanyan ridge long blade is prominent, hacks to death a long spear/gun soldier, looked at the surroundings again, suddenly feels one type to shake intimidated: Enemy isn't formation method unexpectedly chaotic?!” 完颜坎长刀突出,砍死一个长枪兵,再看了看周围,忽然感受到一种震怖:“敌人阵法竟然不乱?!” Over ten thousand heavy armor cavalries charge, is ordinary with a row of railway engine impact, the flesh city wall of living person is unable to prevent. 上万重甲骑兵冲锋,就跟一排火车头冲击一般,活人的血肉城墙根本无法阻挡。 But even casualty more than half, the first long spear/gun soldier dies to fight unexpectedly does not draw back! 但即使死伤过半,第一阵的长枪兵竟然还是死战不退! Wanyan Kan even sees a spitting blood infantry, goes forward to throw, grasped something that gives one away of cavalry stubbornly, then more infantries went forward, assassinated that cavalry! 完颜坎甚至看到一个吐血的步兵,上前一扑,死死抱住了一个骑兵的马脚,然后更多的步兵上前,刺死了那个骑兵! ‚Has this gone beyond the category that fierce does not fear? What sorcery cult tactic is this?’ ‘这已经超出悍不畏死的范畴了吧?这是什么妖法邪术?’ In Wanyan Kanxin flashes through a thought that but has been beyond control he to think. 完颜坎心中闪过一个念头,但已经由不得他多想。 Because of his front, has killed to put on the spear/gun soldier square formation suddenly, arrived at the heavy infantry square formation. 因为他前方骤然一空,原来已经杀穿了枪兵方阵,来到了重步兵方阵。 Whole bodies package the iron armor, grasps the soldiers of long blade or battle axe, is looking at him unemotionally. 一个个全身包裹铁甲,手持长刀或者战斧的士卒,正面无表情地望着他。 Suddenly several go forward, long blade flashes, cuts to the horse leg! 忽然就有几个上前,长刀一闪,砍向马腿! 7017 k 7017k
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