TOTM :: Volume #9

#860: Ghost Shinnosuke

Said that Lord...... State Chancellor...... the present should should do?” “道主……丞相……如今该如何是好?” Tai Chong thinks of this group of messes the aspect, somewhat grasps blindly. 太冲想到这一团乱麻的局面,也是有些抓瞎。 Xuzhou after all new , the rule is unstable, such a, on entire was chaotic. 徐州毕竟新下,统治还不稳固,这么一来,就全乱了。 In the heart finds out an idea, asking: Whether punishes properly according to law Toyojiro? And did the outgoing message announce it?” 心中想出一个主意,不由问着:“是否将丰二郎明正典刑?并发文公告之?” This is the approach that the common person solves the problem, is not suitable now, since made a mistake, that one wrong!” “这是寻常人解决问题的做法,却不适合现在,既然错了,那就一错到底!” Aaron thought, opens the mouth saying: Toyojiro as well as relevant personnel detain all, give honest government Si to interrogate...... in addition, five ten thousand Liujia Almighty Soldiers distribute various places, suppressing the people are chaotic, how before managing him, has the injustice not to have the injustice, at this time dares to revolt is the chaotic thief, kills without the amnesty!” 亚伦思索了下,开口道:“丰二郎以及相关人员尽数收押,交给廉政司审问……除此之外,五万六甲神兵分派各处,镇压民乱,管他之前如何,有冤无冤,此时敢反抗就是乱贼,杀无赦!” Said the reality, this resistance effort persevered the difference to be farther than the former city. 说实际,这对抗力度比之前城城坚守差远了。 But to a certain extent, Jin King constrains plan of Liang Army main force, calculates that achieved. 但从某种程度上而言,金王拖住梁军主力的谋划,也算达成了。 But, my army also has 30,000, the going north date remains unchanged!” “不过,我大军还有三万,北上日期不变!” Aaron touches the chin. 亚伦摸了摸下巴。 Before then, first cleans up Xuzhou, particularly Qu Residence, as a result of bloodless Kaesong, the evil legacy were too many!” “在此之前,先将徐州清理一遍,尤其是大曲府,由于无血开城,遗毒太多了!” ...... …… After January/one month . 一月之后。 A secret foothold. 一处隐秘据点。 Yan two comes back dirtily, looks at the person in room: What's the matter? Were the chaos in January/one month almost why even?” 阎二灰头土脸地回来,看着屋子里的人:“怎么回事?为何大乱一月就几乎平了?” „The world who does not know that Liang Army is fierce? In addition the officers cannot be victorious, making Justice Army hit with the hoe can hit?” “天下谁不知道梁军厉害?官兵尚且打不过,让起义军用锄头打就能打过?” Another person of without hesitation resentment: To subsidize Justice Army, my family's family property pulled out to empty......” 另外一人毫不犹豫地怼了回去:“为了资助起义军,我家的家底都被掏空了……” Such remarks, presenting everyone is the complexion is pale, just like the private investors of stock diving. 此言一出,在场所有人都是面色惨白,宛若股票跳水的散户们。 „Before Liang Army, slaughters is too ruthless, has this reputation, often arrives at place, place even......, even if we break up the whole into parts, drills into the mountain forest, that Liang Army is also in hot pursuit unexpectedly, even left behind was still fearless in battle...... and can easily find our knockoff footholds, from the beginning thought to have the spy, afterward investigated thoroughly, tames the eagle!” 梁军之前杀戮太狠,有这名声在,往往开到一地,一地就平……哪怕我们化整为零,钻入山林,那梁军竟然也紧追不舍,甚至落单仍旧奋勇作战……并且能轻易找到我们的山寨据点,一开始以为有细作,后来才查清楚,是驯鹰!” The dragon child temple temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies sighed: Enemy tamed the falcon, just like having the eye of sky, I and others is not then able to contend...... is good because of the Xuzhou chaos, obstructing the plan that Liang King dispatches troops to complete most, we also leaked the whereabouts, should walk!” 龙子庙庙祝叹息一声:“敌人驯了鹰隼,宛若有天空之眼,我等便无法抗衡……好在徐州大乱,阻挠梁王发兵的计划已经完成大半,我们也漏了行迹,该走了!” Does not walk, the poor life must lose here. 再不走,小命就要丢到这里。 The villains can only play a trick on the schemes and tricks, often is because directly has not been the strength of enemy. 小人之所以只能耍弄阴谋诡计,往往就是因为没有正面为敌的实力。 Walks?!” “走?!” The Yan two cheeks pull out. 阎二面皮一抽。 This said dexterously, his real estate, Tian Residence and store here what to do? 这说得轻巧,他在这里的地产、田宅、商铺怎么办? These may be unable to carry off. 这些可带不走啊。 But does not walk indeed is also inadequate, he can also hide before, but Toyojiro is caught, cannot hide again. 但不走也的确不成,他之前还可以隐藏,但丰二郎一落网,就再也隐藏不住。 Hateful...... thinks Jin King can be in charge of the Central Plain rapidly, subsequently goes south, I and others also calculated from the merit of dragon......’ ‘可恨……原本以为金王能迅速入主中原,继而南下,我等也算从龙之功……’ Has not actually thought that in the end, must be forced to leave native place dingily!’ ‘却没有想到,到头来,还是要灰溜溜地背井离乡!’ But Yan two after all are knowledgeable, thinks that in other mansion counties the fate of peer, the whole body coldly hits to startle: „After good...... this, we walk!” 但阎二毕竟是个有见识的,想到其它府县之中同行的下场,不由全身冷冷打了个激灵:“好……今次之后,我们就走!” Yan Laoer you really understands what has to be done!” “阎老二你果然识时务!” The landlord landlord who nearby does not give up just wants to ridicule several, suddenly sees the flame to flash. 旁边一个舍不得走的地主老财刚刚想讥讽几句,忽然就见火光一闪。 ! 噗! The arrow arrow that a belt/bring catches fire, was injected in the room! 一只带着火的箭矢,就被射入房中! „Not good...... to have the officers to encircle?” “不好……有官兵围剿?” Dragon child temple temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies look big change: We separate!” 龙子庙庙祝眼神大变:“我们分开走!” He goes to the eversion from the other aspect window immediately, the skill is agile, as if also the cultivation has excellent martial arts! 他当即从另外一面窗户向外翻去,身手矫捷至极,似乎还修炼有上乘武功! Presents the command of State Chancellor, apprehends the revolting thief, executes summarily!” “奉丞相之令,捉拿叛贼,格杀勿论!” Zhang Jushi wears the petty official clothing, is cold the face, is directing one team of yamen runners as well as Liujia Almighty Soldiers, comes to encircle these counter- thief. 张居石穿着小吏服饰,冷着脸,指挥着一队衙役以及六甲神兵,前来围剿这些反贼。 Since has surrendered, then important matter Monarch by loyal! 既然已经投诚,便要事君以忠! Puts the arrow!” “放箭!” Three rounds of arrow rain cover under the attack, the unlucky egg and weak one die certainly, in the house gateway bottom seam has the bloody water to flow. 三轮箭雨覆盖攻击之下,倒霉蛋与弱者就都死绝,房屋门户底缝中有血水流淌而出。 But Zhang Jushi looked that does not look. 张居石看都不看。 Before, his under life surrounding here, regardless of therefore fish slip through chooses where to break through, will and soldiers encounters. 早在来之前,他就下命包围此处,因此不论漏网之鱼选择何处突围,都必要与士卒遭遇。 Kills!” “杀!” The temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies washes one's hands of long sword, the sword is dragon cry, has the azure light to emit faintly, built sword qi in martial arts world legend impressively! 庙祝一抖手中长剑,剑作龙吟,隐隐有青光放出,赫然修成了武林传说中的剑气 His figure like the apes and monkeys, a sword thorn to the armed soldier, sword qi flashes, the sword has not touched the iron armor sharp, the armed soldier is stuffy snort/hum, poured. 他身形如同猿猴,一剑刺向甲士,剑气一闪,剑尖还未触及铁甲,甲士就闷哼一声,倒了下去。 Can cultivation so the situation martial arts, has been possible be called shakes ancient Shuojin...... to be possible for the martial arts world myth.” “能将武功修炼到如此地步,已经堪称震古烁今了……可为武林神话。” Zhang Jushi nods: Continue!” 张居石点点头:“继续!” Ten armed soldiers go forward, surrounds the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies all round, lost Supreme Divine Thunder directly! 十来个甲士上前,将庙祝团团包围,直接丢出了太上神雷 Bang! 轰隆! Bang! 轰隆! Although the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies exerts League to keep off, opens out Supreme Divine Thunder in the exquisite swordsmanship, but wrapped in the side to blast out by blasting explosive. 虽然庙祝奋力格挡,以精妙剑法拨开太上神雷,但还是被一个炸药包在身边炸开。 The terrifying air wave sweeps across. 恐怖的气浪席卷。 When Zhang Jushi looks again, sees the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies half body to be jet black, obviously does not live. 等到张居石再看之时,就见庙祝半个身体漆黑,显然已经不活了。 Whatever you are the first under heaven swordsman, can cover entirely the whole body defense sword qi otherwise? Cannot probably die by the collection fire!” “任凭你是天下第一剑客,能将剑气布满全身防御否?不能被集火就还是要死!” Zhang Jushi looks at this, in the heart is sighing secretly: As long as therefore the heroes, pursue that supreme only imperial throne...... Void Spirit Master, are actually you thinking what?” 张居石望着这一幕,心中暗叹:“因此但凡英雄豪杰,都追逐那至高无上的唯一大位啊……虚灵子,你究竟在想什么?” Report! Has killed certainly this room everyone!” “报!已杀绝这屋所有人!” After the moment, Liujia Almighty Soldiers reported. 片刻后,一个六甲神兵过来禀告。 Although the opposite party is unemotional, but Zhang Jushi actually felt relieved at this time: Un...... cuts the severed head, confirmed the status, then looked for a steed with the aid of its picture, confiscates family's property to exterminate the clan!” 虽然对方面无表情,但此时张居石却非常放心:“嗯……一个个割下首级,确认身份,然后再按图索骥,抄家灭族!” Although must have the rural gentry scholars, many have also had the friendship with him, by poem society member. 虽然这其中少不了乡绅士子,许多还跟他有过交情,以诗会友。 But at this time various is his lord, was actually anything cannot attend. 但此时各为其主,却是什么都顾不得了。 In the Zhang Jushi belt/bring person preparation leaves, an official front surface walks, unexpectedly is Lu Xiaoyi! 就在张居石带人准备离开之时,一个官员迎面走来,居然是卢晓义! Junior Brother, you starting ruthless spicy,...... the ratio is the brother also has no time to let much.” 师弟,你方才下手之狠辣,啧啧……比为兄也不遑多让啊。” Lu Xiaoyi is looking at Zhang Jushi, looks at his government official clothing/taking, sighed: Pitifully...... the teacher has regarded as my family/home Qilin you, how generally misread...... world to have Qilin that worked as the petty official? Haha...... haha......” 卢晓义望着张居石,看着他的一身吏服,不由又是叹息:“可惜……老师一直将你视为吾家麒麟,大抵是看错了吧……世间怎有当小吏的麒麟呢?哈哈……哈哈……” Sir is courteous!” “大人有礼!” Zhang Jushi wood face, did not call Senior Brother, simple good a ritual: My imperial edict in the body, did not exchange greetings with the Sir, said goodbye!” 张居石木着脸庞,也不叫师兄,就简单行了一礼:“我王命在身,就不与大人寒暄了,告辞!” Looks back that Zhang Jushi is departing, Lu Xiaoyi complexion is gloomy: Has not thought that...... did not observe on the same day for a while, after leaking so the archenemy...... this person to be me, unexpectedly mortal enemy!” 望着张居石离去的背影,卢晓义的脸色不由阴沉下来:“没想到……当日一时不察,竟然漏了如此大敌……此人必是我以后死敌!” ...... …… Almost is at the same time, the enormous and powerful army, with Aaron cart, started out Xuzhou, goes toward the north. 几乎是同一时间,浩浩荡荡的大军,随着亚伦车架,开出了徐州,往北方而去。 Sees only the colors to block out the sun, sword and spear like forest, carriages and horses such as dragon...... 只见军旗蔽日,刀枪如林,车马如龙…… The armies meander, at least also has 20,000-30,000 numbers! 大军逶迤,起码也有20,000-30,000之数! But this news, sets out along with the army, was transmitted by all scouts rapidly, finally gathers in the north, can only with Jin King who on Liang King competes for! 而这一消息,也伴随着大军开拔,迅速被各方探子传递,最终汇聚于北方,唯一能与梁王争夺的金王手上! ...... …… National capital. 京师。 In the past after the Great Song government authorities were taken prisoner, the national capital once fell into some time confusion, afterward had Kang king to be in charge shortly. 当年大松官家被掳之后,京师曾经陷入一段时间的混乱,后来有康王短暂入主。 However after Kang king dies, the national capital falls into the foreigner hand. 不过在康王死后,京师又落入胡人手中。 Wanyan Lie eventually is a foreigner, cannot get used to living the magnificently decorated building, supposed the yard and tent in the Emperor's garden without consulting anybody. 完颜烈终究是胡人,住不惯雕梁画栋,径自在御花园中设了围场与帐篷。 On this day. 这一日。 Wanyan Lie is handling the government affairs, some outside people pass reported: King, has the monk in Jingang Temple to seek an interview.” 完颜烈正在处理政务,外面就有人通禀:“大王,有大金刚寺的和尚求见。” Proclaimed!” “宣!” Wanyan Lie beckons with the hand. 完颜烈摆摆手。 Not long, corpulent, the smile walked just like maitreya buddha Huide: Monk Huide, pays a visit the king!” 没有多久,肥头大耳,笑容宛若弥勒佛的慧德走了进来:“小僧慧德,拜见大王!” Grandmaster this comes, must have the important matter!” “大师此来,必有要事!” Wanyan Liedao. 完颜烈道。 „...... My buddhist gate blazon world, has recognized the would-be Wang Weiming king born greatly, has transporting of Jinpeng, but Great Peng eats the dragon, therefore destiny inborn specially to subdue|grams flood dragon! Even if True Dragon, runs into the king also to want total defeat!” “正是……我梵门广布天下,已认准大王为明王降世,有金鹏之运,而大鹏食龙,因此气运天生专克蛟龙!纵然真龙,遇到大王也要折戟沉沙!” Huide thinks highly with a smile. 慧德笑着恭维。 Has saying that this words made Wanyan Lie enjoy very much. 不得不说,这种话令完颜烈很是受用。 His eye narrows the eyes slightly: As far as I know, the South Liang king has sent his State Chancellor, leading 30,000 soldiers to hit me...... Liang Army is the southerner's first strong soldier, even there is Liang Army less than ten thousand, full ten thousand cannot the enemy say......” 他眼睛微微眯起:“据我所知,南方梁王已经派他的丞相,带着三万兵要来打我……梁军是南人第一强兵,甚至有梁军不满万,满万不可敌之说……” The buddhist gate said that must help him, cannot flatter merely orally, must put out the practical value. 梵门说要帮助他,可不能仅仅只是口头吹捧,总得拿出实利来。 In the foreigners, always takes the strength as first, no sense of shame. 胡人之中,向来以力为先,寡廉鲜耻。 But after understanding the Liang Army score slightly, Wanyan Lie then knows, Void Spirit Master is his powerful enemy! 而稍微了解一下梁军的战绩后,完颜烈便知道,虚灵子是他的强敌! His thread of conversation revolution: But my 50,000 cavalries, 50,000 servants join the army, so long as the plain war, 50,000 cavalry charges, the world who can keep off?” 他话锋一转:“但我有五万骑兵,五万仆从军,只要平原大战,五万骑兵冲锋,天下有谁能挡?” Has saying that this saying to be very right. 不得不说,这话很对。 50,000 cavalry charges, even if 300,000 infantries, will bore a hole through, is the chaos......, whatever butchers...... 五万骑兵冲锋,哪怕十万二十万步兵,也会被凿穿,然后就是大乱……任凭宰割…… But this does not include Liujia Almighty Soldiers! 但这不包括六甲神兵 Cavalries to infantry two tactical rules, a heavy armor colony charge, just like tank. 骑兵对步兵两种战法,一种重甲集群冲锋,宛若坦克。 One type is to fire from horseback kite tactic. 一种则是骑射的风筝战术。 In fact, Liujia Almighty Soldiers does not fear the cavalry to charge, even if meets the casualty to be serious, so long as engages in hand-to-hand combat, can lose the enemy, finally wins! 实际上,六甲神兵不怕骑兵冲锋,哪怕会死伤惨重,但只要有短兵相接,就能损耗敌人,最终获得胜利! However the second type was quite troublesome, two legs run eventually four legs, Aaron cannot make each soldiers turn into the fast runner. 不过第二种就比较麻烦了,两条腿终究跑不过四条腿,亚伦也不能令每个兵卒都变成飞毛腿。 King said is, but the Void Spirit Master reality is the different number!” “大王说得是,但虚灵子实乃异数!” Huide, sighed at this point: My buddhist gate not for from dragon, but for this side world, but has to with it to fighting...... this person is outside the territory the day fiendish person, a cult tactic no small matter.” 慧德说到这里,不由叹息一声:“我梵门也不是为了从龙,而是为了此方天地,而不得不与其对战到底啊……此人乃域外天魔王,一身邪术非同小可。” Wanyan Lie shows neither approval nor disapproval. 完颜烈对此不置可否。 After all in the matter history of this type of sprinkling sewage were too many. 毕竟这种泼脏水的事历史上太多了。 Huide naturally also knows, holds their palms together, duplicate/restores good a ritual: This matter indeed for , to try to prove...... asks the king to allow this poor monk to develop the law!” 慧德自然也知晓,双手合十,又复行了一礼:“此事的确为真,若想求证……请大王允许贫僧演法!” Regardless of buddhist law dao method, this world is hard to exert in honored person's body. 不论梵法道法,此世都难以施加于贵人之身。 But is only enters gold/metal Zhang, Huide had felt own magic power all disappears, immediately yes, this is the prestige of dragon qi method banning! 而光是进入金帐,慧德就已经感觉自身法力全消,顿时明白,这是龙气法禁之威! Even if now the Martial Uncle signalling, says was the world relaxed a limit, but is unable to develop the law in front of flood dragon. 纵然如今师叔传信,说是天地放开了一丝限制,但也无法在蛟龙面前演法。 Only if...... has been permitted! 除非……得到允许! Such being the case, this king permitted.” Wanyan Lie does not know that is thinking anything, opens the mouth to say. “既然如此,本王就允了。”完颜烈不知道在想些什么,开口道。 Such remarks, the space has a stuffy thunder. 此言一出,天上就有一个闷雷。 But Huide is the great happiness. 而慧德更是大喜。 Even if although the king monarch sovereign granted, he did not have the means to injure Jin King with the buddhist law, but Jin King will win the world in the future, the advantage that the buddhist gate gained, wanted on to be many in a big way, this had dragon qi to care! 虽然即使得国主允诺,他也没办法用梵法伤害金王,但日后金王得了天下,梵门所获得的好处,就要大上不少了,这就是有龙气眷顾啊! Read hence, he no longer hesitated, both hands palm had the golden character to flash through indistinctly, sinking sound said: Saluting, salutes based in ten side Buddha based in ten methods...... this is my buddhist gate, for ksitigarbha law of the land territory!” 一念至此,他不再犹豫,双手掌心隐约有金色卍字闪过,沉声道:“南无常驻十方佛、南无常驻十方法……此乃我梵门之界,是为地藏王法域!” In the gold/metal tent/account, the atmosphere one becomes gloomy, the lights are dim, has various people to go through in the shadow indistinctly. 金帐之内,气氛一下变得阴沉,灯火昏暗,隐约有各种人在影子中穿行。 King?” “大王?” Several guards draw out the blade, wanted the going forward result this monster monk, was actually waved to block by Jin King: Waits to look again!” 几个侍卫拔出刀,就要上前结果了这妖僧,却被金王挥手拦住:“再等等看!” Many thanks the king trusts, my buddhist gate to the king, the reality does not have heart of the injuring.” “多谢大王信任,我梵门对大王,实无一丝加害之心。” Huide whole body flesh is withered, just like turning into a skeleton, the face muscle twitched, probably is bearing the enormous pain. 慧德全身血肉干枯,宛若变成了个骷髅,脸庞肌肉抽搐,好像在承受极大的痛苦。 This also backlashes! 这也是反噬! But he actually shows the smile, just like all these as transient as fleeting clouds, shouted: Buddhist leaves, directs the nether world, an ni hou! an ni hou!” 但他却露出笑容,宛若这一切不过过眼云烟,喝道:“梵界既出,指引幽冥,唵嘛呢叭咪吽!唵嘛呢叭咪吽!” “Ah!” “啊!” Wanyan Lie feels a falling strength suddenly, called out pitifully. 完颜烈猛然感到一股下坠之力,不由惨叫一声。 At once, his whole person is tenesmusing and falling unceasingly...... 旋即,他整个人在不断下坠、下坠…… One from the gold/metal tent/account, arrived at dark place unexpectedly. 竟然一下就从金帐,来到了一处幽暗之地。 Bang! 轰隆! The innumerable fragments gave a cursory look and gained shallow understanding of pass over gently and swiftly from him generally at present. 无数碎片走马观花一般从他眼前掠过。 He saw the end of the world, a barrier shatter...... a little selects radiance to fall...... submerges south Great Song...... 他看到了天地的尽头,一处屏障破碎……有点点光辉落下……又没入大松南方…… He noticed that the day hits to be struck by lightning, prohibits hell ghosts and gods layer upon layer, but the youngest daughter of that ghosts and gods actually escaped...... 他看到天打雷劈,将一位地府鬼神层层封禁,但那鬼神的小女儿却逃了出来…… He saw...... 他看到了…… A altar! 一处祭坛! This altar is unreliable, seems like the grave mound, is divided into three. 这祭坛玄黑,似乎是封土而成,共分三层。 When first carves the mountains state, the wind and rain thunder and lightning and second to carve the stars and four alternately...... as for third, is actually empty, only has on the middle altar, is placing an imperial seal. 第一层刻着山川社稷、风雨雷电、第二层刻着日月星辰、四时交替……至于第三层,却是空无一物,唯有在中间一张供桌上,摆放着一枚印玺。 When carefully seems like, discovered that imperial seal seems an eyeball, middle is flowing pictures. 当仔细看上去,又发现那印玺好似一只眼珠,当中流淌着一幕幕画面。 But around altar, is standing the dense and numerous ghosts and gods! 而在祭坛周围,则站立着密密麻麻的鬼神! These ghosts and gods figure are very big and have such as mountain Ruyue the general solid feel, not living person. 那些鬼神一个个身形无比高大、又带着如山如岳一般的厚重感,不似活人。 But all wears the ceremonial garments, the body shines the ray greatly. 但俱都穿着冕服,身上大放光芒。 Perhaps the small and weak point soul, approaches, will be burnt down, the evaporation...... and even is frightened out of one's wits! 弱小一点的阴魂,或许只是靠近,就会被焚烧,蒸发……乃至魂飞魄散! Receives the air/Qi of these ghosts and gods to stir up, Wanyan fierce also flood dragon phantom appears, is not inferior to these ghosts and gods. 受到这些鬼神之气一激,完颜烈身上也有一条蛟龙虚影浮现,对上这些鬼神也毫不逊色。 World real king arrived!” “人间真王到了!” A great sound resounds, subsequently said: Starts!” 一个宏大的声音响起,继而道:“开始吧!” Heaven Mother Earth on, has outside the territory now the day demon tumultuous times...... I and other ghosts and gods treaty of alliance, is willing to remove harmful things for the world, looks to leave a loophole, making me and others be able to return from the grave...... to be dark my heart, the world solid warning!” “皇天后土在上,今有域外天魔乱世……我等八十一鬼神盟誓,愿为天地除害,望网开一面,令我等能还阳……冥冥我心,天地实鉴!” Kacha! 咔嚓! The heavenly thunder falls together, illuminates palely the netherworld, center that eyeball. 一道天雷落下,将冥土照得惨白,正中那枚眼珠。 Subsequently, Wanyan Lie saw the eyeball disruption, was extracted. 继而,完颜烈就看到了眼珠碎裂,其中一幕被提取而出。 That is a picture that rides the tiger Daoist! 那是一位骑虎道人的画面! Sees the opposite party, Wanyan Lie knows immediately, before the opposite party is that enters outside the territory of the world the day demon! 只是看到对方,完颜烈就立即知道,对方就是那之前进入世界的域外天魔! World real king......” “人间真王……” At this time, in these huge forms , the person stretched out six fingers, brings the palm of flesh membrane: I and other ghosts and gods with your provisional constitution, must help you defeat Liang King, achievement True Dragon!” 这时候,那些庞大的身影中,又有一人伸出六根手指,带着肉膜的手掌:“我等鬼神与你约法,必助你击败梁王,成就真龙!” This big hand grasps, as if integrates Wanyan Lie body. 这大手一抓,就似乎融入完颜烈身体。 “Ah!” “啊!” The Wanyan fierce whole body shakes, as if awakens from the nightmare, a mold forehead, discovered that full is the sweat. 完颜烈浑身一抖,仿佛从噩梦中惊醒,一模额头,发现满是汗水。 King?” “大王?” The two sides guards go forward immediately: „The monk has died!” 两边侍卫立即上前:“那和尚已经死了!” How long did I...... I rest a moment ago?” “我……我刚才睡了多久?” Wanyan Lie looks at Huide's dry corpse, suddenly asking. 完颜烈看着慧德的干尸,忽然问着。 King was only absent-minded flickered before.” A guard is hesitating the reply. “大王之前只是恍惚一瞬。”一名侍卫踌躇着回答。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Wanyan nods fiercely, suddenly laughs: Transmitted orders, the preparation and Liang King make war, I ghost Shinnosuke, has the destiny in the body, this time must be able to quell the world at one fell swoop!” 完颜烈颔首,突然哈哈大笑:“传令下去,准备与梁王开战,我得鬼神之助,有天命在身,这次必能一举荡平天下!” 7017 k 7017k
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