TOTM :: Volume #9

#859: People chaotic( 12600 make up)

The time enters the summer unknowingly. 时间不知不觉入夏。 Dadong Township. 大东乡。 Liang King does not have the law early, only receives 50%?” 梁王不是早有法令,只收50%么?” An old farmer is looking at the tax collector, entreated: How to add?” 一个老农望着税吏,哀求道:“怎么又加了?” This is the life of Imperial Court, is it possible that do you want to defy the law of the land to be inadequate?” “这是朝廷之命,莫非你想违抗王法不成?” The tax collector complexion sinks, shouts: State Chancellor wants the Northern Expedition, you and other civilians should endure patiently! The idle talk little said, fast fully pays, otherwise carries off your family's cow!” 税吏脸色一沉,喝道:“丞相要北伐,尔等小民就应该忍耐!闲话少说,速速交齐,否则就将你家的牛拉走!” Farm cattle, ancient times were a lifeblood of peasant household. 一头耕牛,古时候就是一家农户的命根子。 In this old farmer eyes is flooding the blood threads immediately, actually feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 这老农眼中顿时充斥着血丝,却敢怒不敢言。 ...... …… A carriage goes from the field ridge slowly, middle sits Toyojiro, is somewhat anxious: Summer grain crops so levy, did not fear that goes wrong?” 一辆马车缓缓从田垄上行驶而过,当中坐着丰二郎,有些忧虑:“夏粮如此征收,不怕出乱子么?” Asked the Sir to feel relieved, this generation of civilian, many years came, in the past Great Song so, Great Liang is also so, can only endure patiently now.” “请大人放心,此辈小民,多少年都这么过来了,当年大松如此,如今大梁也是如此,只能忍耐。” Opposite, Yan two is saying with a smile: Moreover...... the Sir helped make covering up, we were good to offer.” 对面,阎二笑着道:“而且……大人帮忙做了遮掩,我们都有好处献上。” Saying, on stops up past one pack of gold-foils. 说着,就塞过去一叠金叶子。 Toyojiro looks somewhat dazzlingly, after all he before was also this oppressed civilian, but received: I walk to have a look again, you do not need to manage me.” 丰二郎看着有些刺眼,毕竟他之前也是这种被压迫的小民啊,但还是收了:“我再走走看看,你不用管我。” Initially after the liquor disturbed the disposition, rested others wives incautiously, but also got a taste of blood, Toyojiro was towed to launch. 当初酒后乱性,一不小心睡了人家的媳妇,还食髓知味,丰二郎就被拖下了水。 This does not give up the juicy daughter, second is to also be afraid the matter exposes. 这一是舍不得水灵灵的小娘子,第二也是害怕事情败露。 After all State Chancellor issued orders repeatedly, request honest government! 毕竟丞相三令五申,要求廉政! If had/left this scandal, does the non- good official skin to be moved, do not say that in the future the buyer section, will not enter the honest authority to drink tea is good! 若出了这丑闻,搞不好官皮都要被扒掉,不要说日后进户部,不进廉政司喝茶就不错了! A result mistake, step by step wrong...... Toyojiro concerned about face, helping Yan manage several minor matters, was then getting bigger and bigger. 结果一步错、步步错……丰二郎碍于情面,帮着阎家办了几件小事,然后就越来越大。 By the present, these people extended above the mouth the summer grain crops collection unexpectedly! 到了如今,这些人竟然将嘴伸到了夏粮征收之上! Did to...... Toyojiro not to have the escape route. 奈何……丰二郎也没了退路。 If enters the honest authority to drink tea from the beginning, now enough goes to the execution grounds. 如果说一开始还是进廉政司喝茶的话,现在就足够去刑场了。 Only can a say/way arrive black, and prayed that should not be discovered. 还是只能一条道走到黑,并祈祷不要被发现。 ...... …… Above the carriage, got up one person suddenly, looks at Yan two: „Did this officer comply?” 马车之上,突然又上了一人,看着阎二:“这官答应了?” Yan husky smiles: Naturally, he did not have the road to walk!” 二哈哈一笑:“当然,他没路可走了!” But, is only embezzlement words, perhaps cannot delay Liang Army.” That person is sighing. “不过,只是一点贪污的话,恐怕延缓不了梁军啊。”那人叹息着。 Naturally is not...... this is only the first step, but Toyojiro is also our abandoned children.” “当然不是……这只是第一步,而丰二郎也是我们的弃子。” Yan two said with a smile: Had his name with the official documents, these truly by the petty official who we win over, can raise quotas at each level, and finally, one mu place received his 90% land rents!” 阎二笑道:“有了他的名义跟公文,那些真正被我们拉拢的小吏,就可以层层加码,到了最后,一亩地收他90%租子!” „...... That looks like the common people not to go on living, really must instead!” That person nods: Is only the civilian, although, is very instead easy to be suppressed, noisy is not big!” “哦……那看来百姓活不下去,真的要反了!”那人点点头:“只是小民虽反,却很容易被镇压下去啊,闹不大!” This person was saw clearly the history, knows that the rebellion are not related with other, only looked that a —— strength was big! 这人算是将历史看清楚了,知道造反跟其它都没有关系,只看一点——力量大不大! But this revolt, a spray is not obviously. 而这点起义,显然连个浪花都算不上。 Therefore also needs our manpower to mix, as the backbone, and provides the weapon, armor and grain and fodder support...... not to strive for attacking and occupying the big city, so long as harasses in the countries can.” “所以还需要我们的人手混入其中,作为骨干,并提供兵器、盔甲、粮草支援……也不求攻占大城,只要在乡野间骚扰便可。” Yan two: „A matter, this Shouyi leader, cannot be our people, even relations cannot have, best also want the fame to be big enough, the well-known mansion district, is honest and virtuous, after can plead on behalf of the people...... has invited, he can die!” 阎二道:“还有一件事,这首义头领,不能是我们的人,甚至连一点关系都不能有,最好还要名气够大,闻名府县,清正廉洁,才能为民请命嘛……请过之后,他就可以去死了!” Such candidate has several, is stirring up in secret, can see the effect.” “这样的人选有几个,都在暗中煽动,不日就能见到效果。” ...... …… In June. 六月。 Scorching sun. 骄阳似火。 White spirit Prefectural Seat, prefectural office. 大曲府城,府衙 Aaron lies down above the soft cot, side is having several beautiful women, a person is hitting the fan, person of cuts had just been icing a melon. 亚伦躺在软榻之上,旁边正有几个美人,一人打着扇子,一人切着刚冰镇过的瓜。 He eats the melon, while looks at a falcon to fall. 他一边吃瓜,一边看着一只鹰隼落下。 Not long, a petty clerk in a hurry incoming telegram: State Chancellor...... the important matter is not good, the Dadong Township people refused payment of taxes the rebellion!” 没有多久,一位书吏匆匆来报:“丞相……大事不好,大东乡民抗税造反了!” “Oh?” “哦?” The Aaron cheek is motionless: Does not revolt early, late does not revolt...... in this State Chancellor prepares the Northern Expedition revolts?” 亚伦面皮都不动一下:“早不造反,晚不造反……偏偏在本丞相准备北伐之时造反?” His time position was high, looked that the matter does not look at the surface, only looked after this matter, who is first profit, who is second profit, then extends the time line, who is third profit! 他此时位置高了,看事情不看表面,只看这件事情发生之后,谁是第一获利者,谁是第二获利者,然后拉长时间线,谁是第三获利者! Basic, traces along these three lines, can find the murderer/culprit! 基本而言,沿着这三条线追查下去,都能找到真凶! But now, has the qualifications, when the person of his opponent are not many. 而现在,有资格当他对手的人都不多了。 Jin King? Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism? Ghosts and gods? Collaborates?” 金王?三教?鬼神?或者联手?” He finished eating the melon leisurely, set out to scratch the hand: „After I took a nap, calls the prefectural office government official to discuss official business!” 他慢条斯理地吃完瓜,起身擦了擦手:“等我午睡之后,召集府衙官吏议事!” Oh...... for Liang Country, my lunch break compressed burnt a joss stick, I sacrificed am too big.” “唉……为了梁国,我连午休时间都压缩了一炷香,我牺牲太大了。” ...... …… A sleep/felt awakes, Aaron arrives at the yamen. 一觉睡醒,亚伦来到衙门。 Sees only above the tribunal, had gathered many government officials, seem very young. 只见公堂之上,已经汇聚了不少官吏,看起来都十分年轻。 And Tai Chong is in the first place. 其中太冲占据首位。 Without other, this first Xuzhou state herd, most likely (80%) were he will also do in the future. 如果没有其它,将来这第一任徐州州牧,八成也是他来做了。 Tai Chong, said!” 太冲,说吧!” After the people have saluted, Aaron beckons with the hand at will. 等到众人行过礼之后,亚伦随意摆了摆手。 Opens reported that State Chancellor...... this matter, seems like feudal official not to first!” Tai Chong at this point, in the heart is also the anger. “启禀丞相……此事,似乎是官府不对在先!”太冲说到这里,心中也是愤怒。 „? Said......” “哦?说……” Aaron shot the finger. 亚伦弹了弹手指。 „...... Tax Cao Toyojiro, worked for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, increases the summer grain crops tax revenue...... then the place tax collector to urge in excess, but also killed the person!” “……税曹丰二郎,假公济私,增加了夏粮税收……然后地方税吏催逼过甚,还打死了人!” Tai Chong bows saying: „The Dadong Township countrymen are led by slow Changchun, carrying the coffin goes to the district to ask for the explanation...... this slow Changchun is former loosen distinguished talent, the matter mother extremely filial piety, the family/home poor, actually still upheld justice to present as a gift the gold/metal friend, is becomes famous in Qu Residence, some promise that can be counted on said, he also went to the county administration to submit a written statement, but does not know how to have the dispute with the yamen runner, suddenly died, some rumors said that is the yamen runner kills...... the countrymen therefore rebellion!” 太冲躬身道:“大东乡乡民由徐长春领头,抬棺去县中讨说法……这徐长春原本是前松秀才,事母极孝,家贫,却仍仗义赠金友人,在大曲府都是出了名的,有一诺千金之说,他本来也只是去县衙上书,但不知怎么与衙役起了争执,突然就死了,有传言说是衙役所杀……乡民因此暴动!” Then the district soldiers set out the suppression...... to create the murder case, this matter disseminates the entire Xuzhou immediately, made the seething popular discontent!” “然后县兵就出动镇压……造成血案,此事立即传播整个徐州,令民怨沸腾!” ...... …… Aaron rubbed the forehead. 亚伦揉了揉眉心。 The district soldiers are Liujia Almighty Soldiers, unavoidably not too intelligence, or silly a point. 县兵都是六甲神兵,难免不太智能,或者说傻了一点。 However this cannot say that snare, facing the revolt, the feudal official army has not always suppressed. 不过这也不能说中了圈套,历来面对起义,官府军队就没有不镇压的。 Critical moment, must dare to kill people, can the quickest limit depress, avoids proliferating. 关键时刻,还是必须敢杀人,才能最快限度压下,避免扩散。 Now also disseminates, obviously has in the habitat to manage! 如今还传播开,显然是有人居中主持! In addition, the Toyojiro misgovernment, does no one discover and reports?” “除此之外,丰二郎乱政,就没有人发现并上报么?” Aaron looks suddenly to Tai Chong: You and others read with are being the friendship of Imperial College of Supreme Learning living, did not say the help to cover up, but intentionally is the non- achievement, some?” 亚伦忽然看向太冲:“还是你等念在同为太学生之谊,不说帮忙遮掩,但故意不作为,还是有的吧?” „The lord forgives!” “道主恕罪!” This saying saying, Tai Chong knelt with other government officials, perspiration leave like the thick liquid. 这话一说,太冲跟其它官吏都跪了,一个个汗出如浆。 This did not have the world......” “这还没得天下呢……” Aaron sighed. 亚伦叹息一声。 Does not need to examine knows, Toyojiro is inevitably loyal and devoted to Great Liang, before came to the war zone to serve as an official, originally had the consciousness of sacrificing the life. 不用审都知道,那丰二郎必然是对大梁忠心耿耿,之前来战区做官,本来就有豁出命的觉悟。 He can sacrifice the life for Great Liang, but does not hinder him to fish money for oneself. 他可以为大梁献出生命,但也不妨碍他为自己捞银子。 This will of the people was complex, wears said truly difficult. 这人心复杂,着实难说。 However this is my archenemy! In the broken mountain the thief is easy, in the broken heart the thief is difficult!’ ‘而这才是我的大敌啊!破山中贼易,破心中贼难!’ 7017 k 7017k
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