TOTM :: Volume #9

#858: Thousand li (500 km) it dike( 12400 make up)

operate level two years. 开平二年。 Spring. 春。 Xuzhou, Qu Residence. 徐州,大曲府。 With after the southern accent the Imperial College of Supreme Learning government official enriched various mansion counties completely, the Aaron will carried out in this place strictly. 伴随着从南方调来的太学官吏完全充实了各府县之后,亚伦的意志就在此地严格推行了下去。 Measures, the religious tax, business tax and officials and gentry body accept Liang...... 丈田、宗教税、商税、官绅一体纳粮…… The city gate position, official documents were posted, the yamen runner hits the copper gong to drop from house to house announced. 城门口位置,一张公文又被张贴出来,还有衙役打着铜锣走街串巷地宣告。 Ding-dong! 当当! Liang King command, peaceful view and dragon child temple and goddess of birth temple all for evil cults......, when destroys it!” 梁王令,太平观、龙子庙、送子娘娘庙皆为淫祠……当毁之!” Dongmen Family resists measures, the entire clan exterminates!” 东门家抵挡丈田,全族诛灭!” Kong Jia evades taxes, confiscates family's property!” “孔家偷税漏税,抄家!” ...... …… Troubled, a window was closed: Imperial College of Supreme Learning that hey...... this south comes lives, calculates to be able unexpectedly the government official, I and others were useless.” 纷纷扰扰中,一个窗户被关上:“嘿……这南方来的太学生,一个个居然都算能吏,我等就没用了。” What speech is a senior government official, a former Qu Residence household Cao within/inner petty clerk. 说话的是一个老吏,原大曲府户曹内的一个书办。 Do not look is only the petty local official, actual former generation generation of inheritance, even if feudal official does not govern many people and many places clearly, wants to collect taxes must depend on him, or by his family/home inherited yellow book and book. 别看只是吏员,实际上代代传承,哪怕官府都不清楚治下到底多少人、多少地,想要收税就得靠他,或者说,靠他家祖传的‘黄册’、‘地册’。 After dominating these, the petty local official father passes on the child, the child biography grandson and power to be deep-rooted, with colludes with the local tyrants wealthy and powerful family, the influence is quite fearful. 把持了这些之后,吏员父传子、子传孙、权力根深蒂固,跟与本地豪强大户勾结,影响力相当可怕。 Yan Laoer you also dared to say now, before knelt is quicker than anyone!” “阎老二你也就敢现在说说,之前跪得比谁都快!” Another black iron man sneers a sound said: Does not kneel is not good, like other mansion counties, such as people like us, the broken city killed off......” 另外一个黑铁汉子冷笑一声道:“不过不跪也不行,像其它府县,如我们这种人,破城就被杀光了……” Because Qu Residence has not attacked on Kaesong surrenders, retained many vestiges actually, although the Aaron dishonorable discharge does not use entirely, but this hatred had. 大曲府因为还未攻打就开城投降,倒是保留了不少残余,虽然亚伦通通开革不用,但这仇恨还是结下了。 Pounded others secured job, how to have possibly hated? 砸了人家的铁饭碗,怎么可能没有怨恨? In this room, there is an officer to have the government official, has the landlord to have the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies , because Liang Army enters the city, but benefit damage. 这一屋子里,有官有吏,有地主有庙祝,都是因为梁军入城而利益受损者。 Ok, everyone was grasshopper on a rope, why to injure friendly?” “好了,大家都是一条绳上的蚂蚱,何必伤了和气?” A prosperous-looking merchant smilingly touches the jade on hand to pull to refer, sighs: Liang King is really strict to my merchant, various types concoct pretexts, is ten thousand tax taxes...... I looked simply absolutely gets down again, everyone must go bankrupt!” 一名富态商人笑眯眯地摸着手上的玉扳指,叹息道:“不过梁王对我商人甚苛,各种巧立名目,简直是万税万万税……我看再这么下去,大家都得破产!” „It is not Liang King, but is State Chancellor.” Another intellectual spoke the sentence just words: Who does not know that Liang King is a puppet!” “也不是梁王,而是丞相。”另外一个读书人说了句公道话:“谁不知梁王就是个傀儡!” Hehe...... I and others received the north order in any case, delays Liang Army necessary, cannot make its this year go north.” “嘿嘿……反正我等都受了北边的命令,必要拖延梁军,不能使其今年北上。” Temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies complexion is gloomy, in the hand is also covering the wound, obviously before is, attacked evil cults influence. 一个庙祝脸色阴沉,手上还包着伤口,显然是之前被打击的淫祠势力。 Also calculates him to have good luck ever, can escape unexpectedly captures. 也算他命大,竟然能逃过追捕。 „Will idea settle?” “计将安出?” „Very simple, arouses the people changes, when officials press the people too hard they revolt may......” “很简单,激起民变,官逼民反就可……” Now Great Liang, although and others knocked the bone to attract the marrow to me, but to Guizhou also calculates that still permissible...... the common people can go on living, who is willing to revolt?” “如今大梁虽然对我等敲骨吸髓,但对黔首还算尚可……老百姓活得下去,谁愿意造反?” When officials press the people too hard they revolt can! These Imperial College of Supreme Learning live, although some skills, but is extremely young, tempts slightly, in order, did not worry that has not obeyed.” Yan Laoer smiles. “官逼民反便可!那些太学生虽然一个个都有些本事,但还太过年轻,稍微诱之以利,不愁没有就范的。”阎老二笑了笑。 The method of petty local official, he is very naturally clear. 吏员的手段,他自然十分清楚。 What even if Liang King and State Chancellor formulate is ten thousand world not the easy law, can easily sing crookedly when the execution! 哪怕梁王丞相制定的是万世不易之法,在执行之时也能轻易唱歪了经! Good, this idea is really wonderful.” “不错,此计甚妙。” Several other people of eyes also shine: I and others must coordinate to drum up support in secret, adds inflammatory details...... to finally, is when officials press the people too hard they revolt, even state chaos!” 另外几人眼睛也亮起:“我等也要暗中配合造势,添油加醋……到了最后,就是官逼民反,甚至全州大乱!” When the time comes, Jin King then can tidy up the north calmly, instead suppresses Liang King! 到时候,金王便能从容收拾北方,反而压制梁王 ...... …… Government office. 官署。 Toyojiro is taking latest statistical table, nods satisfied: This in January/one month the business tax were also more than 30% last month, must be able to make State Chancellor satisfy.” 丰二郎正拿着最新的统计表,满意地点点头:“这一月商税又比上月多了30%,必能让丞相满意。” He is only a civilian's son, the teenager, eats the poor father. 他本来只是一个小民之子,半大小子,吃穷老子。 In the past in Jiang Provincial Seat, heard that Imperial College of Supreme Learning free ate to the food, read to the book, comes out also to be an official, immediately by father delivering, no matter also he in the neighbor eyes were stubborn that becomes famous, can that irritated the teacher. 当年在江州府,听说太学免费给饭吃,给书读,出来还能当官,当即就被老爹给送了进去,也不管他在街坊眼中是出了名的榆木脑袋,能将私塾先生气死的那种。 Finally was also wonderful, after entering Imperial College of Supreme Learning, Toyojiro straightened out suddenly general on as if the head, studied earnestly, one year later through the inspection, the smooth graduation, worked as a petty official. 结果也是奇了,进了太学之后,丰二郎就仿佛脑袋突然开窍一般,读书认真了,一年之后通过考核,顺利毕业,当了一名小吏。 This makes his father have the face, but also invited the neighbor to eat at a banquet specially. 这让他父亲十分有面子,还特意宴请了街坊吃席。 Because the Liang King influence develops rapidly, Imperial College of Supreme Learning lives to promote also quickly, few years he promoted again and again, had from the Ninth Grade person in office. 由于梁王势力飞速发展,太学生提拔也很快,没有几年他就连连提拔,有了从九品官身。 At this time others do not dare to say the matter with him in childhood dull-wittedly, said that on the old abundant family ancestor braved the light smoke, and pondered over is also forcing in Imperial College of Supreme Learning to go the child, came out also to serve as an official! 这时别人再也不敢拿他小时候愚钝说事了,都说老丰家祖上冒了青烟,并且琢磨着将自家孩子也塞进太学去,出来也做官! This State Chancellor selection going north talent, came to promote one again, I already from eight tax Cao!” “这次丞相选拔北上人才,来了就再提拔一品,我已经是从八品的税曹了!” This from the advantage of dragon , to promote...... waits till fast in the future, even if the household of section high-ranking official, not necessarily cannot similar thinks 12......” “这就是从龙的好处啊,提拔飞快……等到日后,纵然是户部大员,也未必不能肖想一二……” In Toyojiro prepares to rest, some outside people reported: Sir, outside the government office some people seek an interview, says Yan two.” 就在丰二郎准备休息之时,外面有人禀告:“大人,官署外有人求见,自称阎二。” „, I remember him, biography!” “哦,我记得他,传!” Toyojiro remembers, this person is originally in the mansion six petty officials, managed has connected with later State Chancellor to let get the hell out entirely. 丰二郎记得,这人是原本府中六房的小吏,办过交接之后丞相就让通通滚蛋了。 Can let his some impressions, first is this person is good at seeking personal gain, the flattery is efficient, second, was everyone is ranked the second child. 能让他有些印象,第一是此人善于钻营,奉承得力,第二嘛,就是大家都排行老二了。 Young paying a visit Sir!” “小的拜见大人!” Not long, Yan two come, kneels directly salutes. 没有多久,阎二就进来,直接跪地行礼。 Gets up.” “起来吧。” Toyojiro is narrowing the eye, enjoys very much. 丰二郎眯着眼睛,很是受用。 Read and in childhood, do not say such petty local official, even if were the yamen served the rich and powerful by literary hack work( does not have establishment) the yamen runner comes home, the parents must frighten half dead, and optional coercion, before walking, must receive the tip the matter, this time Toyojiro, quite had the geomancy to transfer in turn, this year arrives at the feeling of my family: „Did you come? What matter has?” 念及小时候,不要说这样的吏员,哪怕是衙门帮闲(没有编制)的衙役来家里,父母都要吓个半死,并随意吃拿卡要,走之前还要收茶水钱的事情,此时的丰二郎,颇有风水轮流转,今年到我家之感:“你怎么来了?有什么事?” Sir, in the small family/home two lived, asked the Sir to drink especially.” Yan two is meeting rudeness with a smile, naturally stupidly to will not come the yamen to say the matter of bribe for the first time. “大人,小的家中二房生了,特来请大人喝酒。”阎二陪着笑脸,当然不会傻到第一次来衙门就说贿赂的事情。 So long as Toyojiro went to his home, some series of methods are naturally waiting. 但只要丰二郎去了他家,自然就有一系列手段等着。 For example...... prescribes medicine in the liquor in secret, grasps Toyojiro's handle, gets into the water again! 比如……暗中在酒里下药,拿住丰二郎的把柄,再拖下水! From the beginning is also striving for the minor matter that manages some edge ball, then expands slowly. 一开始也只是求着办些擦边球的小事,然后再慢慢扩大。 In the goal, the government official who must cope with like this . 在目标中,要这样对付的官吏,还有许多。 When the time comes starts together, must be able to let the Xuzhou chaos! 到时候一起发动,必能让徐州大乱! Drinks the celebration drink?” “喝喜酒?” The Toyojiro result written invitation, in the heart jumps. 丰二郎结果请帖,心中就是一跳。 This written invitation is very heavy! 这请帖很重! It is not the paper does, seems like gold and silver to build! 不是纸做的,似乎是金银打造! These petty officials seriously were rich...... State Chancellor too to let off them early.’ ‘这些胥吏当真有钱……丞相太早放过他们了。’ Although in the heart so thinks, Toyojiro but who the civilian comes, cannot suppress greedy in heart, written invitation income bosom in: “With pleasure, with pleasure……” 虽然心中如此想,但小民出身的丰二郎,还是抑制不住心中的贪婪,将请帖收入怀中:“好说好说……” Actually complied with this to invite. 却是答应了这宴请。 In the heart is thinking: State Chancellor had not stipulated that cannot accept to invite, I eat one glass of inferior wine, is perfunctory two, what matter also there is?’ 心中则是想着:‘丞相也没有规定不能接受宴请,我去吃一杯水酒,敷衍两句,又有什么事了?’ Many thanks Sir.” “多谢大人。” Yan two hears the reply, knows that this officer has entered the jar, in the heart the great happiness, on the face also spills over the smile that the flattery, flatters, secretly thinking: So simply then wrap/sets, it seems like Liang King hand/subordinate indeed no one!’ 阎二听到回答,就知道这官已经入瓮,心中大喜,脸上也泛出奉承、巴结的笑容,暗自想着:‘如此简单便中了套,看来梁王手下的确无人啊!’
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