TOTM :: Volume #9

#857: Enters the city

Opens overwhelming cannot think, Liang Army unexpectedly such! 张浩然根本想不到,梁军竟然如此之强! And, Supreme Divine Thunder also suits extremely attacks a city. 并且,太上神雷也极其适合攻城。 This causes the original plan to crash instantaneously, the Liang Army broken city only needs several days each time, excels at attacking the name shocking world! 这就导致原本的计划瞬间崩盘,梁军每次破城都只需数日,擅攻之名震惊天下! Now, the entire Xuzhou has only had last Qu Residence. 如今,整个徐州已经只剩下最后一座大曲府了。 But Liang Army does not even reduce instead increases, 80,000! 梁军甚至不减反增,还有八万! Although, all secret agents and dense spy chieftains were yelling is impossible, the south has not increased troops and so on, doubtful demented or had the hysteria, but opens overwhelming has regarded as incompetent them, just also cut one. 虽然,所有暗探与密谍头目都大叫着不可能,南方没有增兵云云,疑似癫狂或者得了癔症,但张浩然已经将他们视为无能,刚刚还砍了一个。 After all, is not the south increases troops, inadequate that Void Spirit Master changes? 毕竟,不是南方增兵,难道还是虚灵子变出来的不成? Opening overwhelming really makes one disseminate actually about Void Spirit Master is Daoist wizard, the happy delicious baby's heart, the murder refining up the corpse for soldier wait/etc rumors, but such rumor and has no major role. 张浩然倒是真的让人传播过关于虚灵子妖道,喜好吃婴儿之心,杀人炼尸为兵等等谣言,但此等谣言并没有什么大作用。 These city surrenders must surrender, after all does not surrender is dies! 那些城池该投诚还是要投诚,毕竟不投降就是死啊! By the present, was deserted by friends and allies, goes down in the world pitifully, the command opens overwhelming wants to weep bitterly. 到了如今,众叛亲离,凄惨落魄,令张浩然直欲痛哭一场。 He went to the city wall, returns to the mansion. 他下了城墙,回到府邸。 Zhang Family is the millennium aristocratic families, opens the overwhelming mansion is also the great luxury, although the surface cannot see anything, but optional one swayed and hanging, possibly are some craft everyone build with concentration. 张家是千年世家,张浩然的府邸也是一等一的奢华,虽然表面看不出什么,但随意一件摆件、挂饰,可能就是某位工艺大家潜心打造。 But at this time, opens overwhelming already not thoughts of appreciation, previous wrote continuously several letters in the desk. 但此时,张浩然已经没有一点欣赏的心思,在书桌前一连写了数封信。 Comes the person!” “来人!” Master!” “老爷!” Escorts to the north these letters, according to the above address delivery.” “将这些信送往北方,按照上面的地址投递。” Opens the overwhelming life person to send out the letter, arrives at the backyard, outside a study room. 张浩然命人送出信件,又来到后院,一处书房外。 In the study room, wears the pale blue cheongsam, the abundant god such as the youngster of jade, is taking pen in hand to write. 书房中,一名穿着月白长衫,丰神如玉的少年,正在提笔写字。 His writing such as walks dragon snake, among the moment, an article writes, opens overwhelming looked, thought the full mist, provides much food for thought. 他笔下如走龙蛇,须臾之间,一篇文章就写好,张浩然只是一看,就觉得满篇云烟,回味无穷。 Good...... to occupy stone your article, if in the past, the old man must seek pot nice wine, slowly watches, can drink by the article.” “好……居石你这文章,若是在往常,老夫必然要寻一壶好酒来,慢慢观看,能以文下酒。” stretch/open Haoran acclaimed one. 张浩然赞叹一声。 The youngster of writing an article is his relatives, the youth is intelligent, was enrolled as the student, named Zhang Jushi. 写文章的少年是他一位族亲,少时聪颖,被收为学生,名为张居石 This Zhang Jushi rapier-like wit, can the photographic memory, have the talent of extrapolation. 张居石才思敏捷,能过目不忘,更有举一反三之才。 Opens overwhelming has regarded as the legacy disciple, even thinks that revives Zhang Family to this person. 张浩然一直视为衣钵弟子,甚至认为复兴张家者必此人也。 Occupies the stone you to have this article, the crucial moment has arrived, if Great Song still, tests advanced scholar easy as pie......” “居石你有此文,火候已到,若大松还在,去考个进士易如反掌……” Opens overwhelming stamps the feet to sigh: Pitifully, what a pity......” 张浩然跌足而叹:“可惜,可惜……” Is looking at the delicate and pretty elegant youngster, in the heart is the affection, but at this time, can only clench teeth: Occupies the stone, kneels down!” 望着俊美飘逸的少年,心中更是喜爱,但此时,只能咬咬牙:“居石,跪下!” Zhang Jushi is startled, at once is kneeling down to the sage portrait: Teacher please tell......” 张居石一怔,旋即对着圣人画像跪下了:“老师请吩咐……” Now the army besieges a city, my Zhang Family fortune and misfortune mishap......” “如今大军围城,我张家祸福不测……” Opens overwhelming said that while rents with anxiety. 张浩然一边说,一边五内如焚。 Teacher, the disciple must...... on youngster face become with Liang rebel becomes flushed. “老师,弟子必跟梁贼……”少年脸上变得涨红。 No!” “不!” But his words have not said, was opened overwhelming breaks: I want you to preserve the useful body, turns to Great Liang......, even if cannot read the four books and five classics, you must endure patiently!” 但他话语还未说完,就被张浩然打断:“我要你保全有用之身,投靠大梁……哪怕不能读四书五经,你也得忍耐!” Teacher?” “老师?” Zhang Jushi stares the big eye, is this teacher who that the starving to death matter small being disloyal matter loudly will say? 张居石瞪大眼睛,这还是那个将饿死事小失节事大挂在嘴边的老师么? Liang Army is savage, perhaps my Zhang Family has the danger of tilting!” 梁军凶残,我张家或许有倾覆之危!” stretch/open Haoran said. 张浩然道。 But Zhang Jushi stares the big eye. 张居石则是瞪大眼睛。 He does not believe. 他不相信。 Changing from one dynasty to another were many, actually no dares to start to Zhang Family, instead must acknowledge that previous dynasty conferring rank and title and Tian Residence, and in addition bestows to comfort. 改朝换代的多了,却没有一个敢对张家下手的,反而还必须承认前朝的册封与田宅,并加赐给予安抚。 You do not understand...... that Void Spirit Master to be different, is a sorcerer! Tidied up including Taoism that oneself come, how to be lenient to the buddhist name?” “你不懂……那虚灵子不同,就是个妖人!连自己出身的道家都收拾了,对梵名岂会手软?” stretch/open Haoran smiles bitterly: What made for the master alarmed and afraid was...... south that set, actually can indeed rule a nation, but can also govern very well...... but if gave, set at my Confucian code where?” 张浩然苦笑:“更令为师惊惧的是……南方那一套,其实的确能治国,还能治理得很好……但若给成了,置我名教于何地?” Therefore the teacher starts the state, wants to break the Liang King rising trend?” If Zhang Jushi has become aware. “所以老师才发动全州,想要打破梁王上升势头?”张居石若有所悟。 What a pity, finally failure. 可惜,最终还是失败了。 Yes, indeed does not understand the soldier matter for the master, causes to rout again and again, now is needless to say again...... you, shoulder are actually reviving the heavy responsibility of my Confucian code!” stretch/open Haoran said: Xuzhou, Liang King resulted in the northern standpoint, Jin King and Kang king was not necessarily able with it fighting, therefore Liang King had the possibility to win the world very much! You must remember, went to Liang Country, must be loyal!” “是啊,为师的确不懂兵事,导致连连大败,如今也不用再说……倒是你,肩负着复兴我名教之重任!”张浩然道:“徐州既下,梁王就得了北方立足点,金王、康王未必能与之争锋,因此梁王很有可能得了天下!你要记住,去了梁国,务必要忠!” Loyal?” “忠?” Zhang Jushi as if understood anything. 张居石似乎明白了什么。 My Confucian code can base, depended is a loyal character, you remember absolutely, is loyal to Liang King, even if Liang King makes you die, you must be willing, travels to the dwelling place of the dead with a smile!” stretch/open Haoran said: Handyman in buddhist temple is selfish, where has me and other Confucian scholar character? Liang King is young at this time, in the future must understand!” “我名教能立足,靠的就是一个忠字,你万万记得,忠于梁王,梁王纵然让你去死,你也要心甘情愿,含笑奔赴九泉!”张浩然道:“道人自私,哪有我等儒者风骨?梁王此时年少,日后必会懂得!” So that's how it is, I understood!” Zhang Jushi nods. “原来如此,我明白了!”张居石颔首。 At this moment, the front spreads an unrest suddenly. 就在这时,前方忽然传出一阵骚乱。 Faint , seems the sound of weapons to transmit unexpectedly! 隐隐之间,竟似有着兵戈之声传来! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Opens the overwhelming facial expression changes, suddenly grabs Zhang Jushi, hides into nearby dark pavilion him, oneself sit confidently, the waiting places on trial finally. 张浩然神情一变,忽然抓着张居石,将他藏入旁边一个暗阁,自己则坦然坐着,等待最终审判。 The war cry approaches gradually. 喊杀声渐渐靠近。 Finally, Zhang Family Steward broke only the hand, was kicked: Master...... important matter not good...... Lu Xiaoyi instead! Also in the convergence city the wealthy and powerful family, led troops to encircle our mansion!” 最终,一名张家管家断了只手,被一脚踢了进来:“老爷……大事不好……卢晓义反了!还汇合城中大户,带兵围了我们府!” What?” “什么?” stretch/open Haoran is unbelievable, looks at the student who is taking a step to enter, cold sound said: Old man is really blind, has not thought that is your disciple first betrays the old man!” 张浩然难以置信,又望着一个迈步而入的书生,冷声道:“老夫真是瞎了眼,没想到是你这个弟子最先出卖老夫!” Although places the great expectations on Zhang Jushi, but the opposite party is young, is only the last student. 虽然对张居石寄予厚望,但对方毕竟年纪还小,只是关门弟子。 stretch/open Haoran most thinks highly of now, is disciple Lu Xiaoyi. 张浩然如今最器重的,还是弟子卢晓义。 Has not actually thought, unexpectedly was the opposite party commands troops to break own mansion. 却没有想到,居然是对方领兵破了自己的府邸。 Teacher!” “老师!” Lu Xiaoyi advanced a ritual, at once says: Also asked the teacher to be benevolent, gave us means of livelihood......” 卢晓义先行了一礼,旋即才道:“还请老师仁慈,给我们一条活路……” You? In mansion wealthy and powerful family treachery?” stretch/open Haoran sneers: They, but many relatives die under the Liang Army butcher knife! Thanks to you intellectual!” “你们?府中大户都倒戈了?”张浩然冷笑:“他们可是不少亲眷都死在梁军屠刀之下的呢!亏你们还是读书人!” He probably was also clear. 他也大概明白了。 Heartless many are intellectual! 负心多是读书人 Because the book read, the cognition were many, the experience were many, came across the matter always to like thinking, then made use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. 因为书读多了,认知多了,经历多了,遇到事情就总喜欢想一想,然后趋利避害。 But the slaughter dog generation hot blooded above did. 而屠狗辈热血上头就去做了。 This is certainly different. 这当然不一样。 Regarding this city gentries, perhaps although their relative good friends die of the hand of Liang Army, but does not surrender oneself entire family to die! 对于本城士绅而言,虽然他们的亲戚好友或许死于梁军之手,但再不投降自己全家都要死! Under balance , can only kneel! 权衡之下,也只能跪了! Teacher...... Great Liang State Chancellor hates the teacher to be long, but also invited teacher fast starting off.” “老师……大梁丞相恨老师久矣,还请老师速速上路吧。” Lu Xiaoyi light say/way, assigned/life nearby soldiers to deliver the white satin and toxicant...... 卢晓义淡淡道,又命旁边的士卒送上了白绫、毒药…… „Do you...... you prepare to murder the master unexpectedly?” stretch/open Haoran points at shivers, hides Zhang Jushi in secret room also covers the mouth. “你……你竟准备弑师?”张浩然手指颤抖,躲在密室中的张居石也不由捂住嘴巴。 Not only Teacher, entire Zhang Family...... the student will prepare to become an official in the future Liang King, must offer the gift on first meeting is.” “不仅老师,还有整个张家……学生日后准备出仕梁王,总得送上见面礼才是。” Lu Xiaoyi supple sound said. 卢晓义柔声道。 This modest expression, making the Zhang Jushi fine hair but actually vertical. 这种温和的表情,令张居石不由汗毛倒竖。 Good, the old man was really initially blind, had not seen that you have this quality......” “好,老夫当初真是瞎了眼,没看出你还有这成色……” stretch/open Haoran sneering several, said subsequently: With liquor!” 张浩然冷笑数声,继而道:“拿酒来!” Student, when sees off the teacher personally.” “学生当亲自为老师送行。” Lu Xiaoyi holds the pot personally, to open the overwhelming liquor, looks at the opposite party to toss down. 卢晓义亲自执壶,为张浩然倒酒,望着对方一饮而尽。 He turns around, does not attend to falling on the teacher who the ground pain twists, to nearby humanity: Can to an outside round of signal, I and others welcome king Shiru the city!” 他转身,不顾倒在地上痛苦扭曲的老师,对旁边一人道:“可以给外面发信号了,我等恭迎王师入城!” ...... …… „Did Qu Residence fall unexpectedly?” “大曲府竟然降了?” Looks white flag that above Prefectural Seat is hanging, even Aaron feels a little dramatic. 望着府城之上悬挂的白旗,连亚伦都感觉有点戏剧性。 Is......” “是的……” When the Tang Xun face remained was just receiving the surrender letter/believes shock: It is said Lu Jia took the lead to stage a rebellion, united in the city the wealthy and powerful family, attacked to extinguish Zhang Family together, only asked our military to spare and not punish too severely......” 汤汛脸上残留着刚刚收到投诚信之时的震惊:“据说卢家率先举事,联合了城中大户,一起攻灭了张家,只求我军高抬贵手……” Naturally, I am not the homicidal maniac demon, naturally cannot start to the man of merits......” “当然,我又不是什么杀人狂魔,对有功之人自然不会下手……” Aaron smiles: „...... Will naturally have the tax collector to teach them to turn over a new leaf in any case in the future!” 亚伦笑了笑:“反正……日后自然有税吏教他们重新做人!” This in fact is the sharp knife kills with the slow knife shears the difference of meat. 这实际上是快刀杀死与慢刀子割肉的区别。 Do not have much difference in any case finally! 反正最终并没有多大区别! Lu opens the overwhelming disciple in clan, so...... Tang Xun smacks the lips unexpectedly: Writer must suppress, is seriously scary......” “卢家还是张浩然的弟子所在家族,竟然都如此……”汤汛咂咂嘴:“文人要狠起来,当真吓人啊……” Did not say these, the army entered the city.” “不说这些了,大军入城吧。” In the Aaron heart divines according to the diagrams fast, orders: Within this year, Xuzhou put down finally, may celebrate encouraging, may celebrate encouraging.” 亚伦心中飞快算了一卦,下令道:“总算今年之内,徐州就平了,可喜可贺,可喜可贺。” At that moment the army enters the city, arrives at prefectural office. 当下大军入城,一路来到府衙 Lu Xiaoyi leads hundred officers to kneel to welcome: Criminal pays a visit State Chancellor, State Chancellor happy as ever!” 卢晓义带百官跪迎:“罪人拜见丞相,丞相万福金安!” You can kill overwhelming, has not had active.” “你能杀了张浩然,有功无过。” Aaron laughs: I thought that your may make the material actually, but is willing to join my Supreme Dao, altogether ginseng/partake science dao method? Notice Xuzhou will elect the officer to take the government official in the future, must by civil service entrance examination, the topic stem from the say/way of science completely.” 亚伦哈哈一笑:“我看你倒是个可造之材,可愿加入我太上道,共参科学道法?须知这徐州日后选官取吏,都必经考公,题目全部出自科学之道。” Student is willing to study, pays a visit a lord!” “学生愿学,拜见道主!” Lu Xiaoyi without hesitation, good a big ritual, looks at Tang Xun secretly to despise. 卢晓义毫不犹豫,又行了一个大礼,看得汤汛暗自不齿。 Aaron looked at other government officials: Happen to...... Xuzhou new, must promulgate my Liang King law...... to levy the religious tax and business tax immediately, and starts to measure immediately!” 亚伦又看了看其它官吏:“正好……徐州新下,必须立即颁布我梁王法令……开征宗教税、商税,并立即开始丈田!” Such remarks, the underlings look grief-stricken. 此言一出,底下人纷纷如丧考妣。 But Aaron being disinclined manages these. 亚伦才懒得管这些。 At this time with the prestige of win, can kill people at will the time, the law that will not be hard to carry out does, will wait by the future the peaceful season again? 此时携大胜之威,可以随意杀人的时候,不将难以推行的法令搞下去,难道等到日后太平时节再来? Machiavelli had said in «Monarchy Theory» —— pain must one time and gives rapidly, because the time of their savoring pain is shorter, their enraged degrees are also lower. But on the other hand, when gives people the advantage, actually must bit by bit, give gradually, because only then, in such continuously gives, people can feel your advantage to the full.’ 马基雅维利在《君主论》中就说过——‘痛苦应当一次性并迅速地给予,因为他们品味痛苦的时间越短,他们被激怒的程度也就越低。而另一方面,在给予人们好处的时候,却要一点一点地、逐步地给,因为只有在这样的连续不断的给予中,人们才能最大程度地感受到你的好处。’ Naturally, Xuzhou Sinping, cannot do well also some calamities. 当然,徐州新平,搞不好还有些乱子。 However Aaron most likes was a calamity, when really the Liujia Almighty Soldiers blade wasn't sharp? 不过亚伦最喜欢的就是乱子了,真当六甲神兵的刀不锋利么? When the time comes, looked that who jumps to cut anyone. 到时候,看谁跳出来就砍谁。 ...... …… The group patrolling cities, then arrived around an overwhelming mansion lively. 一行人热热闹闹地巡城,然后就来到了张浩然府邸附近。 How deceased person this many?” “怎么死人这许多?” Aaron frowns intentionally, asked one. 亚伦故意皱起眉头,问了一句。 Opens reports State Chancellor, opening overwhelming hears the city broken, from drinking the zhen liquor dies......” Lu Xiaoyi to bow saying: Then has the defiant person to rebel, breaks in Zhang Residence to rob the wealth female, slaughters...... me and others to suppress really miserably with great difficulty, but Zhang Family also almost exterminates.” “启禀丞相,张浩然闻听城破,自饮鸩酒而死……”卢晓义躬身道:“然后有刁民作乱,冲入张府抢夺财富女子,杀戮甚惨……我等好不容易才镇压下去,但张家也几乎灭绝。” Such being the case, distributes the Zhang Family title deed to his family/home tenant farmers, calculates the final benevolence.” “既然如此,就将张家的地契都分发给他家佃户吧,也算最后的仁德。” Aaron laughed, speaks thoughtlessly to make handling, let with did in the landlord heart to feel cold. 亚伦哈哈一笑,随口做了处置,让跟着的一干地主心中发冷。 At this moment, sees young people to take the straw mat, is binding a corpse. 就在这时,又见一个年轻人正拿着草席,裹着一具尸体。 Who is this person?” “此人是谁?” Aaron saw, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. 亚伦看到,随口问了一句。 Lu Xiaoyi look changes: This opens the overwhelming last student, is distant relative —— Zhang Jushi.” 卢晓义神色微变:“此乃张浩然之关门弟子,也是远亲——张居石。” Zhang Jushi has seen State Chancellor.” 张居石见过丞相。” The youngster set out, pure white, such as worthy sons, good a ritual. 少年起身,一身素白,如芝兰玉树,行了一礼。 You dare to restrain the criminal skeleton, doesn't fear my military law?” Aaron laughs, suddenly asking. “你敢收敛罪人骸骨,不怕我军法么?”亚伦哈哈一笑,忽然问着。 The youngster raised the head, the pupil is dark: Righteousness, although ten million people I toward!” 少年抬起头,眸子黝黑:“义之所至,虽千万人吾往矣!” Bold!” “大胆!” Tang Xun cold snort/hum, surroundings attendant soldier has drawn out to wear a sword. 汤汛冷哼一声,周围亲兵已经拔出佩刀。 „...... Forgives your life.” “罢了罢了……就饶你一命吧。” Aaron beckons with the hand, suddenly some interest is waning tunnels. 亚伦摆摆手,突然有些意兴阑珊地道。 Chirp! 啾! At this moment, a falcon drops from the clouds, falls above nearby attendant soldier arm. 就在这时,一只鹰隼从天而降,落在旁边一个亲兵手臂之上。 attendant soldier loosens the news information hastily, gives Aaron to watch. 亲兵连忙解下消息情报,递给亚伦观看。 Good good...... today's double happiness descend on the house, Zhan Da wait/etc. will still the southern rebellion finally, although Hei’er died in battle unfortunately......” “不错不错……今日双喜临门,展大等将终于平定了南方叛乱,虽然黑二不幸战死……” Aaron is saying calmly, as without many are moved: A little...... the north also had the war before, Jin King commands troops to go south, wants all according to the Central Plain, is fighting with Kang king.” 亚伦平静说着,仿佛没有多少伤感:“只是有一点……北方之前也有大战,金王领兵南下,想要全据中原,正与康王大战。” Kang king is also the Great Song imperial clan, in the national capital, did not avoid a tribulation, it may be said that inherited Great Song to be legitimate. 康王也是大松宗室,之前不在京师,躲过一劫,可谓继承了大松正统。 Also after the government authorities by the captive, resulted in the northerner to look, large numbers of sergeant civil officials come in swarms, the short time pulls up several tens of thousands of people of teams. 又在官家被俘虏之后,得北方人望,大批军士文官蜂拥而至,短短时间就拉起数万人的队伍。 What a pity, the south is occupied by Liang King, dies of suffocation Kang king in the north, only if this person can defeat Jin King rapidly, or has the opportunity of the south one wrestling, but also hope uncertain...... 可惜,南方已经被梁王占据,将康王堵死在北方,此人除非能迅速击败金王,或还有与南方一搏的机会,但也希望渺茫…… ...... …… Northern plain. 北方平原。 Ten several tens of thousands of armies are slaughtering fierce in the same place. 十数万大军正凶猛厮杀在一起。 And a side is Kang king, is in the majority by the infantry, another side is Jin King, leads several tens of thousands of cavalries. 其中一方是康王,以步兵居多,另外一方是金王,带着数万骑兵。 At this time the cavalry is divided into two, with armor, started the charge emphatically suddenly, just like rewiring tanks, batters. 此时骑兵分为两股,一股配着重甲,蓦然开始了冲锋,宛若一台台重装坦克,横冲直撞。 Another is a light cavalry, can fire from horseback immediately, does not fight with the loose soldier directly, but shot a round of arrow to avoid by far, then close, shot round —— to hunt for just like the group wolf again, seemed the kite tactic. 另外一股则是轻骑兵,能在马上骑射,根本不跟松兵直接交手,而是射了一轮箭就远远避开,然后靠近,再射一轮——宛若群狼捕猎,又好似风筝战术。 Not long, Kang king army collapsed. 没有多久,康王的大军就崩溃了。 Even, a foreigner cavalry great general to/clashes the camp, seized to kill Kang king! 甚至,其中一员胡人骑兵大将单骑冲营,擒杀了康王! ...... …… A Daoist temple. 一座道观。 Kang king inherits the Great Song residual gas, this fights can only win, cannot defeat, a defeat did not have the opportunity thoroughly.” “康王继承大松余气,这一战只能胜,不能败,一败就彻底没有了机会。” Old Daoist is making the tea, said slowly: Kang king actually assigns/life the standard to be uncommon, has the life of emperor, subordinate Yue name/reputation, ox Yaojin is the great great general...... cannot do to benefits! Sublime Wisdom Way Great Ancestral Master plans, the careful layout, is so finally scattered about, on this day intent makes one, seriously fearsome! I and others had not joined a gambling game luckily, otherwise was then miserable!” 一名老道煮着茶,慢悠悠道:“康王其实命格不凡,有帝王之命,麾下岳名、牛咬金也是一等一的大将……奈何不得地利!崇明道大宗师谋划,精心布局,最后却如此七零八落,这天意弄人,当真可怖!幸好我等未曾入局,否则便惨了!” Nearby Daoist priestess, lives the peach cheeks and almond eye, hears word smiles: This world struggles the dragon...... the join is very miserable, the north side was needless saying that south Five Nights Faction and long gold/metal temple...... weren't the booklet?” 旁边一位女冠,生得桃腮杏眼,闻言只是一笑:“此次天下争龙……入局的都很惨,北边不用说,南方五宵派、长金寺……不都是折了么?” Void Spirit Master has the big breadth of spirit, wants to overthrow the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism, sets up science Great Way, situated in my Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism above!” 虚灵子有大气魄,欲推翻三教,立科学大道,位居我三教之上!” Old Daoist Priest sighed: This person...... seriously is the different number!” 老道士叹道:“此人……当真是异数!” Suddenly, he looked at the day, shakes the head: „The Great Song destiny completely cuts off, in the future the divine land will belong, between gold/metal and beam.” 忽然,他又看了看天,摇摇头:“大松天命彻底断绝,未来神州归属,就在金与梁之间了。” That Sublime Wisdom Way?” The Daoist priestesses asked suddenly. “那崇明道呢?”女冠忽然问。 Sublime Wisdom Way, various Eldest Disciple honorable people when the Jin King broken national capital, backlash until death, the entrance paradise also changes into wickedly...... miserably, horrible to look at!” 崇明道,各大弟子真人早在金王破京师之时,就反噬至死,山门福地也化为恶地……惨,惨不忍睹啊!” 7017 k 7017k
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