TOTM :: Volume #9

#856: Unyielding people( 12200 make up)

After two days . 两日之后。 Although is very firm with the gate district resistance, but the city downcasts as before. 虽然和门县抵抗十分坚决,但城池依旧陷落。 The county magistrates light a fire to immolate oneself in the county administration, the whole families do not have a living witness. 县令在县衙中举火自焚,满门无一活口。 County administration. 县衙。 In stretch of jet black coal ruins, still had the light smoke to curl to raise. 一片漆黑炭废墟之中,仍旧有青烟袅袅升起。 The Tang Xun whole body is bathed in blood, looks at corpses to be lifted from the county administration, sighed: Why?” 汤汛浑身浴血,望着一具具尸体从县衙中被抬出,叹道:“何必呢?” Is resists stubbornly, such blindly devoted generation, those who lived in ages must have......” “不过是负隅顽抗罢了,此等愚忠之辈,历朝历代都少不了……” Aaron sneers, asking: Our battle loss how?” 亚伦冷笑一声,就问着:“我方战损如何?” Opens reports State Chancellor, we kill the enemy 800, damages more than 2000......” “启禀丞相,我方杀敌八百,自损两千余……” Good good, at defense average 1 : 5 exchange ratios, this dozen really well.” The battle efficiency of Aaron to Liujia Almighty Soldiers, is quite satisfied. “不错不错,以守城平均一比五的交换比,这打得实在不错。”亚伦六甲神兵的战斗力,不由还是比较满意。 But Tang Xun is holds breath cold air: „Did only county city, make the army fold 20%?” 汤汛则是倒吸一口凉气:“区区一座县城,就让大军折了20%?” Ten thousand people attack a city, the casualty 2000, are very serious. 万人攻城,死伤两千,已经很惨重了。 If not for Liujia Almighty Soldiers does not have the morale view, at this time could not do well even the military deserters to appear! 若不是六甲神兵没有士气的说法,这时候搞不好连逃兵都出现了! State Chancellor, cannot continue like this.” 丞相,万万不能如此下去了。” Tang Xun said imposingly: Double Washington has five counties, Xuzhou has six government offices, this is more than 30 counties, hits, our 50,000 people must polish!” 汤汛凛然道:“双华府有五县,徐州有六府,这就是三十多个县,这么打下去,我们五万人就要打光了啊!” Yes! Cannot hit......” “是啊!不能这么打……” Aaron had a yawn, appears is somewhat bored to death, side waving makes Little Yu that digs a hole come back. 亚伦打了个哈欠,显得有些百无聊赖,挥手让旁边正在刨坑的小玉回来。 Therefore...... should order to massacre city!” “所以……应该下令屠城!” „Does slaughter...... massacre city?” “屠……屠城?” „The place of Xuzhou, the Confucian code influence is deep-rooted, even can instigate the common people to revolt, opposes with us...... wants to is still very difficult.” “徐州之地,名教势力根深蒂固,甚至能煽动百姓造反,跟我们作对……想要平定很难。” Aaron sighed: Now massacres city, can threaten the common people......, but the landlord wealthy and powerful family did not have the common people of dependency, anything, later the broken city cannot be more relaxed, this is actually my benevolent.” 亚伦叹息一声:“现在屠城,能恐吓住百姓……而地主大户没有了附庸的百姓,就什么都不是了,之后破城就能轻松一些,这其实是我的一点仁慈。” Although massacres city the reputation to be very bad, but effect from the beginning is seriously good, did not say the Qing dynasty, even if Situ overlord Xiang Yu, the matter of massacring city also has done much, earlier was instead ever-victorious, invincible. 虽然屠城名声很差,但一开始的效果当真不错,不说满清,哪怕西楚霸王项羽,屠城之事也做过不少,前期反而百战百胜,所向无敌。 The expression on Tang Xun face could not stretch quickly. 汤汛脸上的表情快绷不住了。 Originally massacres city is benevolent? 原来屠城是仁慈? According to my original idea...... is the instigation Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism to continue to oppose with me crazily, attracts more opponents to join during the resistance, then city slaughters...... crossed in the past, Xuzhou washed cleanly.” “按照我原来的想法……就是要煽动三教继续疯狂跟我作对,吸引更多的反对者加入对抗当中,然后一座座城池屠杀过去……这么过了一遍,徐州就洗干净了。” Aaron sighed, in the eye pupil brings pitying: „But if the present massacres city, the behind city must act as lookout to fall, will somewhat kill...... to govern more difficult not cleanly in the future...... this is starts with the easy and then does the difficult after will be first difficult the easy difference.” 亚伦叹息一声,眼眸中带着怜悯:“但若现在屠城,后面城池必望风而降,就有些杀不干净……日后治理起来就更困难了……这是先易后难与先难后易的区别。” „Can this...... kill the light?” Tang Xun is dumbfounded. “这……能杀得光么?”汤汛目瞪口呆。 So long as is willing to take up the butcher knife, does not fear to shoulder the evil reputation, where has to kill, not only?” “只要肯拿起屠刀,不怕背负恶名,哪有杀不光的呢?” Aaron smiles: „After killing off, migrates the refugee to come from other states, issues the paddies, family residence, tool and grain directly...... Liang Army immediately is a living buddha to ten thousand families!” 亚伦笑了笑:“杀光之后,从其它州迁移流民过来,直接发给田地、家宅、工具、粮食……梁军立刻就是万家生佛!” When is discussing, in the sky, spreads a resonant eagle to cry suddenly. 正讨论之时,天空之中,蓦然传出一声嘹亮的鹰啼。 A falcon falls, on the leg is also tying up the letter paper. 一只鹰隼落下,腿上还绑着信笺。 Aaron looked, on the face appears to sneer immediately: „The southern three mansion rebellion...... have the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism to stir up...... this doubtful secretly are you must with I play one in a big way, such being the case, that transmitted orders, does not massacre city!” 亚伦看了,脸上立即浮现出冷笑:“南方三府叛乱……疑似有三教在幕后煽动……这是你们要跟我玩一把大的啊,既然如此,那就传令下去,不屠城了!” Tang Xun one cold, knows that after State Chancellor chooses was first difficult , the easy path. 汤汛一凛,知道丞相是选择了先难后易的道路。 Displaces, this district government official, wealthy and powerful family, rich merchant and landlord...... all pit it! The temple and Daoist temple that once assisted to defend a city...... exterminate an entire family immediately, everyone, massacres young and old , male and female completely!” Aaron sneers. “取而代之,将本县官吏、大户、富商、地主……尽数坑之!还有曾经协助守城的寺庙、道观……立即灭门,所有人不分男女老幼,全部杀掉!”亚伦冷笑。 „Doesn't State Chancellor prepare to withdraw troops?” Tang Xun asked. 丞相不准备撤兵?”汤汛问。 Naturally does not remove, the south has 50,000 armies to suppress all sufficiently, preserves Jinshi not to lose at least becomes...... this State Chancellor to in this year quell Xuzhou!” “自然不撤,南方有五万大军足以镇压一切,至不济保住金石不失就成……本丞相要在今年内荡平徐州!” Aaron beckons with the hand. 亚伦摆了摆手。 Orders along with him, innumerable Liujia Almighty Soldiers flood into the county city slightly to be conspicuous in the mansion wealthy and powerful family, and master will tow. 伴随着他一声令下,无数六甲神兵涌入县城中稍微惹眼一些的豪宅大户之中,并将其中主人一个个拖了出来。 The temple and Daoist temple have bad luck together. 连带着寺庙与道观也一起倒了霉。 Help!” “救命!” No, forgave me!” “不,饶了我!” Tang Xun passed by rich people, saw that an old man was towed, gold/metal bead who in the hand prepares to bribe scattered place, is useless, Liujia Almighty Soldiers remains unmoved radically. 汤汛路过一处大户人家,看到一个老者被拖了出来,手上准备贿赂的金珠撒了一地,却没有用,六甲神兵根本不为所动。 In addition, in this mansion, many singing girls and dancing girl, even the officials young lady, is outstandingly beautiful......, but they looked that does not look at one. 除此之外,这种府中,还有许多歌姬、舞女、甚至官宦小姐,都是绝色……但他们看都不看一眼。 „The Liujia Almighty Army discipline , was too rather good some......” 六甲神军的军纪,未免也太好了一些……” Tang Xun thinks that State Chancellor likes with the soldiers of disbandment for the yamen runner and Xunjiansi, and this group of people were often entirely different from the former petty official, not only remained pure and incorruptible, and also liked reporting the colleague to be bribed, therefore deep was hated it by below, said that was the one-track mind and iron casing head. 汤汛想到丞相喜欢用退伍的士卒为衙役与巡检司,并且这帮人往往跟之前小吏截然不同,不仅十分洁身自好,并且还喜欢举报同僚受贿,因此深被下面恨之,都说是死脑筋、铁壳脑袋。 But State Chancellor actually likes very much, but also prepares led by them, manages an honest authority, government official who specifically is responsible for reporting the handling bribery and corruption. 丞相却很喜欢,还准备以他们为主力,办一个廉政司,专门负责检举处置贪污受贿的官吏。 Openly the family exterminates an entire family, but can also have rule, seriously rare......” “堂而皇之地破家灭门,还能如此有规矩,当真少见……” Tang Xun is clear, has the accidental injury all at once inevitably, but how can that? 汤汛清楚,这么一刀切必然有着误伤,但那又能怎么样呢? Under dragon qi sweeps away, again multi- life , can only change into the fragment powder! 龙气横扫之下,再多孤魂野鬼,也只能化为齑粉! So, the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism counter-attacks inevitably crazily, the following city is one by one difficult to hit......” “只是如此,三教必然疯狂反扑啊,接下来的城池一个比一个难打……” Tang Xun thinks that the future siege warfare, feels some toothaches. 汤汛想到日后的攻城战,都觉得有些牙疼。 Although killed many people, but has not massacred city eventually, this deterrent force is insufficient, must these to dread, is really unqualified. 虽然杀了许多人,但终究没有屠城,这威慑力不够,要让那些人畏惧,实在不够格。 Develops finally, cannot do well to turn into the people not to fear, did to by dead fearing it. 发展到最后,搞不好就变成民不畏死,奈何以死惧之了。 Kills the light......’ ‘杀得光的……’ At this time, the State Chancellor beforehand words, as if reverberated near the ear, making Tang Xun ice-cold hit to startle. 这时候,丞相之前的话语,似乎又回荡在耳边,令汤汛冰冷冷地打了个激灵。 ...... …… operate level first year. 开平元年。 In October/ten months. 十月。 Qu Residence. 大曲府。 This was also the Xuzhou last mansion. 这也是徐州最后一个府了。 In this year, Xuzhou fights continuously, Prefectural Seat counties pledge to fight to the death do not fall, Liang Army with does not hit the south wall fool not then to be the same, gnaw hardly. 这一年来,徐州大战连绵,一座座府城县城誓死不降,梁军也就跟不撞南墙不回头的傻子一样,一座座硬啃。 The siege warfare casualty is extremely each time frigid, and after broken city, must have the street fighting. 每次攻城战死伤都极其惨烈,并且破城之后必有巷战。 By the present, Liang Army in the reputation of Xuzhou, already with malicious ghost not different. 到了如今,梁军在徐州的名声,已经跟恶鬼无异了。 But Tang Xun actually felt the subtle change. 汤汛却感受到了一点微妙的变化。 That is, the person is not the machine, the will cannot explode after all infinitely plants. 那就是,人毕竟不是机器,意志也不能无限爆种。 After crossing some threshold value, the following city became hit well. 当过了某个阈值之后,接下来的城池又变得好打了起来。 Naturally, most essential, State Chancellor supplemented again and again, 40,000 armies project on the present, unexpectedly turned into 80,000 people! 当然,最关键的,还是丞相连连补充,四万陆军打到现在,居然变成了八万人! 80,000 armies siege white spirit Prefectural Seat all round, can see faintly the above soldiers are clamoring frightened,...... 八万大军将大曲府城团团围困,可以隐隐看到上面的士卒都在喧哗、恐惧…… After all Liang Army broken with the city, killing is extremely miserable, especially most liked extinguishing the wealthy and powerful family tyrants whole families, becomes famous. 毕竟梁军遇城就破,杀伤极惨,特别是最喜欢灭了大户豪强满门,也是出了名的。 Is opposite with it, the common people of almost does not have any property fields, have tasted, even anticipated secretly Liang Army breaks through Prefectural Seat, after all they also has nothing to lose, but thing that the oral commitment deceived people, in front of the actual sword and spear, is extremely really frail...... 与之相反的,几乎没有什么财产田亩的百姓,已经回过味来,甚至暗暗期待梁军攻破府城,毕竟他们也没什么好失去的了,而口头承诺等骗人的东西,在实际的刀枪面前,实在太过脆弱…… Long gold/metal Si was burnt down by even the mountains together, empty letter/believed the monk dead in battle...... the plum blossom scholar to escape......” “长金寺被连山一起烧掉,虚信和尚战死……梅花居士逃了……” Above the city wall, is end of hills and rivers stretch/open Haoran is looking below army, cannot bear the tears tears crossflow: Why under this day, always the military person runs amuck, couldn't find the enlightened ruler?” 城墙之上,已是山穷水尽的张浩然望着下方大军,忍不住涕泪横流:“为何这天下,总是武夫横行,偏偏找不到明主呢?” 7017 k 7017k
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