TOTM :: Volume #9

#855: Cuts down slow( 12000 make up)

Great Song has extinguished, is unorthodox. 大松已灭,再非正统。 Southern naturally changes the Yuan, is drawn up by State Chancellor personally, for operate level first year! 南方自然改元,由丞相亲自拟定,是为开平元年! Xuzhou. 徐州。 A temple. 一处寺庙。 Sees empty has believed the Grandmaster!” “见过虚信大师!” The profound scholars open overwhelming hold their palms together, salutes upon meeting with Old Monk. 大儒张浩然双手合十,与一位老僧见礼。 The side Daoist, is also making the tea under a plum blossom, is quite content with one's lot. 旁边还有一位道人,正在一株梅花下煮茶,颇为自得其乐。 Amitabha...... the donor goes to the southern lobby, the old buddhist monk chanted sutras to pray for the donor day and night, was good blesses because of the buddhist god, safely return!” “阿弥陀佛……施主前往南方游说,老衲日夜为施主诵经祈福,好在梵神保佑,安然归来!” Empty letter/believes on the Grandmaster face just like shining the mercy ray, has the color of bemoaning the state of the universe, suddenly flows two lines of tears. 虚信大师脸上宛若放着慈悲的光芒,带着悲天悯人之色,忽然流淌出两行泪水。 Why does monk you sob?” “和尚你为何哭泣?” Nearby Daoist laughs suddenly. 旁边的道人忽然大笑。 Plum blossom scholar, the old buddhist monk is not a surname cries, but cries...... Liang King for the world and Void Spirit scholar acts willfully, world common people why bother? The chaos must continue for many years, the plunging the people into disaster...... Amitabha......” “梅花居士,老衲非为一家一姓而哭,而为天下而哭……梁王虚灵居士一意孤行,天下百姓何苦?大乱必延续多年,生灵涂炭……阿弥陀佛……” The plum blossom scholar also looks dignified: Great Liang by the civil service entrance examination generation of imperial civil service examination, did not read the four books and five classics, this was digs the foundation of Confucian code...... to levy the business tax, hehe, your I knew, civilian where had the qualification to do business? Also is not the landlord is in the majority...... the final religious tax, is more unthinkable, always be only the king monarch sovereign donates to my Buddhist Way, where has collects taxes in turn? Has not given the Buddhist monks and Daoist priests the tax-free power...... this is suppresses the buddhist to say two intentionally!” 梅花居士也神情凝重:“大梁考公代科举,不读四书五经,此乃掘名教之根基……又开征商税,呵呵,你我都知,小民哪有本钱经商?还不是地主居多……最后宗教税,更匪夷所思,历来只有国主向我佛道捐赠,哪有反过来收税的?还不给僧道免税之权……这是故意打压梵道两家啊!” Liang King levies the religious tax, already, in the south starts the pilot, it is said provoked many resistances. 梁王开征宗教税,已经在南方开始试点,据说激起了不少反抗。 But Void Spirit Master State Chancellor does not have to yield in this point slightly, reclaims the temple Daoist temple privilege directly, has slightly from does not cut down the mountain ruined temple. 虚灵子丞相在这一点上没有丝毫让步,直接收回寺庙道观特权,稍有不从就伐山破庙。 The name of Supreme Dao soldier and Supreme Divine Thunder, in the southern religious circle, has been able to stop the young child morbid night crying! 太上道兵与太上神雷之名,在南方宗教界中,已经可以止小儿夜啼! Originally the Great Song destruction, Great Liang inherits the destiny, is the general trend......, but everything depends on human effort...... Liang King and Void Spirit Master perverse actions, the world nine tripods ownership still has the variable!” “本来大松覆灭,大粱承继天命,是大势所趋……但事在人为……梁王虚灵子如此倒行逆施,天下九鼎归属犹有变数!” stretch/open Haoran said. 张浩然道。 „? Will the idea settle?” The plum blossom scholar asked. “哦?计将安出?”梅花居士笑问。 Now south, although decides, the north also has several flood dragon, compared with Rusong toward Kang king......” overwhelming say/way: „When old man leaves obtains the news, after beginning of the spring, Void Spirit Master will lead the army to attack Xuzhou!” “如今南方虽定,北方却还有几条蛟龙,比如松朝康王……”张浩然道:“老夫离开之时已经得到消息,开春后虚灵子将率大军攻伐徐州!” Liang King is not really willing to be peaceful, has started to prepare the Northern Expedition?” The plum blossom scholar muttered. 梁王果然不愿偏安,已经开始准备北伐了么?”梅花居士喃喃自语。 Void Spirit Master extremely underestimated me to wait, if he were receptive to admonition modestly, I and others naturally greeted with food and drink, to welcome king master......, but this time, should make Void Spirit Master experience my writer character.” 虚灵子还是太过小看我等了,若他虚心纳谏,我等自然箪食壶浆,以迎王师……但此时么,也是该让虚灵子见识一下我文人风骨了。” Opens overwhelming said lightly: Xuzhou, although is small, six government offices, a city hits, how many people can die?” 张浩然淡淡道:“徐州虽小,也有六府,一城城打过来,得死多少人?” In the ancient times the defense far ratio attacked a city simply, requested to the garrison troops also lowly. 古代守城远比攻城简单,对守军要求也低。 So long as resists the will to be firm enough, can definitely bring huge killing to the attacking a city side! 只要抵抗意志足够坚决,完全可以给攻城方带来巨大杀伤! But Zhang Family is the millennium aristocratic families, although seems like the poetry book to hand down from generation to generation, in fact is complicate in the relations of government, Xuzhou as its supreme headquarters, the influence is the aspects, deep-rooted. 张家乃千年世家,虽然看似诗书传家,实际上在官场的关系盘根错节,徐州作为其大本营,影响力更是方方面面,根深蒂固。 Amitabha...... my buddhist gate is not willing to see the fiendish person to be in power, may summon that Zenshin and monk help one another......” “阿弥陀佛……我梵门也不愿见魔王得势,可号召善信与武僧相助……” Empty letter/believes the Grandmaster to hold their palms together. 虚信大师双手合十。 Such being the case, we may also join......” plum blossom Daoist to fold a plum, suddenly smiled: If the city perseveres, how many days when must consume Liang King and soldiers? This delays for 45 years, died 100,000 people, dragon qi also folded...... when the time comes north unification, the south opportunity was small, since the ancient times, south north drafted easy, north south cut down difficult!” “既然如此,我方也可加入……”梅花道人折了一支梅,忽然笑了:“若是城城坚守,要消耗梁王多少天时与兵卒?这耽搁四五年,死上十万人,龙气也就折了……到时候北方一统,南方机会就小,自古以来,以北征南易,以南伐北难!” Our Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism joint effort, made beam dragon qi booklet, calculates that he took the consequences for own actions!” “我们三教合力,令梁龙气折,也算他自作自受了!” ...... …… The spring breeze, the river water is slowly torrential. 春风徐徐,江水滔滔。 white dragon du. 白龙渡。 Naval forces approach shore slowly, teams of soldiers opened. 一支水师缓缓靠岸,一队队兵卒开了下来。 Little Yu also jumps down the ship, is delimiting the water in the riverside with the claw, as to seize the fish to play. 小玉也跳下船,在河边用爪子划着水,似乎想要捉鱼玩。 State Chancellor, we have entered in Xuzhou, the present is the double Washington boundary. The front was the gate district...... double Governor magnificence has long known us to arrive, it is said hosted the banquet, speaking must surrender, then suddenly turned hostile, kills had to fall intent, this was must resist firmly.” 丞相,我们已入徐州境内,如今算是双华府地界。前方是和门县……双华知府早已知道我们到来,据说设了酒宴,言说要投降,然后突然变脸,杀了有降意者,这是要坚决抵抗到底了。” Tang Xun hears the sentry post to search to report, whole face sad color: Now and gate district has declared martial law, with the giant stone dying of suffocation city gate, it seems like must cling to tenaciously firmly! The county magistrates killed including oneself wives and children, said that must be utterly loyal...... this also to obtain in the city for Great Song Imperial Court the wealthy and powerful family and buddhist says the applause, disburses money the person!” 汤汛听到哨探禀告,满脸忧愁之色:“如今和门县已经戒严,用巨石堵死城门,看来是要坚决死守!县令连自己妻子与儿女都杀了,说要为大松朝廷尽忠……这也得到城中大户与梵道赞许,纷纷出钱出人!” He is a great general, knows the world situation: If later each city is so, how many people we do want dead? Also will delay the going north good opportunity!” 他是大将,更知道天下形势:“若之后每城都是如此,我方要死多少人?还会耽误了北上良机!” „Did Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism collaborate? This actually normal...... who made me offend three?” “三教联手了?这倒是正常……谁让我将三家都得罪了呢?” Aaron shrugs the arm, does not care smiles: „The student revolts, three years inadequate...... want to resist our military in a hurry, really had a dream! Passes on my military order, first adjusts ten thousand Liujia Almighty Soldiers, along with me attacks a city!” 亚伦耸了耸肩膀,不在意地一笑:“不过书生造反,三年不成……仓促之间就想抵挡我军,实在是做梦了!传我军令,先调一万六甲神兵,随我攻城!” ...... …… With gate district. 和门县。 The county magistrates stand above the city wall, is looking under dense military formation. 县令站在城墙之上,望着下方黑压压的军阵 Although has to die the consciousness, but is looking at this imposing military power, still the mind vacillated. 虽然早已有必死之觉悟,但望着这凛然军势,仍旧不由心神动摇。 śarīra, all things of visible form and substance are empty, spatial is the color......” 舍利子,色即是空,空即是色……” Side him, several temples blow up high, bald, the monk who ignites the scar, practicing martial arts must the diet supplements, these monks look drinks to eat the meat frequently the goods. 在他身边,还有几位太阳穴高高鼓起,光头,点着结疤的武僧,练武必须补充营养,这些武僧一看就是经常喝酒吃肉的货色。 At this time in the surface is not not happily sad, is reading aloud the scrip­tures. 此时面上无悲无喜,正在念诵经文。 The will of the people are instable! 人心易变! Saw that the Liang Army potential is big, how even if Zhang Family and Buddhist Way mislead again, some people are really not necessarily willing to bring death. 看到梁军势大,哪怕张家佛道再怎么蛊惑,也未必有人真的愿意送死。 This monk soldier was very essential. 这一支僧兵就很关键了。 Grandmaster...... supervision city garrison, depended on you.” “大师……监督城防,就靠你们了。” The county magistrates are clenching teeth to say. 县令咬着牙道。 Amitabha, I and others must make Liang King know, after Buddha also has the look of wrath...... this war, I and others were reborn in paradise to be happy, beam/sorghum Bingyong falling avici.” “阿弥陀佛,我等必让梁王知晓,佛也有金刚怒目……此战之后,我等往生极乐,粱兵永坠阿鼻地狱。” The monk soldier chieftain holds their palms together, tall declares Buddha. 僧兵头目双手合十,高宣一声佛号。 At once, hears the battle drum to strike the sound wildly, the acoustic shock four! 旋即,就听见战鼓擂响,声震四野! Attacks a city!” “攻城!” Aaron looks that Liujia Almighty Soldiers carries the shield, to lift the scaling ladder, charges into the city wall. 亚伦看着一波波六甲神兵扛着盾牌、抬着云梯,冲向城墙。 But above the city wall, the arrow arrow falls like the raindrop generally. 但城墙之上,箭矢如同雨点一般落下。 Boiling hot gold/metal juice, giant stone and rolling logs...... 还有滚烫的金汁、巨石、滚木…… Bang! 砰! Liujia Almighty Soldiers was fallen center the stone the head, the bloody water scatters. 一名六甲神兵被落石正中脑袋,血水四溅。 Bloody water on nearby Liujia Almighty Soldiers face does not cancel, grasped the shield of death fellow officer directly, marched forward forward ! 旁边的一名六甲神兵连脸上的血水都不抹去,直接抓起死亡同袍的盾牌,继续向前、向前! Long time heard that Liang soldier fierce does not fear, thinks that exaggerating...... does not think to see today, if so!” “久闻梁兵悍不畏死,以为夸大……不想今日一见,果真如此!” Sees only Liang soldier to well up, dies to fight does not draw back, the ordinary soldiers above city gate frighten the both legs to tremble. 只见梁兵一波波涌上,死战不退,城门之上的普通士卒都吓得双腿发抖。 The county magistrate perspiration leaves like the thick liquid. 县令不由汗出如浆。 If no monk soldier to act as the combat enforcing detachment, this war danger! 如果不是有僧兵充当督战队,此战危矣! But at this time, even if the monk soldier of firm belief buddhist god, noticed that this hands and feet is also actually trembling secretly. 而这时,纵然坚定信仰梵神的僧兵,看到这一幕其实手脚也在暗自发抖。 Fiendish person is born, has the energy of such poisoning people's minds!” “魔王降世,才有此等蛊惑人心之能!” The monk soldier chieftain shouted angrily loudly, made the roar shape: I and other bodhisattvas, the knot bends down demon diamond great formation!” 僧兵头目大声怒喝,作狮子吼状:“我等佛子,结伏魔金刚大阵!” Suddenly, first Liang soldier had crawled along the scaling ladder, few under was hit. 突然,第一个梁兵已经沿着云梯爬了上来,没有几下就被重新打了下去。 But in him behind, soldiers continuously, just like ant...... 但在他身后,士卒源源不断,宛若蚂蚁…… 7017 k 7017k
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