TOTM :: Volume #9

#854: The profound scholars throw

Jinshi City. 金石城 The city gate opens wide. 城门洞开。 Two rows of government officials kneel in the roadside, takes the lead to hold the great seal, crawls forward on one's knees goes forward: Crime feudal official forest even, welcomed king Shiru the city!” 两排官吏跪在路边,带头一个捧着大印,膝行上前:“罪臣林平,恭迎王师入城!” Aaron goes forward, accepted the imperial seal on behalf of Liang King, subsequently ordered the army to enter the city. 亚伦上前,代表梁王接受了印玺,继而就下令大军入城。 State Chancellor?” 丞相?” Tang Xun reminded one, in the ancient times offered the city often to cheat, for example first deceived into the city, then cut off the enemy's retreat and annihilated them. 汤汛提醒一声,古代献城往往有诈,比如先骗入城中,再关门打狗。 No need, I believe that this city official understands what has to be done very much.” “不必,我相信这城官员很识时务。” Aaron laughs, rides white tiger to push to the front, captures many attention. 亚伦哈哈一笑,骑着白虎一马当先,吸引来诸多目光。 Common people who kneel in the roadside massively even if again how ignorant and inexperienced, listens to ride the tiger Daoist, the prestige of tiger strength immortal, is on the rise at this time secretly, felt that has Divine Immortal to arrive, becomes more reverent. 大量跪在路边的百姓哪怕再怎么孤陋寡闻,也听过骑虎道人,虎力大仙的威名,此时偷偷抬头,都感觉有神仙到来,不由变得更加虔诚。 Is angry to count to deposit? I specifically do not aim in vain offer the city to divine according to the diagrams.’ ‘有气数点入账?不枉我专门针对献城算了一卦。’ Aaron is looking at the Jinshi City head, saw only the original Great Song flag to fall, exchanged brand-new beam royal flag, smiled, said to Tang Xun: „The Jiang Provincial Seat city is hard for the center, this Jinshi City is actually good, can migrates...... you not to need to manage this matter the Liang King palace and government office, I give you 50,000 people, can have the confidence to quell the south?” 亚伦望着金石城头,只见原本的大松旗帜落下,换上了全新的梁王旗,不由就是一笑,对身边的汤汛道:“江州府城难以为中枢,这金石城倒是不错,可以将梁王宫与官署迁移过来了……不过你不必管这事,我给你五万人,可有信心荡平南方?” Although this surrender, Aaron has also examined the appearance destiny in secret, discovers many talents. 虽然这次受降,亚伦也暗中查看过面相气数,发现不少人才。 For example Si Yunming, Zheng side wait/etc, but excels at the water battle, is the general's talent in naval forces. 比如司允明、郑方等等,不过更加擅长水战,是水师方面的将才。 Let alone, just surrendered, is not suitable makes good use. 更何况,刚刚投降,不宜重用。 The words that removes, the Aaron first series soldier great general candidate, simply has not actually resulted in elects...... 排除掉的话,亚伦首先的统兵大将人选,其实根本没得选…… Asked State Chancellor to feel relieved, now the southern government offices, must be possible to transmit a call to arms to decide!” “请丞相放心,如今南方各府,必可传檄而定!” Tang Xun great happiness, this is the military exploit that gives in vain! 汤汛大喜,这是白送的军功啊! ...... …… Taiping 5. 太平五年。 In October/ten months. 十月。 The weather is cold gradually, a huge motorcade, went slowly into Jinshi City, is raising the dragon flag impressively. 天气渐寒,一支庞大的车队,缓缓行驶入了金石城,赫然打着龙旗。 This was Liang King to! 这是梁王到了! Carriages and horses like dragon, guard such as scale crowding around. 车马如龙,侍卫如鳞簇拥。 Poison Dragon Master is riding a small donkey, follows swayingly behind the team, is stroking the beard, in the heart is really self-satisfied. 毒龙子骑着匹小毛驴,晃晃悠悠地跟在队伍后面,捋着胡须,心中甚是得意。 Always holds the imperial court, relaxed, when took Old Daoist as first...... flying of ephemeral fly is about five steps, a dynasty rode the wind, can actually soar ten thousand li (0.5 km)...... this is the good wind by the strength!” “历来扶龙庭,轻松当以老道为第一了……蜉蝣之飞不过五步,一朝乘风而起,却能腾空万里……这是好风凭借力啊!” Now Liang King enters Jinshi, Tang Xun even push, the half of the country has resulted, Black Turtle Lake dragon qi that even if that Sublime Wisdom Way harbors intentions, by us obtained, quick quick......” “如今梁王金石,汤汛一路平推,半壁江山已得,纵然那崇明道心心念念的玄武湖龙气,也被我方所得,快哉快哉……” Thought in the past the enmity of Way Heritage almost destruction, in the Poison Dragon Master heart carefree. 想到当年道统几乎覆灭之仇,毒龙子心中只有畅快。 Suddenly in the sky the flat land removes mines, seems dragon cry, has a scare Poison Dragon Master. 突然天空中平地起雷,似有一声龙吟,将毒龙子吓了一跳。 His whole body shakes, knows that is Liang King enters Jinshi, caused the secret change, narrows the eye in secret, revolution dao method. 他全身一抖,知道是梁王金石,引起了天机变化,不由暗中眯起眼睛,运转道法 The world is dim suddenly, the next quarter, he noticed that the scarlet red pillar shoots up to the sky together. 天地蓦然昏暗,下一刻,他就看到一道赤红色的柱子冲天而起。 A black back carp patrols, as if grew up. 一条黑背鲤鱼在其中游弋,似乎长大了些。 But...... silk threads the air/Qi of blue and purple diverges by the lake in purple Qing Shan and Black Turtle Lake direction, the shape such as dragon Gui, comes to Jinshi, resembling to with it coinciding. 而在紫青山玄武湖方向……丝丝缕缕的青紫之气由湖泊之中发散,形如龙龟,向金石而来,似要与之相合。 This is Jinshi royal qi! 这是金石王气 The book has cloud —— Jinshi royal qi trillion in Xiandai, the yellow flag purple lid, this southeast, rules Wanbang! 相书有云——金石王气兆于先代,黄旗紫盖,本出东南,君临万邦! At this time Liang King enters the city, is fine this dragon qi, genuine foundation wing entirely foot/enough! 此时梁王入城,正是要得这一股龙气,真正根基羽翼俱足! Bang! 轰隆! In the meantime, the mutation lives suddenly! 就在此时,异变突生! Vault of heaven suddenly one dark, that Black Turtle Lake dragon qi does not know passed over gently and swiftly together by what, suddenly lost 99% dragon qi, is only left over two gold/metal air/Qi, submerges in the carp. 天穹蓦然一暗,那一道玄武湖龙气不知被何物掠过,蓦然失去了90%九的龙气,只剩下两道金气,没入鲤鱼之中。 The black back carp this, grew two golden dragon whisker, then did not have then...... 黑背鲤鱼得此,长出了两条金色的龙须,然后就没有然后了…… Results in the half of the country, the carp, the world had not had as before old times!” “得半壁江山,依旧还是鲤鱼相,自古天下未之有也!” Poison Dragon Master complained secretly, but we may I ask, we do not dare to say. 毒龙子暗自吐槽,但咱也不敢问,咱也不敢说。 While opportunity that this time secret changes, looks to the north, suddenly is a palpitation, a nose heat, flows out the blood. 趁着此时天机变化的机会,又看向北方,忽然就是一阵心悸,鼻子一热,流出血来。 Poison Dragon Master scratched with the sleeve secretly, discovered that the motorcade had arrived at the Liang King palace, but before all, as if were only the illusions. 毒龙子暗自用袖子擦了,才发现车队已经到了梁王宫,而之前一切,似乎只是自己幻觉。 Only can sigh secretly: Northern Jin King flood dragon, only misses one step to become True Dragon, this heaven's favoured was how thick!” 只能暗自叹息一声:“北方金王蛟龙,只差一步就要成真龙矣,这天眷何其厚也!” ...... …… North. 北方。 National capital. 京师。 The national capital city wall is the first under heaven, five big arsenals and four big granaries, it is said the grains and weapon of stack are countless, 200,000 imperial guards...... 京师城墙为天下第一,有五大武库、四大粮仓,据说其中堆砌的粮秣与军械数之不尽,还有二十万禁军…… Although elite most probably not in the south, causing national capital almost each family to wear mourning clothes, but good and evil also 200,000 professional soldiers, even if again how spiritless, defends a city. 虽然其中精锐大半没于南方,导致京师几乎家家戴孝,但好歹还有二十万职业兵,哪怕再怎么懦弱,守城还是可以的。 But registered permanent address 1 million, even if five households pull out a Ding, can have 200,000 recruits again! 而户口百万,哪怕五户抽一丁,也能再出二十万壮丁! Facing so tall wall big city, even if Jin King also said that projects on the national capital, but had not said that must break the city! 面对如此高墙大城,纵然金王也只是说打到京师去,但并未说要破城! He planned, but bluffs and blusters near the national capital, grabs again wantonly, enough...... 他原本打算,只是在京师附近耀武扬威一番,再大肆劫掠,也就够了…… Has not actually thought that as if in national capital, favorable turn? 却没有想到,似乎京师之中,还有转机? Imperial palace. 皇宫。 First the emperor three gives a thought to of a Sima Zhong lives wears the scarlet Bai He robe, wears black Chimao, walks like the wind. 先帝三顾命之一的司马忠身穿大红白鹤袍,头戴乌翅帽,行走如风。 Prime minister hold your steps!” “宰相留步!” A middle-aged civil official pursued hurriedly: Prime minister and kind teacher......” 身后,一个中年文官急匆匆追了出来:“宰相、恩师……” This is censor in Zhan, knows the soldier matter, is advanced scholar that Sima Zhong takes personally, has the graciousness of supervising examiner. 这是御史于盏,知兵事,也是司马忠亲手取的进士,有座师之恩。 „Will you have puzzled to towards?” “你可是对朝会有所不解?” Sima Zhong opens the mouth to say. 司马忠开口道。 „...... The present foreigner wreaks havoc, can the main action, why the kind teacher advocate peace unexpectedly?” “正是……如今胡人肆虐,应当主战啊,为何恩师竟然主和?” in Zhan does obeisance again, said: Foreigner natural disposition is deceitful, before incredible......, then can tear up the treaty of alliance......” 于盏再拜,说道:“胡人生性狡诈,不可信……之前便能撕毁盟约……” This I completely have known.” Sima Zhong beckons with the hand with something else in mind: But the foreigner only excels at plain horse battle, possibly broke this first under heaven city? Since cannot break the city, that is the illness/quick of mange, if a strength main action, lets the military commander high-rank, is the serious hidden trouble! Let alone...... Li main action!” “这我早已尽知。”司马忠不以为然地摆摆手:“但胡人只擅长平原马战,可能破了这天下第一城?既然不能破城,那便是疥癣之疾,若一力主战,让武将上位,才是心腹大患!更何况……李相主战!” in Zhan is immediately in-situ. 于盏顿时楞在原地。 Li, another Minister Gu life/command, if no this person, kind teacher already authority Qing government and people. 李相,另外一位顾命大臣,若无此人,恩师早就权倾朝野了。 South false beam rises, north metal statue for chaotic, quick perishing country, but also does the factional strife?” “南方伪梁崛起,北方金人为乱,都快亡国了,还搞党争?” Stops up in these words in the throat mouth, actually can only bear forcefully, looks at the kind teacher to leave, in heart mirthless smile: Not only that...... foreigner, even if won the world, do not use our civil officials? Is this main?’ 于盏这句话堵在喉咙口,却只能硬生生忍住,看着恩师离开,心中惨笑一声:‘不仅如此……胡人哪怕得了天下,不还是要用我们文官?这才是主要吧?’ Is an official so many years, a lot he completely understood, saw through. 当了官这么多年,很多事情他都看透了,看开了。 Today so, is the doggedly sincere is difficult to be cool! 今日如此,还是一腔热血难凉啊! Does, under this Imperial Court, more works, does the practical work, is desperate...... 奈何,在此种朝廷之下,越是做事,做实事,越是绝望…… ...... …… Taiping 6, in January/one month. 太平六年,一月。 Jinshi City. 金石城 Liang King is in charge of Jinshi, all takes the south, in the new year the new look, issued immediately law —— the imperial civil service examination, is popular civil service entrance examination, each region establishes the officer study and military academy, encourages personal to teach the say/way of science, and in addition collects the religious tax and business tax, to spread Ding Rumu, officials and gentry body accept Liang and others...... 梁王入主金石,全取南方,新年新气象,当即就发布法令——罢科举,兴考公,各地设官学、军校,鼓励私人讲授科学之道,并加收宗教税、商税、摊丁入亩、官绅一体纳粮等…… , A Jiangnan piece complains this token/order! 此令一出,江南一片怨声载道! The innumerable scholars blamed Liang King and State Chancellor perverse actions! 无数士子责备梁王丞相倒行逆施! Does to Aaron only to work as the yelp! 奈何亚伦只当狗吠! Regarding sorrow Ti of defeat dog, he is disinclined to be out personally the murder, only waits for the big decision to carry out, the family county magistrate and extermination governor-general teaches them to turn over a new leaf. 对于败犬的哀啼,他都懒得亲自下场杀人,只等大政推行,破家县令、灭门府尹教他们重新做人。 Troubled, the year has wanted. 纷纷扰扰中,年还是要过。 Jinshi City main street and small alley are decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, some roadside snows. 金石城大街小巷张灯结彩,路边有些积雪。 But at this time, a carriage that is binding the thick wool blanket, then drives into the city slowly. 而此时,一辆裹着厚厚毛毯的马车,则是缓缓驶入城内。 Jinshi City really has royal qi!” 金石城果然有王气!” The car(riage) curtain opens, appears a young Daoist, impressively is child of Zhang Zifeng Provincial Governor! 车帘打开,现出一位年轻的道人,赫然是节度使之子张子枫 Non- also...... this city because of Liang King, but has royal qi, first has the person, is angry, otherwise all are the empty talk!” “非也……此城因梁王在,而有王气,先有人,而后才有气,否则一切都是空谈!” In carriage, but also sits an old Confucian, the beard and hair is pure white, pupil light actually mild gentle, like newborn baby. 在马车之中,还坐着一位老儒,须发洁白,眸光却温润柔和,如同赤子。 Overwhelming mister said is.” “浩然先生说得是。” Zhang Zifeng sighed, saying: In the new year Liang King reviewing troops Black Turtle Lake, will be loose toward the naval forces reorganizes, has the large ship 500, the mast stands in great numbers, the flags block out the sun...... State Chancellor Void Spirit Master to compose a poem at the scene —— 500 large ship 100,000 soldiers, climbs up to read martial Zhenyun to live. Decides the knowledge to fight the ship horizontal melon step, should have the army tooth to support the stone wall. In the lake autumn sky string and woodwind instruments, the river wave drum military drum sound...... present Liang Army amphibious all has, this has royal qi greatly! But north, oh......” 张子枫叹息一声,说着:“新年梁王阅兵玄武湖,将松朝水师整编,有楼船五百,桅樯林立,旌旗蔽日……丞相虚灵子当场赋诗一首——五百楼船十万兵,登高阅武阵云生。定知战艇横瓜步,应有军牙拥石城。湖上秋空丝竹支,江头潮涌鼓鼙声……如今梁军水陆皆有,这就大有王气!而北方,唉……” Thinks of the northern national capital pitiful condition, even if the Zhang Zifeng also heart has the intimacy. 想到北方京师惨状,纵然张子枫也不由心有戚戚。 Last year Jin King intimidated the national capital, the Imperial Court vip's brass to discuss finally, unexpectedly the peace negotiation! 去岁金王威逼京师,朝廷衮衮诸公商议到最后,居然还是议和! Jin King demanded 5.002 million gold and 50.002 million silver coins, as well as ceded territory and other requests, Imperial Court readily agrees unexpectedly. 金王索要五百万两黄金及五千万两银币,以及割地等要求,朝廷竟然一口答应。 The Jin King hypocrisy stops fighting, then when both kings treaty of alliance, kidnapped the government authorities outrageously, demanded the double ransom money! 金王假意罢兵,然后趁着双方君王盟约之时,悍然劫持了官家,索要双倍赎金! Imperial Court cannot draw cash, can only serve as a stopgap by the female, to does not even attend to the sense of honor finally, even official's daughter, even the harem imperial concubine imperial concubine and princesses must send to pay off a debt in labor...... cause the national capital seething popular discontent. 朝廷拿不出钱,只能以女子充数,到最后甚至不顾廉耻,连官员之女,甚至后宫嫔妃、公主都要送去抵债……导致京师民怨沸腾。 Jin King seizes the chance by Government authorities to knock at the door, smoothly broken enters the national capital, breaks through the imperial city, captures the empress, queen mother, many imperial clan king, together with the palace empress, the imperial clan emperor's relatives and minister approximately 3000 people government authorities all! And coerces north is turning over to! 金王趁机以官家叫门,顺利破入京师,攻破皇城,将官家的皇后、太后、诸多宗室王、连同宫廷后妃、宗室贵戚、大臣约三千人尽数俘虏!并裹挟着北归! When the cold winter, the foreigner peeled the imperial robe of government authorities directly, reduces to the common people him, has the minister to exert to submit a written statement, was executed by Jin King directly, the corpse feeds the dog! 时值寒冬,胡人直接剥了官家的龙袍,将他贬为庶人,有大臣奋而上书,直接被金王处死,尸体喂狗! But harem imperial concubine imperial concubine, and even empress princess, then degenerates into the toys all. 而后宫嫔妃,乃至皇后公主,则尽数沦为玩物。 Above, daughter of various minister, imperial clan and harem did not know many. 一路之上,各大臣、宗室、后宫之女死了不知道多少。 Then to the Jin King capital city, the life held to offer the prisoner of war ceremony, entangles the kerchief the government authorities and empress, throws over sheep Qiu, reveals the body, to the Jin King ancestral temple, line pulls sheep ritual. 然后到了金王都城,命举行献俘仪式,将官家与皇后缠帕头,披羊裘,袒露躯体,至金王祖庙,行“牵羊礼”。 Great Song perishes hence! 大松至此灭亡! Such pitiful condition, even if Zhang Zifeng and Imperial Court have a grudge, thought that the heart has does not endure. 此等惨状,纵然张子枫朝廷有仇,都觉得心有不忍。 At this time north is completely the foreigner stench, the overwhelming mister carries looking of within the four seas, indignant goes south, must be able to assist the Liang King enlightened ruler, expels the damned Manchus, brings order out of chaos!” “此时北方尽是胡人腥臭,浩然先生身负海内之望,愤而南下,必能辅佐梁王明主,驱逐鞑虏,拨乱反正!” Zhang Zifeng said. 张子枫道。 This overwhelming mister is not common, family background from Xuzhou Zhang Family. 这位浩然先生可不一般,出身自徐州张家 But Zhang Family is the Confucian code leader, once had had the Confucianist sage! Does not fade after the millenniums, is known as the millennium aristocratic families! Matchless! 张家乃是名教魁首,曾出过儒家圣人的!历经千年而不衰,号称千年世家!举世无双! It can be said that every action and every movement of opposite party, are relating the ownership of heart of the world scholars! 可以说,对方的一举一动,都关系着天下士子之心的归属! The opposite party can go south on own initiative, obviously is Great Song cuts off legitimate, returning the thoughts of the world scholars in Nanliang! 对方能主动南下,显然是大松正统断绝,天下士子之心归于南梁! Overwhelming first on the unfamiliar face does not have many happy expression: Old man entered Liang Country, came also completely to look at...... the politics of Liang King to be many State Chancellor, Void Spirit Master was the Taoism honorable person, was not good governs by non-interference, the tasteful imperial authority entered the township on the contrary, its heart mishap...... the conclusion, suppressed the Confucian code only, suppressed the tyrants wealthy and powerful family, making the villain can the high-rank! Gradually, will no longer be a nation! The old men must submit a written statement, invite Liang King and State Chancellor hold the imperial civil service examination, to receive the heart of scholars, tax cut tax, does not compete with the people, so......, then the world thoughts of returning home, all sea admires!” 浩然先生脸上却没有多少喜色:“老夫入了梁国,一路过来也尽看了……梁王之政多出丞相,虚灵子乃道家真人,却不行无为而治,反倒讲究皇权入乡,其心不测……归结而言,不外乎打压名教,抑制豪强大户,令小人得以上位!久而久之,国将不国!老夫要上书,请梁王丞相开科举,以收士子之心,减税赋,不与民争利,如此……则天下归心,四海宾服也!” ...... …… Millennium aristocratic families?” “千年世家?” Aaron flexure scratched the head, threw the article in hand conveniently in the stove burns: „The first previous dynasty had the powerful family, was known as that fourth three Duke, why finally was about several hundred years...... Cao Man you may know?” 亚伦挠了挠头,随手将手中的文章丢在火炉里烧了:“前前朝有门阀,号称四世三公,结果也不过数百年……曹满你可知何故?” I do not know......” “我不知……” Helpless Cao Man said. 曹满无奈道。 Saving of husband tongue, how could it not be by his supple? Perishing of tooth, how could it not be by it just?” Aaron said with a smile: Powerful family influence is known as interstate, participates in the Imperial Court situation, competes for the world, the buckle are also many, dozens years prosperous were Dingtian......, but Zhang Family resided temporarily the Confucian code, but your subgroup not party, was in harmony with the Confucianist destiny faintly, therefore the be continuous millenniums, this was with supple victory just say/way!” “夫舌之存也,岂非以其柔耶?齿之亡也,岂非以其刚耶?”亚伦笑道:“门阀势力号称跨州,参与朝廷大势,争夺天下,折损也多,数十年兴盛便是顶天了……而张家寄身名教,君子群而不党,隐隐合于儒家气数,因此绵延千年,此乃以柔胜刚之道!” Cao Man hit to startle suddenly, feels State Chancellor one murderous aura, said: State Chancellor...... the overwhelming mister has not served as an official, imparts knowledge and educates people for a lifetime, writes books to write a biography, it may be said that has pupils everywhere, cannot easily move it!” 曹满忽然打了个激灵,感受到了丞相的一丝杀气,不由道:“丞相……浩然先生并未做官,一辈子教书育人,著书立传,可谓桃李满天下,不能轻易动之啊!” „...... By one crowd of out of office factions chirp frightens, can our core and wing, have the Confucianist disciple? We are not chaotic, the army is not chaotic, official forest public opinion is the commotion of Black Raven!” “你啊……不要被一群在野派的叽叽喳喳吓到,我们核心与羽翼当中,可有儒家弟子?我们不乱,军队不乱,仕林舆论就不过是乌鸦的聒噪!” Aaron smiles: I do not prepare to kill this person......” 亚伦笑了笑:“不过我并不准备杀此人……” He also said suddenly: This article reaches a high degree of proficiency, the character is also good, being possible be called one generation of famous experts...... is only you looks at this last, is not good, floats while the raft-section in sea —— this has the meaning of enmity faintly, if Imperial Court not, since, he feared that does not want the wandering four seas, but must throw reckless! This must rise Imperial Court to come with this State Chancellor, does to this State Chancellor never to accept the threat!” 他忽然又道:“这文章炉火纯青啊,字也好,堪称一代名家了……只是你看这最后一句,道不行,乘桴浮于海——这隐隐有怨怼之意啊,若朝廷不从,他怕不是要云游四海,而是要投胡!这还要挟起朝廷与本丞相来了,奈何本丞相从来不接受威胁!” Is insufficient?” The Cao Man forehead appears cold sweat. “不至于吧?”曹满额头浮现出一丝冷汗。 Why can't? Actually under reckless Renzhi, they can cross quite well, even was better than before......, probably because the foreigner simply has not been serious the Central Plain, by the prairie convention rule, assigning the subpackage tax area wait/etc...... this was the small-scale feudalism, under this system, landlord, so long as licked the foreigner comfortably, turned in enough taxes, in the domain took responsibility by them, runs amuck illegally, even raised the private soldiers to be good!” “为何不能?其实胡人治下,他们还是能过得相当不错的,甚至比之前更好……盖因胡人根本没将中原当回事,以草原惯例统治,划分包税区等等……这就是小型封建啊,在此制度下,地主只要将胡人舔舒服了,上缴足够的税赋,地盘内就由他们自己做主,横行不法,甚至豢养私兵都行!” Aaron sneers, suddenly also sighed: Actually this person of heart is also but actually sincere, if we really held the imperial civil service examination, even announced that previous dynasty the academic honor approved totally, that is all sea thoughts of returning home, the foreigner is really unpromising, the moment may extinguish, then opens for 300 years newly toward...... simply, smooth.” 亚伦冷笑,忽然又叹息一声:“其实此人之心倒也算诚恳,若我们真的开了科举,甚至宣布前朝功名一概认可,那真的是四海归心,胡人不成气候,须臾可灭,然后再开三百年新朝……简简单单,顺顺利利。” You must ask me, why doesn't take?” Sees the doubts of Cao Man, Aaron smiles: 300 years of Imperial Court, did I strive for can it be that? I must rule the country with the say/way of science, making the Confucian code have a look at them is not studying of only ruling the country!” “那你要问我,为何不取呢?”看出曹满的疑惑,亚伦就笑:“三百年朝廷,岂是我所求?我就要以科学之道治世,让名教看看他们不是唯一的治世之学!” My intent has decided that year later dispatches troops Xuzhou, this is a true war!” “我意已决,年后就发兵徐州,这是一场真正的大战!” Aaron said: Perishes from Great Song, since Tian Street has trod completely the high-ranking court official bone, Xuzhou a confusion, has taken is not slightly the time-comsuming, but the later governance, encounters all resistance inevitably, the matter of refusing payment of taxes feared that will emerge one after another incessantly!” 亚伦道:“自大松灭亡,天街踏尽公卿骨以来,徐州早已一片混乱,拿下不费丝毫功夫,但之后的治理,必然受到各方阻力,抗税之事怕是会层出不穷!” After all Xuzhou is the Zhang Family supreme headquarters, the Confucian code thought is deep-rooted. 毕竟徐州乃是张家大本营,名教思想根深蒂固。 However this State Chancellor also has to acknowledge, the say/way of my remote antiquity science, some disappointment, were still incited by the Confucian code again, unavoidably flustered......” “而本丞相也不得不承认,我太上科学之道,仍旧有些缺憾,再被名教一挑唆,难免人心惶惶……” Therefore?” The heart of Cao Man clutched. “所以?”曹满的心揪了起来。 This State Chancellor is unable to solve the problem, can actually solve to propose that the person of issue, this was then enough.” “本丞相无法解决问题,却可以解决提出问题的人,这便足够了。” Aaron said: „After beginning of the spring, this State Chancellor rate/lead 40,000 infantry, 10,000 naval forces go north...... Tang Xun I to carry off, Zhan Da, Hei’er and various Zhang Tie promotion guerrilla warfare generals, remain behind each region.” 亚伦道:“开春之后,本丞相率四万步军,一万水师北上……汤汛我带走,展大黑二张铁各晋升游击将军,留守各地。” In Cao Man heart one cold, knows that State Chancellor so arranges, is to slaughter! 曹满心中一凛,知道丞相如此布置,是要大开杀戒了! 7017 k 7017k
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