TOTM :: Volume #9

#853: Surrender( 11800 make up)

Taiping 5. 太平五年。 In July. 七月。 Liang Army wins Imperial Court, 5000 broken 500,000, shocking world! 梁军大胜朝廷,五千破五十万,震惊天下! In August, Great Liang State Chancellor Void Spirit Master leads personally 100,000 armies, dispatches troops Jinshi City! 八月,大梁丞相虚灵子亲率十万大军,发兵金石城 The armies meander, enormous and powerful vanguard. 大军逶迤,浩荡前行。 Aaron is riding Little Yu, ten thousand horses withdraw, arrive at the waterfront. 亚伦骑着小玉,万马退避,来到江边。 Also follows several to ride in his side, Tang Xun is one of them impressively. 在他身边还跟着几骑,汤汛赫然在其中。 Jinshi City has the great river natural defenses, the left picks the rocky ledge, situated in the river water, similar island, the loose army builds the fortress and arrow tower...... to control the great river upstream above, easily defensible.” 金石城有大江天险,左边采石矶,位于江水中部,类似一小岛,松军于其上修筑堡垒、箭塔……控扼大江上游,易守难攻。” Tang Xun is pointing at the great river: In the future our military, regardless of wants to cross a river to go north, is consolidated south, excellent naval forces are essential.” 汤汛指着大江:“日后我军不论想渡江北上,还是巩固南方,一支精良水师都必不可少。” Aaron nods. 亚伦不由颔首。 However he also knows the naval forces to be hard to realize for a while, If nothing else, made the lumber of ships unable to be the ordinary lumber, at least needed several years concocting and drying in the shade, otherwise entered water few days to break. 不过他也知晓水师一时难以练成,别的不说,制造舰船的木材就不能是普通木材,至少需要数年的炮制与阴干,否则入水没有几天就要散架。 Perhaps training is hard to be effective, might as well dig the person...... Aaron to laugh from the loose army directly. “训练或许难以奏效,不如直接从松军之中挖人……”亚伦哈哈一笑。 Great Song has the naval forces. 大松可是有水师的。 And now is on the decline, in the situation of everybody feels insecure, rebelling and fleeing is not ignominious. 并且如今日薄西山,人人自危的情况下,叛逃并不可耻。 Even......, even if others are wholeheartedly loyal , after can first kill, changes magically. 甚至……哪怕人家一心忠诚,也可以先杀后点化嘛。 Report!” “报!” Aaron just wants to say anything again, rides on fast the incoming telegram: Picks the rocky ledge garrison commander to surrender!” 亚伦正想再说些什么,一骑就飞快来报:“采石矶守将投诚!” Tang Xun without hesitation, kneels congratulates saying: Congratulated State Chancellor, the Jinshi City gateway opens wide.” 汤汛毫不犹豫,跪地恭喜道:“恭喜丞相,金石城门户洞开了。” Great Song founds a nation for several hundred years, in an instant to the present situation, is pitiful lamentable!” 大松立国数百年,转眼就到了如今地步,也是可悲可叹!” Aaron sighed. 亚伦一叹。 After three days . 三日之后。 Jinshi City. 金石城 Purple Qing Shan. 青山 Kills!” “杀!” Liujia Almighty Soldiers is not aware of fatigue, attacks a high place from below the Great Song army on mountain to defend the stronghold. 一波波六甲神兵不知疲倦,仰攻山上的大松军守寨。 Rolling stone!” “滚石!” Was polished the ball the stone to tumble, grinds road of the flesh. 一颗被打磨成球的石头滚落,碾开一条血肉之路。 Attacks the high place from the low spot, the attack side suffers a loss. 从低处攻打高处,进攻方十分吃亏。 Above casual lane rolling stone wooden blocks or beams brought down on besieging enemy below, can create the mass casualties. 上面随便弄点滚石檑木,就能造成大量杀伤。 However Aaron does not fear the casualty, is orders the Liujia Almighty Soldiers rotation to attack, from dawn to dusk, the non- birth control dies! 不过亚伦根本不怕死伤,就是命令六甲神兵轮换攻击,从早到晚,不计生死! Finally, after dying did not know many people, Liujia Almighty Soldiers is stepping on the body of companion, climbs up knockoff, a blade hacks to death the Great Song soldier who flushed. 终于,在死了不知道多少人之后,一名六甲神兵踩着自己同伴的尸体,爬上山寨,一刀砍死了一名冲过来的大松士兵。 Sees this, these Great Song soldiers collapsed immediately, escapes in abundance backward...... 见到这一幕,那些大松士兵顿时崩溃了,纷纷向后逃去…… ...... …… In September. 九月。 Liang Army encircles Jinshi City officially, cuts off the inside and outside, flustered! 梁军正式合围金石城,断绝内外,人心惶惶! State Chancellor!” 丞相!” When Tang Xun said goodbye Aaron, already in the top of purple Qing Shan. 汤汛再见亚伦之时,已经是在紫青山之顶。 Overlooks from here, can see the Black Turtle Lake beautiful scene, even the street pedestrian and palace error in mansion Jinshi City...... can get a panoramic view. 从这里俯瞰下去,可以见到玄武湖美景,甚至金石城内的街道行人、宫阙豪宅……都能尽收眼底。 When Tang Xun does obeisance next, but can also see on Aaron to hold appreciatively a symbol. 汤汛拜下之时,还能看到亚伦手上正把玩着一符。 This symbol surface has the contamination, cannot see clearly originally the appearance, as if when was buried to be many. 这符表面已经带着污秽,看不清原本模样,似乎被埋藏多时。 Sublime Wisdom Way...... hehe......” 崇明道……呵呵……” Aaron chuckle, the right hand makes an effort slightly, this talisman crumb. 亚伦轻笑一句,右手略微用力,就将这符箓捏碎。 But Tang Xun thinks inexplicably the beforehand Black Turtle Lake nearby Daoist temple was struck by lightning to catch fire, does not have a legend of living witness about the view up and down, in heart greatly cold. 汤汛莫名想到之前玄武湖边上一座道观遭雷劈失火,合观上下无一活口的传说,不由心中大凛。 Tang Xun, you looked, this city tiger secludes dragon Pan, has royal qi greatly.” 汤汛,你看,此城虎踞龙盘,大有王气啊。” Aaron buries the treasure talisman fragment to discard Great Ancestral Master conveniently, is pointing below Jinshi City outline, said with a smile. 亚伦大宗师所埋宝符碎片随手丢弃,指着下方金石城的轮廓,笑道。 Yes, when this city constructs many lays on top of one another by the giant stone, therefore also called Nanking, was very hard to attack......” “是,此城建筑之时多以巨石垒砌,因此又称石头城,十分难以攻打……” Tang Xun told the facts. 汤汛实话实说。 Actually not difficult......” “其实也不难……” Aaron claps. 亚伦拍拍手。 After occupying purple Qing Shan benefits, so long as actually the artillery draws, easily can infiltrate Jinshi City! 占据紫青山地利之后,其实只要将火炮拉上来,轻易便可打入金石城 So gets several rounds, in the city feared that is must surrender immediately! 如此打上几轮,城中怕是立即就要投降! However, he at present also not the idea that the flintlock artillery does, after all oneself Vajra is Indestructible also not achievement. 不过,他目前还没有将火枪火炮搞出来的想法,毕竟自己金刚不坏还未成就呢。 Now does, a little small danger...... 现在就搞出来,有点小危险…… Asked State Chancellor to grant instruction!” “请丞相赐教!” In the Tang Xun heart has regarded the Deity Aaron, immediately asked. 汤汛心中早已将亚伦当成神人了,立即问道。 „Do you cross the Kongming lantern obviously? Other similar names...... in brief, are the manufacture large-scale lanterns, then ties up the satchel charge, invests in the city...... first to frighten running free, then sends people to induce somebody to capitulate.” “你可见过孔明灯?或者其它类似的名字……总而言之,就是制作大型灯笼,然后绑上炸药包,顺风投入城中……先惊吓一番,再派人劝降。” Aaron smiles, some interest is waning tunnels: „If not willing to fall, after that can only the storm...... take over this city, all government officials and even the wealthy people, as well as assist defense, must kill it entirely!” 亚伦笑了笑,有些意兴阑珊地道:“若是不愿降,那就只能强攻了……只是攻下此城之后,所有官吏乃至富户、以及协助守城者,要统统杀之!” This saying to be light, the Tang Xun forehead actually appears cold sweat: End understands, must overcome this city!” 这话平平淡淡,汤汛额头却不由浮现出一丝冷汗:“末将明白,必打下此城!” Although Jinshi is the south strategic place, the population hundreds of thousands, slaughtering the influence are not good. 虽然金石是南方重镇,人口数十万,大开杀戒影响不好。 But military commands are strictly obeyed! 但军令如山! ...... …… Jinshi City. 金石城 The news that since the Imperial Court army is defeated comes, in the city one day three are then startled. 自从朝廷大军失败的消息传来,城中便一日三惊。 After Liang Army surrounds Jinshi City thoroughly, most common people then do not dare to go out to take a walk again, hides in home completely, is waiting for own destiny trembling. 等到梁军彻底包围金石城之后,大部分百姓便不敢再外出走动,全部躲在家中,战战兢兢地等待着自己的命运。 Harnesses!” “驾!” Above the street often has the soldiers to go on patrol, but at this time unexpectedly the white horse has gone through the streets the lane, before arriving at a magnificent mansion . 街道之上不时有兵卒巡逻,而此时居然有一匹白马穿街过巷,来到一处辉煌的府邸前。 On the main entrance inscribed horizontal tablet, writes imperial edict to make Guangyang Hou Residence six large characters. 正门的匾额上,写着‘敕造广阳侯府’六个大字。 Here master, naturally was the Guangyang marquises. 这里的主人,自然是广阳侯了。 The Guangyang marquises are the founding marquis, the ancestor contribute to the meritorious military service, the perpetual hereditary rank, to this generation of Guangyang marquises, is in Jinshi City the top rank powerful official, holds the military power, now in the situation of a group of people without a leader, has to shoulder the Jinshi defense. 广阳侯是开国侯,先祖立有战功,世袭罔替,到了这一代广阳侯,更是金石城顶级权贵,握有兵权,如今群龙无首的情况下,不得不担负起金石防务。 Heir apparent!” “世子!” On the white horse a knight, the male servant of guarding the door saw, immediately goes forward to salute upon meeting. 白马上下来一骑士,看门的家丁见到了,立即上前见礼。 „Can father in?” “父亲可在?” Marquis in the plan of study room thinking repelling the enemy!” “侯爷正在书房思索退敌之策!” Fast speed belt I go!” “速速带我前去!” Guangyang marquis heir apparent forest Le is disinclined to be boisterous with the servant, direct under assigns/life. 广阳侯世子林乐懒得与仆人聒噪,直接下命。 At the same time walking, in the heart is thinking the fishing boat and black Boss that the past years pursued, that fire date, in the heart is also sighing: Human affairs like the chess, who eyes cannot take it all in...... can think in the past in the river seriously together the person, now unexpectedly expensive/noble is Liang King State Chancellor, and led troops to encircle Jinshi City?’ 一边走着,心中想到了当年追逐的渔船与乌老大,还有那一枚火枣,心中也在叹息:‘世事如棋,当真令人目不暇接……谁能想到当年江上一道人,如今居然贵为梁王丞相,并带兵围了金石城呢?’ Study room. 书房。 The forest closed the door happily, is looking at old many fathers, the eye socket one red, knelt on the ground: Son has seen the father marquis.” 林乐关上门,望着自家苍老了许多的父亲,眼眶不由一红,跪在地上:“儿子见过父侯。” Got up...... to go out to fool around?” “起来吧……又出去鬼混了?” Guangyang Hou Linping is looking at the map, as if despairs about this son, does not lift the said/tunnel: Today comes back early...... in the recent city is not but actually peaceful, do not go out to play...... also had, if the city broken, has the arrangement for the father early, you lead mother to escape from the dense say/way......” 广阳侯林平望着地图,似乎对这个儿子已经绝望,头也不抬地道:“今日回来得倒早……最近城中不太平,就不要出去玩了……还有,万一城破,为父早有安排,你带着母亲从密道逃命去吧……” This has had the dead will, simply does not have the slight means regarding Liang Army. 这是已经生出死志,对于梁军根本没有丝毫办法。 Gao Qiu led 500,000 armies to defeat, what to do can he? 高求带着五十万大军都败了,他又能怎么办? Father marquis......” forest happy eye socket one red: Liang Army is well-equipped, the non- birth control dies, the short date and time then overcomes purple Qing Shan, State Chancellor that fearsome...... leads troops really by 5000 broken 500,000, now in the city is having rumor —— Liang Army less than ten thousand, full ten thousand not enemy!” “父侯……”林乐眼眶一红:“粱军装备精良,不计生死,短短时日便打下紫青山,着实可怖……带兵的丞相更以五千破五十万,如今城中正有传言——粱军不满万,满万不可敌!” „Does my family background by the emperor's graciousness, you need to urge me to fall?” The forest even look one becomes gloomy and cold incomparable. “我家世受皇恩,你要劝我降?”林平神色一下变得阴冷无比。 „North this reality is the general trend...... the father marquis has not obtained the information, the metal statue goes south again, with irresistible force, killed the national capital center...... this Great Song to fear that must end!” The forest happy bang bang kowtows: If the Great Song destruction, the father marquis is utterly loyal to whom?” “这实乃大势所趋啊……父侯难道就没有得到北地情报,金人再次南下,势如破竹,都杀到京师腹地了……这大松怕是要完!”林乐砰砰磕头:“若大松覆灭,父侯又是给谁尽忠呢?” Makes me think, making me think......” “让我想想,让我想想……” forest even beckons with the hand, obviously has started hesitant. 林平摆摆手,显然已经开始犹豫。 At this moment, in the city, hears the explosive sound suddenly! 就在这时,城池之中,忽然传来爆炸声! What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” In forest Mr. Le child heart imposing, goes out of outside the mansion, sees a servant servant flurry, in the city various place tumults are faint. 林乐父子心中凛然,走出府外,就见下人仆役一片慌乱,城中各处骚动隐隐。 Report...... Liang Army uses the flying thunder!” “报……梁军用飞雷!” Long time , a cavalry running your letter considers: We think are the heavenly thunders, said the Liang Army has god person to assist, the morale of troops popular sentiment was really the tumult not steady......” 良久后,一个骑兵跑来禀告:“我方以为是天雷,言梁军有神人相助,军心民心甚是骚动不稳……” forest even is startled immediately there, long time latter sighed: How can mortal the enemy number of days? Transmitted orders...... I to fall!” 林平顿时怔在那里,良久后才一叹:“凡人怎么能敌天数?传令下去……我降了!”
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