TOTM :: Volume #9

#852: Breaks a promise( 11600 make up)

North. 北方。 Jin King Wanyan Lie is paying respect to a temple. 金王完颜烈正在参拜一家寺院。 Before and war of southern loose person, made the metal statue fat really a wave, plundered many wealth and population. 之前与南方松人的战争,着实让金人肥了一波,掠夺到不少财富与人口。 Even Jin King can luxurious, coming to the temple also to hope, while convenient is Buddha mold golden body. 甚至金王都可以奢侈一把,来寺庙还愿,顺带为佛陀塑造金身。 Cardinal virtue Dhyāna Master, you said that...... I really can aspire to seize the landscape?” “大德禅师,你说……我真的能问鼎江山么?” Although Wanyan Lie to loosen toward not sparing a glance, but loosen toward huge of area, made him quite shocked. 完颜烈虽然对松朝不屑一顾,但松朝疆域的庞大,还是令他相当震惊的。 That is riding a horse from early morning runs up to the evening, huge area that also cannot run by far. 那是骑着马从清晨跑到晚上,也远远跑不完的庞大疆域。 And, is populous, is very rich and populous. 并且,人口众多,也十分富庶。 Moreover, in the army equips also extremely excellent, although the soldiers fight intent not high...... 不仅如此,军中装备也极其精良,虽然士卒战意不高…… In comparison, the gold/metal population and land were too few. 与之相比,金的人口与土地就太少了。 Amitabha.” “阿弥陀佛。” Cardinal virtue Dhyāna Master benign countenance, in the surface has the color of mercy, holds their palms together: Donor has transporting of bright king, must be able to fight among rivals for the throne, opens one again newly toward!” 大德禅师慈眉善目,面上带着慈悲之色,双手合十:“施主身有明王之运,必能逐鹿中原,再开一新朝!” Finishes speaking, the foreigner flushed: King! Has the urgent military situation!” 话音刚落,就有一个胡人冲了进来:“大王!有紧急军情!” Said!” “说!” Wanyan Lie waves. 完颜烈一挥手。 „The 250,000 armies of loose person, in the south by Liang King State Chancellor by 5000 break...... after this war, Great Song elite completely loses!” “松人的二十五万大军,在南方被梁王丞相以五千破之……此战过后,大松精锐尽丧!” The foreigners are speak unhurriedly and clearly typical. 胡人一字一顿地道。 What?” “什么?” Wanyan Liexian is shocking, at once pulls out the sickle, a blade cut off nearby wooden table, laughs: Really is the day helps me!” 完颜烈先是震惊,旋即抽出弯刀,一刀砍断了旁边一张木桌,哈哈大笑:“真是天助我也!” Fought with Song Gongbao, has the victory and defeat mutually, but also thinks that 400,000 imperial guards have strongly...... have not thought so collapse at the first blow, before this king, was deceived by the loose person! They are the weak pigs!” “原本跟宋公豹交手,互有胜负,还以为那四十万禁军有多强……没想到如此不堪一击,本王之前也被松人骗了!他们就是软弱的猪!” , Also said: So, Song Gongbao actually talent, what a pity......” 顿了顿,又道:“如此看来,宋公豹倒是个人才,可惜了……” If the small Huangshan stronghold is perfect, even if not necessarily cannot fight with the Great Song imperial guard. 若小黄山寨完好无损,哪怕与大松禁军也未必不能争锋。 If this person of outstanding, is willing to work as the dog unexpectedly! 如此人杰,居然甘愿当狗! This is also the Wanyan Lie very inconceivable place. 这也是完颜烈很不可思议的地方。 Transmitted orders...... to call our warriors immediately, goes south again! Goes south!! This time, we must project on the national capital of loose person!” “传令下去……立即召集我们的勇士,再次南下!南下!!这一次,我们要打到松人的京师!” Wanyan Lie loud say/way. 完颜烈大声道。 As for peace treaty? 至于和约? This type of thing signed is not to bring to tear up? 这种东西签订了不就是拿来撕毁的么? King please go, our whole temple Buddhist priest, will pray for the greatly gold/metal sutras.” “大王请去,我们阖寺僧人,都会为大金诵经祈福。” Cardinal virtue Dhyāna Master high sound said. 大德禅师高声道。 In his buddhist eyes, this Jin King destiny huge thriving, this time go south to be able to obtain the unprecedented harvest, even...... occupies half landscape! 在他的梵眼之中,这位金王的气数又有一次巨大的勃发,这次南下必能获得前所未有的收获,甚至……是占据半片江山! ...... …… Lishui County. 溧水县。 One team of soldiers and horses are escorting several people, arrives at this district, suddenly is startled: This......” 一队兵马护送着几人,来到此县,忽然就怔住:“这……” Cao Man rubs the eyes, said to about: „Wasn't State Chancellor had 5000 people?” 曹满揉了揉眼睛,对左右道:“丞相不是只带了五千人么?” Tang Xun is unemotional: Very much so!” 汤汛面无表情:“正是如此!” But at this time, the original imperial guard camp after the conditioning, has hung up beam/sorghum character flag. 但此时,原本的禁军营地经过修整,已经挂起粱字大旗。 Teams of original imperial guards are drilling, even the military uniform has not traded! 一队队原本的禁军正在操练,连军服都没换! But looks sketchily, seems has 100,000 armies simply! 而粗略看去,简直好似有十万大军! This......” “这……” Tang Xun and the others almost think that Gao Qiu still , the following person entered the military compound dizzy, sees right in front of one Aaron: Pays a visit State Chancellor!” 汤汛等人几乎以为高求还在,晕晕乎乎地跟着人进入了军营,面见亚伦:“拜见丞相!” Un. You come just right.” “嗯。你们来得正好。” Aaron grasps the wine glass, has not sat condition partly lies down on the graceful chair, curls upwards a leg saying: Gao Qiu had been ordered to behead by me, but several tens of thousands of imperial guards were moved by our principle of righteousness, is willing to join us on own initiative, this fights, our expansion of armaments 100,000, may celebrate seriously encouraging!” 亚伦手持酒杯,没有丝毫坐态地半躺在帅椅上,翘着一条腿道:“高求已经被我下令斩首,而数万禁军被我方大义所感动,愿意主动加入我方,这一战下来,我方扩军十万,当真可喜可贺!” Congratulates State Chancellor, this is the day helps.” “恭喜丞相,此乃天助啊。” Cao Man congratulated immediately. 曹满立即道喜。 Only had the Tang Xun corners of the mouth to pull pulling, really thinks that the surrendered soldier did transform is so easy? 唯有汤汛嘴角扯了扯,真以为降兵转化那么容易? Let alone, others imperial guard family in national capital! Why to follow you to work oneself to death? 更何况,人家禁军一家老小都在京师啊!凭什么跟着你卖命? After this war, we overawe the southeast truly, end believes, the Wu King five government offices, almost can transmit a call to arms to decide!” “此战过后,我方真正威震东南,末将认为,吴王五府,几乎可以传檄而定!” However, Tang Xun has not asked other, worked as the speaking camp efficiently to be really good, selfish say/way. 不过,汤汛没有问其它,就当宣讲营着实得力好了,自顾自道。 Un, this actually issue!” “嗯,这倒是个问题!” Some Aaron headaches. 亚伦有些头疼。 The turned person are too many, is not a good deed. 投靠的人太多,并不是好事。 Everyone spineless person first knelt, whom does he cut to go? 大家都软骨头地先跪了,他砍谁去? But on own initiative submits to were many, team that he brings on bad mixed with good, is unchaste. 而主动臣服的多了,他带的队伍就泥沙俱下,不纯洁了。 I reiterated here, my Great Liang personnel selected scholars for public office without restraint of style, but the Great Song academic honor, we have really not approved...... want to serve as an official, must start from the petty local official, without the exception...... wanted for the government official, must first through the test, un, called civil service entrance examination ok, with the imperial civil service examination relative.” “我在这里重申一遍,我大梁用人取士不拘一格,但大松的功名,我方还真不认可……想要做官,必从吏员做起,没有例外……而想要为吏,就必须先通过考试,嗯,就叫‘考公’好了,与科举相对。” Before intellectual looked down upon Liang King, after all only then a mansion, did not arrive at the genuine end of hills and rivers intellectual, few will turn. 之前读书人看不起梁王,毕竟只有一府,不到真正山穷水尽的读书人,没有几个会投靠。 But now is different! 但现在就不同了! The discerning people can look, Liang King at least can south unification, even there are the possibility of capturing the entire world. 明眼人都能看出来,梁王至少能一统南方,甚至有夺取整个天下的可能。 Turning should not be too many! 投靠者不要太多! Although attracts lots of old bureaucrats to form the rule immediately, but this type with the behavior of old influence compromise, is not Aaron wants to do. 虽然吸纳大量旧官僚能立即形成统治,但这种与旧势力妥协的行为,不是亚伦想要做的。 civil service entrance examination? State Chancellor this word is good.” 考公丞相这词不错。” Cao Man nods: Doesn't test the four books and five classics and poems and songs?” 曹满点点头:“不考四书五经、诗词歌赋?” Naturally does not test!” “当然不考!” Aaron swept Tang Xun one: Un, in the future may also manage a military academy, selects the grass-roots officer talent.” 亚伦扫了汤汛一眼:“嗯,日后也可办个军校,从中选拔基层军官人才。” When the time comes, the arranged elite unit tests the military academy, covers up some family background origins while convenient. 到时候,就安排精英单位去考军校,顺带也是遮掩一些出身来历。 This is only a board game piece of being prompted by a sudden impulse, are little significance. 这只是心血来潮的一步棋子,并没有多大意义。 However Tang Xun should be imposingly. 不过汤汛还是凛然应是。 Aaron continued: This war both sides casualties are serious, bleed the floating scull, for against big epidemic disease, I have ordered to burn down the both sides corpse all, and supposes the tomb by the sacrificial offering......” 亚伦继续说着:“此战双方死伤惨重,流血漂橹,为防大疫,我已经下令将敌我双方尸首尽数焚烧,并设陵以祭祀……” Why this also to conceal does not have the issues of many corpses. 这也是为了掩饰为啥没多少尸体的问题。 Fired the bone ash in any case, did not believe confirmed! 反正都烧成骨灰了,不信就一个个去确认! Abides by the tomb soldier to send you to the netherworld roll-call personally? 信不信守陵士兵亲自送你去冥土点名? State Chancellor is benevolent.” 丞相仁慈。” Cao Man feeling a heartfelt admiration said/tunnel. 曹满心悦诚服地道。 How this follow-up builds the imperial mausoleum, and matter of sacrificial offering, gives you to manage......” “这后续如何建立陵寝,并且祭祀之事,就交给你主持……” Aaron shot the finger: Great Song takes advantage of somebody to attack me, thinks that we quite do bully? This State Chancellor decides to reply in kind! Immediately dispatches troops, overcomes Jinshi City!” 亚伦弹了弹手指:“大松趁人之危来攻我,以为我们好欺负么?本丞相决定以其人之道还治其人之身!立即出兵,打下金石城!” He from these things, saw the Sublime Wisdom Way shadow indistinctly. 他隐约从这些事情中,看到了崇明道的影子。 But Sublime Wisdom Way also provokes him unexpectedly recklessly, delivered them to start off entirely! 崇明道竟然还不知死活地来招惹他,就统统送他们上路好了! Aaron has even had long known how to cope with Sublime Wisdom Way. 亚伦甚至早就知道如何对付崇明道 So long as overcomes Jinshi City, takes Black Turtle Lake dragon qi, Great Song may escape no other, can only die of suffocation in the north! 只要打下金石城,取走玄武湖龙气,大松就别无可逃,只能被堵死在北方! At the Great Song decayed degree, destruction also only shortly. 大松的腐朽程度,覆灭也只在顷刻。 But Sublime Wisdom Way is really also deep with Great Song dragon qi binding. 崇明道又与大松龙气绑定甚深。 In the event of this aspect, does not need Aaron to begin, the scourge will solve all problems for him! 一旦出现这种局面,都不用亚伦动手,天谴就会为他解决所有问题! Hits Jinshi?” “打金石?” Tang Xun is startled, at once says: „The heaviness of south, crosses Jinshi not......, but was too whether quick, these 100,000 surrendered soldiers, need first to train and renovate one......” 汤汛一怔,旋即道:“南方之重,莫过金石……但是否太快了一些,这十万降兵,都需要先训练、整治一番……” Does not need, my intent to decide.” “不必了,我意已决。” Aaron beckons with the hand. 亚伦摆摆手。 What morale issue can Liujia Almighty Soldiers have? Said that hits to be to hit! 六甲神兵能有什么士气问题?说打就是要打! Even, has 5000 broken 500,000 illustrious prestige, this group of pasts, have not will hit. 甚至,带着五千破五十万的赫赫声威,这一路过去,都未必要打。 Perhaps, is only an armed parade! 说不定,只是一场武装游行呢!
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