TOTM :: Volume #1

#73: A rumor

Secret?” “机密?” And Olivia look at each other one, but makes other followers draw back. 琳与奥莉薇对视一眼,但还是让其它信徒退下。 Very good, before the My Lord altar, under Its gaze, I can say finally......” “很好,在吾主的祭坛之前,在祂的注视之下,我终于可以说了……” Ymir grows the tone: I was very far on Path of the ‘Shadow’, can spy on existences of these path end indistinctly, even if insignificant radiance, intercepts various God whispered...... I once to go all over entire continent, has understood the order religious doctrines. Finally, I draw the conclusion, this world...... will soon destroy!” 伊米尔长出口气:“我在‘影’之道路上走了很远,可以隐约窥探那些道路尽头的存在,哪怕只是一点微不足道的光辉,窃听诸神的低语……我曾走遍整个大陆,领略过一个个教团的教义。最终,我得出结论,这个世界……即将毁灭!” Destruction?” “毁灭?” And Olivia have not revealed startled accommodate, the acceptance of apocalypse human exceeds the imagination. 琳与奥莉薇并未露出惊容,末世人类的接受能力超出想象。 And, they also discovered the indication. 并且,她们也发现了征兆。 I not only know that the world will soon destroy, but also knows why it will destroy...... these to keep aloof, each path end exists......” “我不仅知道世界即将毁灭,还知道为何它会毁灭……那些高高在上,每条道路尽头的存在……” Ymir said by a blurred sound: „, I am not once able to say their names, but after the My Lord baptism, I can...... they say ‘Fate Manager’, the meaning is ‘The Deities Who Rule the Destiny of All Living Things and the World’...... they crazy and chaotic and evil, but Aberration...... they are corroding this world unceasingly, is collecting all destiny!” 伊米尔以一种迷离的声音道:“曾经,我无法说出祂们的名字,但经过吾主的洗礼之后,我可以了……祂们自称‘司命’,意思是‘司掌众生与世界命运的神祇’……祂们疯狂而混乱、邪恶而诡异……祂们正不断侵蚀着这个世界,收束着所有的‘命运’!” When they corrode the world thoroughly, after controlling the destiny, this world, again existence of not free will!” “当祂们彻底侵蚀世界,掌握命运之后,这个世界,将会再无自由意志的存在!” All human, will transform their Favored Kin, in endless crazy moves toward the destruction with the confusion in!” “所有人类,都会转化成祂们的眷族,在无尽的疯狂与混乱中走向毁灭!” ...... …… And Olivia expression is very dignified, as if saw that desperate future. 琳与奥莉薇表情无比凝重,仿佛看到了那个绝望的未来。 Even, the narration of Ymir, with their beforehand discoveries, related one without doubt. 甚至,伊米尔的叙述,无疑与她们之前的发现,联系到了一起。 My path is ‘Shadow’, has the symbol of tiny miracle, I have been seeking for that miracle...... finally, I found.” “我的道路是‘影’,有渺小奇迹的象征,我一直在寻找那一份奇迹……终于,我找到了。” Ymir is staring at the altar, the facial expression is frantic: Can prevent the world to destroy, only has the miracle, but I believe that tiny miracle, exists here, exists here!” 伊米尔盯着祭坛,神情狂热:“能阻止世界毁灭的,唯有奇迹,而我相信,那一份渺小的奇迹,就存在于这里,存在于此处!” ...... …… Fate-Managing God......?” 司命神……么?” Aaron is listening attentively to all these, nods slightly. 亚伦倾听着这一切,略微颔首。 In fact, he also felt. 实际上,他也感觉到了。 Is corroding this world along with these Fate Manager unceasingly, his 【Danger Perception】 is also intensifying unceasingly. 伴随着那些司命不断侵蚀着这个世界,他的【危险感知】也在不断加剧。 Perhaps......, when Fate Managers corroded this world thoroughly, after controlling the destiny, will discover the place of only not harmony, is...... my existence?” “或许……等到司命们彻底侵蚀了这个世界,掌握了命运之后,会发现唯一的不和谐之处,也就是……我的存在?” This guess, made Aaron with a heavy heart immediately. 这个猜测,顿时令亚伦心情沉重。 Is good because, I have the qualification of counter-attack......” “好在,我也不是没有反击的本钱……” He deeply inspires. 他深吸口气。 Initially, the world in a dream 16 years of mysterious energy accumulations, can transform Sun! 当初,梦中世界十六年的神秘能量积累,可以改造太阳! But at this time, in the real world had passed for seven years! 而此时,现实世界中已经过去了七年! Although he 1/3 serves as the action with other consumptions, 1/3 are used to strengthen itself, only then 1/3 stockpile, but was also equivalent had more than two years of accumulation! 虽然他将三分之一用作行动与其它消耗,三分之一用来强化自身,只有三分之一储备下来,但也相当于有了两年多的积累! This skids the world in a dream strength sufficiently! 这是足以撬动梦中世界的力量! Although, is unable to reconstruct Scarlet Sun, matter that but can handle, many......” “虽然,无法再造一个猩红太阳,但能做的事情,还有很多……” The Aaron vision looks to and Olivia. 亚伦的目光望向琳与奥莉薇 These two followers after hearing this big news, can do, as before only then prayed. 这两个信徒在听到这种大消息之后,所能做的,依旧只有祈祷。 After all, in the face of the world destruction, irregular of two 4th Step sections, is nothing radically. 毕竟,在世界毁灭面前,两个第四阶段的非凡者,根本算不了什么。 My Lord...... Black Sun Sacrifice will soon arrive, Light of Salvation will meet the calamity...... numerous Fate Manager corrosion destiny, the world will soon destroy......” 吾主……黑日祭即将到来,救赎之光将逢厄难……众多司命侵蚀命运,世界即将毁灭……” Please grant your base and low follower enlightenment!” “请赐予您卑微的信徒启示!” ...... …… Prays, drilled into the ear of Aaron. 一声声祈祷,钻入了亚伦的耳朵。 His chuckle, put through ‘prayer’. 他轻笑一声,接通了‘祈祷’ At this time, and Olivia, as well as near the Ymir ear, resounded an elusive and fabricated sound simultaneously. 此时,琳与奥莉薇,以及伊米尔耳边,同时响起了一个空灵而虚妄的声音。 That character is surging, as if started storm, howls in this mortal world, blows the paper page, starts the strong winds. 那一个个字符激荡着,仿佛掀起了一场风暴,在尘世中呼啸而过,刮动纸页,掀起狂风。 I am the absolute neutral, I never interfere with this mortal world on own initiative......” “我是绝对中立者,我从不主动干涉尘世……” Ymir has stayed in same place, as if his rationality had been oppressed confused, by the hysterical/frenzy strength. 伊米尔已经呆在原地,仿佛他的理性已经被狂乱的力量所压迫、所迷乱。 But Aaron contact for a long time, is very familiar with this set, inquired: My Lord...... please pity your base and low follower.” 而琳与亚伦接触最久,对这一套已经很熟悉了,不由询问道:“吾主啊……请怜悯您卑微的信徒。” Saves a price of destruction world, she knows that she cannot trade! 拯救一个毁灭世界的代价,她知道自己交易不起! Even if sold insufficiently with entire order her. 哪怕将她跟整个教团卖了都不够。 Not to mention, her flesh and her soul, belong to Dreamt-Up Spirit! 更不用说,她的血肉、她的灵魂,早已属于虚妄之灵 Aaron listened, tranquil say/way: I need a price, it will be paid by you......” 亚伦听了,平静道:“我需要一份代价,它将由你们支付……” World destruction I do not hope, Order of the Light of Salvation also cannot be destroyed by Black Sun Sacrifice......” “世界毁灭非我所愿,救赎之光教团亦不能被黑日祭摧毁……” „To solve Black Sun Order, must first solve 【Black Sun】, wants to solve 【Black Sun】, must first eliminate Scarlet Sun!” “欲解决黑日教团,必先解决【黑日】,欲解决【黑日】,必先消灭猩红之日!” This with saving the world does not violate!” “这与拯救世界并不违背!” ...... …… Olivia already delay. 奥莉薇早已呆滞。 Solves 【Black Sun】 and Scarlet Sun?” “解决【黑日】猩红太阳?” This matter she never have such thoughts! 这种事情她连想都不敢想! 【Black Sun】 is the mysterious source of end of ‘Eclipse’, true Outerworld Gods! Incarnation of Sun! 【黑日】已经是‘闇’之尽头的神秘源泉,真正的世外之神!太阳的化身! But Scarlet Sun, creates the sources of all disasters! Is equivalent to Creator of the Mysteries! 猩红太阳,更是造成一切灾难的源头!相当于神秘的造物主 Was such existence, how possibly destroyed? 这样的存在,怎么可能被毁灭? Lin actually as if believed immediately: Praised My Lord, you controlled the destinies of many Fate Manager!” 琳却似乎立即就相信了:“赞美吾主,您掌握诸多司命之命运!” Separated the connection Aaron slightly to be embarrassed, this added a authority to oneself. 断开连接的亚伦稍微囧了一下,这又给自己加了一个权柄啊。 However, in his heart indeed has one to plan. 不过,他心中的确早就有了一个谋划。 By the present, appearance of Ymir, but made him firmer. 到了如今,伊米尔的出现,只是让他更加坚定了而已。 „More than two years of accumulation, naturally cannot compare for 16 years......, therefore, I , to stronger to kill Scarlet Sun, making Sun extinguish, is completely an expectation......, but, can use the circuitous method!” “两年多的积累,当然比不上十六年的……所以,我如果想要强杀猩红太阳,令太阳熄灭,完全就是一个奢望……但是,可以采用迂回的方法!” Feels the mysterious energy in consciousness, Aaron is smiling: Destiny?” 感受着意识之内的神秘能量,亚伦轻轻一笑:“命运么?” He consciousness moves, the mysterious power unit that before saved divulged just like the tide generally. 他意识一动,之前积蓄的神秘能量单位宛若潮水一般宣泄而出。 Original Aaron was unable to mobilize this strength on a large scale, but after it saves filled one year of share, he has felt, oneself can interfere with world in a dream with it. 原本的亚伦还无法大举调动这种力量,但当它积蓄满了一年的份额之后,他已经感受到,自己可以用它来干涉梦中世界了。 At my strength, changes into a rumor, a destiny!” “以我之力量,化为一个谣言,一个命运!” All Fate Manager will obtain the enlightenment from the destiny directly, they want to go a step further, must first capture the authority of Scarlet Sun!” “所有司命都将从命运中直接获得启示,祂们想要更进一步,必先夺得猩红太阳之权柄!” Aaron, the sound generally is every single word or phrase serious just like the mountain. 亚伦一字一句,声音宛若山岳一般沉重。 When said after last character, he feels the mysterious energy that within the body saves to disappear without the trace, forced smile. 而等到说完最后一个字后,他感受到体内积蓄的神秘能量消失无踪,不由苦笑。 Meanwhile, reveals the color of anticipation. 与此同时,又不由露出期待之色。 Fate-Managing God is mostly crazy and chaotic, but by own 【Creator in a Dream】 position standard, consumption mysterious energy issue destiny, even if were false before, now will also turn into the true destiny! 司命神大多疯狂而混乱,而以自己【梦中造物主】位格,消耗神秘能量发布的‘命运’,哪怕之前是假的,现在也会变成真正的命运! They will comprehend directly from the instinct and from the destiny, wants to become more powerful, only then first captures the authority of Scarlet Sun! 祂们会直接从本能、从命运中领悟到,想要变得更加强大,只有先夺取猩红太阳之权柄! How will one group of lunatics do? Does not need to guess simply again! 一群疯子会如何做?简直不用再猜! ...... …… In that moment that the Aaron voice drops, world in a dream. 亚伦话音落下的那一刻,梦中世界 The average people had not felt that changes slightly. 普通人没有感到丝毫变化。 But all irregular, which way, is trembling suddenly, felt the vibration of oneself path mysterious source! 但所有非凡者,不论是哪条途径的,都忽然颤栗着,感受到了自身道路神秘源头的震动! That is excited, that is shouts, that is...... the bloodthirsty desire! 那是兴奋、那是嘶吼、那是……嗜血的欲望! Lin shiver looks to out of the window. 琳颤抖地望向窗外。 Sees only in the vault of heaven, the jet black dim light of night covered half of sky directly, Blood Moon appeared, above Blood and Flesh Mother Tree, is extending the branch, seems turning toward the Scarlet Sun probe! 只见天穹之中,漆黑的夜色直接覆盖了一半天空,血月浮现,上面一株血肉母树,正在伸展着枝条,似乎在向着猩红太阳试探! Meanwhile, above in the tidal current of land, forest, dense fog of history, in death...... had inexplicable and powerful existence, sent out world-shaking shouting! 与此同时,大地之上、森林之中、历史迷雾之内、死亡的潮流之中……都有莫名而强大的存在,发出了震惊世界的嘶吼!
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