TOTM :: Volume #1

#74: Dissipation

Frost Wolf Castle. 霜狼城堡 Aaron opens the eyes. 亚伦睁开双眼。 I will first choose Scarlet Sun am the goal, merely is because It most powerful, corrodes the destiny most how?” “我会优先选择猩红太阳为目标,仅仅是因为祂最强大,侵蚀命运最多么?” Not...... more possible because of as Creator of the Mysteries, It is most likely to discover that after my has...... rather than the mysterious world to complete, does not need Creator, therefore, I choose first get rid of It......” “不……更可能是因为作为神秘造物主,祂最有可能发现我的存在……而非神秘世界完成之后,已经不需要一位造物主了,因此,我选择先干掉祂……” How world in a dream will develop, Aaron prepares to fall asleep next time has a look again. 梦中世界会如何发展,亚伦准备下次入梦再去看看。 Some arrangement, he may also arrange through the follower. 一些布置,他也可通过信徒布置下去。 The war between Fate Manager is long and lasting. 司命之间的战争是漫长而持久的。 At this time can do, only has the waiting. 此时能做的,唯有等待。 He swung ringing a handbell, appearance beautiful unusual maid comes, takes care of him to put on clothes. 他摇了摇铃铛,一个长相美丽异常的女仆进来,服侍他穿衣。 After the official clothes dress, Aaron beckons with the hand, on the maid face appears immediately the color of complaining, but salutes to draw back. 等到正式的衣服都穿戴完毕之后,亚伦摆摆手,女仆脸上顿时浮现出哀怨之色,但还是行礼退下。 Aaron is preparing to go to the restaurant to enjoy the breakfast, a brow suddenly wrinkle. 亚伦正准备去餐厅享用早餐,眉头忽然一皱。 His spirit essence slightly touches, as if had what not good matter to happen. 他的灵性略有触动,似乎有什么不好的事情发生了。 Thump thump! 咚咚! Not long, Scholar Abbott knocks on a door, with sad language gas channel/angrily said: Sir Count , Sotos Castle spreads the news in the morning critically ill, your father......” 没有多久,艾尔伯特学士就敲门进来,用悲伤的语气道:“伯爵大人,清晨时分,索托斯堡传来消息,您父亲病危……” Saddles a horse, we go back!” “备马,我们回去!” Aaron grasps a coat fast, by unquestionable language gas channel/angrily said. 亚伦飞快抓起一件外套,以不容置疑的语气道。 ...... …… Sotos Castle. 索托斯堡 Has grown into Ginny of beautiful young girl, sits near the balcony, the hand builds the chin, the unconsciousness is staring at the path end. 已经成长为美丽少女的金妮,坐在阳台边上,手搭着下巴,无意识地凝望道路尽头。 Treads! 踏踏! Suddenly, hoofbeat transmits. 忽然,一阵马蹄声传来。 Over a hundred cavalries just like the mighty current, speed away to come from the distant place together, all that as if can the steamroll meet. 上百骑兵宛若一道洪流,从远处疾驰而来,似乎能碾压遇到的一切。 Is the knight of head, holds high the inking green banyan tree corner/horn flag high. 为首的骑士,高高举着墨绿色的榕角旗。 Many cavalries stop before Sotos Castle, show the exquisite equestrian skill. 诸多骑兵在索托斯堡前停下,展现出精湛的骑术。 Aaron from gets down immediately, wears the magnificent clothing of feudal lord, the waist is hanging the clothing decorated with gem the saber, although the facial features are still immature, seems like actually valiant. 亚伦从马上下来,穿着领主的华丽服饰,腰间悬挂着装饰有宝石的佩剑,虽然面容依旧稚嫩,看起来却英姿勃发。 Elder Brother Aaron!” 亚伦哥哥!” The castle entrance, the group appear fast. 城堡门口,一行人飞快出现。 And a youth, in the sound brings the weeping voice, almost kneels on the ground holds the thigh of Aaron to complain tearfully: Sir Father...... Sir Father he...... wū wū......” 其中一个青年,声音里带着哭腔,几乎跪在地上抱着亚伦的大腿哭诉:“父亲大人……父亲大人他……呜呜……” This is Sean, six years pass by, turned into the young fellow. 这是肖恩,六年过去,也变成了大小伙子。 Aaron puts aside him with no trace, saw gentle madame who leads the young boy, is Silvi! 亚伦不着痕迹地将他撇开,又看到了一位带着小男孩的温婉夫人,是希尔薇 She is pulling a 7 or 8-year-old big child on hand, is Char, at this time is nipping the finger, is sizing up Aaron with the curious vision. 她手边牵着一个七八岁大的小孩,正是夏亚,此时正咬着手指,用好奇的目光打量着亚伦 Sir Count, because the Char grandfather is critically ill, therefore I lead him to come back to have a look......” 伯爵大人,因为夏亚的爷爷病危,所以我带他回来看看……” Lady Silvi is speaking haltingly the say/way, slightly not the appearance that kept promises in the territory. 希尔薇夫人嗫嚅着道,丝毫没有在领地上说一不二的样子。 Un!” “嗯!” Aaron complied with one, the long gown gives Ginny: Leads me to see the father!” 亚伦应了一声,将长袍递给走来的金妮:“带我去见见父亲吧!” The eye socket of Ginny is somewhat red, in the front guides. 金妮的眼眶有些通红,在前方带路。 After opening the door, a scent of herbal medicine say/way greets the nostrils. 打开房门之后,一股草药味道扑鼻而来。 The golden sunlight sprinkles from the window, in the room is actually as if filling decayed aura. 金色的阳光自窗户中洒落,房间中却似乎弥漫着一股腐朽的气息。 Above the hospital bed, Theodore is lying down, almost took off/escaped the human form thinly. 病床之上,西奥多躺着,几乎瘦脱了人形。 „Since that matter, body of Sir Father not good......” “自从那次事情之后,父亲大人的身体就一直不太好……” Side, Ginny sobbed to wipe the eye with the handkerchief. 旁边,金妮哭泣着用手帕擦了擦眼睛。 Aaron sits in the bedside, is looking at the father of this body, in the heart is very complex: Sir Father, I came back!” 亚伦坐在床边,望着这个身体的父亲,心中十分复杂:“父亲大人,我回来了!” Speech at the same time, he also held the arm of Theodore. 说话的同时,他也抓住了西奥多的手臂。 ‚The vitality of this body already very weak......, but, and has no serious body disease, is the worry?’ ‘这具身体的生命力已经很微弱了……但是,并没有什么严重的身体疾病,是心病么?’ Aaron knows, after some people of being in power draw back, often has a serious illness or the acceleration senile process. 亚伦知道,一些掌权的人退下来之后,往往都有一个重病或者加速衰老的过程。 But the Theodore symptom is more serious, because died simultaneously the successor, experienced the betrayal, this absolutely is the huge blow. 西奥多的症状更加严重,因为同时死了继承人,又经历了背叛,这绝对是巨大的打击。 Therefore had the worry! 因此产生了心病! Ahem…… do you come?” 咳咳……你来啦?” Theodore above hospital bed opens the eyes, is saying with the hoarse voice. 病床之上的西奥多睁开双眼,用沙哑的嗓音说着。 Aaron is really hard him, before that high-spirited feudal lord links. 亚伦实在难以将他,与之前那位意气风发的领主联系在一起。 If you want......” “如果您愿意的话……” He thinks, said: I can hold the ceremony for you, plunders the vitalities of others...... to live for ten years to does not have any issue.” 他想了想,说道:“我可以为您举行仪式,掠夺其他人的生命力……多活十年应当没有什么问题。” In Aaron behind, prepared to wipe Sean that the eye wept bitterly to be startled being startled with the onion at any time. 亚伦身后,随时准备用洋葱抹眼睛痛哭的肖恩怔了怔。 What? Didn't this use? 啥?这就不用死了? He looks to the Aaron vision, was full of some envying and envy, but hidden very well. 他望向亚伦的目光,不由充满了某种羡慕与嫉妒,只是隐藏得很好。 You really...... really Old Ancestral Mother...... love......” “你果然……甚得老祖母……的宠爱……” But...... does not use......” “但是……不……不用了……” Theodore closed the eye: I was tired, wants to rest......” 西奥多闭上了眼睛:“我累了,想休息了……” If this is your wish, I respect it.” “如果这是您的意愿,我尊重它。” Aaron said with a sigh, stood up, goes out of the room. 亚伦叹息道,站起身,走出房间。 Is going out of that moment of door, he heard the lip creeping motion of Theodore, is saying with the extremely low sound: Sorry......” 在走出房门的那一刻,他听到了西奥多的嘴唇蠕动,用极低的声音说着:“对不起……” ...... …… Next day. 翌日。 Behind hillside that the Sotos Clan green banyan fig altar is. 索托斯家族的绿榕树祭坛所在的山坡后方。 A new tomb was built, is lying low on tombstone useful long sword quarter epitaph: 一座新的坟墓被筑造起来,平躺着的墓碑上有用长剑刻下的墓志铭: Theodore Sotos 西奥多·索托斯 Wise feudal lord, father of feeling sorry ‘英明的领主,歉疚的父亲’ Passes in the kingdom undergoes for 328 years ‘逝于王国历328年’ ...... …… Although many merits want to inscribe, but the stele is too small, cannot contain too......” “虽然有很多功绩想要铭刻,但石碑太小,容纳不下太多……” Aaron is binding the marten skin long gown, the thick down is surrounding the neck, the black cloak flutters in the breeze. 亚伦裹着貂皮长袍,厚厚的绒毛包围着脖子,黑色的披风迎风招展。 By the Theodore tomb, a row of lithical tomb, nearby is the Colin tombstone. 西奥多的坟墓旁边,还有一排石质墓地,旁边的就是柯林的墓碑。 This is the Sotos Clan tomb , we will bury here finally on the 1st......” “这是索托斯家族的墓地,终有一日,我们都会葬于此处……” Side Aaron, Ginny said in a low voice. 亚伦身边,金妮低声说道。 Father......” “父亲……” Sean cries the eye to be red, nearby Char was unable to understand the life and death, but is at a loss, but Silvi is looking at the Colin tombstone, the expression is complex. 肖恩哭得眼睛通红,旁边的夏亚还不能理解生死,只是十分迷惘,而希尔薇望着柯林的墓碑,表情复杂。 Yes...... death! Death! After great monarchy...... death, can only bury as before is selecting in the big land, to body putrefication......” “是啊……死亡!死亡!再伟大的君主……死亡之后,依旧只能葬在这么点大的土地里,任凭躯体腐化……” Aaron sighed, put out together the white clouds: Ginny, you spoke incorrectly a point, I later die even if, will not bury here.” 亚伦叹息一声,吐出一道白气:“金妮,你说错了一点,我以后纵然死,也不会葬在这里。” Ginny with confusing the vision, is looking at Aaron. 金妮用迷惑的目光,望着亚伦 Aaron had not explained that but swept Char. 亚伦却没有解释,只是扫了眼夏亚 Sees his vision, Silvi immediately becomes very anxious. 见到他的目光,希尔薇顿时变得十分紧张。 Char, comes!” 夏亚,过来!” Under the green banyan fig, the heavy snow flutters about, silent Aaron pulls out the gem saber of waist suddenly, looks at everyone to be startled. 绿榕树下,大雪纷飞中,沉默的亚伦忽然抽出腰间的宝石佩剑,看得所有人一怔。 At once, he placed on long sword the shoulder of Char: With the name of Green Woods Count, I confers Char Sotos is River Valley Baron!” 旋即,他将长剑放在了夏亚的肩膀上:“以绿森伯爵之名,我册封夏亚·索托斯河谷地男爵!” Thanks, thanks!” “谢谢,谢谢!” Lady Silvi chokes with sobs simply, holds Char to express gratitude again and again, does not know that was moved or is frightened. 希尔薇夫人简直泣不成声,抱着夏亚连连道谢,也不知道是感动还是被吓的。 Sean!” 肖恩!” At once, Aaron looks at the vision to Sean. 旋即,亚伦将目光望向肖恩 I in!” “我在!” Sean kneels down immediately, in heart fiery. 肖恩立即跪下,心中一片火热。 Looks at his expression, Aaron is sneering: In recent years, you have hated hidden, and spreads the rumor in the territory......” 望着他的表情,亚伦冷笑一声:“这些年来,你一直暗藏仇恨,并且在领地内散布流言……” This saying told only half, Sean looks deathly pale: No, no, Elder brother, is not I!” 这话说到一半,肖恩就脸色惨白:“不,不,兄长,不是我!” Quibbling is pointless.” “狡辩是没有意义的。” Aaron shakes the head, if Sean really revolts, he must look at this younger brother one eyes but actually high: Sean Sotos, in the name of Green Woods Count, I sentences you to be guilty! Imposes the punishment of exile, cannot be life-long to return to the Sotos Clan territory!” 亚伦摇摇头,如果肖恩真的造反,他倒要高看这个弟弟一眼:“肖恩·索托斯,以绿森伯爵之名义,我判你有罪!处以流放之刑,终生不得回到索托斯家族的领地!” Then, no matter also took away the bone to be the same probably, scared Sean, looks to Ginny: Kneels down!” 说完,也不管好像被抽掉骨头一样,失魂落魄的肖恩,看向金妮:“跪下!” „? I?” “诶?我?” Ginny stares the big eye, but knelt. 金妮瞪大眼睛,但还是跪了下来。 Under the bearing witness of the ancestral spirits and the banyan fig, I, Aaron Sotos, with the name of Green Woods Count, conferring Ginny Sotos is Frost Wolf Duke!” 在祖先之灵与绿榕树的见证下,我,亚伦·索托斯,以绿森伯爵之名,册封金妮·索托斯霜狼公爵!” Aaron builds long sword on the shoulder of Ginny, announced solemnly and respectfully. 亚伦长剑搭在金妮的肩膀上,肃穆宣布。 Although confers the duke to talk nonsense by the Count very much, but actually no one thinks that this is a joke. 虽然以伯爵册封公爵很扯淡,但却没有人认为这是一个玩笑。
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