TOTM :: Volume #1

#72: Shadow

Must believe darkly!” “要信仰闇!” Hugs the flame!” “拥抱火焰!” ...... …… One crowd of captive platoons become the ranks, just like the giant gray insect, wriggles to go forward in the ground, the speed is very slow. 一群俘虏排成行列,宛若巨大的灰色虫子,在地面上蠕动前进,速度很慢。 Often, has the Black Sun follower who wears the black robe is announcing the doctrine loudly: If you are converted to 【Black Sun】, can rest, bread with water!” 不时的,就有身披黑袍的黑日信徒大声宣布着教义:“如果你们改信【黑日】,就可以休息,还有面包跟水!” The man of gray hair mixes in the average person captive, is following silently, is very docile. 灰色头发的男子混在普通人俘虏之中,就这么默默跟随着,十分温顺。 When lowering the head, in the eye pupil flashes through fine glow: After the inspections of these date and time, is very regrettable, Black Sun Order, you are not the Savior......” 只有低头之时,眼眸中才闪过一丝精芒:“经过这些时日的考察,很遗憾,黑日教团,你们并不是救世主……” He uses the vague vision, swept somewhere shadow one. 他用隐晦的目光,扫了某处阴影一眼。 Hides in Beast of Darkness, unexpectedly had not detected. 躲在其中的黑闇之兽,竟然没有丝毫发觉。 At this moment, several drinking water Black Sun Cult disciple actually complexion big changes, covered oneself throat, fell down died. 就在这时,几个喝水的黑日教徒却面色大变,捂住了自己的喉咙,倒在地上死亡。 In water poisonous?” “水里有毒?” The crowd one becomes the unrest. 人群一下变得骚乱。 Several ‘Eclipse Aspirant’ go forward, is inspecting the corpse and water bag. 几名‘逐闇者’上前,检查着尸体与水袋。 Puff! 噗噗! The next quarter, these water current changed into the sharp blade directly, pricks their bodies, is about they unable to respond simply! 下一刻,那些水流直接化为了利刃,刺入他们的身躯,快得他们简直无法反应! The innumerable water overflow to disperse above the ground, becomes dark red like the blood, just like the scarlet mirror, goes out at the same time is proposing the beautiful young girl form of skirt together. 无数水流溢散在地面之上,变得殷红如血,宛若一面赤红的镜子,从中走出一道提着裙角的美丽少女身影。 On her face blooms to attract the smile of all living things sufficiently, a lance appears in the hand, throws toward the shadow place. 她脸上绽放出足以魅惑众生的笑容,一根长矛浮现在手中,向着阴影处投去。 ! 噗! The combustion blood-color roaring flame of blood-color lance in the midair, pricks gloomily. 血色长矛在半空中燃烧血色烈焰,刺入阴暗。 „Not dead demon ******* the Beast of Darkness head/number of people in shadow exudes one to roar, conducted Shadow Jump, climbs up from another shadow: „ You are provoking, impatiently abyss that you are moving toward the destruction......” “不死魔*******影之中的黑闇之兽人头发出一声咆哮,进行了一次阴影跳跃,从另外一片影子中攀爬出来:“你是在挑衅,你是在迫不及待地走向覆灭的深渊……” Rite of the Black Sun will soon arrive, you...... will be fired the ashes in the flame!” 黑日的祭典即将到来,你们……都会在火焰中被烧成灰烬!” ...... …… Black Sun Sacrifice!” 黑日祭!” The expression is dignified, knows that this is the Black Sun Order grand ceremony, possibly captures the 【Black Sun】 attention, lights all followers. 琳表情凝重,知道这个是黑日教团的盛大仪式,可能吸引【黑日】的目光,点燃所有信徒。 But took most followers dead for the price, can expedite several Beast of Darkness, one undermined the power balance! 而以大部分信徒死亡为代价,可以催生出数头黑闇之兽,一下打破势力平衡! You cannot complete it, I before it will start, will defeat your order, will kill each follower!” “你们完不成它的,我会在它开始之前,就击破你们教团,杀死每一个信徒!” Lin stern voice and appearance. 琳声色俱厉。 But the remaining Black Sun Cult disciple, complexions becomes flushed, the slight blood vessel in within the body blasts out, subsequently is the artery and heart...... 而残余的黑日教徒,一个个脸色涨红,体内的细微血管炸开,继而是动脉、心脏…… The new ability that after this is she promotes, obtains, can operate the blood within certain range, regardless of it is anyone. 这是她晋升之后获得的新能力,可以操纵一定范围之内的血液,不论它属于谁。 You are so favored by the Scarlet Moon, actually gives loyalty to one not to know so-called exists......” 你是如此得猩红月亮的宠爱,却效忠一个不知所谓的存在……” Beast of Darkness is grinning fiendishly the opens the mouth, obviously is enraging Lin intentionally. 黑闇之兽狞笑着开口,显然是在故意激怒琳。 Was careful, this woman...... he is enraging you intentionally, the angry flame, can be used similarly.” “小心了,这位女士……他在故意激怒你,愤怒的火焰,同样可以被利用。” The man of gray hair stared at Lin one eyes, in the pupil flashed through a bright, suddenly opened the mouth. 灰色头发的男子凝视了琳一眼,眸子中闪过一丝亮光,忽然开口。 Damn!” “该死!” Beast of Darkness roared, jumped high, a claw pressed down. 黑闇之兽咆哮一声,高高跃起,一爪按下。 ! 啪! The man of gray hair was torn by the sharp claws instantaneously, the body flaming burns. 灰色头发的男子瞬间被利爪撕裂,身躯熊熊燃烧起来。 But Beast of Darkness does not feel better, conducts the back to be many a blood-color lance, obviously was seized the opportunity by Lin, hit the body. 黑闇之兽也不好受,背上多出一柄血色的长矛,显然被琳抓住机会,击中了身躯。 Called out pitifully during it, the preparation continued to plunge into the shadow, is void, translucent silk threads appeared towering, its four limbs fetter. 就在它惨叫一声,准备继续跳入阴影中之时,虚空之中,一道道半透明丝线突兀浮现,将它四肢束缚。 Holds Silk Witch! order will take revenge for me! 【Black Sun】 will burn finally all!” “操丝魔女教团会为我复仇的!【黑日】终将燃烧一切!” Beast of Darkness is roaring, the body is unable to move, was penetrated by a Lin spear/gun, the body starts flaming to burn. 黑闇之兽怒吼着,身躯无法动弹,被琳一枪穿透,身躯开始熊熊燃烧起来。 Lin actually looks to one side: Olivia, how did you come?” 琳却看向一边:“奥莉薇,你怎么来了?” I compare to be worried about this action......” “我比较担心这次行动……” Olivia sighed: We got rid of a Black Sun Order high level, after Black Sun Sacrifice, they definitely will mount a large-scale attack Diaz...... to try to find a solution earlier.” 奥莉薇叹息一声:“我们又干掉了黑日教团的一位高层,黑日祭之后,他们必然会大举进攻狄亚特……必须早点想个办法了。” Lin nods, suddenly pulled out sniffing, looks to the ashes in ground: Hasn't come out?” 琳点点头,忽然抽了抽鼻子,看向地面上的灰烬:“还不出来?” The void creeping motion, the line twists, subsequently was pulled open just like the theater curtain equally, appears the gray hair man ordinary facial features. 虚空一阵蠕动,线条扭曲,继而宛若幕布一样被拉开,现出灰色头发男子平凡的面容。 At this time, he smiles bitterly is bowing: Two women, I do not have the evil intention......” 此时,他苦笑着一躬身:“两位女士,我没有恶意……” fantasy technique?” 幻术?” Olivia is looking at the surrounding all, on the face appears color looking pensive: Who are you?” 奥莉薇望着周围的一切,脸上浮现出若有所思之色:“你是谁?” I am called Ymir, came from other continent irregular!” “我叫做伊米尔,是来自其它大陆非凡者!” Ymir said. 伊米尔道。 You have been hiding yourself, why helps me suddenly?” Lin doubt stares at Ymir, in the hand is reappearing another blood-color lance. “你一直在隐藏自己,为什么突然帮助我?”琳狐疑地盯着伊米尔,手上浮现出另外一杆血色长矛。 What I practice is Path of the ‘Shadow’, ‘Shadow’ is the symbol of dreamland and fantasy technique, at the same time, it is also representing the —— tiny miracle!” “我修行的是‘影’之道路,‘影’是梦境与幻术的象征,与此同时,它还代表着——渺小的奇迹!” Ymir spreads out both hands , indicating oneself are well-meant. 伊米尔摊开双手,表示自己没有恶意。 Tiny miracle? Therefore...... this ship can navigate here from other continent, has your direction?” Olivia understands clearly said. “渺小的奇迹?所以……这艘船能从另外的大陆航行到这里,是有你的指引?”奥莉薇了然道。 I was handling the insignificant matter in secret.” “我只是在暗中做了一点微不足道的事情。” Ymir said: I brave death to go to this continent, is because my intuition obtained the enlightenment, on this piece of continent has redemption! I want to find this tiny miracle! But in a moment ago, me on this beautiful woman, saw the ray of miracle, I believe, she is the direction of miracle!” 伊米尔道:“我冒死前往这块大陆,也是因为我的直觉获得了启示,这片大陆上存在着‘救赎’!我想找到这一份渺小的奇迹!而在刚才,我在这位美丽的女士身上,看到了奇迹的光芒,我相信,她就是奇迹的指引!” And Olivia look at each other one, on the face appear a smile: My Lord is the symbol of rational and free will, simultaneously is representing the redemption, but our order, are called —— Light of Salvation!” 琳与奥莉薇对视一眼,脸上浮现出一丝笑容:“吾主是理性与自由意志的象征,同时代表着救赎,而我们的教团,就叫做——救赎之光!” The Ymir vision shines suddenly. 伊米尔的目光骤然亮起。 ...... …… Diaz. 狄亚特 And Olivia, in fact do not believe Ymir. 琳与奥莉薇,实际上并不怎么相信伊米尔 But they lead with the refugee of survival him to the city, prepares to conduct a purification before the Dreamt-Up Spirit altar. 但她们还是将他与幸存的流亡者带到城市中,准备在虚妄之灵的祭坛之前进行一次净化。 They believe, under the Dreamt-Up Spirit vision, all evil does not have to hide! 她们相信,在虚妄之灵的目光之下,一切邪恶都无所遁形! Ymir accepted with pleasure, and starts to pray before the altar directly: 伊米尔欣然接受了,并且直接就在祭坛前开始祈祷: Respectfully requests The Dreamt-Up Spirit Wandering the Unknown, the Existence of Absolute Neutrality, the Silent Observer!” “拜请徘徊于未知的虚妄之灵、绝对中立之存在、沉默观测者!” You are the symbol of rational and free will, is apocalypse only redemption, to high supreme light!” “您是理性与自由意志的象征,是末世的唯一救赎者,至高至上之光!” Please listen respectfully to follower's pray, please grant the redemption!” “请您聆听信徒的祈祷,请您赐予救赎!” ...... …… Aaron stands before the altar, ponders is sizing up Ymir. 亚伦就站在祭坛之前,玩味地打量着伊米尔 ‘Shadow’ vital element...... the path from another continent, I sees for the first time......” ‘影’之要素……来自另外一块大陆的道路,我还是第一次见到……” He waved, made the contact, a mysterious energy fell, started the purification. 他一挥手,建立了联系,一道神秘能量落下,开始了净化。 The Ymir whole body is shivering, his both eyes shed tears: Main...... the benevolent lord...... I finally found you!” 伊米尔全身都在颤抖,他双目都流出了眼泪:“主……仁慈的主……我终于找到您了!” He felt that great existence aura, made his soul tremble sufficiently. 他感受到了那种伟大存在的气息,足以令他灵魂都为之颤栗。 And, exists unlike these of path end, this existing strength actually filled warm, gives him one type by the feeling of redemption. 并且,与道路尽头的那些存在不同,这位存在的力量却充满了温暖,给他一种被救赎之感。 Long time later, Ymir stands up, looks solemn: Respected Saintess and Your Excellency the Bishop, I have the secret item to report!” 良久之后,伊米尔站起身,神情肃穆:“圣女大人主教阁下,我有机密事项禀告!”
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