TOTM :: Volume #1

#67: Having an audience with

Yes...... that was really extraordinary.” “是么……那真是太了不起了。” Aaron exclaims in surprise one, complained one in the heart: 50% probabilities, were defeated obscure, only then the upper dog was always remembered, felt, even if I do not have irregular ability, in Royal Capital, when the swindler can also mix well......’ 亚伦惊叹一声,在心中吐槽了一句:‘百分之五十的概率,失败了就默默无闻,只有成功者被铭记,感觉哪怕我没有非凡能力,在王都里当骗子也能混得不错啊……’ The old men are very arrogant, has not spoken with him, fully demonstrated the air/Qi field of Grandmaster. 老者很高傲,并未与他说话,充分展示了大师的气场。 After a while, outside hears the noise sound, blond, the well-dressed boy enters the room, follows several guard who wears the golden armor. 过了一会,外面传来喧嚣声,一名金发碧眼,衣着华丽的男孩走进房间,身后还跟着几个身穿金色盔甲的侍卫。 On his face has the smile of teasing, 11 have swept the people on the scene. 他脸上带着戏谑的笑容,一一扫过在场众人。 Aaron feels, other three people, even if that old man, the body is shivering secret, sends out the fear the mood. 亚伦感觉到,其它三人,哪怕那个老头,身躯都在隐秘地颤抖,散发出害怕的情绪。 „Are you that new?” “你就是那个新来的?” The boys turn upwards the chin: Stands before you, is the Kagas Kingdom successor, Prince!” 男孩翘起下巴:“站在你面前的,是卡加什王国的继承人,席恩王子殿下!” Hello, Prince!” “你好啊,王子殿下!” Aaron is smiling greeting, felt like sees the Sean reprint, in the heart had determined, this was bear child of large size. 亚伦微笑着打了个招呼,感觉似乎见到了肖恩的翻版,心中已经确定,这是个大号的熊孩子 Really is a country folk, does not understand the etiquette......” “果然是乡下人,不懂得礼仪……” Prince the corners of the mouth bring back, have the smile of teasing: I forgive you...... I to hear that you are Fire Mage, can place above the candle the hand, wasn't burnt?” 席恩王子嘴角勾起,带着戏谑的笑容:“不过我原谅你……我听说你是一个火法师,能将手放在蜡烛之上,不受到灼伤?” Yes.” “是的。” Aaron affirms to say. 亚伦肯定道。 Comes the person!” Waves: Prepares a fire of high-piled firewood to me, throws again him, if he can live, adopted my test!” “来人!”席恩一挥手:“给我准备一个火堆,再将他丢进去,如果他能活着走出来,就通过了我的考验!” This bear child ingredient, was thicker than Sean......’ ‘这熊孩子的成分,比肖恩浓多了……’ Aaron complained one at heart, is thinking began immediately. 亚伦心里吐槽一句,想着是不是立即动手。 At this time, an aide runs over hurriedly: Prince, Your Majesty the King needs to see you immediately, the evening banquet will be about to start...... also has these...... the king to summon you at the banquet!” 就在这时候,一个侍从匆忙跑了过来:“席恩王子,国王陛下需要立即见到你,晚宴快开始了……还有这几位……国王将在宴会上召见你们!” You are really in luck, but has not been in luck.” “你真走运,但不会一直走运的。” Stared Aaron one angrily, leading the guard to walk. 席恩气鼓鼓地瞪了亚伦一眼,带着侍卫走了。 But Witch and the others throw a sympathy the look, obviously feels soon, Aaron will be one that in head these will be hanging. 女巫等人则投来一个同情的眼神,显然觉得不久之后,亚伦就会是那些悬挂的头颅中的一员。 ...... …… The banquet hall in royal palace is resplendent in gold and jade green, area compared with Sotos Castle big several times. 王宫的宴会厅金碧辉煌,面积比索托斯堡的大了好几倍。 Ten several meters long table upper berths the snow white tablecloth, above chocked up various types of good food, golden candlestick, silver tableware...... 十数米的长桌上铺了雪白的桌布,上面摆满了各种美食,还有金色的烛台,银色的餐具…… The orchestra is playing gently, many aristocrat men and women attires are attractive, gather in one, the elegant bearing. 乐队轻柔地演奏着,诸多贵族男女衣着光鲜,聚在一处,风度翩翩。 Aaron and other people were arranged in a corner, side is the clown and circus troupe that prepare to perform. 亚伦等四人被安排在一个角落中,旁边就是准备表演的小丑与马戏团。 Your Majesty the King will summon us quickly, perhaps will also make us perform under big crowd of people......” 国王陛下很快就会召见我们,或许还会让我们在大庭广众之下表演……” The Witch sound is a little as if intense. 女巫的声音似乎有点紧张。 I foresaw, the king suffered a failure, but doesn't matter, he will be helped.” “我预见到了,国王遭到了一次失败,但没有关系,他会得到帮助的。” Old Man divination is holding the crystal lane. 占卜老头抱着水晶球道。 Aaron felt that this old man has the information team behind most likely, but calculates the time, can obtain the front combat report probably, knew the military provisions burnt news. 亚伦感觉这个老头身后八成有个信息团队,而算算时间,大概能得到前方战报,知道军粮被烧的消息了。 Said that not Ding Country king because of so, turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill recruits the folk mysticalness. 说不定国王就是因为如此,才病急乱投医地征召民间的神秘者。 Yes, he will obtain the help of Witch and Druid......” “是的,他会得到女巫德鲁伊的帮助……” The middle-aged man opens the mouth, as to conclude a union. 中年男人开口,似乎想缔结一个同盟。 Witch looks at the vision to Aaron, suddenly was startled: Wait, what do you want to make?” 女巫将目光望向亚伦,突然就怔住了:“等等,你要做什么?” Aaron at this time, left own place directly, before arriving at the table, takes up the dinner plate and knife and fork, clamped an omelette to oneself. 亚伦此时,直接离开了自己的地方,来到餐桌前,拿起餐盘与刀叉,给自己夹了一块煎蛋。 His manner is free, seems the master of banquet to be the same simply. 他神态自如,简直就好像宴会的主人一般。 I hungry......” “我饿了……” Aaron spoke thoughtlessly, took one grapes. 亚伦随口说着,又拿了一串葡萄。 Witch and the others completely all shake the head, thought that this person knows oneself died, therefore prepared before burning, was a full devil? 女巫等人尽皆摇了摇头,觉得这人知道自己死定了,所以准备在烧死之前,做个饱死鬼? Your Majesty the King!” 国王陛下到!” At this time, Anthony II is holding wife's hand, followed several prince princesses, entered the hall, attracted massive attention, broke through for Aaron finally. 这时,安东尼二世挽着妻子的手,身后跟着几个王子公主,进入了大厅,吸引走大量的注意力,总算是为亚伦解围。 Aaron swept one , to continue to eat the veal. 亚伦扫了一眼,继续吃着小牛肉。 Has saying that the craftsmanship of palace chef is good, at least compared with the Sotos Castle chef, Ginny should like very much. 不得不说,宫廷御厨的手艺不错,至少比索托斯堡的厨子强一点,金妮应该会很喜欢的。 You good......” “你好……” At this time, a young girl of wear splendid attire rushed to this corner, is sizing up Aaron curiously: I am Bauhinia Family Vivian, are you?” 这时,一个穿着盛装的少女跑到这个角落,好奇地打量着亚伦:“我是紫荆花家薇薇安,你是?” She has a golden curly hair, on the snow white neck hangs the giant gem necklace, the eye pupil has the smart-alecky color, probably the little elf in banquet. 她有一头金色的卷发,雪白的脖子上挂着巨大的宝石项链,眼眸带着俏皮之色,像是宴会中的小精灵。 I called Aaron!” “我叫亚伦!” The Aaron smile said. 亚伦微笑道。 Had seen is advocating, he also no longer conceals. 已经见到了正主,他也就不再掩饰。 Aaron? Hee hee...... you in Green Devil with that legend are the same name.” 亚伦?嘻嘻……你跟那位传说中的绿魔鬼是同一个名字呢。” Vivian covered the lip to smile: Although folklore that Green Devil uses the monster monk of monster technique, is growing three heads, six arms, may be sets up fine anything, but my family teacher told me, Green Woods people was like us, but strong big point...... and Sotos Clan was also very normal aristocratic family, the clan admonition was steadfast, has the green hair......” 薇薇安捂着嘴唇笑了起来:“虽然民间传说那位绿魔鬼是使用妖术的妖僧,长着三个头,六只手臂,也有可能是树精什么的,但我的家庭老师告诉我,绿森人跟我们一样,只是强壮高大一点……并且索托斯家族也是很正常的贵族家庭,家族箴言是‘坚定不移’,有着绿色的头发……” Learned young lady, your a little error.” “博学的小姐,你有一点谬误。” Aaron is smiling correction: „The Sotos Clan member hair color is various, this is not the standard of appraisal, if must say that what standard, I thought that is the purple pupil, this is the proof of their bloodline, besides the Sotos Clan member, I very few saw the purple pupil, therefore Sotos Clan, was called —— Purple Eyes lineage!” 亚伦微笑着纠正:“索托斯家族的成员发色各不相同,这并不是鉴定的标准,如果要说有什么标准的话,我觉得是紫色的瞳孔,这是他们血统的证明,除了索托斯家族成员之外,我就很少见到紫色的瞳孔了,因此索托斯家族,又被称为——紫眼一族!” Vivian raised the head, saw Aaron just like the amethyst common pupil, blurted out: Is like you?” 薇薇安抬起头,就看到了亚伦宛若紫宝石一般的瞳孔,脱口而出道:“就跟你一样?” Yes, is like me.” “是的,就跟我一样。” Giggle...... said, you look like with that Green Devil Aaron Sotos very much, the same purple pupil, the big martial-looking body and young fellow...... are also called Aaron......” “咯咯……这么说起来,你跟那位绿魔鬼亚伦·索托斯很像呢,一样的紫色瞳孔、高大英武的身材、少年人……也叫做亚伦……” Vivian first is giggle smiles tenderly, then the sound getting smaller, the facial expression was replaced by panic-stricken gradually. 薇薇安先是咯咯娇笑,然后声音越来越小,神情渐渐被惊恐所代替。 In her eye pupil, appears frightened. 她的眼眸之中,浮现出恐惧。 Intense fear, even made her move does not dare to move, could not make the sound. 强烈的害怕,甚至令她动都不敢动,也发不出声音。 Hey, that side Fire Mage Yaso, the king summoned you.” “喂,那边的火法师亚索,国王召见你。” Dean walked, the order said: Sees right in front of one your majesty with me!” 迪恩走了过来,命令道:“跟我去面见陛下!” This is very normal, although Aaron is not appealing, but Vivian captured the attention very much, therefore two people conversations, paid attention. 这很正常,亚伦虽然不吸引人,但薇薇安就很吸引目光了,因此两人的交谈,就被人注意到。 Then, the king chooses first summons Aaron, is a very reasonable matter. 然后,国王选择先召见亚伦,是一件很合理的事情。 Your Majesty the King!” 国王陛下!” In the dance floor, Aaron looks at Anthony II, on the face is exuding a smile. 舞池之中,亚伦望着安东尼二世,脸上泛起一丝笑容。 You called Yaso, was Fire Mage?” “你叫亚索,是一位火法师?” Anthony II said at will: My information minister insisted that Green Woods Count grasped the mysterious strength, but my Prime Minister Mersenne does not approve, I want to make you convince him......” 安东尼二世随意道:“我的情报大臣坚称绿森伯爵掌握了神秘力量,而我的首相梅森并不认可,我想让你说服他……” This Your Majesty the King innermost feelings are actually not calm, he had received the frontline message. 这位国王陛下的内心其实并不平静,他已经收到了前线的消息。 That is the military provisions is not only burnt, Green Woods Count grasps the terrifying power the accurate information. 那不仅仅是军粮被烧,还有绿森伯爵掌握恐怖力量的确切情报。 This banquet, half to raise the grain conducts. 这次宴会,有一半是为了筹措粮食而举办。 Half, then really hopes can find several mysticalness, resists Green Woods Count evil magic technique...... 还有一半,则是真的希望能找到几个神秘者,去对抗绿森伯爵的邪恶法术……
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