TOTM :: Volume #1

#68: Sentencing

Your majesty, fellow aristocrats and minister......” “陛下,各位贵族、大臣……” Aaron observes the situation, said with a smile lightly: I need a candlestick.” 亚伦环视一圈,轻笑道:“我需要一座烛台。” Anthony II nods: Gives him!” 安东尼二世点点头:“给他!” Lord Dean goes forward one step, hands over a golden candlestick. 迪恩勋爵上前一步,递过来一个黄金烛台。 Aaron received, hits a sound to refer, lit the candle, the surroundings resound one piece to call out in alarm immediately, only then Prince disdain curls the lip, as if recognized that is some trick. 亚伦接过,打了个响指,点燃了蜡烛,周围顿时响起一片惊呼,只有席恩王子不屑地撇撇嘴,似乎认定是某种戏法。 I am not only Fire Mage, but also is skilled in flame divination, can see the future of various people from the flame......” “我不仅是一位火法师,还精通火焰占卜,可以从火焰中看到各人的未来……” Aaron smiles was announcing. 亚伦微笑着宣布。 Yes? Do you see my future?” “是么?那你看到我的未来没有?” Prince contemptuous said/tunnel: If you spoke incorrectly, under my cutting your head.” 席恩王子轻蔑地道:“如果你说错了,我就砍下你的头。” Naturally, I saw.” “当然,我看到了。” Aaron is staring at the candlelight, in the pupil a tranquility, faint say/way: You will be fired by the flame, ignition until death!” 亚伦盯着烛火,眸子中一片平静,淡漠道:“你会被火焰灼烧,灼烧至死!” Bastard!” “混蛋!” Takes him to me!” “给我拿下他!” Roaring of Prince and queen just sent out, Aaron hit a sound to refer. 席恩王子与王后的怒吼刚刚发出,亚伦就打了个响指。 ! 啪! The pitch black flame, appears from void in suddenly, falls on Prince, flaming burns. 一团漆黑的火焰,骤然自虚空中浮现,落在席恩王子身上,熊熊燃烧起来。 “Ah!” “啊!” Prince is calling out pitifully, is reduced to ashes instantaneously. 席恩王子惨叫着,瞬间就化为了灰烬。 Blazing high temperature, curl nearby several women of quality's sending tree tops. 炽烈的高温,卷曲了旁边几名贵妇的发梢。 This, making the people of entire banquet be shocked, suddenly forgot to act. 这一幕,令整个宴会的人都惊呆了,一时间忘记动作。 “Ahhh!” “啊啊啊!” At this time, Vivian recovered from the fear finally, screamed: Aaron! He is Aaron Sotos! Green Woods Count Aaron Sotos!” 这时候,薇薇安终于从恐惧中回过神来,尖叫道:“亚伦!他是亚伦·索托斯绿森伯爵亚伦·索托斯!” Guard!” “卫兵!” The magnificent dance party, was submerged by scream continuously. 原本华丽的舞会,被此起彼伏的尖叫所淹没。 The crowd changes into the innumerable turbulent flow, can hear angry roaring of Anthony II: Guard!!!” 人群化为无数乱流,可以听见安东尼二世的怒吼:“卫兵!!!” The innumerable iron armor mighty currents flood into, Dean draws out long sword, protected before the Your Majesty the King body. 无数铁甲洪流涌入,迪恩则是拔出长剑,守护在了国王陛下身前。 Aaron actually waves, Dean is passed through by the root hair thorn that in the innumerable grounds grew suddenly, flings one side. 亚伦却只是挥了挥手,迪恩就被无数地面上生长出的根须突刺贯穿,甩到了一边。 Witchcraft?” “巫术?” The queen is screaming, the sound almost can puncture the eardrum. 王后尖叫着,声音几乎能刺破耳膜。 She seeks help looks to that several it is said very fierce mysticalness, but Witch and the others stretch/open big mouth are actually looking forward to this, seemed also shocked. 她求助地望向那几个据说很厉害的神秘者,但女巫等人却张大嘴巴望着这一幕,似乎也被惊呆了。 Your Majesty the King, this is the first time that I had an audience with you......” 国王陛下,这是我第一次觐见你……” Periphery Aaron has not as if seen the guard who proliferates slightly, as well as holds the archer of crossbow bolt, faint say/way: Your intelligence head Feliz was Sotos Castle offered a bloody evening banquet, in return, I a grander bloody grand feast will give back to you!” 亚伦似乎丝毫没有看到周围遍布的卫兵,以及持着弩箭的弓箭手,淡漠道:“您的情报头子费力索托斯堡献上了一出血腥晚宴,作为回报,我将更盛大的血腥盛宴还给您!” Killed him!” “杀了他!” The innumerable arrow arrows project, actually activation soil rock walls that was reappeared by the ground in suddenly prevent. 无数箭矢射出,却被地面上突然浮现的一面面活化泥土岩石墙壁阻挡。 Bang! 轰隆! Above the ground, earth thorns appeared, pierced the armor and body of guard...... 地面之上,一道道土刺浮现,刺穿了卫兵的盔甲、身躯…… Entire banquet in instantaneous, was covered by the blood-color! 整个宴会在瞬间,就被血色所笼罩! More trees root hair appear, just like the wooden frame of cruciform , has the minister Anthony II and his queen, and important big aristocrats, hung on the cross. 更多的树木根须浮现而出,宛若十字形的木架,将安东尼二世、他的王后、还有大臣、以及重要的大贵族们,一个个挂在了十字架上。 Green Devil!” 绿魔鬼!” Green Devil!” 绿魔鬼!” The survivors are calling out pitifully, just like seeing lifetime nightmare. 幸存者们惨叫着,宛若见到了一生的梦魇。 Is only the flash, the royal palace elite guard close to all extinguishes, remaining is also escaping, loses the honor one side, only wants to leave that devil by far! 仅仅只是一瞬间,王宫精锐卫队就接近全灭,剩下的也在逃跑,将荣誉丢到一边,只想远远离开那个魔鬼! The aristocrat guests awkward behavior is full. 贵族宾客们洋相百出。 These not by with emphasis goal of attendance, similarly weak on the ground, is unable to move. 那些没有被重点照顾的目标,同样瘫软在地上,无法动弹。 They as if saw a tall green banyan fig, that aerial root is the same just like the snake, is swallowing the vitalities of corpses. 他们仿佛看到了一株高大的绿榕树,那一条条气根宛若蛇一样,吞噬着一具具尸体的生机。 This is some spiritual impact that the spirit essence steamroll brings. 这是灵性碾压所带来的某种精神冲击。 Even, can regard as the spiritual pollution. 甚至,可以看成精神污染。 Kingdom prime minister!” “王国首相!” Aaron arrives in front of an old man, the wooden pyramid in hand punctured directly, does not have the stabbing strategic point, but the old man sends out a pitiful yell. 亚伦走到一个老头面前,手中的木质棱锥直接刺了上去,并没有刺中要害,但老头还是发出一声惨叫。 Information minister!” “情报大臣!” He looks to the next face does not have the fatty of beard, sews two wooden pegs on Caston both hands, made this fatty tears tears and body waste crossflow. 他望向下一个脸上没有胡须的胖子,将两根木钉钉在卡斯顿双手上,令这胖子涕泪与屎尿横流。 As the information minister, Feliz also calculates that your subordinate, you will enjoy losing blood that gives favored treatment to...... continues dead.” “作为情报大臣,费力也算你的属下,你将享受优待……持续的失血而死。” Subsequently, Aaron looked at the vision to king Anthony II. 继而,亚伦将目光看向了国王安东尼二世 Forgave me, forgave me!” “饶了我,饶了我!” This has the artistic temperament king very much, at this time looks deathly pale, is also no better compared with the average person. 这位很有艺术家气质的国王,此时脸色惨白,比普通人也好不到哪里去。 War, since started, can easily finish can it be that?” “战争既然开始了,又岂是能够轻易结束的呢?” Aaron sighed, similarly sewed a wooden peg on Anthony II. 亚伦叹息一声,同样将一根木钉钉在安东尼二世身上。 He just like the king of keeping aloof, is looking at remaining Vivian wait/etc. few survivor: King has died, the direct line bloodlines of kingdom completely will also cut off...... Young Lady Vivian!” 他宛若高高在上的君王,望着剩下的薇薇安等寥寥幸存者:“国王已死,王国的直系血脉也会彻底断绝……薇薇安小姐!” Has not been harmed Vivian to be the same just like the klutz, if the tears the pearl tumbles generally. 还未受到伤害的薇薇安宛若木头人一样,泪水如若珍珠一般滚落。 Congratulates you, must ascend the throne to become the queen.” “恭喜你,或许要登基成为女王了。” Duke Bauhinia had near blood relationship with Royal Family, but the senior duke and successors go to war in the frontline, only feared that the probability of death was very big. 紫荆花公爵本来就与王室有很近的血缘关系,而老公爵与继承人都在前线打仗,只怕死亡的几率很大。 Then, perhaps Vivian really can become the queen. 接下来,或许薇薇安真的能成为女王。 Now, can tell the entire kingdom the condition of my truce, if the behind kingdom still has...... me to want the entire north boundary, I take 1 million Nall's indemnities, un, after obtaining these, I will lead the army to go back......, if within one month, the above condition cannot obtain to realize, I will trample flat the territory of each aristocrat.” “现在,可以将我停战的条件告诉整个王国了,如果后面王国还存在的话……我要整个北境,我要一百万纳尔的赔款,嗯,得到这些之后,我就会带领军队回去……如果一个月之内,以上的条件得不到实现,我会踏平你们每一家贵族的领地。” According to the beforehand plan, this time Green Woods swallows the entire kingdom, is not realistic. 按照之前规划,此时的绿森林吞下整个王国,是不现实的。 Can cede territory, indemnity and slow digestion, is good. 能割地、赔款、缓慢消化,就非常不错。 But later matter, must give the later generation the resolution. 而以后的事情,还是要交给后人决断。 ...... …… In magnificent banquet hall. 华丽的宴会厅中。 The information minister, the First Lord of the Treasury and governing former prime minister, as well as fellow big aristocrats and king, are wailing, lose blood continuously, the sound gradually becomes low and deep. 情报大臣、财政大臣、御前首相、以及各位大贵族与国王,都在哀嚎、持续不断地失血,声音渐渐变得低沉。 These young aristocrats, not too important female family members are common just like the spiritual collapse, on the ground, some lower parts of the body also spreads the odor weak. 那些小贵族、不太重要的女眷则是一个个宛若精神崩坏一般,瘫软在地上,有的下身还传出恶臭。 Without a doubt, all of this evening banquet, will change into their eternal nightmares, suffers their life, even therefore suffers from some mental illness. 毫无疑问,这次晚宴发生的一切,将会化为他们永恒的梦魇,折磨他们一生,甚至因此患上某种精神疾病。 Aaron to oneself one glass of wines, was gazing at the Anthony II thorough death slowly, then, he arrived in front of the Witch three people of groups. 亚伦给自己倒了一杯葡萄酒,慢慢注视着安东尼二世彻底死亡,然后,他走到了女巫三人组面前。 „Before Sir...... the Sir...... please forgive us impoliteness.” “大人……大人……请原谅我们之前的无礼。” Witch tremble is kneeling begging for mercy with the old man and middle-aged person: We are only the base and low swindler......” 女巫跟老头、中年人哆哆嗦嗦地跪着求饶:“我们只是卑微的骗子而已……” I am not bloodthirsty.” “我并不是嗜杀者。” Aaron was saying words that others entirely do not believe: I must tell you, the soup that Witch...... you cook should add a salt, is the Chinese cassia tree, clove, amomum cardamomum, cedrat and red wine, finally joins the intent surface, could become a flavor good good food, is called —— Witch’s Soup & Pasta, ha haha......” 亚伦说着别人完全不相信的话语:“我是要告诉你,女巫……你熬的汤应该多放点盐,然后是肉桂、丁香、豆蔻、橘皮、红酒,最后加入意面,或许能成为一种风味不错的美食,就叫做——女巫汤意面吧,哈哈哈……” Said these, his did not return left the palace. 说完这些,他头也不回地离开了宫殿。 Even if could not mix, he also plans to kill directly, therefore walks absolutely not to have the difficulty. 原本哪怕混不进来,他也打算直接杀进来的,因此走出去也完全没难度。 ...... …… Bloody hall still a deathly stillness. 血腥大厅仍旧一片死寂。 Long time later, outside the guard the courage is coming in greatly, looks is nailed to staple the king and high-ranking court official of body cross, sends out to tear yelling of throat, the face therefore twists: „! Your majesty died......” 良久之后,外面才有一个卫兵大着胆子进来,望着被钉上十字架的国王与重臣尸体,发出撕裂嗓子的叫喊,脸庞都因此扭曲:“啊啊啊!陛下死了……”
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