TOTM :: Volume #1

#66: Recruitment

Royal Capital. 王都 Kagas. 卡加什 Walks in the city, Aaron sizes up all around curiously. 行走在城内,亚伦好奇地打量四周。 Even if country Royal Capital, cannot avoid the street to be disorderly, the roadside piled up with the excrement of trash and beast of burden, sends out odor. 哪怕是一国王都,也免不了街道杂乱,路边堆满了垃圾与牛马的粪便,散发出一股恶臭。 On street bustling, was filled with the coolie of being barebacked, or sells the animal-drawn cart peddler of fruit and vegetables. 街道上熙熙攘攘,挤满了赤膊的苦力,或者叫卖水果与蔬菜的板车小贩。 The roadside has to wear the greasy apron, is trading various vendors who bake with the snack. 路边有戴着油腻围裙,贩卖着各种烧烤与小吃的摊主。 Has hawks the small-scale merchants of grease and various medicament of unknown origin along the street. 有沿街叫卖油膏与各种来历不明药剂的小商人。 The wooden shelf of not far away encircles, inside with the crowd that the hemp rope strings together, the outside slave trader is hawking loudly, or bargained with the customer. 不远处的木栏围成一圈,里面是用麻绳串起来的人群,外边的奴隶贩子则是大声叫卖着,或者与顾客讲价。 Occasionally several glamorous women pass through, is the tavern with the streetwalker of nearby inn, is gathering the guest on the street frankly and uprightly. 偶尔还有几个浓妆艳抹的女人走过,都是酒馆与附近旅店的流莺,在街道上光明正大地招揽着客人。 Aaron passes through a street, saw a giant square. 亚伦走过一条街道,看到了一个巨大的广场。 In the square corner, is being kept the order by two guards, is protecting a giant poster. 在广场一角,由两个卫兵维持着秩序,守护着一面巨大的告示牌。 Near poster, then encircled a person of great-circle. 在告示牌附近,则围了一大圈的人。 ...... …… Aaron pushed, reads the bulletin. 亚伦挤了过去,看着告示。 Above writes very simply, Your Majesty the King wants to recruit a group of people who have the strange ability. 上面写得很简单,国王陛下想要招募一批拥有奇异能力的人。 Anybody can go forward to offer to volunteer, end of bulletin, but also stressed that the reward is very certainly substantial! 任何人都可以上前自荐,在告示末尾,还强调报酬一定无比丰厚! Paid attention, this time do not recruit the palace clown, do not think that with several magic or the trick tricks, can obtain the reward!” “注意了,这次不是要招募宫廷小丑,别以为凭着几手魔术或者戏法伎俩,就可以获得报酬!” This time, the king needs truly ability, diviner, divines by astrology technique master, Wizard and Druid...... we only to need the person of truly mysterious strength!” “这一次,国王需要真正的‘能力者’,占卜家、占星术士巫师德鲁伊……我们只需要拥有真正神秘力量的人!” A soldier hoarse the sound was warning: „If the swindler, you will taste the belt/bring to puncture the taste of whip......” 一个士兵嘶哑着声音警告:“如果是骗子,你会尝到带刺鞭子的滋味……” How was king this?” “国王这是怎么了?” „Does Wizard really exist?” 巫师真的存在么?” The person of watching the fun are many, but no one acts, they are instead discussing the Eight Trigrams (gossip) and story very earnestly, simultaneously anticipated secretly true irregular appears. 看热闹的人很多,但没有一个人出面,他们反而十分热切地谈论着八卦与见闻,同时暗暗期待真正的非凡者出现。 You do not know, I can guarantee, the king calls ability, certainly to cope with Green Woods Green Woods Count, that Green Devil!” “你们都不知道,我敢保证,国王召集能力者,一定是为了对付绿森林绿森伯爵,那个绿魔鬼!” A dissolute submodule type youth boasted: I heard that he grasped the monster technique, can make the trees have the life.” 一个浪荡子模样的青年吹嘘道:“我听说他掌握了妖术,能令树木拥有生命。” No, it is said that he is Wizard, killed own elder brother and father with the toxicant, inherited the title of Count.” “不,据说他是一位巫师,用毒药害死了自己的兄长与父亲,继承了伯爵的爵位。” Another waist has the bucket thick aunt to refute. 另外一个腰部有水桶粗的大妈反驳道。 That obviously is north one barbarian, the height three meters, can lift up the giant stone, must eat a cow, three sheep, six children!” “那明明就是一个北地蛮子,身高三米,能扛起巨石,一顿要吃一头牛,三只羊,还有六个小孩!” In the crowd the sound conveyed, making the facial skin of Aaron twitch. 人群中又有一个声音传来,令亚伦的脸皮抽动了一下。 He felt that his wind commented to be finished. 他感觉他的风评完蛋了。 Although, smears the enemy from the public opinion, is the political need. 虽然,从舆论上丑化敌人,原本就是政治需要。 And, doesn't this world, really have the native mysterious strength?’ ‘并且,这个世界,真的没有本土神秘力量么?’ Aaron thinks, suddenly chuckle, goes forward one step, said to the soldier: I am Wizard, do I want enlistment, need the taking off official announcement?” 亚伦想了想,忽然轻笑一声,上前一步,对士兵道:“我是一位巫师,我想来应募,需要揭下榜文么?” Wizard?” 巫师?” Regarding separates in Aaron crowd fiercely, reveals him. 围绕在亚伦身边的人群猛地分开,将他显露出来。 The soldier doubt is taking a look at him: „Are you really Wizard? Your Majesty the King needs true ability, rather than swindler!” 士兵狐疑地打量着他:“你真的是巫师国王陛下需要真正的能力者,而不是骗子!” Naturally!” “当然!” Aaron hit a sound to refer. 亚伦打了个响指。 ! 啪! Above he points, flame appears. 在他手指之上,一根火苗浮现出来。 Although his within the body is Spirit Essence of the Scarlet, but also used Pure White Ice to take the seal, mobilized a ‘Eclipse’ strength is not a problem slightly. 虽然他体内都是赤之灵性,但也用了纯白之冰作为封印,稍微调动一点‘闇’的力量并不成问题。 Is the fire!” “是火!” He used the hand to emit the flame!” “他用手放出了火焰!” Wizard! True Wizard!” 巫师!真正的巫师!” The crowd one is in a tumult, the person of inner loop is panic, flees and becomes separated to the surrounding, but outside person in pushes toward, directly created crowd. 人群一下骚动起来,内圈的人惊慌失措,向外围逃散,而外面的人则在往里面挤,直接造成了拥堵。 What kind of? Was I qualified?” “怎么样?我合格了么?” Aaron receives to reach behind the back, smiles to ask pale. 亚伦收回手,淡笑问道。 I...... I lead you to see Lord Dean Alexis, he is the royal palace chief aide-de-camp, if he also approves, he can lead you having an audience with king.” “我……我带你去见迪恩·亚力西勋爵,他是王宫侍卫长,如果他也认可的话,他会带你去觐见国王的。” The soldiers swallowed a saliva, brings Aaron, goes to near a square building. 士兵吞了口唾沫,带着亚伦,前往广场边上的一处建筑。 After the notification, the entrance guard doubt looked at Aaron one, but opens the door. 通报之后,门口的守卫狐疑地望了亚伦一眼,但还是开了门。 Aaron waited for the moment in the main hall, sees a wear golden color armor, the solemn-looking middle-aged aristocrat walked. 亚伦在厅堂内等了片刻,就见到一个穿着金色盔甲,面容冷峻的中年贵族走了进来。 „Are you Wizard?” “你是巫师?” Dean according to long sword, the doubt is asking. 迪恩手按在长剑上,狐疑地问着。 Yes.” “是的。” Aaron arrives at a candlestick, hit a sound to refer, making the candle on candlestick burn. 亚伦走到一处烛台边上,打了个响指,令烛台上的蜡烛燃烧起来。 Meanwhile, his palm also put, withstands unemotionally is roasting roasts: I called Yaso!” 与此同时,他的手掌也放了上去,面无表情地承受着炙烤:“我叫亚索!” This may be fiercer than former that several prophets and diviner.” “这可比之前那几个先知、占卜家厉害多了。” Dean does not believe obviously, thinks this is some magic: Comes with me!” 迪恩显然还是不相信,认为这是某种魔术:“跟我来吧!” He brings Aaron, walked, went to Kagas most center, a magnificent palace. 他带着亚伦,一路步行,来到了卡加什的最中心,一座辉煌的宫廷。 Because has him to guide, Aaron was allowed to pass directly, entered in the palace. 由于有着他带路,亚伦被直接放行,进入了宫殿之内。 „Is this?” “这是?” Aaron is looking at the royal palace entrance, there has a row of lance, above is also selecting several heads, the blood is dry. 亚伦望着王宫门口,那里有一排长矛,上面还挑着几颗头颅,血液已经干涸。 „Before this is , the unlucky egg that cheats out of money, was seen through their trick by Prince......” “这是之前来骗钱的倒霉蛋,被席恩王子识破了他们的伎俩……” Dean on the face was full of the color of ridiculing at this time: Yaso? The pray...... prayed that your magic can deceive the prince.” 迪恩此时脸上充满了揶揄之色:“亚索是么?祈祷吧……祈祷你的魔术能骗过王子殿下。” Aaron shrugs the arm, as if thinks little. 亚伦耸了耸肩膀,似乎对此不以为意。 He follows Dean, arrived in some room. 他跟着迪恩,来到了某个房间之中。 In the room is lighting incense, the smell is very strong, in the room the ray is quite gloomy, inside has several appearance strange people. 房间内点燃着熏香,气味很浓重,屋内光线较为暗淡,里面已经有着几个打扮奇怪的人了。 And an old man, is staring at front crystal ball, the mouth non-stop mumbling. 其中一个老头,盯着面前的水晶球,嘴里不停嘟囔着。 A middle-aged person, the body full is various types of significance unclear tattoos. 还有一个中年人,身上满是各种意义不明的纹身。 Last is a woman, the hair just like the weed, the body hangs various types of pockets, on the cheeks is spreading the black eye shadow, probably Witch. 最后一位是个女人,头发宛若杂草,身上挂着各种口袋,脸颊上涂着黑色的眼影,好像一个女巫 These people are......” “这些人是……” Aaron curious say/way. 亚伦好奇道。 Your majesty is very busy, you can only wait for him to summon, is no one can see casually your majesty.” “陛下很忙的,你们只能等他召见,不是谁都能随随便便见到陛下的。” You give me honestly.” “你给我老实点。” Dean warned one, walked. 迪恩警告一句,走了出去。 Aaron looked at the surroundings, discovered that these three people are taking a look at him with the secret look, has to plant flavor that carefully examines the peer. 亚伦看了看周围,发现这三个人都用隐秘的眼神打量着他,有种审视同行的味道。 He thinks, gathers side Witch: Hello, I am Yaso, Wizard.” 他想了想,凑到女巫身边:“你好啊,我是亚索,一位巫师。” „......” “……” Witch swept his one eyes, without the speech, is staring at front big cauldron. 女巫扫了他一眼,没有说话,盯着面前的大釜。 What are you making? Makes the soup?” Aaron inquired: „The Witch soup in legend?” “你在做什么?煮汤么?”亚伦询问道:“传说中的女巫汤?” With the leg of frog, coordinating the wing of bat, the aspic volatile oil...... also to have the evil three drops of blood, can curse a person dead. I am cursing that Green Devil, I felt his weak......” “用青蛙的腿,配合蝙蝠的翅膀,薰衣草精油……还有罪恶的三滴血,可以诅咒一个人死亡。我正在诅咒那位绿魔鬼,我感受到了他的虚弱……” Witch raised the head, shows a secretive smile, but a decayed tooth that becomes dark to turn yellow, really destruction atmosphere. 女巫抬起头,露出一个诡秘的微笑,只是一口发黑发黄的烂牙,着实破坏气氛。 Good.” “好吧。” Aaron that has not felt slightly weakly stern-faced nods, chitchatted with that middle-aged person. 没有丝毫虚弱感觉的亚伦一脸凝重地点点头,又跟那位中年人攀谈起来。 Then, he knows in the middle of these people, what is most famous is that crystal ball old man, the opposite party is in Royal Capital famous divination grandmaster, had predicted in the pregnant queen abdomen correctly child's sex...... 然后,他知道了这些人当中,最负盛名的还是那位水晶球老头,对方是一位王都中出名的占卜大师,曾经正确预言过怀孕王后腹中孩子的性别……
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