TOTM :: Volume #1

#65: Royal Capital

In the ancient times marched to go to war, was very terrifying to the consumption of grain. 古代行军打仗,对粮食的消耗十分恐怖。 But the transportation of military baggage supplies and preserves the place, is the secret in secret. 而辎重补给的运输与储藏地点,是机密中的机密。 However regarding Aaron, this can find through the spirit arrangement directly, is not the issue. 不过对于亚伦而言,这可以通过灵摆法直接找到,一点都不是问题。 As for having tight security what? 至于防守严密什么的? Did not say that can seek for the flaw that the enemy guards, even if the storm, to him is also only the minor matter. 不说可以寻找到敌人守卫的破绽,哪怕强攻,对于他而言也只是小事。 Runs into Aaron this unreasonable cheat player, even if Grand Duke Bauhinia has to resort to arms such as the reputation of god , can only the low-spirited brittle defeat. 遇到亚伦这种不讲道理的开挂玩家,纵然紫荆花大公有着用兵如神的名头,也只能黯然脆败。 ...... …… In the morning. 清晨时分。 Aaron brings about hundred people cavalry teams, arrived around village. 亚伦带着一支百人左右的骑兵队伍,来到了一处小镇附近。 Front has the enemy ranger!” “前方有敌人游骑兵!” Eight Fingers grins fiendishly, is brandishing in the hand the long spear/gun: Charges with me!” 八指狞笑一声,挥舞着手中长枪:“跟我冲锋!” Puff! 噗噗! Ten numbers ride the charge, cuts off that two rangers dismounts. 十数骑冲锋而过,将那两个游骑兵砍落下马。 But Raven has soared high, Sanchez bends the bow the nocking hastily, aims at Raven. 但一只渡鸦已经高高飞起,桑切斯连忙弯弓搭箭,瞄准渡鸦 ! 咻! The arrow arrow missed the goal, was flown away by Raven. 箭矢射偏了,被渡鸦飞走。 Ok, discovered that then discovered, in any case the grain in the front village storehouse, that is an important transportation point.” “算了,发现便发现吧,反正粮食就在前面小镇的库房里,那是一处重要的转运点。” Aaron beckons with the hand, says with a smile: Charges with me!” 亚伦摆摆手,笑道:“跟我冲锋!” Charge!” “冲锋!” Eight Fingers and Sanchez shout one, follows in him behind. 八指桑切斯嘶吼一声,跟在他身后。 When these 100 cavalries arrive at the village surrounding, receives village that notified to be fully-armed. 当这一百骑兵来到小镇外围之时,收到报信的小镇已经全副武装起来。 In the railing full was the soldier, the entrance has Cheval, above the arrow tower stood the archer. 围栏上满是士兵,门口有拒马,箭塔之上更站满了弓箭手。 And, here situated in the rear, so long as insists the moment, has the soldier to catch up to reinforce. 并且,这里处于大后方,只要坚持片刻,就有士兵赶来增援。 Aaron can lead the person to ambush nearby this to be discovered, is not very easy. 亚伦能带着人潜伏到这附近才被发现,已经很不容易了。 At this time is looking at tightly guarded village, smiles: Follows I!” 此时望着戒备森严的小镇,就是一笑:“跟着我!” He progresses, direct impact village front door. 他策马而出,直冲小镇大门。 Puts the arrow!” “放箭!” Above the arrow tower, a small Captain loud order said. 箭塔之上,一个小队长大声命令道。 The next quarter, he does not feel right, covered own throat. 下一刻,他就感觉不对,捂住了自己的咽喉。 His collar just like having the life is common, the contraction, just like an iron collar, deadlocked his throat unceasingly inward. 他的衣领宛若有着生命一般,不断向内紧缩,宛若一个铁项圈,锁死了他的咽喉。 “Ah!” “啊!” The pitiful yell sound resounds one after another. 惨叫声接连响起。 Some archer drippings with blood, looked in the hand to be covered with the bow and arrow of splinter, on the face appeared the inconceivable collapse expression. 有的弓箭手鲜血淋漓,望着手上长满了木刺的弓箭,脸上浮现出不可思议的崩坏表情。 Some archers are more miserable, the arrow arrow on hand made a turn directly, pricked their bodies. 有的弓箭手更惨,手上的箭矢直接转弯,刺入了他们的身体。 village front door. 小镇大门。 Cheval and obstacle in Aaron, just like living, grew the both legs, draws back to the both sides. 拒马与障碍物在亚伦靠近之后,宛若活了过来,长出了双腿,向两侧退开。 The heavy/thick front door backed up instantaneously backward, made way the path. 厚重的大门瞬间向后倒退,让开了通路。 What is this? Witchcraft?” “这是什么?巫术么?” Guards the soldier after gate to look at this, felt that the brain somewhat halts. 守卫在门后的士兵望着这一幕,感觉大脑有些死机。 ! 噗! But Aaron has not given them how much time, his hand wields, seat earth punctures appears from the ground, strings together since the guards directly. 亚伦没有给他们多少时间,他手一挥,一根根土刺就从地面浮现,直接将卫兵们串起。 Gods!” “神明啊!” „Is this devil?” “这是魔鬼么?” Mom, I do not want dead!” “妈妈,我不想死!” Other soldiers see this, collapsed directly. 其它士兵看到这一幕,直接就崩溃了。 Kills, haha!” “杀,哈哈!” Old Ancestral Mother on, kills off them!” 老祖母在上,杀光他们!” After following Aaron is breaking in village, as before leads the inconceivable color Green Woods cavalries to grin fiendishly, starting to shear the straw to be the same, is harvesting the life of enemy. 跟随着亚伦冲入小镇之后,依旧带着不可思议之色的绿森骑兵们狞笑着,开始割稻草一般,收割着敌人的生命。 Aaron pushed to the front, charged into the warehouse. 亚伦一马当先,冲向了仓库。 Puff! 噗噗! Salt sprinkles, is a knight of wear whole body armor, is lifting up high the big sword, angrily roars: In the name of god, the devil draws back the powder!” 一把盐洒落过来,然后是一个穿着全身盔甲的骑士,高举着大剑,怒吼一声:“以神的名义,魔鬼退散!” Whatever Aaron the salt particle sprinkles on oneself, nothing happened. 亚伦任凭盐粒洒落在自己身上,什么都没有发生。 Then, seat earth punctured hit through the chest of this knight directly, nailed tight him in the ground. 然后,一根土刺直接穿过了这骑士的胸膛,将他钉死在地面上。 Owes I also to think that could encounter the mysterious strength of this world...... the present looks like, was I thinks.” “亏我还以为或许能遇到这个世界的神秘力量……现在看来,是我多想了。” Aaron opens the warehouse, saw the grain of piling up, sighed: Pitifully, could not move out......” 亚伦打开仓库,看到了堆积如山的粮食,不由叹息一声:“可惜了,搬不走啊……” This spirit essence consumption, was equivalent to several years of nature to pass......” “这次的灵性消耗,相当于几年的自然流逝了……” He waited for the moment, Eight Fingers and Sanchez and other cavalries also rushed, the body was the dripping with blood, obviously before beat severely don't hit a person when he's down, killed very happily. 他等待片刻,八指桑切斯等骑兵也赶到了,身上都是鲜血淋漓,显然之前痛打落水狗,杀得非常开心。 Sets on fire, burnt here.” “放火吧,烧了这里。” Aaron orders indifferently, after the moment, the giant flame is swallowing the entire warehouse, and spreads unceasingly outward. 亚伦淡然下了命令,片刻后,巨大的火焰吞噬着整个仓库,并不断向外蔓延。 When reinforcements arrival, sees, only has ruins after stretch of combustion. 等到援兵到来之时,所看到的,只有一片燃烧后的废墟。 ...... …… Sir, what do we then make?” “大人,我们接下来做什么?” In jungle, Sanchez brings post-war wild with joy, inquired to Aaron respectfully. 一处密林内,桑切斯带着战后的狂喜,恭敬向亚伦询问。 You first return to the military compound, I happen to go to Kagas Royal Capital.” “你们先回归军营,我正好去卡加什王都一趟。” Aaron is looking at the Kagas direction, in the heart slightly some are impatient. 亚伦望着卡加什的方向,心中略微有些不耐烦了。 Even if burns down the military provisions, in fact the army can also maintain reluctantly, at the worst snatches the grain, then waits for rear transports the grain and fodder. 哪怕烧光军粮,实际上军队也勉强可以维持,大不了就地抢粮,然后等待后方转运粮草。 However, if did the rear high level die? 不过,如果后方高层都死光了呢? Must quickly end the war, this is the best way!” “要尽快结束战争,这就是最好的办法!” The Aaron smile is thinking. 亚伦微笑想着。 Count, please lets us follow you to go together!” “伯爵阁下,请让我们一起跟随您去吧!” Many cavalries knee down, pleading. 诸多骑兵纷纷单膝跪地,恳求着。 And is most urgent by Eight Fingers. 其中以八指最为迫切。 However Aaron felt, they want to go to the kingdom richest most and populous place to snatch one. 不过亚伦感觉,他们只是想去王国最为富庶的地方抢一把而已。 Does not use, comes two people to follow many can.” “不用了,最多来两个人跟随便可。” Aaron beckons with the hand to say. 亚伦摆摆手道。 ...... …… Kagas. 卡加什 As the capital of kingdom, here city wall is big, in the city is constant is being close to 100,000 population. 作为王国的首都,这里的城墙高大巍峨,城中常住着接近十万的人口。 In this time, is very extraordinary matter. 在这个时代,已经是非常了不起的事情了。 However, because is populous, therefore needs the surrounding several hundred villages, every day transports various types of commodities to the city. 不过,因为人口众多,因此需要周围数百个村庄,每天向城内运送各种物资。 In early morning, the Kagas front door is opening wide, finds at everywhere various types to drive the carriage, loaded the vehicles of the green goods and fruit grain, enters in Royal Capital. 在清晨时分,卡加什的大门就敞开着,随处可见各种赶着马车,装载了新鲜蔬菜与水果粮食的车辆,进入王都之中。 The soldier of defense looks serious, carefully examines each to enter city, rarely received including the beforehand bribe. 守城的士兵神情严肃,审视着每一位入城者,连之前的贿赂都很少收了。 After all is in time of war, with is usually different. 毕竟是战争时期,与平时有所不同。 Aaron is leading a horse, follows, in behind an animal-drawn cart that traffics the vegetables, probably a lonely traveler. 亚伦牵着马,跟在一辆贩运蔬菜的板车后面,好像一个孤独的旅人。 Haha, old Jack did you also come?” “哈哈,老杰克你也来了?” Naturally, in the city the grain price rose recently, the grain that last year saved can sell......” “当然,最近城内粮食价格上涨,去年积攒的粮食都可以卖了……” „The fruit vegetables, every ten pounds price also rose three Nall......” “还有水果蔬菜,每十磅的价格也上涨了三个纳尔……” But is going to war, remains in home?” “但是正在打仗啊,还是留一些在家里吧?” Doesn't matter, wandering bard in tavern said that before these Green Woods barbarians, year after year robs, most also wreaks havoc the northern boundary, even if this time is fiercer, has Grand Duke Bauhinia to have 30,000 people, enough their striking back native place, haha......” “没有关系,酒馆里的吟游诗人都说了,那些绿森林蛮子以前年年抢劫,最多也只是肆虐北境,哪怕这次厉害一些,有紫荆花大公带着三万人,足够将他们打回老家了,哈哈……” ...... …… Aaron listens to the vegetable farmer to boast, while was one's turn itself to enter the city. 亚伦一边听着菜农吹嘘,一边轮到了自己入城。 I wandering bard Yaso from northern boundary, because of the north confusion, therefore comes the Royal Capital avoidance, looks for a manual labor while convenient......” “我是来自北境的吟游诗人亚索,因为北方混乱,所以来王都躲避,顺便找点活计……” He is looking at the guard of doing an inspection, is saying calmly. 他望着巡查的卫兵,平静地说着。 Un, the kingdom of this time and has no residency registration system and identification, but the defense guard how brain hole opens even if again greatly, is impossible to think that front this youngster, is moves the northern boundary, lets entire kingdom frightened Green Woods Count. 嗯,这个时代的王国并没有什么户籍制度与身份证明,而哪怕守城卫兵再怎么脑洞大开,也不可能想到面前这个少年,就是名动北境,让整个王国都恐惧的绿森伯爵 Do not stir up trouble!” “不要惹事!” Therefore, the guard carefully examined Aaron to place immediately burden, after without seeing long sword and other weapons, warned, confirmed allows to pass. 因此,卫兵只是审视了亚伦放在马上的包袱,没有看到长剑等兵器之后,就警告了一句,确认放行。
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