TTNH :: Volume #18

#1733: To opportunity that you revenge

Since the life were in such situation, that also wants this damn the life to make the bird! Goes to his mother! Goes damn! Dies!” In the Sovereign of the Law heart cursed angrily maliciously, actually splitting of feeling own heart suddenly ache. “既然人生已经到了此等地步,那还要这狗日的人生做鸟!去他娘的!去他妈的!都去死吧!”法尊心中狠狠怒骂,却感觉自己的心骤然疼痛的裂开。 Then his suddenly has stood, complexion cold severe. 然后他就猛地站了起来,脸色冷厉。 Surrounding Law Enforcer follows the Sovereign of the Law ten thousand years, had not actually seen that Sovereign of the Law mood can become in the flash unexpectedly so cruel! Destruction aura that around the entire body surrounds, so is unexpectedly crazy, alarmed! 周围的执法者跟随法尊万年,却从来没有见到法尊情绪竟然可以在一瞬间变得这般的暴戾!整个身体周围环绕的毁灭气息,竟然如此疯狂,触目惊心! This crazy, has actually been full of a heartrending feeling. 只是这种疯狂,却充满了一种令人心碎的感觉。 Xiao Chenyu died, right now Xiao Family was ended thoroughly, Nine Great Aristocratic Families extinguished one again, how many but also remained? Ye Family, Ling Family, Yè Family and Chen Family, Shi Family...... Shi Family on only remaining Shi Paoxiao, but also there are? Ok, no matter there are, wants the destruction in any case!” 萧晨雨死了,这下子萧家算是彻底完了,九大世家再灭一家,还剩几家?还有夜家,凌家叶家陈家,石家……石家就只剩下一个石咆哮了,还有没有了?算了,不管有没有了,反正都是要覆灭的!” In the Sovereign of the Law sound, indifferent brutalities, said slowly: Next should, be which family/home?” 法尊声音中,有一种淡然的残酷,慢慢道:“下一家,该是谁家了?” His long body, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, raise one's head, two vision unexpectedly such as demon thunder Yaodian is spookily ordinary, the electricity shoots. 他长身而起,负手而立,一抬头,两道幽幽地目光竟如魔雷妖电一般,电射而出。 Perpendicular incidence to the Capital City head! 直射向中都城头! Two places are separated by at least hundred miles remote, torrential downpour impediment, but this vision, actually likely completely has disregarded together the hindrance of space, such ice however, then such as two sharpest advantage arrows, the perpendicular incidence entered in the heart of Ye Chenchen and the others. 两地相隔至少百里之遥,倾盆大雨阻隔,但他的这一道目光,却像是完全无视了空间的阻碍,就这么凌然而至,便如两道最犀利的利箭,直射进了夜沉沉等人的心中。 Ye Chenchen and other cultivation base profoundness, faint from fear this to arrive at the sudden vision, all people thought in abundance own heart suddenly sinks! Suddenly, actually thought that the heart ancient banner vacillates, cannot help but is with amazement in great surprise! 夜沉沉修为高深者,惊觉这到突如其来的目光,所有人纷纷觉得自己的心中猛地一沉!一时间,竟然觉得心旌动摇,不由得俱是骇然大惊! Sovereign of the Law present cultivation base, arrived at one degree that obviously, even if such as Ye Chenchen and the others is unable to understand, has the startled world seriously, but indescribably tragic power and influence! cultivation base, believes in this way was past years is known as Number One Under The Heaven Ning Tianya, could not achieve absolutely?! 法尊如今的修为,显然已经到了一个即便如夜沉沉等人也无法理解的程度,当真有惊天地而泣鬼神的威势!如斯修为,相信就算是当年号称天下第一宁天涯,也是绝对做不到的吧?! Only hears the Sovereign of the Law sound to transmit distantly, sound one such as in the past general tranquil scholarly. Seemingly is also having several points with ease with natural and unrestrained: Ye Chenchen, do not say this eminence not to you opportunity. So long as you were still going to battle, this eminence to then not bully few. The Nine Heavens for 90,000 years have not fought a decisive battle fairly a saying. But today, this eminence gives the opportunity that you fight a decisive battle like this fairly!” 只听法尊的声音遥遥传来,声音一如往昔一般的平静儒雅。貌似还带着几分轻松和潇洒:“夜沉沉,勿要说本座不给你们机会。只要你们仍是一家一家的出战,本座这边便不会以多欺少。九重天90000年来从来没有公平决战一说。但今日,本座就给你们这样公平决战的机会!” this eminence straightforward and upright, even if cleanses the demon, wants directly and honestly! Let and other convinced in heart and by word!” 本座光明磊落,纵然是荡涤魔头,也要堂堂正正!让尔等心服口服!” You have many people, us has many people. Comes, my welcoming one after another! The life and death victory or defeat, settles Heaven's Will respectively!” “你们出多少人,我们这边就出多少人。一家一家的来,我一队一队的迎!生死胜败,各安天命!” Ye Chenchen ridiculed jeers has smiled: „The Lord Sovereign of the Law procedure was really too fair. With master of one group of Supreme Saint Level levels, copes Monarch Level Emperor Master Martial Artist. Unexpectedly must enjoy population coordinated fair, seriously is just......” 夜沉沉讥嘲的笑了起来:“法尊大人的做法实在是太公平了。用一帮至尊圣级层次的高手,来对付君级皇座武者。居然还要享受人数对等的公平,当真是公道……” Sovereign of the Law coldly coldly snorted, indifferently said: Ye Chenchen, you do not know. If each other complete personnel attended the tangled warfare seriously, you will only be finished quickly, cannot obtain including such result, now this decisive battle way, has at least given your many opportunities of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, not?!” 法尊冷冷哼了一声,淡淡道:“夜沉沉,你难道不知道。若是当真彼此全员参加混战,你们只会完蛋得快,连这样的结果也得不到,现在这种决战方式,至少给了你们许多苟延残喘的机会,不是么?!” Ye Chenchen coldly snorted, has not started talking again. 夜沉沉冷哼一声,再也没有开口说话。 All people know. Also understands that Sovereign of the Law said that is the frank talk. 所有人都知道。也明白,法尊说的,正是大实话。 Sovereign of the Law sound in heavy rain, tranquil temperate. It looks like the speech beyond the opposite three chi (0.33 m) is only ordinary, graceful saying: You said that the this eminence procedure strong bullying the weak, victory not military? How could it not be to know the right and wrong in the truth, the justice does not care about the strength! Now. I not only gave you to be fair, I gave back to the opportunity that you have revenged. Coped with Xiao Family a moment ago, is southeast side Law Enforcer, as well as the headquarters were in charge of southeastern all Supreme. If Xiao Chenyu is able, massacres them completely, I will definitely not have the complaint. If capable of revenging, is his skill.” 法尊的声音在大雨之中,平静温和。就像是只在对面三尺之外讲话一般,优雅的说道:“你们说本座的作法是以强凌弱,胜之不武吗?岂不知是非不在道理,公道在乎实力!如今。我不只给了你们公平,我还给了你们报仇的机会。刚才对付萧家的,乃是东南面的执法者,以及总部分管东南的所有至尊。若是萧晨雨有能力,将他们全部杀掉,我绝对不会有怨言。若是有能力报仇,才算他的本事。” Was a pity that he does not have the ability to achieve, then, died should not have the complaint again! The survival of the fittest, since old times such as was, duplicate had what word?!” “可惜,他没有能力做到,那么,死了也不该再有怨言!优胜劣败,自古如是,复有何言?!” Sovereign of the Law coldly said: Ye Chenchen, was the next war, which family one's turn your side to go to battle? Whoever wants to look for Law Enforcer to revenge, I give him similarly the opportunity!” 法尊冷冷说道:“夜沉沉,下一战,轮到你们那边哪个家族出战了?无论谁想要找执法者报仇,我同样给他机会!” The sound curls in the midair especially the reverberation, but Sovereign of the Law no longer spoke. 声音尤在半空袅袅回荡,但法尊却已经不再说话了。 The both sides battlefield, fell into a short deathly stillness. 双方战场,陷入了一片短暂的死寂之中。 That has focused attention on the battlefield grade eight Supreme body to tremble, turns around to shout loudly: Xiao Family ended! Next is, who?” 那位一直注目战场的八品至尊身子一颤,转身大呼:“萧家完了!下一家,是谁?” Early morning the rain walked, Xiao Family ended......” the Ye Chenchen lip unable to bear tremble, looks in the heavy rain, that stretch of alarmed open area, muttered: Early morning the rain went...... Next can, who be?” “晨雨走了,萧家完了……”夜沉沉嘴唇忍不住哆嗦着,看着大雨中,那一片触目惊心的空地,喃喃道:“晨雨去了……下一个,会是谁?” behind the body, the complexion of fellow first ancestors exceptionally ugly, performing is a grief. Hatred. For Xiao Chenyu, for own family! 身后,各位始祖的脸色都是异常的难看,尽是一片惨然。还有浓浓的仇恨。为了萧晨雨,为了自己的家族! In the eyes of everyone, has the tears to ferment. 每个人的眼中,都有眼泪在酝酿。 The person non- vegetation, who can be heartless? 人非草木,孰能无情? Xiao Chenyu...... Also was here these person of ten thousand years of youngest brothers! 萧晨雨……也是这里这些人万年的老兄弟了! Although also has dirty, has the mutual lack of understanding , occurred has not been happy, but, all celebrating a holiday, actually in this moment entirely vanish like smoke in thin air. 虽然彼此之间也有过龌龊,有过隔膜,也发生过不愉快,但,所有的过节,却在这一刻通通的烟消云散了。 Early morning the rain until death also has no qualms in the prestige of child of Nine Tribulations!” Ye Qiuye calmly said one. “晨雨至死也无愧于九劫之子的威名!”叶秋叶静静地说了一句。 Yes!” Other person of heavily nod. “是!”其他人重重点头。 „Is next war, revenged by whom?” Ye Chenchen vision like electricity: Good that Sovereign of the Law said that this war, although was the death trap, actually was also the opportunity of revenging, perhaps final revenging opportunity!” “下一战,由谁去报仇?”夜沉沉目光如电:“法尊说的不错,这一战,虽然是死亡陷阱,却也是报仇的机会,也许还是最后的报仇机会!” Person of good, opposite battle, destroys the person of our family. This enmity, naturally must report! This is fought by me goes! Even if dies, I must make these executioners pay the price!” Zhuge Cangqiong coldly one. “不错,对面交战的人,正是毁灭我们家族的人。这个仇,当然是要报的!这一战由我去吧!纵然是死,我也要让这些刽子手付出代价!”诸葛苍穹冷冷一哼。 „Will the old man be timid the war? I go!” Ye Qiuye fights for was saying: Destroys the enmity of family/home extermination of the clan, cannot live under the same sky!” “难道老夫会怯战吗?还是我去吧!”叶秋叶争抢着说道:“毁家灭族之仇,不共戴天!” But the people were saying was saying, the discovery has actually been short of a person should with. 但众人说着说着,却发现少了一个人的应和。 Looked that was Chen Family first ancestor Chen Yingfeng in big strides has actually gone down the top. 一看,却是陈家始祖陈迎风已经大踏步地走下了城头。 The people completely are startled. 众人尽都为之一怔。 In the past few days, the performance of Chen Yingfeng seemingly greatly did not suit, passive mentality that as if some timid wars shrink, how this time actually not saying a word took the lead? 这几天里,陈迎风的表现貌似一直都不大对劲,似乎有些怯战畏缩的消极心态,怎地这一次却是一言不发的率先下去了? Was stimulated by the Xiao Chenyu death? 难道是被萧晨雨的死刺激到了? Also or, was proposed by Sovereign of the Law revenging did these two characters stimulate him? 又或者,是被法尊提出的‘报仇’这两个字刺激了他? This not making a sound will exit unexpectedly...... 这会居然不声不响的自己就出去了…… This fellow, the movement is really quick!” Zhuge Cangqiong discontented saying: Greeted does not hit one.” “这家伙,动作真快!”诸葛苍穹不满的说道:“连招呼也不打一声。” Ye Qiuye is also discontented, but in sound also has actually been full of the respect: Chen Yingfeng today really likely strip man...... For 10,000 years see him such to renounce for the first time.” 叶秋叶也是不满,但声音中却也充满了尊重:“陈迎风今天才真的像条汉子……10000年来首次见他这么决绝呢。” Ye Chenchen sighed: Said his the past few days pressure, was big enough...... However, such exits, the possibility that comes back again......” said. Deep sigh one breath. 夜沉沉叹了口气:“说起来他这几天的压力,也够大了……不过,这么出去,再回来的可能性……”说完。长叹一口气。 Zhuge Cangqiong and Ye Qiuye also sighed, looks the back that Chen Yingfeng went far away gradually, filled has not abandoned. 诸葛苍穹叶秋叶也同时叹息,看着陈迎风渐渐远去的背影,充满了不舍。 This goes, the brothers only feared does not have meeting again time, since then Netherworld two separated. 这一去,兄弟只怕再无见面的时候,从此幽冥两隔了。 The people were sighing time in abundance, actually under heard to broadcast the Chen Yingfeng mobilization sound. 众人正在叹息纷纷的时候,却听见下面已经传来陈迎风的动员声音。 Long time after long time, sees only city gate to open, Chen Yingfeng leads the Chen Family great accomplishment only remaining that several people to walk in the forefront, behind the body. Actually in all troops who in the past few days draws. 良久良久之后,只见城门一开,陈迎风带着陈家硕果仅剩下的那十几个人走在最前面,身后。却是在这几天里收拢起来的所有人马。 Saw that side Chen Yingfeng alone ten Chen Family people, before remembering Chen Family magnificent prosperous, in Ye Chenchen unexpectedly heart inexplicable acid, eye socket one red, ordered hurriedly: Chen Family is weak at present. Perhaps if the single linked the team unable to control depending on the Chen Family manpower, went to several person helpers quickly.” Issues an order, the Ye Family aspect master dials several hundreds, closely followed. 眼看着陈迎风身边孤零零的十来个陈家人,想起陈家以前的辉煌鼎盛,夜沉沉竟然心中莫名一酸,眼圈一红,急忙下令:“陈家眼下势单力孤。若单只凭陈家的人手恐怕连队伍也控制不了,快去几个人帮手。”一声令下,夜家方面高手拨出去数百,紧紧跟了上去。 Zhuge Cangqiong and Ye Qiuye also sighed, called out: Big Brother!” 诸葛苍穹叶秋叶同时叹息,叫道:“大哥!” Ye Chenchen extremely painful saying: Brothers, even if must walk today really...... I have the responsibility to make my brother walk is sighter...... His family/home nobody, was then buried along with the dead by my Ye Family person!” 夜沉沉沉痛的说道:“兄弟一场,纵然今日真的要走……我也有责任让我的兄弟走的风光一些……他家没人了,便由我夜家人陪葬!” Eye of Ye Qiuye and Zhuge Cangqiong. Simultaneously was red. 叶秋叶诸葛苍穹的眼睛。同时红了起来。 The Diwu Qingrou lip moves, has a mind to open the mouth to prevent, does not have to the sound finally. 第五轻柔嘴唇动了动,有心想要开口阻止,却终于没有出到声。 A moment ago, in that moment that Xiao Chenyu died in battle. Diwu Qingrou clearly sees in the Chen Yingfeng eye to flash through heartfelt pleased, one share as deep as the extreme...... Complex. 刚才,就在萧晨雨阵亡的那一刻第五轻柔分明看到陈迎风眼中闪过一丝由衷的快意,还有一股子深沉到极点的……复杂。 Although complex, actually do not renounce the look that revenges! 虽然复杂,却绝不是要去决绝报仇的眼神! But now, Diwu Qingrou at this moment was actually anything cannot say. Does not dare saying that even if said . The only result only will also be torn into shreds by Ye Chenchen and the others. 但现在,此刻的第五轻柔却是什么都不能说。更不敢说,就算是真个说出来。唯一结果也只会被夜沉沉等人撕碎而已。 Was aroused the ultra ten thousand years of brothers friendship by the Xiao Chenyu death a moment ago, how to allow others to speak another brothers' malicious remarks in front of oneself? 刚才才被萧晨雨的死激起了超愈万年的兄弟情谊,怎么会允许别人在自己面前说另一位兄弟的坏话? The truth is always brutal, but the truth forever is the truth, even if how brutality, when you must face, you also can only accept! 真相从来都是残酷的,但真相永远都是真相,即使如何的残酷,当你必须面对的时候,你也只能接受! Chen Yingfeng braves wind and rain leads the way, imposing manner heroically. 陈迎风顶风冒雨一路前行,气势豪迈之极。 In the top, the Ye Chenchen complexion is serious, heaves a sigh: We had misunderstood before against the wind.” 城头上,夜沉沉脸色沉重,慨然长叹:“我们之前都误会了迎风。” The Ye Qiuye whole face completely is the ashamed look. 叶秋叶满脸尽是愧色。 Distant place. 远方。 Sovereign of the Law concentrates the item to look that Chen Yingfeng and the others goes out of city gate one after another, the vision dodges, waves: Cleaning up battlefield!” 法尊凝目看着陈迎风等人鱼贯走出城门,目光一闪,一挥手:“清理战场!” The sound has not fallen, four grade six Supreme also get rid. 声音未落,四位六品至尊同时出手。 Suddenly, but sees in the battlefield of trim the innumerable corpses to be revolved by the collective suddenly, immediately had the following hail general the pile a huge circle, the roof, really had high of hundred zhang (333 m). “忽”的一声,但见整片的战场上无数尸体突然被集体运转,随即有如下冰雹一般噼里啪啦的堆成了一个巨大的圆圈,最高处,竟然足足有百丈之高。 This occupying land area has dozens miles surrounding area circle fully, was all occupied by the innumerable skeletons, piles airtight, is only, most actually vacant. 这个占地足有数十里方圆的圆圈,全被无数尸骸占据,堆得密不透风,只是,最中间却空置着的。 The team that brushes runs Dongsheng, after seeing only Law Enforcer, in armed forces, other countless people, everyone carry a giant iron bucket such as to fly to come, leaps on tall wall that but on is built by the corpse, immediately crash-bang falls the matter in iron bucket. 刷刷的队伍跑东升,只见执法者后军之中,另有无数人,每人都扛着一只巨大的铁桶如飞而来,一跃而上由尸体垒成的高墙上,随即将铁桶中的物事哗啦啦倾倒下去。 Next moment, a special flavor/smell fills the air to rise from all directions. 一刻,一股特殊的味道弥漫四起。 Kerosene! 火油! In the iron bucket loads unexpectedly is the massive kerosenes! 铁桶中装载的竟然是大量的火油! tens of thousands barrel component kerosene simultaneously fell in the central place of circle, immediately, several soaked the flare of tung oil to burn completely in the rain cats and dogs, that several flares, performed have delimited one after another brilliant curve, fell in the great quantity kerosene. 数万桶分量火油同时倾倒在了圆圈的中心位置,随即,又有几个浸满了桐油的火把就在大雨倾盆中燃烧起来,那几个火把,尽都划过一道又一道绚烂的弧度,落到了巨量的火油之中。 Bang! 轰! Instantaneous, the fire flaming soars to the heavens ignites. 瞬间,大火熊熊冲天燃起。 Sets on fire in everywhere torrential downpour in this way...... 在如斯漫天瓢泼大雨之中纵火…… This seriously is the unprecedented pioneering work \; But the combustion, before is actually moment, in human body of jumping for joy. 这当真是前无古人的创举\;而燃烧的,却是片刻之前还在活蹦乱跳的人体。 This flickers, does not divide really high and low, commits to flames in any case entirely, is only the corpse, just like this. No matter before you die, is unparalleled hero, is the hoodlum beggar, now is only a corpse. 这一瞬,真的是不分贵贱高低,统统付之一炬,只是尸体,如此而已。不管你死之前是盖世英雄,还是流氓乞丐,如今就只是一具尸体而已。 At this point, true equality, fair! 在此时,真正的平等,公平!
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