TTNH :: Volume #18

#1734: Mean surrender

Some unceasing people look outside, certain cannot burn simply will fly high to work, throws into the sea of fire the quite exuberant place, as fast as possible cremates. 不断的有人在外面看着,某些燃烧不到的就干脆将之凌空抓起,扔进火海中比较旺盛的地方,尽速焚化。 A flavor/smell of unique body burning down, has filled a surrounding area several thousand miles region gradually. 一股特有的皮肉焚烧的味道,渐渐弥漫了方圆数千里的地域。 Believes how long does not use, this flavor/smell sufficiently has filled entire Capital City. 相信不用多长时间,这股味道就足以弥漫了整个中都城 In fact, Capital City at this moment, many people have been using the nose to smell crazily: This ghost weather also some people in barbecue? The flavor/smell so is how strange......” 事实上,此刻的中都城中,已经有不少人在用鼻子狂嗅:“这鬼天气怎么还有人在烤肉?味道怎地这么怪呢……” Outside city, no matter Nine Great Clans people on Law Enforcer or the top, is the whole face heavily looks at that to soar to the heavens the flame. 城外,不管是执法者还是城头上的九大家族中人,都是满脸沉重地看着那冲天火光。 Does not divide the enemy friend, today simultaneously completely melts the ashes! 不分敌友,今日同时尽化灰烬! Sovereign of the Law this, suffices the toxin without doubt, actually also enough simply. 法尊这一手,无疑够毒,却也足够干脆。 Moreover, this movement as if also has other any implication...... 而且,这动作似乎还有什么别的寓意吧…… But now people already red eye, there also attended to the ground thinking other. 但现在众人都已经红了眼睛,那里还顾地上想其他的。 The battlefield ground, the action of cremated corpse gradually enters the last act, two grade eight Supreme same fortune palms, suddenly pushes out. Crash-bang, in ground, no matter the bloody water or the rain water, including were having half inch thick ground to uncover fully together, looked like at the same time the giant theater curtain, was uncovered. 战场地面,焚化尸体的举动渐入尾声,两位八品至尊同时运掌,猛地推出去。哗啦啦一声,地面上,不管是血水还是雨水,连着足有半寸厚地面一同揭了起来,就像是一面巨大的幕布,被人一把揭起。 Their drinks greatly, simultaneously catches up once again. 两人一声大喝,同时再度发力。 Suddenly, all rain water bloody water, perform by that giant theater curtain load bearing, has thrown the mountain top altogether. That side the mountain, among the moment transmit one to be fierce like the heaven falls and earth rends general thundering sound. 忽的一声,所有雨水血水,尽都被那块巨大的幕布承载着,一股脑地扔过了山头。山那边,须臾间传来一阵剧烈得有如天崩地裂一般的轰鸣声音。 Immediately, several Supreme act once again one after another, at the scene in blinking not arriving, this piece because of fighting one becomes big hole land everywhere, restored smooth unexpectedly. 随即,几位至尊再度接连施为,在眨眨眼都不到的光景里,这片因为大战一场而变得大坑处处的土地,竟然恢复了一片平整。 Moreover, including water stain does not have many that before saved unexpectedly, in still heavy rain, but below heavy rain, has formed rare dry and clear unexpectedly. 而且,连之前积蓄的水渍竟也没有多少了,在仍旧瓢泼而下的大雨之中,居然形成了一片罕见的干爽。 The strength of Supreme. Function moving mountains to fill the seas. At this point, these words were confirmed full. 至尊之力。功能移山填海。在此时,这句话得到了充分的证实。 „The previous team of fighting forces return the rest, trades another team. Days before what destruction Chen Family is who?” Sovereign of the Law ordered: Goes forward to go to battle, accepts a challenge Chen Yingfeng!” “前一队战斗队伍退回休息,换另一队。前几日覆灭陈家的是谁?”法尊下令:“上前出战,应战陈迎风!” Yes!” “是!” The time are not much, before Chen Yingfeng has arrived at both armies, saw that both sides on must contact subtle during that begins, the personal enemy meets, particularly is jealous 时间不多,陈迎风已经走到两军阵前,眼看双方就要接触动手的微妙当口,正是仇人相见,分外眼红的时候 Chen Yingfeng raises hand to drink suddenly greatly: Slow! I had the words to say! Lord Sovereign of the Law, does not know whether can discuss?” 陈迎风突然举手大喝:“慢着!我有话说!法尊大人,不知是否可以一谈?” Suddenly. Both sides both are startled. 一时间。双方都为之怔住。 This during, one discussed can either? 这个当口,还有一谈的必要么? Faces is killing your posterity, does the strong enmity mortal enemy who destroys your homeland, want to discuss unexpectedly?! What can also discuss? 面对着杀你子孙后代,毁灭你的家园的强仇死敌,居然还要一谈?!还能谈什么? In the top Ye Chenchen frowned: Both sides both already being doomed mortal enemy, what vigor but also discussed? Regardless of how present Sovereign of the Law will not receive the hand. Also is thinking can admonish him?” 城头上夜沉沉皱起眉头:“双方都已经注定死敌了,还谈个什么劲?现在的法尊无论如何也不会收手了。还想着可以规劝他吗?” Diwu Qingrou smiles bitterly, said: Perhaps...... Has...... Variable. Chen Yingfeng, not necessarily is the admonishment......” 第五轻柔苦笑一声,道:“或许……或者其中另有……变数吧。陈迎风,未必便是规劝……” Variable?” Ye Chenchen knits the brows, suddenly is angry: You meant that does not admonish Sovereign of the Law against the wind, but can surrender to Sovereign of the Law? How you dare saying that how can think?! So-called Martial Artist, must have the character! My brother is not that person!” “变数?”夜沉沉一皱眉,突然大怒:“你的意思是说迎风不是规劝法尊,而是要向法尊投降?你怎么敢这么说,怎么敢这么想?!所谓武者,必有风骨!我兄弟绝不是那种人!” Diwu Qingrou is a forced smile. Has not continued to start talking, Shi Paoxiao, Ye Qiuye and Zhuge Cangqiong simultaneously stared to scold: Puts your mother's nonsense! Shuts up to father!” 第五轻柔又是一声苦笑。还没继续开口说话,石咆哮,叶秋叶诸葛苍穹已经同时瞪眼骂来:“放你娘的狗屁!给老子闭嘴!” Diwu Qingrou shook the head gently, smiles bitterly no longer is speaking. 第五轻柔轻轻地摇了摇头,苦笑着不再说话。 Now just when this. Does not have the least bit significance obviously. 现在正值这个。明显没有半点意义。 Has gawked obviously also to the area array, a moment later, the Sovereign of the Law sound distantly conveys: Chen Yingfeng, what do you want to discuss with me? Among us. Also has something to discuss? You do not presumptuously think to rouse are puzzled I, slanders me is the Devil servant?” 对面阵中明显也愣了一下,片刻之后,法尊的声音才遥遥传来:“陈迎风,你要与我谈什么?我们之间。还有什么可谈?你不是还妄想能鼓惑我,污蔑我是天魔奴仆吧?” Some Chen Yingfeng that gentle and reserved sounds resound: Lord Sovereign of the Law do not misunderstand. Looks for you below, naturally some important matters discussed.” 陈迎风那有些阴柔的声音响起:“法尊大人千万不要误会。在下找你,自然是有要事商谈。” Reason that Lord Sovereign of the Law wants destruction Nine Great Clans, asks the result generally is also wants Venerable the world alone, em, should eliminate by Outlands Devil demon Nine Great Clans! But now this Capital City, is the Nine Great Clans final fortress. Lord Sovereign of the Law wants the purge world, nothing else but further eliminates the dissident, achieves the complete control the result......” 法尊大人之所以想要覆灭九大家族,所求结果大抵也就是想要独尊天下,恩,应该是消灭被域外天魔魔化的九大家族!而现在这中都城,已经是九大家族的最后堡垒。法尊大人想要清洗天下,也不外乎就是进一步清除异己,达到完全掌控的结果……” Such being the case, Chen Yingfeng wants to discuss a condition with Lord Sovereign of the Law but actually, to each other both sides both advantageous condition.” “既然如此,陈迎风倒想与法尊大人谈个条件,对彼此双方都有利的条件。” The Sovereign of the Law sound has as if hesitated: What condition?” 法尊的声音似乎沉吟了一下:“什么条件?” I am willing with front Law Enforcer, to melt disappear the hatred, converts an enemy into a friend, leads my behind the body these person in light of this surrender Lord Sovereign of the Law! Only asked Lord Sovereign of the Law open the net on one side, these many people, was the children who the father birth mother raised, in their families/home, the family member waited for them to go back, the old mother relied on the gate to face one another, the young person waited for...... Did my Chen Yingfeng how being cruel enough make them die in battle along with me together? I may guarantee here these person not any people by Devil demon, by the Lord Sovereign of the Law benevolent temper, wants to come to be able open the net on one side!” “我愿意与面前的执法者,化消仇恨,化敌为友,并且,率领我身后这些人就此投降法尊大人!只求法尊大人网开一面,这么多人,也都是父生母养的孩子啊,他们的家里,还有亲人等待他们回去,老母倚门相望,红颜翘首以待……我陈迎风如何忍心让他们随我一道战死?我可担保这里这些人并没有任何一人被天魔魔化,以法尊大人的仁慈性子,想来能够网开一面的!” These words said that simply was earth-shattering! 这句话说出来,简直就是石破天惊 No matter Ye Chenchen and other Capital City wife, Law Enforcer in Sovereign of the Law aspect, almost everybody has not been able to believe own ear. Unexpectedly suddenly cannot respond, until breathing heavily two tones, finally has digested this absolutely unexpected words, in an instant scolded the sound to rise from all directions. 不管是夜沉沉中都城内人,还有法尊方面的执法者的,几乎所人人都不敢相信自己的耳朵。居然一时间反应不过来,直到喘了两口气,才终于消化了这句绝对意想不到的话,刹那间骂声四起。 Chen Yingfeng! You are not concerned about face!” 陈迎风!你不要脸!” Chen Yingfeng! Are you also a person!” 陈迎风!你还是不是人!” Chen Yingfeng, not must forget that who your family is extinguishes, your family member is who kills! Your this bastard!” 陈迎风,莫要忘记你的家族是谁灭的,你的亲人是谁杀的!你这个混蛋!” ...... …… The Chen Yingfeng words have not said that in the top scolded one piece. 陈迎风话还没有说完,城头上已经骂成了一片。 The Ye Chenchen whole body air/Qi trembles, almost feels nauseated to bleed. 夜沉沉浑身都气得哆嗦,几乎就要吐出血来。 Several first ancestors said that anything has not thought that Chen Yingfeng walks by such heroical stance, unexpectedly is surrenders, not only surrenders, in order to surrenders smoothly, even does not hesitate to slander, Nine Great Clans by Devil demon, is the world genuine chaotic source absurd fact. 几位始祖说什么也没想到,陈迎风以这么壮烈的姿态走出去,居然是去投降的,不但投降,为了能够顺利投降,甚至不惜自我污蔑,九大家族天魔魔化,才是天下真正乱源的荒谬事实。 Faces strong enmity archenemy who destruction own family, is slaughtering oneself descendants! Surrender? 面对着覆灭自己的家族、屠杀自己子孙的强仇大敌!投降? This was really absurd to the extreme. 这真是荒谬到了极点。 Zhuge Cangqiong, Ye Qiuye and Shi Paoxiao and the others completely complexion scarlet-red like blood, roused including the neck embarrasedly. 诸葛苍穹,叶秋叶石咆哮等人尽都脸色赤红如血,讪讪的,连脖子都鼓了起来。 Diwu Qingrou said a moment ago, the three people crazily will scold, finally just now scolds, the sound in the ear, own brothers has given especially itself a resounding ear and area around it right in the face! 刚才第五轻柔说了一句,自己三人就将之狂骂一顿,结果自己这边才刚骂完,声尤在耳,自己的兄弟就给了自己劈头盖脸的一记响亮耳光! Too disgraced! Really was too disgraced! 太丢人了!实在是太丢人了! Disgraced lost to the grandmother family/home simply...... 简直就是丢人丢到姥姥家了…… These people who Chen Yingfeng leads, particularly that part helps the Ye Family person of control personnel, being filled with righteous indignation cursed angrily. Chen Yingfeng completely ignores, only in the response of static marquis Sovereign of the Law, he believes that Sovereign of the Law will not receive oneself this big ritual, so long as he accepted, oneself were also safe. What trivial several scolded the sound to be considered as, can is more important than the poor life and infinite future?! 陈迎风带出去的那些人,尤其是其中那部分来帮忙控制队伍的夜家人,一个个都是气愤填膺的怒骂起来。陈迎风对此全然置之不理,只在静侯法尊的回应,他相信法尊不会不接收自己这份大礼,只要他接受了,自己也就安全了。区区几句骂声算得了什么,能比小命和无限前程重要吗?! Sovereign of the Law waves, several high rank Supreme simultaneously release own tyrannical imposing manner, instantaneous suppressed the tumults of these people. Regarding several are restless especially fiercely, several Law Enforcer high rank Supreme simply together get rid, will cut to kill instantaneously! 法尊一挥手,几位高阶至尊同时释放自身强横气势,瞬间已经压制住那些人的骚动。对于其中几个闹腾得格外厉害的,几位执法者高阶至尊干脆一起出手,将之瞬间斩杀! When the blood light to/clashes, noise stops. 血光冲起之余,吵闹声顿止。 Chen Yingfeng here team has created a disturbance a meeting, returned to gradually normal. 陈迎风这边的队伍又骚乱了一会,渐渐恢复了平静。 Your excellency so mentioned but actually also some truth, can the self-supporting its shortcoming, uncover oneself to be short rarely.” Sovereign of the Law benign saying: But your excellency is willing to surrender, thinks that what condition has? Might as well said to listen, this eminence will consider the consideration.” “阁下这般说来倒也有些道理,更难得能自承其弊,自揭己短。”法尊和颜悦色的说道:“但阁下愿意投诚,想必另有什么条件吧?不妨道来听听,本座自会斟酌思量。” Chen Yingfeng said: My this time can have person to pledge allegiance, naturally is willing to win this powers along with Lord Sovereign of the Law, whatever Lord Sovereign of the Law whips on, how dares to want any condition, even, is a traitor does not have the issue. If said that has what extravagant demands, only asked a Lord Sovereign of the Law matter...... After this war, puts my behind the body these brothers to go home, gives them a way out to walk, believes this Xiaoxiao request, Lord Sovereign of the Law cannot miserly......” 陈迎风道:“我此次可以带人归顺,自然是愿意随法尊大人打下这片江山的,任由法尊大人驱策,如何敢要什么条件,甚至,反戈一击也无问题。若说有何奢求,就只求法尊大人一件事……此战之后放我身后这些兄弟回家,给他们一条生路走,相信这一小小要求,法尊大人不会吝啬……” The Sovereign of the Law smile nods. 法尊微笑点头。 The people also thoroughly understood the Chen Yingfeng intention in this flash. 众人也在这一瞬间彻底明白了陈迎风的用心。 He wants with the aid of the surrender, draws in the hearts of behind the body these people. 他是想要借助投降,来收拢身后这些人的心。 Although Chen Family has considered the destruction, but not necessarily cannot reconstruct. But the reconstruction needs the manpower, his behind the body currently has several hundred thousand manpower. 陈家虽然已告覆灭,但未必不可以重建。而再建是需要人手的,他身后现在就有几十万的人手。 So long as there is Chen Yingfeng, post-war, is a super family! 只要有陈迎风在,战后,就又是一个超级家族! Moreover, this time does not hesitate the self-destruction reputation, has saved the lives of these people, with his ignominious is living, imperceptibly also with his heart...... 而且,他这次不惜自毁名声,保全了这些人的性命,都跟着他不光彩的活着,无形中也就跟着他一条心了…… This point, proposed the surrender from Chen Yingfeng, but the behind the body hundreds of thousands of people altogether were also in a tumult a small little while to be tranquil, the will of the people such as was, performed one obvious. 这一点,从陈迎风提出投降,而身后数十万人一共也只是骚动了一小会儿就平静下来,人心如是,尽都一眼可见。 Even if in also some little loyal generations, but the general trend, almost all people have surrendered, only then do tough it out is also useful? Let alone are only cultivation base is mean, how even if are grade nine Supreme can? if by any chance toughs it out is thought oneself how what is done, was killed table loyal that is treats unjustly! 纵然里面还有几许忠贞之辈,但大势所趋,几乎所有人都投降了,只有自己硬挺又有什么用?别说自己只是修为低微,就算自己是九品至尊又能如何?万一硬挺着被人以为自己如何如之何,被人杀了表忠心那才是冤枉呢! This is the following the crowd psychology of people. Even links the Ye Family master who these Ye Chenchen send, no longer moved. 这就是人们的从众心理。甚至连那些夜沉沉派来的夜家高手,也都不再动弹了。 The peaceful death might as well barely exist, since everybody has surrendered, that is everybody loses face together...... Since has lost face, what relations the surrender also does have? Preserves the life to be good. 好死不如赖活着,既然大家都投降了,那是大家一起丢脸……既然丢脸了,投降又有什么关系?保住命就好。 So long as the Sovereign of the Law commitment accepts the enemy's surrender today, Chen Yingfeng only waited to be after the war good. 只要今日法尊承诺纳降,陈迎风就只等战后就好了。 At the appointed time, so long as believes Chen Yingfeng raises the arm shouts, establishes Chen Family, he will have the great merit in Law Enforcer, Sovereign of the Law miserly will not give him a face. By that time, Chen Family or was not only one of the Nine Great Clans. 届时,相信只要陈迎风振臂一呼,成立陈家,他有大功于执法者,法尊不会吝啬不会给他一个面子。到那时候,陈家或者就不仅仅是九大家族之一了。 But besides Law Enforcer, a world only family! Also possibly is Upper Three Heavens, and even entire Nine Heavens, a biggest family! 而是除了执法者之外,天下唯一的一个家族!还可能是上三天,乃至整个九重天,最大的一个家族! The Chen Yingfeng intention, at is not the secret, completely obvious. 陈迎风的用心,根本不是什么秘密,一眼尽都可见。 But, this is also the present, can only with the condition that Sovereign of the Law exchanges. 但,这也是现在来说,唯一的能够与法尊交换的条件。 Top. 城头。 Ye Chenchen, a blood has spat finally, the tap web weeps blood called out loudly: Chen Yingfeng!! You...... You are shameless, you...... You lost completely our faces, ruined completely the prestige of Nine Tribulations descendant, your bastard......” 夜沉沉哇的一声,一口血终于吐了出来,锥心泣血的大声叫道:“陈迎风!!你……你无耻啊,你……你丢尽了我们的脸啊,败坏尽了九劫后裔的威名,你个畜生……” Zhuge Cangqiong obloquies saying: Chen Yingfeng, could your present actions do right by Uncle Chen's in the past prestige? Chen Yingfeng, your Chen Family hundreds of thousands of ghosts, the skeleton is not cold, they are crying loudly, is crying loudly...... Can you hear your Chen Family ghost that shocking crying? Can you do right by them? You surrender to the personal enemy unexpectedly, fawn and obsequious...... I, I look down upon you!” 诸葛苍穹大骂道:“陈迎风,你如今的所作所为对得住陈叔叔的往昔威名吗?陈迎风,你陈家数十万亡魂,尸骨未寒啊,他们在嚎哭,在嚎哭啊……你能听到你们陈家亡魂那一片震天的哭么?你对得住他们么?你居然对仇人投降,摇尾乞怜……我,我看不起你!”
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