TTNH :: Volume #18

#1732: Only hates the life not to be heavy

Since is will die sooner or later, early the dead moment also does have why not? Entire Xiao Family the destruction, Xiao Chenyu also was extremely in any case distressed to persecute to death Li Chunbo personally, does not have the face countenance to see the person of father's generation, so, I died also die. 既然早晚都是个死,那么,早死片刻又有何妨?反正整个萧家已经覆灭了,萧晨雨又极度痛心自己亲手逼死了厉春波,更无颜面去见父辈,既如此,我死也就死了吧。 I originally deserves death! 我本就该死 During the top falls into one to be exceptionally silent suddenly. 城头上突然陷入一阵异常的寂静之中。 Ye Chenchen loses the deportment suddenly greatly, tears. 夜沉沉突然间大失仪态,老泪纵横。 That side Xiao Chenyu fell, just likes in the crazy general dropping crowd, one called out pitifully to follow piece by piece. 萧晨雨那边已经落了下来,犹如疯狂一般的落进人群之中,一片片惨叫随之而起。 The four directions all are speechless solemn and respectful. 四方皆是无言肃穆。 Xiao Chenyu person during the rapid reduction, Law Enforcer respective high rank Supreme is surrounding toward here. Pressure that Xiao Chenyu bears also in corresponding enlargement. 萧晨雨身边的人在迅速的减少之中,执法者所属的高阶至尊都在向着这边围拢而来。萧晨雨所承受的压力也就在相应的增大。 But he no matter any match goes forward, so long as fights flickers \; Realized after the opposite party strength is not weak , will immediately retrocede, selects person many places to start specially. 但他不管是什么对手上前,只要交手一瞬\;察觉对方实力不弱之后就会立即后退,专挑人多的地方下手。 Even if doomed dead, I must do my best kills several people, can gain several people are several people, although has been doomed to lose money, actually little owes a point to calculate! 纵然注定要死,我就要尽我所能的多杀几个人,能多赚几人是几人,虽然已经注定亏本,却还是少亏一点算一点! Does not record the consequence in Xiao Chenyu, does not record the loss under counter-attacks crazily, everywhere one visit, performing is a pitiful yell miserable number, innumerable head turning round flew, the stump residual limb breaks the arm is also everywhere randomly flies. 萧晨雨不记后果,不记损耗的疯狂反扑之下,所到之处,尽是一片惨叫惨号,无数的人头滴溜溜的飞了起来,残肢断臂也是漫天乱飞。 grade nine Supreme refuses battle desirably, even if with is the same level master of grade nine level, is no strategy left to try. Cannot block off! 九品至尊刻意避战,纵然是同为九品层次的同等高手,也是无计可施。根本堵截不住! High-level Supreme in Law Enforcer aspect clenches teeth, simply gave up encircling kills Xiao Chenyu \; Turns the head to jump into the crowd. Aren't you refuse battle? Don't you rescue everywhere? Don't you want to kill people? 执法者方面的高层至尊一咬牙,干脆放弃了围杀萧晨雨\;转头扑入人群之中。你不是避战么?你不是到处救援么?你不是想杀人么? Good, we come to see many of who being kills, who kills quickly! 好,咱们就来看看到底是谁杀的多,谁杀得快! When only remaining all your alones time, can you also refuse battle? Also can not fight? 等到只剩下你孤身一人的时候,你还能避战吗?还能不战么? Suddenly, the war turned into another appearance towering. 一时间,战局突兀地变成了另一个样子。 Three grade nine Supreme in Law Enforcer aspect, 78 grade eight Supreme also get rid. The objects are actually only one crowd to them just like the ants general Jiang Hu person, the situation racing, twinkling drastic change! 执法者方面的三位九品至尊,78位八品至尊同时出手。对象却只是一群对他们而言犹如蝼蚁一般的江湖人,局势急转而下,瞬息剧变! Sees only comes, goes, quickly like lightning, but behind the body actually head dance in the air, has brains dashed out, severs completely, and what is more. torn body and crushed bones, changes to day of blood fog. 只见一个个扑簌簌而来,扑簌簌而去,快如闪电,但身后却是一个个人头飞舞,一个个脑浆迸裂,一个个一刀两断,更有甚者。粉身碎骨,化作一天血雾。 Humanities of Xiao Chenyu side are during the weak defense, like this now suddenly must facing does not have the resistance to be able the unilateral slaughter, is add hail to snow, manpower that only saves also in sudden sharp decline. 萧晨雨一方的人本就处于弱势防守之中,现在突然要面对这样全无抗拒之能的单方面屠杀,更是雪上加霜,仅存的人手也在急剧锐减之中。 The Law Enforcer 200 thousand people have not all been idling. Even if a Xiao Chenyu side everybody goes all out, each one dares dead, but sometimes, in the face of absolute strength, even if goes all out not to help matters, even if you want to go all out also to have the leeway of going all out to be good. 执法者二十万人个个都没闲着。纵然萧晨雨一方人人拼命,个个敢死,但有些时候,在绝对的实力面前,就算是拼命也是无济于事,就算你想拼命也要有拼命的余地才行。 Some people early have been scared, wants to surrender. But surrender words said with do not say are the same, even if were discards Saber and Sword to knee down, came, was the steel knife of glistening. 有些人早已经吓破了胆子,想要投降。但投降的话说出来与不说出来都是一样,就算是扔掉刀剑跪倒在地,迎面而来的,也是闪亮的钢刀。 Because Lord Sovereign of the Law has said: Do not capture. Utterly destroy! 因为法尊大人说过:不要俘虏。斩尽杀绝! Does not accept the surrender! 不接受投降! The battle sound in battlefield from selects for promotion the high point suddenly, then starts depreciation gradually. 战场上的厮杀声音从突然间拔升到最高峰,然后就开始渐次的跌落。 From Large expanse of deceased person, gradual to must exude a pitiful yell sound once in a while. 从成片成片的死人,逐渐的到了要隔一段时间才发出一声惨叫声。 Fallen. 零零落落。 Xiao Chenyu stands in the battlefield most core position, the horizontal sword is fearless and vertical. 萧晨雨站在战阵最核心的位置,横剑昂然而立。 Fights to at this moment. In his side, did not have any person on one's own side again. 战至此刻。在他的身边,已经再没有任何一个自己人。 Be annihilated! 全军覆没! Hundreds of thousands of people of fights. Similar to is crowds together to butcher the pig to kill the dog also to resemble, or must be quicker. After all butchers the pig to kill the dog also to need to process the corpse, internal organs blood anything \; But kills people actually completely does not need these scruples. 数十万人的战斗。就如同是凑在一起宰猪杀狗也似,或者还要更快。毕竟宰猪杀狗还需要处理一下尸体,内脏鲜血什么的\;但杀起人来却完全不需要有那些顾忌。 Under foot of Xiao Chenyu, lying this way and that is the corpse, has piled unexpectedly layer by layer. Bottommost two, have soaked thoroughly in the rain water. Many corpses, were stepped on during battle pulpy...... 萧晨雨的脚下,横七竖八的全是尸体,竟然摞了一层又一层。最下面的两层,已经彻底浸泡在雨水中了。还有很多尸体,在交战之中已经被踩得稀烂…… But now nobody will have cared about this. 但现在已经没有人会在乎这个了。 Even if the heavy rain, but below rain water, actually cannot carry off that richly nearly to congeal the bloody flavor/smell of entity. 纵然是瓢泼而下的雨水,却也带不走那浓郁近乎凝成实体的血腥味道。 Including air, as if because of it viscous...... 连空气,也似乎是因之粘稠了…… On hair of Xiao Chenyu downward is dropping the rain water unceasingly, on the shoulder on the arm the chest later generation thigh calf...... Everywhere is the scars, most scars are the deep obvious bones. 萧晨雨的身上头发上不断往下滴着雨水,肩膀上胳膊上胸口后辈大腿小腿……处处都是伤痕,大多数的伤痕都是深可见骨的。 His body, his both legs, are sending out unstoppable slight shivering. 他的身子,他的双腿,都在发出不可遏止的轻微的颤抖。 grade nine Supreme of this tyrannical first, during such intense fight, protected oneself astral air/Qi also already consumed cleanly. 这位强横一世的九品至尊,在这样激烈的战斗之中,护身罡气也早已消耗得干干净净了。 Almost one all day continual battles uninterruptedly, Xiao Chenyu also felt that oneself went to the oil completely lamp dry edge, but he actually accidental discovery own spirit unexpectedly from unprecedented enriches. 几乎一整天的连续不间断激战,萧晨雨也感觉到了自己已经去到了油尽灯枯的边缘了,但他却意外的发现自己的精神竟是从所未有的充实。 Oneself soon died obviously, but the spirit is actually exceptionally inspired, since this has been nearly millenniums does not have, even the review life, rouses in this way, is extremely rare. 自己明明就快要死了,但精神却是异常振奋的,这是近千年以来都没有的,甚至回顾一生,如斯振奋,也是极其罕有的。 Hahahaha......” the Xiao Chenyu whole person stands erect in the upper air, depending on empty and vertical, is facing innumerable powerful enemies all around, suddenly laughs loudly, he smiles rampantly is very very carefree, in the hand the sword suddenly is shivering with his laughter. “哈哈哈哈……”萧晨雨整个人屹立在高空,凭虚而立,面对着周遭的无数强敌,突然放声大笑,他笑得很嚣张很畅快,手中剑都在随着他的笑声而急剧颤抖着。 He has a good laugh, whatever the rain water of heavy rain drops his mouth, he such has swallowed. 他仰天大笑,任凭瓢泼的雨水落进他的嘴里,他就这么咽了下去。 What do you smile?” Opposite, Law Enforcer grade nine Supreme somewhat pities looks at Xiao Chenyu that somewhat is a pity, the eyeground deep place, is actually glittering the spooky black flame. “你笑什么?”对面,一位执法者九品至尊有些怜悯更有些可惜的看着萧晨雨,眼底深处,却是闪烁着幽幽的黑色火焰。 demonic energy! 魔气 Xiao Chenyu has not discovered the strange place of this person, even if he has discovered that at this moment has not cared. 萧晨雨并没有发现此人的诡异之处,或者,就算他发现了,此刻也已经不在意了。 I smile, I laugh at me blurry for a lifetime, likely a simpleton, finally was for a lifetime happy until today!” Xiao Chenyu carefree laughing: Was only a pity that the life cannot come again, but the final time can understand, is good! Ha, is good!” “我笑,我笑我迷迷糊糊一辈子,一辈子像个呆子,直到今日才终于痛快了!”萧晨雨畅快的大笑:“只可惜人生不能重来,但最后时刻能明白,也是好的!哈哈哈,也是好的!” Hears these words, the opposite all people somewhat are at a loss. 听到这番话,对面所有人都有些迷惘。 Does not know completely Xiao Chenyu was saying anything. 完全不知道萧晨雨到底在说什么。 But Ye Chenchen and the others on top, particularly Nine Great Clans does the first ancestors, is actually in a people of heart one touches. 但城头上的夜沉沉等人,尤其是九大家族的一干始祖们,却是人人心中都有一丝触动。 The Xiao Chenyu words said very generally, but spoke in their mind. 萧晨雨的话说得很笼统,但却是实打实地说到了他们心坎里。 Is the life this appearance? 人生是否就是这个样子? More to most irretraceable that moment, more has been able to feel happiness that in the life get rid. 越是到了最不能回头的那一刻,才越能感觉人生中自己抛弃的美好。 Is the person or the matter that these give up conveniently, often is the thing that most precious, most should treasure...... 越是那些自己随手就放弃的人或者事,才往往是自己最珍贵、最应该珍惜的东西…… Usually revolves around the side, you need time it came, you do not need time he , you do not care, finally he did not have, you think light. 平常就在身边围绕,你需要的时候它就来了,你不需要的时候他还是在,你不在意,终于有一天他没有了,你还是觉得淡淡的。 All such light past. 一切就这么平淡的过去。 If by any chance you arrived at some time time, suddenly will discover, actually life most precious, most should be treasured, is these faint trace continuously light...... 但等你到了某一个时刻的时候,才会蓦然发现,其实人生最珍贵的、最值得珍惜的,就是那些丝丝缕缕的平平淡淡…… But you, actually early lost. Never can have again! 而你,却早已经失去。永远都不能再拥有了! Even to see an object and think of the owner, actually the discovery linked his little trace not to have...... 就算想要睹物思人的时候,却发现连他的一点点痕迹都没了…… At that time, the regret of that moment, was true rude awakening. 那时候、那一刻的追悔,才是真正的后悔莫及。 All regrets, in Xiao Chenyu a few words: Was only a pity that the life cannot be heavy! 所有的遗憾,都在萧晨雨一句话之中:只可惜,人生不能重来! Xiao Chenyu is laughing, actually having tears streaming down the face slowly, sobs to make noise. 萧晨雨大笑着,却慢慢的泪流满面,呜咽出声。 No one knows that he has been actually thinking anything in this moment, is unable to guess. 谁也不知道他在这一刻到底在想了什么,也无从猜测。 Young burns incense several generously, youth able to move unhindered Jiang Hu \; Several degrees raise glass with liking, once to crying Shu ocean of worry \; The wind and frost to completely swears brotherhood the sentiment, glory and splendour wears down the hero bosom \; Lifetime friendship running water, the elderly opens to the sword flesh and blood finally \; Today face upwards to sigh the brothers, only hates the life not to come again!” “稚龄烧香几慷慨,青春纵横江湖来\;几度举杯同欢喜,也曾对哭舒愁海\;风霜冲尽结拜情,荣华消磨英雄怀\;一生情义终流水,白首对剑血肉开\;今日仰天叹兄弟,只恨人生不重来!” Hahahaha...... Can Li Chunbo, see Xiao Chenyu today result otherwise? Can once calm down the brothers? Ha haha......” “哈哈哈哈……厉春波,可见到萧晨雨今日结局否?可曾消气了吗兄弟?哈哈哈……” Xiao Chenyu such is laughing, bursts into tears to look to airborne. Tears dim, as if in that piece is void, the Li Chunbo form appears slowly, the look is as before genial, looks at Xiao Chenyu, shows the sincere happy expression: Xiao Second Brother......” 萧晨雨就这么大笑着,流着泪看向空中。泪光朦胧中,似乎在那片虚空里,厉春波的身影缓缓浮现,眼神依旧和煦,看着萧晨雨,露出真诚笑意:“萧二哥……” Haha...... Brother!” Xiao Chenyu pleasantly surprised is laughing: I came!” “哈哈……兄弟!”萧晨雨惊喜的大笑着:“我来了!” He bellows, with the body imperial sword, with the god imperial sword, changed to current rainstorm, the most brilliant lightning, then, exploded the airborne most resonant startling thunderclap! 他大吼一声,以身御剑,以神御剑,咻的一声,化作了当前暴雨中,最绚烂的一道闪电,然后,爆炸成了空中最嘹亮的惊雷! Bang! 轰! grade nine Supreme, Xiao Chenyu to self-detonate! 九品至尊,萧晨雨自爆 Entire Capital City, because of this play explodes, but sways fiercely. 整个中都城,都因这个剧爆而剧烈地摇晃起来。 Outside city. 城外。 The Xiao Chenyu to self-detonate place, empties a surrounding area dozens miles stretch of open area, alarmed of view. 萧晨雨自爆的地方,足足清空出来方圆数十里的一片空地,观之触目惊心。 In explosion center three Law Enforcer grade eight Supreme, therefore turned into smoke clouds. 在爆炸最中心的三位执法者八品至尊,也因而变成了一片烟云。 Only then that several grade nine Supreme also calculate that knows the machine to result in early, at the final moment pulls out behind the body to draw back, evaded by luck that was only exploded the complementary waves to shake the wound, in the eye pupil a piece of lingering fear still saves. 惟有那几位九品至尊还算知机得早,在最后时刻抽身后退,侥幸避过,只被爆炸余波震伤,眼眸中一片余悸犹存。 Over ten thousand people, lose the life in this to self-detonate. 超过万人,在这一声自爆中丧失性命。 Airborne aura towering stagnation, 空中气息一阵突兀的凝滞, As if linked that torrential downpour to stop, started to brush the whereabouts. 似乎连那瓢泼大雨都停顿了一下,才又开始刷刷下落。 In top. 城头上。 Ye Chenchen face upwards to cry, a blood has spurted, is choked with tears suddenly. 夜沉沉仰天大叫一声,一口血喷了出来,突然间痛哭失声。 The Ye Qiuye complexion is extremely painful, the tears brush to flow off, mutter: Today face upwards to sigh the brothers, only hates the life not to be heavy! Xiao Second Brother...... If Chunbo knows you today, even if in the Nine Springs, can raise glass with a smile!” 叶秋叶脸色沉痛悲伤,眼泪刷刷流下,喃喃道:“今日仰天叹兄弟,只恨人生不重来!萧二哥……若是春波知道你今日,纵然身在九泉,也能含笑举杯!” He cries, suddenly weeps bitterly: Xiao Second Brother...... If there is a next life, our doing brothers well!” 他大叫一声,突然痛哭:“萧二哥……若有来生,我们好好的做兄弟!” The Zhuge Cangqiong body shivers, the tears, are glassy-eyed, crazy muttered generally discussed: Today face upwards to sigh the brothers, only hates the life not to be heavy...... Hehe...... Hehe......” 诸葛苍穹身躯颤抖,老泪纵横,目光呆滞,痴了一般喃喃念道:“今日仰天叹兄弟,只恨人生不重来……呵呵……呵呵……” In the Diwu Qingrou heart sighed silently. 第五轻柔心中默默地叹息一声。 Xiao Chenyu, this person died finally. But his life, actually really complex. Let feeling that the person one type is unable to comment unexpectedly. 萧晨雨,这个人终于死了。但他的这一生,却是真的复杂之极。让人竟然有一种无法评论的感觉。 Today face upwards to sigh the brothers, only hates the life not to be heavy. 今日仰天叹兄弟,只恨人生不重来。 Also through the ages, do how many regrets exist? Why can in realize this point at the point of death? Why? 古往今来,又有多少遗憾存在?为何总要在临死的时候才体会到这一点?为何? ...... …… Another side, Sovereign of the Law vision suddenly exploded dodged, muttered: Today face upwards to sigh the brothers, only hates the life not to come again!” Suddenly deeply inspired, in eye vicious tendencies writings! 另一边,法尊目光猛地爆闪了一下,喃喃道:“今日仰天叹兄弟,只恨人生不重来!”突然深深吸了一口气,眼中戾气大作! Your life cannot come again, can my life never come again? Your final time face upwards to sigh brothers, but you may know me to face upward to sigh the brothers, sighed many years!!” Sovereign of the Law was saying maliciously, in eye black demonic energy is getting more and more rich, runs out of the eye socket unexpectedly, at present sonic boom black fog. “你的人生不能重来,我的人生何尝就能重来?你最后时刻才仰天叹兄弟,但你可知我仰天叹兄弟,已经叹了多少年!!”法尊狠狠地说着,眼中黑色的魔气越来越浓郁,竟然冲出眼眶,在眼前啪的一声爆开了一片黑雾。
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